President Obama’s defenses of the NSA programs are becoming increasingly risible. Cartoonists Tom Tomorrow and Ted Rall get in their licks on this tempting target, while in this clip Stephen Colbert takes his turn at mocking him.
The Colbert Report
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(This clip aired on August 15, 2013. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report outside the US, please see this earlier post.)
physicsphdstu says
The first link goes to the next cartoon I think. This might be the correct one ?
Mano Singham says
This is a good one too but not the one I intended. I have changed the link to the correct one. Thanks for pointing out the error.
CaitieCat says
Ted Rall’s comic should have some sort of warning for rape survivors; “having my e-mails looked at” is in no way the same fucking thing as being raped. Now I’m going to go over here and shake for a while, thanks ever so much.
Marcus Ranum says
YeAh, and Obama’s ‘better than the alternative’ baaahaahhahahahhhahahhahh!!
Excuse me while I go shoot throw up.