You may not post here. I have a zero tolerance policy for quacks and cranks.
This announcement was prompted by an attempted comment on this thread (I did not approve it for publication) which was loaded with conspiracy theory signs:
What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that, which is not mentioned here (or elsewhere typically by the alleged “truth-tellers”)?
ACTIVE resistance against the criminal establishments around the world will greatly increase the sooner someone TRULY understands that the ruling cabal and their minions (in governments, big corporations, big banks, big media, big science, big religions, etc), anywhere around the globe, are PSYCHOPATHS — the evidence is OVERWHELMINGLY ROBUST.
Links to the crank’s website followed. Nah, I’m not publishing that. He is one of those vitamin megadoses can treat everything
guys, whose main sources of information are his own opinion pieces and crap published in the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. He’s mad because the BMJ wouldn’t publish his cranky letter.
A REALITY-BASED main approach to life –not an AUTHORITY-BASED main approach to life.
A LIFE-GROUNDED core alignment –not an EXPERT-CENTERED core alignment.
A TRUTH-BACKED main compass –not SPECIALIST-BACKED main compass.
A determined trust in EMPIRICAL PLANETARY REALITY –not HUMAN ANIMAL-PROCLAIMED “official science”, “consensus science”, or “evidence-based science”.
An overriding assimilation of NATURE-BASED evidence –not “civilized” HUMANS’ RATIFIED SCIENCE-BASED evidence (i.e., their self-serving science-BIASED evidence).
A primarily real life-VERIFIED personal modus vivendi versus a primarily authority-CERTIFIED personal modus vivendi.
Hint for self-proclaimed authorities in medicine: don’t complain about other self-proclaimed authorities in your manifesto, and lay off the caps-lock a bit.
I will continue to cheerfully suppress your wacko misinformation, so stuff that in your list of authorities who have silenced you.