Nancy Pelosi makes baseless charges against those calling for ceasefire in Gaza

The Democratic former speaker of the House is one of those who gives unquestioned support to Israel whatever it does. Norman Solomon says that her latest statement shows how out of touch she is with popular sentiment on what is happening in Gaza.

“The former House speaker said, without offering evidence, that she believed some protesters are connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin,” NPR reported.

“For them to call for a ceasefire is Mr. Putin’s message,” Pelosi said. “Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see. Same thing with Ukraine. It’s about Putin’s message. I think some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some, I think, are connected to Russia. And I say that having looked at this for a long time now.”

Like Congress as a whole, Pelosi refuses to acknowledge that so many Americans are protesting because the Israeli armed forces have been engaged in mass murder in Gaza for more than three and a half months. And an inconvenient truth is that polling shows a large majority of people in the United States favor a ceasefire, including over 70 percent of young voters who say they disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza. 

Pelosi is hardly unusual on Capitol Hill. Bipartisan loyalty to Israel has been the political reflex, with few exceptions. But Pelosi is notably servile to Israel.

But there’s also another key aspect of Pelosi’s nonsensical yet calculated smear effort. Biden’s poll numbers have kept dropping, most recently while so many Americans – especially those whose votes he’ll need this fall – find his support for the Gaza slaughter repugnant. Grasping at straws, Pelosi evidently hopes for some political benefit by casting blame on Russia for how Biden’s deference to Israel has met with strong public opposition and erosion of support for re-election.

Like President Biden and so many others in the political establishment, Nancy Pelosi cannot imagine breaking with the murderous Israeli government and pursuing a foreign policy of peace instead of nonstop U.S. efforts to dominate as much of the world as possible.


  1. beholder says

    Pelosi’s got a bad case of Russiagate brainworms.

    Throw these Blueanon clowns out of office in November. Make it so that the Democratic party leadership associates this web of conspiracy theories with such an overwhelming defeat that they’ll never dare to speak of it in public again.

  2. Pierce R. Butler says

    Much as I hate to say it, Pelosi may have (half a) point.

    As we’ve seen since ’16 (maybe earlier), Putin’s agents happily fund both sides of any controversy which seriously divides US society. I don’t know how to tell if/how much of that we have happening today, but the only reason they wouldn’t do that in this case would be if they figure the pro-genocide side already has all the money it can spend.

    Make sure you get your full share, beholder!

  3. says

    “The former House speaker said, without offering evidence, that she believed some protesters are connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin,” NPR reported.

    God’s balls, she needs to retire already. If she’s looking for a “Russian connection,” she’ll find it in the fucking REPUBLICAN PARTY. Remember how spectacularly careless their Dear Leader was with classified documents? What if some of that was information about Israeli military positions? Trump probably shared it with his bestie Putin, and Putin passed it on to Hamas via their Iranian “allies.”

  4. brightmoon says

    Raging Bee you’re probably correct . The first thing I thought that trump either sold it to the highest bidder himself or his stupidity, arrogance and carelessness made it available to anyone who then sold it to the highest bidder.

  5. birgerjohansson says

    If she is out of touch, let her discredit herself. She has spent a lot of energy in the last decades fighting progressives as she and the old guard think the Clinton era was the apex of American history. The new, young voters will be unimpressed, especially as the number of dead children has reached five digits.

  6. JM says

    It’s possible some protestors are connected to Russia. It’s also very possible that some are getting money from Russian intelligence without realizing it. At the same time it is likely that some of the radical anti-war Republicans are indirectly getting money and advice from Russia.
    It’s unlikely Putin cares about what happens in Gaza at all, but he would like to drag it out as long as possible. The money and military supplies going to the middle east isn’t going to Ukraine. Putin is capable of having his intelligence services provide some money and support to both side just to stir things up.

  7. says

    Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) waved an Israeli flag at pro-palestinian protesters outside his home.
    I voted for him in the last election, as I did Joe Biden. I’m going to probably vote for Biden because he’s the bowl of shit with sriracha sauce on it, but I will not be voting for Fetterman again unless hell freezes over.

  8. says

    As we’ve seen since ’16 (maybe earlier), Putin’s agents happily fund both sides of any controversy which seriously divides US society.

    I don’t actually see anything wrong with that. He’s magnifying an existing conflict and the problem is the existing conflict, not Putin’s actions. Sure, he’s taking advantage of the fact that congress has decided to be bought and paid for by Israel, or pushed to a pro-Israel stance by evangelical nihilists -- that’s not Putin’s problem or his fault. The blame lies squarely with the corrupt US congress. Putin’s just nudging them off a cliff.

    Put otherwise: anyone stupid enough to elect Donald Trump shouldn’t complain about Russian political influence. Their problem is that they are stupid not that the Russians are smart.

  9. Alan G. Humphrey says

    JM @8
    That’s the way I see it. too. Putin does not want a ceasefire in Gaza and whatever he can do to distract from Ukraine he’ll do.

  10. Dunc says

    Putin is capable of having his intelligence services provide some money and support to both side just to stir things up.

    Sure, but how much difference is that actually making, compared to all of the other factors in play? I mean, the Israelis aren’t exactly slouches when it comes to exerting political, diplomatic, and intelligence influence, are they? Rupert Murdoch and his minions aren’t just sitting idly on the sidelines. Then you’ve got domestic Jewish groups (on both sides), domestic Muslim and / or Arab diaspora groups, assorted evangelical nutjobs embedded in Congress, the military, and the intelligence services, Iran…

    Is Putin stirring the pot? Yeah, probably… Hell, who isn’t? Is he in even in the top 10 of effective pot-stirrers on this particular topic? Maybe, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Top 5? I very much doubt it.

  11. birgerjohansson says

    Considering the quality of the people in the US congress, they do not need much stirring. They are anthropomorphic personifications of nitroglycerine.

  12. KG says

    “For them to call for a ceasefire is Mr. Putin’s message,” Pelosi said. “Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see. Same thing with Ukraine.

    What’s striking here isn’t that Pelosi is a pro-genocide shit, it’s that she’s quite obviously wrong. A ceasefire would be considerably to Putin’s disadvantage. Aside from diverting both weaponry and attention from Ukraine’s resistence to his imperialist invasion, the unstinting support from Biden and his allies for Israel’s war crimes in Gaza points up their utter hypocrisy as few other things could.

  13. KG says

    Further to #14,
    Oh -- and Biden is hemorrhaging support from key constituencies, notably the young, thus improving Trump’s chances (one might as well say Putin’s chances) in November.

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