Here is bodycam footage from one of the police SWAT team who arrived in response to Brad Parscale’s wife’s call about his drunken behavior with guns.
It appears that Parscale beats his wife because she said that the visible bruises on her were not caused on that day.
Officer Timothy Skaggs reported seeing bruises on Candice Parscale’s arms, which she said had occurred a few days ago during a physical altercation with her husband.
Steven Smith, a SWAT team member who responded to the residence, said in his report that “when I asked how she received the bruising, Candace Parscale stated Brad Parscale hits her. When asked if he made these markings today, she claimed he did not. I continued to ask if Brad Parscale physically assaulted her in anyway today and she said no, but he did forcibly smack her phone out of her hand when she was attempting to call Brad Parscale’s father.”
…The Fort Lauderdale police report stated that authorities had taken 10 guns they found in Parscale’s Fort Lauderdale home, including two rifles, two shotguns and several handguns. A Florida law passed in the aftermath of the Parkland shooting in 2018 allows police to ask a judge to revoke an individual‘s right to own guns if the person is deemed a potential threat.
A spokesperson for the Trump campaign said that they considered Parscale “a member of our family” but Trump is notorious for disowning and getting rid of people he no longer sees as useful for him and it will be interesting to see how long it takes before Parscale is dropped from the campaign payroll and Trump starts saying that he hardly knew him.
Well, I think Brad did get covfefe for the group at a meeting once.
As much of a scumbag as this guy is, the manner of his arrest looks to my (admittedly untrained) eyes to be overly violent. Why not give him a few seconds to “get on the ground” before tackling him to the pavement? He didn’t seem to be wearing enough clothing to be concealing a weapon, and the officer approaching from behind could have seen if there was something in his back pocket.
I agree with John @#2.
It was an unnecessary tackle. But. in the US, anything short of shooting or tasering or beating the head on the ground is seen as ‘restrained’. It is crazy.
@ 3 Mano
“anything short of shooting or tasering or beating the head on the ground is seen as ‘restrained’
Well he is white but I am surprised they did not shoot him.
What the blazes were those idiots thinking—assuming they were thinking?
I would have expected something along the lines of, “Could you come along with us sir” not something that looks like an NFL tackle.
A head injury from that could’ve killed him. This is how it was reported by The Guardian, which Mano cited in the other thread. They make it sound peaceful. Don’t actually watch the footage for yourself, if you expect (wrongly) that their reporting would be fair and informative, and you would not know any better.