I usually try to avoid listening to Trump’s speeches but there was so much consternation at the vast number of lies in a speech he gave at a press conference yesterday that I felt obliged to watch it in its entirety. He delivered the written remarks in that weirdly flat monotone he uses when he is reading a script. It was pretty bad. Daniel Dale, who has been assigned the thankless task of fact-checking Donald Trump for CNN, lists all the lies in that short speech, that he called the most dishonest speech of his presidency, which is clearing a very high bar. (One thing that struck me is that Trump referred to ‘Mr. Biden’ and ‘Joe’ and did not use the usual insulting ‘Sleepy Joe’. But that was the only positive thing I heard.)
At the end, he did not take any questions and simply walked away, though I heard one reporter shouting out, “Are you being a sore loser?” Of course he is! He is also a sore winner. He is just a constant whiner and complainer
Here is the speech in all its awfulness.
Stephen Colbert had an immediate response. You should especially watch the bit that begins at the 12:55 mark where he shows Trump’s spiritual advisor Paula White going nuts during a prayer service, calling upon the angels to give victory to Trump. Yes, indeedy, they are now invoking the heavenly hosts.
I’ve been interacting with Trump supporters on nextdoor. I was pressing one to back up their disparaging accusations and insults and they asserted they don’t care about judgement because only god could judge them, and they were angry about stuff in Phoenix they would not specify.
I responded that they were responsable for their anger and their god was uneccesary, a link or similar would suffice.
That was one of the baffling features of 2016. Clinton was (until this year) the absolute perfect example of a sore loser, along with all her “but she won the popular vooooooooooote!” betrayed-sounding whining sycophants everywhere you looked (including FtB). But Trump, even as he won, couldn’t even win with dignity. It’s no surprise he doesn’t like the idea of losing, and given his demonstrated behaviour over the last four years it’s no surprise he’s not coping well.
The real worry (as Mano has already stated) is that even if/when he loses, he’s still President for two to three months. I dread what he’ll do when he’s got a deadline.
[citation needed]
I suspect your hatred of her colours your perception.
they are now invoking the heavenly hosts. some of whom seem to be coming from Africa and South America. Do they have visas or are they illegal immigrants?
What? The opposite is true.
Hillary Clinton concedes presidential election to Donald Trump: ‘We must accept this result’
(Wed 9 Nov 2016 16.50 GMT)
” betrayed-sounding whining sycophants everywhere you looked”
why bother saying anything to this other than: go fuck yourself.
The popular vote winner *should* always win the presidency. I’ve believed that all the way back to my youth, when I naively believed that an EV/PV split could never happen. I know that’s not what the constitution says, and he won 2016 fair and square. That doesn’t change the fact that the electoral college is stupid, and his supporters are garbage. I’m hardly a Clinton sycophant. I voted for Bernie. Then Warren. Hillary Clinton is Joe Biden in a pantsuit.
@Tabby Lavalamp, 3: I concede you may well be right.
@ John Morales, 5: And yet she spent the next {x} months writing a book full of weak justifications, never once conceding that she was the wrong candidate at the wrong time, massively misjudged the mood of the country and took voters for granted. It was everyone’s fault but her own. She was visibly indignant and disbelieving that she’d lost, for all that she did the grown-up thing and admitted it when it was obvious -- which is what’s beyond Trump.
@ Icthyic, 6: straight answer to possible trick question -- because you want to sound like a thinking grown-up?
@DrVanNostrand, 7: Like you, my vote (if I got one) would be Biden/Warren. I think you do Biden down, though, he lacks some of Clinton’s oblivious entitlement (not to say he’s not those things, just not as much and not, I suspect, as unrepentantly).
Re: the popular vote -- I can see some argument for the EC, given the odd federal structure of the US. In so many ways, the USA is not a country, and the clue’s in the name -- it’s a union of separate states. Given that, it’s understandable to try to level the playing field between states with different levels of population. Whether the EC achieves that (or even whether it tries) is debatable, but I can at least see why you’d do it. A simple “winner of the popular vote” election is only really entirely justifiable in a place that’s a single country -- and the US isn’t that. Nor is the UK, for that matter, for all that Scots and Welsh and NI all get UK passports.
So is Australia. States and territories, actually.
Shame it hasn’t hit on the idea of “one person, one vote”. Unlike Australia.
Of course it is. Just because there are multiple State governments doesn’t mean there isn’t a Federal government. Like in Australia.
You’re maybe thinking of something like the European Union, which is indeed supranational and not a country. Or maybe the United Kingdom, which indeed a union of countries, sorta.
PS “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with [snicker] liberty and justice for all.”
As for your contentions about Hillary’s supposed sore losing, well… I won’t dispute it’s your opinion. But it’s laughable that you imagine it’s fact.
For a great example of sore loser, I point you toward the BernieBros (as opposed to Bernie supporters), whose messiah has now twice failed to gather enough votes. But it’s never his fault! It’s always someone else’s fault--anyone else’s fault! They see massive conspiracies everywhere. EVERYONE is out to get them! Clinton conceded, wrote a book (as so many do), and retired from politics, but the butthurt BernieBros simply can never leave her alone.
I don’t watch enough media to know if this new, but it sounded new to me: All during this morning’s ABC news hour, the newsreaders repeatedly, and casually, used the phrase “falsely claimed”. As in, “when the president falsely claimed the election was rigged.”
It was obvious that you for the past 4 years have done nothing to unify the country. You and all the other celberities are taking funds from the CCP and you have to keep your nonsence retohric fueling anger across the country. The swamp is large and you and your friends in the media are trying to overthrough the government. If this was not a stolen election ask your self why the voting machines are all being protected from investigations. Yes, that was true we had a fire in Venazuala, then in two weeks time, a bombing in Nashville. Both Dominion voting coverups.
Trump’s speech redefines the word “jackass”
You people are LOST SOULS. Donald Trump is the greatest president this country has seen since Lincoln. Your heads are so far up Satan’s ass you could recognize the truth if it hit you in the face. It might just do that. Watch and see you poor little people what happens. Truth will prevail.