Crezi in Dumnezeu?

In Pharyngula’s ongoing campaign of world-wide internet poll domination, how could I resist an opportunity to crash a poll in Romania? Scroll down a bit and look on the left side of the page to find this one.

Crezi in Dumnezeu? (Do you believe in God?)

da, el ma calauzeste! (Yes, he is guiding me!)
da, dar in felul meu (Yes, in my own way)
nu exista (Doesn’t exist)
nu, dar o forta superioara exista (No, but a higher force exists)
nu, cred in altceva (No, I believe in another thing)

9.3% isn’t bad, but perhaps that number will shift a little bit.

I’m also pleased to have learned my first few words in Romanian, and am now prepared to travel there and have a 5 second conversation about atheism.

Bad show, bad poll

Television once again throws away its potential with a program featuring a triumvirate of inanity: Larry King lobbing sloppy wet kisses at Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy. I might tune in, even — it seems a shame to miss what must be a rare collision of extreme stupidity.

They also have a poll. Of course.

Do you think autism can be “cured”?

Yes 47% 583
No 53% 655

Another question: can King, Carrey, and McCarthy be “cured”? It’s actually the same question: can any developmental disorder which produces a recognizable pattern of changes in the performance of the brain be cured, and should it?

Best pointless poll ever!

I must thank io9 for taking the spirit of the pointless poll to the next level. They have an article on the term “nerd” and are asking whether it’s a useful label or not. Here are the results so far.

Should we retire the term “nerd”?

You’re dead wrong man, keep the faith! Cool stuff is still happening! Nerd4Life! 10% (169 votes)

You’re way late guy; it was all over by The Phantom Menace, or maybe that Hackers film with Angelina Jolie. 19% (327 votes)

Let’s keep it alive anyway for what’s still valuable. Future generations of misfits will thank us. 26% (449 votes)

Answer 4 19% (323 votes)

Answer 5 27% (476 votes)

“Answer 4”? “Answer 5”? What’s this? The poll software insisted on 5 possible answers, but the pollsters only had 3 choices in mind, so these empty placeholders made it into the listing…and they’re doing quite well.

Personally, I had to vote for Answer 5. After all, 5 is a term in the Fibonacci sequence, while 4 is not.

A little ol’ Texas Poll

Texans need some wise advice. KTBX asks, How do you think science should be taught in Texas schools?.

Evolution only – 34.50%
Creationism only – 16.83%

Combination of both – 48.67%
Total Responses – 600

Those numbers don’t look quite right to me. I’m about to get on a plane and fly to Minneapolis…is there any chance there will be a significant shift by the time I land?

Florida poll

The Orlando Sentinel asks the same old stupid question: Should Florida schools be required to teach intelligent design along with the scientific theory of evolution?

Yes. Intelligent Design provides an alternative explanation to evolution, which is just a theory. It’s healthy to give students a choice. (3 responses)
No. Evolution is a time-tested scientific theory, like gravity. Intelligent design is inspired by religion and has no place in a science classroom. (13 responses)
Not sure. I don’t know enough about either subject to make an informed choice. (1 responses)

Aaargh. “Just a theory” again; and the claim that ID is an “alternative explanation” is about as true and as relevant as claiming that the “my socks are so grungy, they evolved intelligence, built a time machine, and flew back to the Hadean era to seed life on earth” explanation is a reasonable alternative.

Forget the grungy socks. Maybe this is the alternative we need to teach in the classroom.

Oh, come on, American Atheists

The American Atheists web site includes a very silly poll. Is Blasphemy a crime?

Yes: 3268
No: 94

Sure, it’s going in a strongly sensible direction, but wouldn’t a short paragraph explaining why blasphemy is not an actionable crime be more informative? Just asking atheists to state that their existence is not criminal is a no-brainer. And I sure hope they never try to claim that these results support the contention that blasphemy is not a crime.

Oops, wait…as is pointed out in the comments, I read this wrong — the poll was going in the wrong direction. I guess I just couldn’t believe that such a strong majority was actually endorsing such a ridiculous position.