This slow-motion video of people getting hit by a powerful jet of air right in the face is remarkable for its demonstration of how flexible the skin on our face is when subjected to powerful winds. I would never have guessed.
Interesting video, but I’m slightly creeped out that all of the targets chosen were women. Maybe there’s a reason for that that’s not obvious in the video itself, but it just struck me as a little… off, somehow.
Me too. My first thought was, why aren’t there any men’s faces?
TGAP Dadsays
Ooh ooh! New quackery idea: wind therapy to improve skin tone! You know they’ll buy it! Who’s with me?
My thought, in addition to the fact that I couldn’t stand the music and my shared concern for the title and then gender of the subjects, was that there would be no way in hell I would agree to do this without wearing goggles.
I wonder how many of them ended up with ripped skin along the gum line.
For those asking about men’s faces being blown out by wind, here’s one. Skip ahead to the 3:00 mark for the relevant part:
I was kinda expecting this to be about wind as a an alternative energy…
Strangely pleased with the actual content.
Looks interesting but I think the title is tasteless if they use a woman’s face for the video cover.
Interesting video, but I’m slightly creeped out that all of the targets chosen were women. Maybe there’s a reason for that that’s not obvious in the video itself, but it just struck me as a little… off, somehow.
Me too. My first thought was, why aren’t there any men’s faces?
Ooh ooh! New quackery idea: wind therapy to improve skin tone! You know they’ll buy it! Who’s with me?
My thought, in addition to the fact that I couldn’t stand the music and my shared concern for the title and then gender of the subjects, was that there would be no way in hell I would agree to do this without wearing goggles.
I wonder how many of them ended up with ripped skin along the gum line.
For those asking about men’s faces being blown out by wind, here’s one. Skip ahead to the 3:00 mark for the relevant part: