I had an appointment with a thoracic surgeon yesterday and now have a pretty good idea of what the surgery would be like if I were to opt for that. I still don’t have any understanding of what radiation treatment would be like, nor a likely prognosis if I were to do nothing at all. I might hear more about that tomorrow or Friday.
At present, I’m thinking that I’d want to just be put in some kind of hospice care where I’d be kept as comfortable as is legally possible in a red state until I faded away. I’m not afraid of “being dead” since I don’t think that there will be any me to be dead. It’s probably a pretty good guess that I won’t like the process of dying; but that’s going to happen in any event; and it might be easier if it happens in a controlled way rather than unexpectedly (like a heart attack or something). Also, since there’s nobody who depends on me for anything, it’s not like I’d be selfishly leaving anyone behind.
We’ll see how it goes…