I mentioned before that there was a rally yesterday for the Morris Area High School Gay Straight Alliance. This organization has been in limbo for about 3 years as school officials resisted acknowledging the existence of gay students…and also ignored the bullying that goes on.
As is common in small towns, this has been a hot topic in letters to the editor in our local paper. There have been strong letters in favor, and weasely legalistic letters urging caution. I haven’t seen any anti-gay letters, which is a real sign of progress, but just whining stuff as opponents try to find a way to avoid approval, despite the fact that it is required that they allow it.
So they rallied last night, the school board met, and the school board voted to approve the Morris Area High School Gay Straight Alliance at last. There were only two votes against, although the school board chair did try to sour the whole thing by reading out a statement that they’re only approving it because federal law requires them to do so — a kind of graceless confession that they’ve been in the wrong, and that they’re not happy about having to do what is right.
But still…it’s a victory for goodness and justice and equality. I’ll have to check out the Morris paper this weekend to learn how other members of the community react.