Every woman scientist needs a beard


Fiona Ingleby wrote a paper on the difficulties of making the transition from graduate school to post-doctoral position for women. She submitted it for review. A review is kind of an invited comment, you know, so given Lewis’ Law, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised at what followed — she got a negative review that actually justified the contents of her paper.

How’s this for 21st century thinking?

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No fair! Jon Rosenberg has the Supreme Court writing his comic scripts!


The Supreme Court is debating the right of same-sex couples to marry, and their arguments are unbelievably primitive. We can’t let gays marry because our grandpa didn’t let gays marry!

The Court’s conservatives fixated upon their belief that same-sex marriages are a very new institution. “Every definition [of marriage] I looked up prior to about a dozen years ago,” Chief Justice John Roberts claimed, limited marriages to opposite-sex couples. Advocates for equality, Roberts continued, are “seeking to change what the institution is.”

Meanwhile, Justice Samuel Alito argued that even “ancient Greece,” a society he perceived as welcoming to same-sex relationships, did not permit same-sex marriage. Justice Antonin Scalia insisted that “for millennia, not a single society” supported marriage equality.

Every injustice of the past must be perpetuated forever and ever, amen.

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Creepy ol’ Colin McGinn in the news again


Remember the Colin McGinn case? Famous philosophy professor at the University of Miami behaving extraordinarily badly? There’s a very good, very thorough review of the story online — the only problem with it is the bad editor who slapped a really stupid title on it: Is it ok for a UM professor to burden a student with sexual advances? I’m pretty sure the answer to that one is NO.

The story describes an awful situation in which a woman was sexually harassed by a man in a position of power, and the end result was that her career was wrecked, and he resigned from the university…but he continues to natter on smugly, publishing books, and retaining the support of other famous philosophers. The University of Miami does not emerge smelling of roses, either.

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We need a name for this fallacy


Tony Perkins plays the “Evolution Proves Homosexuality Is Wrong” game.

Perkins agreed with the caller’s take on evolution, stating that the evidence is overwhelming that evolution doesn’t occur. However, since Obama and Clinton believe that we are constantly in this state of evolution, Perkins said, then they should oppose gay rights.

If you logically game this out, the idea that somehow same-sex marriage or same-sex attraction, homosexuality, could be the advancement of evolution, he said, well, it would be the end of the road. It is a dead-end street. You’re certainly not going to reproduce.

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Where are the toxic communities in atheism?


Jadehawk has been suffering to provide evidential support for Secular Woman, in particular their recent statement on their priorities.

However, one issue that has surfaced during this dispute demands our attention due to our understanding of events. Our stated values make it clear that we stand with survivors of sexual assault and those who believe and support them. We choose not to associate with those who align themselves with abusers rather than victims.

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It’s traditional!


Here’s a curious marketing omission for you: the Marvel Avengers merchandise is all lacking the one woman on the superhero team, the Black Widow. It’s a mystery. I’m wondering if maybe Scarlett Johansson has cooties or something.

Or maybe it’s something else. Maybe it’s because it is traditional to erase the feminine. Let’s take a look at some classical statuary.

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