I really do have a plan

On my to-do list for today is:

  1. Organize all the supplies for the fly lab.
  2. Record a video summary of the fly culturing procedure.
  3. Figure out why my audio recorder did such a crap job on Wednesday, & fix it.
  4. Re-record the audio for Wednesday’s lecture.
  5. My lecture room has been moved to a smaller space, with a different arrangement of screens and whiteboards. Figure out how everything works in there.
  6. Go home, edit the fly culture video.
  7. Start polishing up Monday’s lecture.

So far, I’ve managed to complete #1. That’s it. I’ve been scurrying up and down stairs, hauling microscopes around, sorting out media, laying out materials on bench tops, and basically doing a lot of physical labor. Hey, aren’t I an elderly professor? What’s with all the sweating?

Right now I think the best I can do is go home, take a stab on #4 from my office chair, and start #7. Then I’ll come in bright and early and maybe not so winded to start with #2. There goes the weekend.

Meat Loaf is dead

We’ve lost an epic heldentenor — Marvin Lee Aday, better known as Meat Loaf, has died. He was such a fierce, athletic, passionate performer, and has in the past collapsed on stage a few times, due to dehydration…but really it was because he threw himself into his work so thoroughly and exhausted himself. I’ll consider his actual cause of death to be that he was always going full throttle and couldn’t just slow down and take it easy, ever.

By the way, his obituary unfortunately seems to think his weight was a salient point to make repeatedly. Nah. He was a big man, but that was the least important part of his identity.

It me

This survey doesn’t surprise me in the least.

Earlier this fall, a McMaster University research team published the findings of a broad survey that sought to take the temperature of the university and college workplace almost a year-and-a-half into the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the major findings won’t come as a surprise to academic staff: many of the 475 respondents reported that the COVID-19 distancing restrictions had eroded productivity, as labs closed, field research activities ceased and parents of young children, particularly women, found themselves juggling domestic and professional duties.

But two other findings offered a more somber and textured look at the impact of the pandemic. More than half of those surveyed said they thought more or much more about death than they had before the World Health Organization declared a global state of emergency in March 2020.

I didn’t always have to fake enthusiasm about going in to work; I am in my dream job. Right now, though, the only things keeping me going are the students — they’re a good bunch who deserve my full attention. I just have to work to make sure they get it.

I survived the asteroid! And the first day of classes!

It wasn’t much of a surprise that I emerged from the lab and the Earth was still here. Maybe a little disappointing, but I’ve come to expect that.

My classroom face, sans mask

Class wasn’t that bad, I put on a performance worthy of Sir Lawrence Olivier, or possibly Soupy Sales, and managed to put on a convincing, I think, façade of enthusiasm and optimism that may have fooled the students. It helped that they were an earnest and cheerful bunch, too, but maybe we’re all pretending deep down inside. Now it’s just a matter of repeating the act over and over until I die.

Like tomorrow. And the day after. And endless days stretching into eternity.

Nah, it wasn’t that bad. I’ll probably get through the term without collapsing into a sobbing wreck. I got one day done!

Feeling rather doomy, but the spider did cheer me up

Sweet dreams.

I didn’t have any such dreams — I could barely sleep last night. Today classes resume, and what I feel is mainly dread, as if this were the day of my execution. We shouldn’t be teaching in-person right now, for one thing. For another, I’m completely revising my approach to the class, because I have to be flexible to changing circumstances, and I have to be prepared to teach students who may have to periodically go into isolation. That means I have to write all new lectures, all semester long. For one more, I have lost all confidence in the university as a place I can trust to support me or my students.

And now I’m tired.

Right now I’m just writing on the walls of my jail cell…and being melodramatic. Everything will be fine, I tell myself, and it probably will be. It’s just going to be hard to get out there and act (teaching is show biz, you know) cheerful and enthusiastic while not feeling that way at all.

Teachers who won’t heed basic health requirements deserve to be fired

The public school district in Willmar had to put 11 employees on leave when they refused to comply with some simple rules.

The policy gave staff three options:

  1. Provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
  2. Wear a mask at work beginning Jan. 10 and submit to weekly COVID-19 testing beginning Feb. 9.
  3. Meet with Human Resources about possible medical or religious exemptions.

They had so many outs! I rather resent the last one — praying does not deter a virus — but they couldn’t even meet those minimal requirements.

The shocking bit, though, is that some of them were teachers.

“There were eleven staff members placed on leave on Tuesday. Some of them were teachers, others were hourly employees,” Superintendent Dr. Jeff Holm wrote in an email to Bring Me The News, noting that the employees placed on leave “opted not to comply with any of the options.”

Holm said that the school board approved the policy to begin Jan. 10 and that employees were give “ample notice” of their three options. Holm added that the district was warned about possible “substantial financial penalties for non-compliant employees.”

