(Via gocomics.)
I love good parodies but to really appreciate them, one needs to be familiar with the material being parodied. Some time ago, there was an excellent parody of the Old Spice ads, put out by (of all people) the Brigham Young University library. [Read more…]
This is the season when cities light up their public spaces to make them more festive. But the person who was paid to put up these holiday lights had either a wicked sense of humor or was really ticked off with his employer. [Read more…]
Reports have emerged that the head of the Fox News network Roger Aisles sent an emissary K. T. McFarland, a Fox News analyst, to Afghanistan in 2011 to try and persuade David Petraeus to run for president on the Republican ticket in 2012, promising that he and Rupert Murdoch would bankroll his candidacy and throw the support of the news network behind him. [Read more…]
The members of the US senate love to describe their institution reverentially as the ‘world’s greatest deliberative body’ but that description gets more laughable by the day as its use of arcane processes to avoid doing anything become more and more ludicrous. [Read more…]
What with the hustle and bustle of this time of year, I had completely forgotten that the world is due to end on December 21 as the Mayans predicted. [Read more…]
Some of the funniest segments on The Colbert Report are when he gets out of the studio and talks to regular people who do not quite know how to respond to his shtick of being arrogant, clueless, and socially inept. [Read more…]
If one is disabled in any way, the US is among one of the best countries to live, as long as one is not poor. Thank to the Americans with Disabilities Act passed in 1990, it is much easier for disabled people to work and live productive lives here than in many parts of the world. [Read more…]
Regular readers of this blog know that I have a major crush on Orly Taitz, the lawyer/dentist/crusader who has made it her life’s mission to expose the fact that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the US and hence ineligible to be president. I have from time to time been chronicling her adventures. [Read more…]