Skatje Myers and Kyle Hughart, 16 May 2015.
I only cried a little bit.
Skatje Myers and Kyle Hughart, 16 May 2015.
I only cried a little bit.
It’s going to be a busy day today — that rascally ragamuffin to the right is getting married this afternoon. And I somehow tore the one suit jacket I brought with me. Perfection is ruined! I may just have to break down into tears of anxiety. Or call it all off! Or hide in a closet!
The Basque newspaper Berria has an article all about me. I can’t read a bit of it, which makes it interesting: I’m looking over it, wondering what I actually said, and just making up stuff in my head that I’m sure is much cleverer than what’s actually on the page.
This is the lounge. You can discuss anything you want, but you will do it kindly.
Status: Heavily Moderated; Previous thread
I’m here!
I have lost all sense of time already, but I’m parked in a nice hotel, had a pleasant stroll about town, and will probably sleep very little tonight and be a mess tomorrow. But that’s the way of it.
Updates will be intermittent; I’m about to head off to the airport, and then…Durango, Spain! It’s all very exciting, I’ll try to send you a postcard.
When I get back, I get a whole 5 hours in Minneapolis before I fly off to Denver for the weekend. Then I come home and go to Germany. So I think I might be a little distracted for a few weeks.
And then I’m done for a while. Next step will be to spend a bunch of time in the lab with some new summer students.
I’ve finished up my semester here, and now the NY Times tells me I’ve failed. My students didn’t revere me. They didn’t look at me as their moral guide. They have no desire to become my disciples. Gosh.
Terry Dean, Nemmers, better known around here as Comma, wouldn’t do that, would he? He wrote a screed to the Monitors list this morning, didn’t he? I won’t include the text here, though, will I, since he also posted the whole thing and more on his website, hasn’t he? He’s also collecting IP addresses of all visitors, so I’m sure he’d be thrilled to get more, wouldn’t he?
Everyone seems to know exactly why, but he hasn’t said. My answer is…
I am home, all alone, except for the cat.
I have completed all of the grading, and have submitted all of the grades, and am completely done with the semester. I was hoping to get a pat on the head or a cookie, but nope, the place is all empty and quiet. Except for the cat. And she just sank her claws into my thigh, rather than handing out cookies.
Maybe I’ll kick back and read a book. Or take a nap. Or try to read a book and take a nap instead. There are amazing awe-inspiring vistas of non-grade-book based activities ahead of me now.