What with the hustle and bustle of this time of year, I had completely forgotten that the world is due to end on December 21 as the Mayans predicted. [Read more…]
What with the hustle and bustle of this time of year, I had completely forgotten that the world is due to end on December 21 as the Mayans predicted. [Read more…]
Some of the funniest segments on The Colbert Report are when he gets out of the studio and talks to regular people who do not quite know how to respond to his shtick of being arrogant, clueless, and socially inept. [Read more…]
If one is disabled in any way, the US is among one of the best countries to live, as long as one is not poor. Thank to the Americans with Disabilities Act passed in 1990, it is much easier for disabled people to work and live productive lives here than in many parts of the world. [Read more…]
Regular readers of this blog know that I have a major crush on Orly Taitz, the lawyer/dentist/crusader who has made it her life’s mission to expose the fact that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the US and hence ineligible to be president. I have from time to time been chronicling her adventures. [Read more…]
Most people have no idea that almost everything in the Old Testament (the stories of Abraham, the captivity in Egypt, Moses, the exodus, David, Solomon, etc.) have almost no evidence to back them up and are best regarded as myths. [Read more…]
Conservative Erick Erickson, searching for a culprit for Republican losses in the last election other than the conservative message itself, finds it in the greedy and incestuous world of political consultants within the Romney campaign, where a small, tight band of people enriched themselves by charging huge fees to give ‘advice’ to the candidate that resulted in campaign money flowing to companies that they themselves were associated with. [Read more…]
The creator of such iconic muppet characters as Grover, Cookie Monster, Bert, Ms. Piggy, and Animal (before handing them off to other people to devote more time to film directing) appeared to discuss the release of the director’s cut of his hit film Little Shop of Horrors. [Read more…]