Will the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue go the way of Playboy?

On his show Last Week Tonight, John Oliver looks at why the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is still being published and the greater mystery of why it is so popular. With the internet providing such easy access to photographs of naked women, why are the newsstand sales of this issue still so high and can it last? Or will it soon suffer the same fate as Playboy?
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Martin O’Malley on The Daily Show

He was pretty good in stating his case for why he should be president. He was clear and articulate in stating his vision for what he wanted to achieve. He is a candidate that I could see myself voting for enthusiastically. His main weakness was that while mayor of Baltimore, he was swept up in the tough-on-crime, lock-up-everyone mentality that was prevalent at the time and which we now realize was far too harsh.
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Beetle Bailey surprises me

Beetle Bailey is a long running comic strip that began in 1950 about an army base where the soldiers are never actually called upon to fight in any wars. Its title character is a private who is a total slacker and tries to shirk his duties whenever he can. The rest of his troop also consists of misfits who have no interest in fighting and for whom the army seems to be a sinecure. The camp is overseen by an alcoholic general whose main interest is playing golf.
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John Oliver risks jail in Canada for a good cause

Today is election day in Canada where voters have the chance to throw prime minister Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party out of office. The NDP started out the unusually long campaign (all of 78 days!) favored to win, reaching its high point in late August but then faded steadily and is now in third place. Currently the Liberal Party is in the lead, though it is not clear that it will get enough seats (170) to form the government by itself. The latest polling is here. First results are due around 9:30 tonight.
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Bill Maher tries to undemonize socialism

Maher is a supporter of Bernie Sanders and he had him on his show to try and make the word socialism not be so scary to many people. It actually was a good discussion that got into some real details about what Sanders means by socialism, something that has been discussed in the comments on this blog. I liked the fact that towards the end Sanders emphasizes that Democrats should not write off the large numbers of working class people all over the country who traditionally vote Republican but actually support his policies.
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Paul Ryan gets Playboy’d

As the Republican party flails around trying to find someone willing to be elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives, Jessica Williams explains that the process by which Paul Ryan went rapidly from being a right wing extremist darling to being seen as suspiciously liberal is similar to what happened with Playboy magazine, because extreme right wing politics and hardcore pornography have a lot in common.
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The issue of migrants and refugees

The issue of migrants has dominated the news recently, both in terms of US domestic policies in the Republican primaries and in Europe where people are taking desperate measures to flee horrendous conditions in their effort to find a more peaceful life. The media uses scary language to create a sense of foreboding among people that these migrants are going to destroy their way of life.
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Stephen Colbert tried to find his true self

He takes a lie detector test to find out who he really is.

It is clear from this field piece that he has adopted a lot of the features of the field pieces from his old show. One thing I noted is that his hair now is a lot less slicked down than it used to be. On his old show, it used to be so creamed up as to be shiny. The fact that it is no longer so suggests that he felt that look was necessary for the conservative doofus that he portrayed.
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