It’s been reported elsewhere that one employee refused to leave and was escorted out of the building by a supervisor, but Holm confirmed to BMTN that the employee who was “escorted” out had requested that of their supervisor.

The 11 who have been placed on leave represent a tiny fraction of the district’s estimated 800 employees.

Don’t put these people on leave, fire them. The silver lining here is that this rule has exposed a tiny group of intransigent incompetents who don’t deserve to be employed as educators.

Willmar, by the way, is about an hour’s drive from where I live, and while it’s still rural, it’s not filled with yokels — Ridgewater Community College has a campus there.

Thanks I hate it

There was a time when I could walk into a classroom, plug my laptop into a cable to the video projector, and run my Keynote/Powerpoint presentation with a minimum of fuss. No more.

Since I have classes in two days, I went into my classroom to test out all the technology. The old ways no longer work. Instead, I have to log in to the classroom projector and tell it which input to use. Then I have to log in to zoom twice, once to get on my university account, then again to link up to zoom. Then I have to use an iPad at the front of the room to inform it to let zoom know I’m doing a lecture. I fire up my presentation software, tell zoom which window I’m using, and then I’m off! No, not quite. When I start, I have to click on a button on the iPad to let it know to start recording, at which time it asks for my email address.

Then, finally, I can turn to the students, hoping that the signals are all properly configured and we’ll be able to do some genetics.

Once the hour is up, I click on a “stop recording” button, at which time zoom plays with all the data and sends it to me by email, where I can download the images from my presentation (which I already have, in higher quality), the output from an awkwardly placed camera on the ceiling, and a horrible muddy audio recording that sounds like something broadcast from beneath the sea.

I’m going to contact the IT department this week and see if they can’t show me something simple and elegant that doesn’t require me to show up 15 minutes before class starts to jump through stupid digital hoops in order to do my job. I have little hope that that will happen.

I could just show up to class with my own video projector and a GoPro and be up and running in two minutes, with everything functioning more reliably. I am strongly tempted to do just that.

I’m also prepared to just throw out all the tech and teach naked with a whiteboard and a black dry erase marker. It might be easier.

Another small sacrifice to the pandemic gods

I have to start teaching in-person on Tuesday, and I’ve laid in a supply of N94 and N95 masks in my office, which now leads to an unfortunate consequence: to fit well, the beard had to go. I shaved it off yesterday.

This is horrible. I have relied on that beard to hide half my homely face for decades now, and suddenly I’m naked and exposed. At least when I’m out and about I get to cover it with a big mask, which helps. But worse, I’m used to having a face covered with the downy soft fur of a kitten, a pleasant tactile sensation. This morning I woke up with a sandpaper face. Coarse sandpaper. Something I could use to strip corrosion off of rusted iron girders. I just shaved again (I have to do this every day now?) ten minutes ago and it just feels like I’ve switch to a finer grit.

How do you clean-shaven men bear it? When did our culture decide this barbarous custom of shearing off our soothing soft pelts was de rigueur? I’m feeling oppressed already. This is sex based discrimination! I have to carry the burden of artificial depilation now, just to keep this stupid virus away from my respiratory system.

Also, I’d forgotten what my chin looked like. I really didn’t miss it.

A tempting offer

Do you feel like moving to Minnesota? The town of Middle River has an offer for you!

Attention waterfowl hunters who dream about moving closer to marshlands north and west. The goose capital of Minnesota will award you seven-tenths of an acre inside its city limits if you move there and build a house.

That’s right: Zero down, zero interest and zero payments on a roomy 100-by-300-foot lot in Middle River, a town of 300 people set between Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge and the state’s well-known Thief Lake Wildlife Management Area. That’s a combined 182 square miles of breeding grounds and habitat for ducks, geese, shorebirds, song birds, raptors, deer, bear, wild turkeys, grouse, wolves and more.

The incentives don’t stop there. Under the civic growth program launched in 2018 and expanded last year, the welcome packet sponsored by this outdoors-minded community also includes a one-year membership to the local Sportsmen’s Club, a free building permit, two free years of municipal water and sewer, free electric hookup, three months of free cable TV, a $100 gift certificate to the local tavern, and a free, 12-month subscription to The Honker, the community’s newspaper.

Free land? Free beer at the local (and probably only) tavern? How can you turn that down?

It’s only 340km (200 miles) due north of Morris, and the current temperature is a balmy -15°C. They don’t mention it, but there’s probably good ice fishing up there. It’s almost Canada!

I have an idea: let’s do whatever South Korea does

They sure seem to do something right. I haven’t seen any evidence that their economy has been significantly harmed, either.

My daughter-in-law Ji and grandson Knut are currently stuck in Korea — passport issues for a four-year-old and tight control over travel — and I don’t know, maybe it’s not such a bad thing to be trapped in a country with an effective government and rational health care. They also seem to have sound childcare policies.

The bad news is that his father is stuck in Fort Lewis, Washington, apart from his family.