We’re glitchy today

If you submit a comment and it is held for moderation, it is not your fault, probably: we’re having problems with Akismet, our spam filter software, and it’s holding up a lot of people’s posts. We’ve got TOP PEOPLE working on it, so just be patient. I’ll be browsing the bloated queue of posts held for moderation later, sometime after work. I might approve your delightful comment then. Or I might cast your worthless screed into the eternal flames of perdition, which I happen to have burning right here by my right elbow.

I entered a free contest! You should too!

One of the more trivial ways the trolls carry out a campaign of harassment is to sign me up for random newsletters, getting me on mailing lists for organizations I have no interest in following. For a while, I was getting gay magazines and all kinds of strange porn offers; I laughed those away. Then I was getting signed up for church email newsletters. I get regular updates from the City of Riverside, California — the last I looked at one, which was sometime ago, I was getting information about their sewage treatment plant. You get the idea. Of course, all I do is flag them as spam, my email software then automatically dumps all future email from that source into a junk mail folder, and once a week or so I have to remember to trash the tens of megabytes of crap in that folder.

Now someone has ever so cleverly signed me up as a supporter of the National Association for Gun Rights, which has offered me a chance to enter a drawing, and being a generous sort of person, I thought I’d share it with all of you. Please do sign up for it.

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I may not be able to do this

I thought it would be nice to have the superbowl playing in the background while I was working this evening — I have good memories of my father and uncles enjoying the game when I was young, even if I never got into it myself. But I turned it on 15 minutes ago, and it was actually rather intolerable: the self-importance, the hyperbole, Bob Costas (that was Costas, right?) fellating the players and telling them how important their ball-catching and people-hitting abilities are, and going on and on about trivial statistics from past games. It’s all kind of icky.

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It’s Superbowl Sunday!

I normally don’t watch football, but I thought maybe I should get a little bit into the spirit of it all since I am from Seattle, and one of the teams has a corporate owner who has been gouging my relatives for a stadium and services for years. Besides, I’ve got my exams graded and my lecture prepared for Monday already, so any excuse to party, right? I’ve never been to a Superbowl party, either, so I’m not sure how one does it. But I’m sure there will be explanations and suggestions in the comments.

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Comma is on an itty-bitty rampage!

Regular readers know that lately one “Terry Dean, Nemmers”, or as I call him, “Comma”, has been on a crusade to get me in trouble — he’s been lashing out at anyone in any way in contact with me to tell his tale of woe. Which is kind of weird, since I’ve never met the guy, and his complaint mainly seems to be that the campus police haven’t given him a sample of my handwriting because he has these vague suspicions that I defaced a dozen copies of a free campus newspaper.

The world moves more slowly out here in Lake Wobegon, and especially in January and February, we have to make our own entertainment, you know.

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