Lawrence O’Donnell does the impossible

In this interview, the host of an MSNBC talk show actually makes New York mayoral candidate Anthony Wiener, as obnoxious and unlikable a person as I have ever seen in public life (and I am not even talking about his much-publicized private life), actually come off as sympathetic. What is it with people like O’Donnell who invite people for interviews on their shows and then self-righteously lecture them? Wiener clearly has a massive ego but O’Donnell seems to have an even bigger one, covered with a generous coating of sanctimony. Wiener, for all his faults, was exactly right in calling him out. [Read more…]

What does ‘unbelievably small’ mean?

The trouble with John Kerry is that he is clearly in love with his own voice and does not know when to stop talking. While in the senate, he was notorious for long droning speeches at committee hearings that often resulted in him running out his allotted time before he could ask questions of the people before the panel. The Daily Show lampooned his performances back in 2009. [Read more…]

Opposition to war surges

One of the hopeful features of the current political climate is that public opinion in the US has not been stampeded into supporting the bombing of Syria, at least not yet. In fact, as the propaganda for the war increases, public opinion is going the other way. Pew reports that just within the last two weeks, opposition to the war has surged from 48% to 63 % with support being stagnant at 28%. [Read more…]

How liberals advocate for war

So the case for Congress voting war against Syria is taking the usual turn from the merits of the war itself to how it will affect domestic politics and the elections in 2014 and 2016, and what it means for Israel. These are the topics that our chattering classes really care about. And of course the obligatory comparison with Hitler is brought up because no stampede to war is complete with invoking the latest incarnation of good old Adolph as the enemy. [Read more…]

The fourth branch of government

President Obama’s claim that he welcomes the debate over the NSA’s activities and planned to have one but that he objects to the fact that Edward Snowden revealed the things that he supposedly wants to discuss was obviously a lie. Does anyone seriously think that in the absence of Snowden, Obama would have one day voluntarily told the public what has been going on? [Read more…]

The anonymous sources trap

It is fine for reporters to give anonymity to those who fear retribution if their identity is revealed. But it is wrong to do so just so that the government can advance a message or an agenda without taking responsibility for it. One of the things that I have railed against is the practice of journalists granting anonymity to sources who are speaking with the approval of the government. This allows the sources to say things that can be denied later. [Read more…]