Watch what happens when this guy casually groped server Emelia Holden at a restaurant.
As Holden said:
“I just did what I felt was best. I took the guy down and had my co-workers call the police,” she said.
After police saw the security footage the man was arrested.
“As soon as the cops saw the CCTV footage, they immediately arrested the man. He sat in jail until Monday so in my opinion, he got what he deserved,” Holden said.
She continued: “All that I want from my experiences is for women to know that it’s okay to stand up for yourself. You have every right to wear what you want and you most certainly have every right to defend yourself.”
Oh, the poor man! I wonder just how many of his friends will recognize him. (Excuse my huge grin and manly giggles.)
I should say “Bravo Holden!” I was too busy laughing before.
A few such responses, perhaps if necessary, accompanied by a discrete boot in a sensitive area sounds like a great policy. An occasional broken finger for a groper might be nice.
An edifying video -- but, lacking recorded audio, it definitely needs a Foley artist.
I thought young goats in sweaters would be the best video I saw today, but nope. This is incredibly cathartic to watch.
Of course, three years or so ago in Germany she’d be the one arrested because groping women wasn’t illegal back then. It only became a problem when muslim men did it.
One of the things that always made me uncomfortable with deontological or utilitarian ethical systems is that they don’t factor in retaliation. That guy will probably not do that again. Social progress achieved!
Eeeehhhh …. if retaliation is a useful consequence utilitarianism totally can factor it in. As a utilitarian my immediate reaction was “bravo Mrs, Holden, you taught him a useful lesson, but what’s the use of putting that guy in jail for so long?”
@ 7 mnb0
what’s the use of putting that guy in jail for so long?
US sentencing? Some of their sentences appear draconian by other countries’ standards.
Eeeehhhh …. if retaliation is a useful consequence utilitarianism totally can factor it in.
Yup. But I almost always see value arguments based on positive value. One could fairly easily make the case that if she had chopped his face up with a broken bottle it would have provided vast benefits for everyone (except the groper) via an object lesson… but in my experience the carrot is preferred over the stick, which ought to make no difference.
Now watch as he becomes an embittered anti-feminist, and twitter hordes dox and harass her for the impertinence of not wanting to be groped by a man -- she should take it as a compliment, fucking bitch etc. etc..
Two things: I think any sophisticated discussion should assume John Rawls’s Veil Of Ignorance standard of utilitarianism, and second, there are huge psychological differences between positive and negative reinforcement, which have huge differences in consequences. Consequentialists and utilitarians are not “honor-bound” to pretend that humans are perfectly rational robots; they are not “honor-bound” to ignore the very real differences in human behavior that result from what you say “should be no difference”. Maybe I misunderstand you, but it seems as though you’re attacking a toy or cartoon version of utilitarianism.
I think that if you are put in jail, then you have to wait to be brought before a magistrate before you can be released on bail. If you are arrested at the beginning of a weekend, then you might have to wait until Monday morning.
At least that is the situation in Sri Lanka and may be the case here too.
To Mano
That is generally how it works in the US too.
He will probably also be saddled with obligations to register as a sexual offender. Life could effectively be over for this guy. What an idiot!
No. His offense is not at all severe enough for that penalty.