California has been hit with heavy rain and gusty winds the last few days. In my area, yesterday was the worst, with wind gusts up to 60 mph and heavy rain, with short periods of bright sunshine in between. I lost power the whole of Sunday which is why there were no posts. Since I did not have to go anywhere, I stayed at home and watched the weather changes through my window, with the winds causing the trees to sway to and fro. I have not seen this kind of weather since I moved here over four years ago.
Since sunset is about 5:30 pm at this time of year, it was interesting to sit inside and slowly watch everything becoming totally dark, since there were no lights anywhere in the area and the heavy cloud cover shut off any light from the moon and stars.
Today the winds and rain have eased up here but the news says that it is still hitting the southern part of the state hard, with further flooding expected.
If the power outage coincided with temporarily clear skies, I hope you took the opportunity to watch the night sky unimpeded by “light pollution”!
Normally people need to drive for hours to some sparsely populated spot to be able to see the milky way and the myriad of faint stars.
The last time NYC. had a blackout I completely forgot to look at the sky I’m still kicking myself about that as I’m fascinated with naked eye astronomy.