She has a knack for how to use this medium, as can be seen by these responses to her critics.
When you’re trying to justify to yourself + others that we should ignore one of the greatest threats to humanity and imperil all children by denying, deflecting, and delaying action on climate change, you say ridiculous nonsense like this.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 2, 2019
The Post put the fact that I get into cars (while proposing a plan to invest in better car technology) on their front page 😂
Pack it up folks, the Pulitzer’s been decided. No one can rival this kind of hard-hitting journalism
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 3, 2019
I also fly ✈️ & use A/C
Living in the world as it is isn’t an argument against working towards a better future.
The Green New Deal is about putting a LOT of people to work in developing new technologies, building new infrastructure, and getting us to 100% renewable energy.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 3, 2019
We have Black staff. We don’t parade them around to show the world how diverse our team is, and use that as some kind of evidence of the absence of racism. That’s what tokenism is.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 2, 2019
I’m pretty heartbroken that there isn’t more denunciation of this outward and blatant expression of bigotry and Islamophobia by a state party.
IMO those who stood up against anti-Semitism a few weeks ago should also be calling out the Islamophobia here, too.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 3, 2019
Jon Favreau makes a good point that points out the futility of those people who try to craft policy based on what they think Republicans can sign on to.
Trump saying that the Green New Deal will eliminate all cows, planes, cars, and buildings is why Democrats should never make policy based on what we think Republicans will say. They will never criticize the policy on the merits. They will always tell the craziest lies.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) March 2, 2019
jrkrideau says
It is hard to figure out which is stranger. The virulence of the attacks on Ocasio-Cortez or the mind-blowing stupidity of the attacks.
I wonder if journalists will shy away from being made look like idiots or just keep it up?
An attack from something like Ted Cruz might merit being framed. I mean, anyone whom Ted Cruz attacks must be worth voting for.
hyphenman says
@jrkrideau No. 1
They’re talking head/public relations readers, not journalists. : )
Jeff Hess
EnlightenmentLiberal says
I know most don’t want to hear it, but I feel exactly like she does when she says this:
I believe in it so strongly, that I will argue to anyone who will listen that we should fix the problem, and France and Germany have showed us how it can be done: Germany is showing us the wrong way, and France is showing us the right way. France’s electricity costs half as much, and is almost entirely CO emissions free, and Germany’s electricity costs twice as much, and its CO2 emissions are 10 times larger than France’s electricity per Joule of electricity, and Germany’s CO2 emissions have been flat for about 10 years, and by contrast it took France only about 15 years to convert most of its electricity to nuclear.
I know lots of Green advocates say stuff exactly like the quote above, but none of them mean it, because if they were serious about what they were saying, then they would support the only proven technology to solve the problem: conventional nuclear fission power.
The Green New Deal is a dangerous delusion -- the general idea of Green energy is probably the most dangerous idea in the world today.