They’re trying to corrupt our holiday!

OK, I saw these links to weird decorations, and except for this set, there’s nary a cephalopod to be seen. And then I realized these aren’t squidmas decorations, they’re nerdmas decorations! Obscenity! Heresy! By not exclusively recognizing our sacred traditions and not snubbing alternatives, this is clearly an instance of the War on Squidmas.

Don’t allow this to happen. When someone waves a Mario Bros. ornament at you, or shows up wearing a stormtrooper helmet, or says “Happy Nerdmas!”, slap ’em with a tentacle and howl about how they’re oppressing you.

In the spirit of the season

Since we’re entering the holiday season, and I wouldn’t want to be accused of contributing to the War on Christmas (oh, horrors!), here are some fortuitously christmassy entertainments.

If you’re shopping for just the right gift for that devout Christian, look into the Twelve Days of Kitschmas. These are exactly the kind of garish ticky-tack most appropriate for your beloved followers of the prosperity gospel.

But perhaps you want to share with more spiritually minded loved ones. How about some Bible verses? In fact, how about the most badass verses in the entire Bible? 1 Samuel 18 suggests some great presents for your father-in-law, too.

Craft ideas for squidmas!

For those of you who just like your cephalopods natural, here’s a plush cuttlefish. It’s cute and cuddly, and I wouldn’t mind having one to snuggle up with.

On the other hand, if you like your cephalopods unnatural, you could carry out perverse and disturbing acts on ordinary stuffed animals, turning them into chthonic entities with alien properties.

They’re all fun, and all part of a happy squidmas celebration!