Racism is dead? I know journalism seems to be dying.

Hmm. An article claims that Dylann Roof got $4 million in donations, from a group calling itself “Citizens for White Rights.”

Only thing is, the news story doesn’t bother to link to any of its sources, adds an incorrect apostrophe to “citizens”, and only shows an image they say they were sent by this mysterious and ungoogleable organization that purports to show online transactions, so who knows, maybe it’s all a fake. I hope. In fact, the only source for this story anywhere on the web is this “newswatch33” site, which looks a little dicey.

I’d like to see a little more verification before I believe any of this story.

That moment of triumph was a little premature

Dylann Roof credited the Council of Conservative Citizens for educating him about the dangers of the Black Race, and Charles Johnson reported that the Council of Conservative Citizens Is Running Scared, and that their websites had all been shut down. I wish. I’m sorry to report that it must have been a temporary glitch, because I can read their horrible racist site just fine.

But I do think it’s good to expose them to the light. The SPLC’s report on the CCC is damning — they are awful people.

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“I have to do it. You’re raping our women and taking over the country. You have to go.”


I’m in transit with spotty internet access, but clearly we need a thread to discuss the horrific race crime in Charleston. I’m dismayed that not only was this an act of premeditated, racially motivated murder, but the media is slow to even consider that the white perpetrator was a terrorist and a racist (would you believe I’ve even seen the excuse that he had ‘black friends on facebook’?)

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Gender Workshop: I used to be okay with a “witch hunt” or two

Gender Workshop, as ever, is brought to you by your friendly, neighborhood Crip Dyke.

There’s been much talk over the last few years about witch hunts. Targeting Dawkins. Targeting Shermer. Targeting Hunt. Targeting anyone who happens to sit near Adria Richards. And though I think it is far from a witch hunt to be criticized by a lot of people, even by a lot of people at once, because your comments or behaviors merited criticism, for a long time I merely rolled my eyes at the inevitable, defensive backlash: “Witch hunt!”

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There were no surprises in McKinney


McKinney has a history of racial tension over swimming pools, and some of the worst enclaves of racism today are the suburbs which were populated by white flight. As we’ve been learning, the police in general are racist enforcers of the white status quo. So I am not surprised by what happened, and I believe the teenaged girl who hosted the party that her neighbors are basically racist assholes.

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How to deal with a medical emergency

My basic first aid skills are apparently a bit rusty. What do you do when you see a man losing control of his car at a slow speed, coming to a stop, and sitting unresponsively in his seat? I’d think you’d ask him what was wrong, call 911, and try to help him. Not if you’re a Fredericksburg cop! David Washington had a stroke and was clearly in distress, so a police officer applied what is apparently the modern approach to emergency medicine: he tased an unarmed, unthreatening man, then hosed him down with pepper spray, and dragged him out unto the pavement before running over his foot with a car.

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