Social media puts police under scrutiny

The city of Cleveland is on alert because there are several issues that could trigger unrest. I got an email from our university president about contingency plans in case of trouble. Other places of work are warning their employees that there could be disruptions and to be ready to work from home if they can and parents are being told that they can keep their children at home if necessary. City officials and police are taking other preventative measures.
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Ireland holds referendum on same-sex marriage on Friday

If there is one country in Europe that is seen as being quintessentially Catholic, it is Ireland. That country has for a long time long had it policies determined largely by church doctrine and also had its government cover up the horrendous abuses of the church. It is really quite remarkable how recently they have moved to give people even minimal sexual freedoms.
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Jordan Klepper covers the British elections

US elections are absurdly long and ridiculously expensive. People in other countries cannot believe what an absurd system we have in which one has to be either a multimillionaire or beholden to multimillionaires merely in order to be even considered as a serious candidate. Not only that, it is the GRAGGS issues (guns, race, abortion, gays, god, sex) that generate the most attention.
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Is this a new tactic to get money and publicity?

I have recently observed repeated occurrences of the same sequence of events. Some business does something discriminatory, such as refusing to serve gays or minorities or some such thing, triggering anger at them and calls for a boycott. Then the owners complain that they are being hurt financially and punished for their religious or political beliefs or for exercising their free speech rights. Before you know what, a fundraising campaign is initiated on their behalf that generates more money than they would have lost due to a boycott.
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