Nah, not really worth it

Sorry, Rev. BigDumbChimp: you asked if Faith Converter 1.1 for Mac was any good. It’s a gimmick program that will take a chunk of text or a web page and supposedly convert it to be compatible with a specific religion. It’s a nice use of the Mac Webkit and so forth, but otherwise, it’s just a program to do an automated global search and replace of certain terms. It’s marginally amusing, not something I’ll every use again, and you can get the full joke just from the promotional web page.

I’m rated WHAT??!?

Some people were annoyed that I included a link yesterday that led to a silly story that used strippers as an example of good marketing, that also included a photo of a woman in lingerie. It was very mild stuff, and I’m not going to apologize for that; the worst thing at the link was the sexism, and I will say that I do not endorse that at all. Sometimes I will talk about sex here, and although I’m not going to start sprinkling the articles with coarse and exploitive porn, I’m also not going to be shy about the frank talk.

Then Cocktail Party Physics had to ruin my self-image as an unabashed libertine by mentioning this site that you can run your blog through and get a rating. I’m afraid Pharyngula is …

What's My Blog Rated? From Mingle2 - Online Dating

Mingle2Online Dating

I feel so Disneyesque now.

Skeptic pitied

Oh, no—this article about Craig Schaffer in America’s Finest News Source reminds me of me.

Eddy said he has tried repeatedly to pull Schaffner back from the precipice of lucidity.

“I admit, science might be great for curing diseases, exploring space, cataloguing the natural phenomena of our world, saving endangered species, extending the human lifespan, and enriching the quality of that life,” Eddy said. “But at the end of the day, science has nothing to tell us about the human soul, and that’s a critical thing Craig is missing. I would hate for his soul to be lost forever because of a stubborn doubt over the actual existence and nature of that soul.”