The menace of Sesame Street

The Obama administration has had shifting explanations for the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the death of US diplomats. After initially claiming that it was the result of spontaneous anger over the Innocence of Muslims film, it then said that it was a planned attack by al Qaeda that used a demonstration generated by that anger as a cover. It now appears that there was no demonstration at all. [Read more…]

You know you are old when …

… you recognize the names of pop culture celebrities because they appear frequently in news headlines and accompanying photos (names such as Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban, Amanda Bynes, Taylor Hicks) and you not only do not know what they are famous for (Are they singers? reality show stars? actors? people whose naked photos have appeared on the internet?) but you don’t care enough to read the story or click on the link to find out.

Yep, I’m an old geezer and proud of it. Hey, when’s Matlock on?

Conservatives losing the fight on same-sex marriage

The notable silence by the Republicans on the issue of same-sex marriage during the current election campaign is a sign, if one needed one, of how rapidly sentiment has shifted on this issue. In 2004 opposition to this was very potent and was used to galvanize voters to go to the polls and vote for George W. Bush. Daniel McCarthy argues in The American Conservative that it is one more sign of the retreat of religion in the face of modernity. [Read more…]