Uh-oh, we’re in trouble now: we’re all four-eyed 97 pound weaklings, and ID is pumping up

OK, this is the final straw. The Intelligent Design creationists send out press releases, they peddle textbooks in our classrooms, they publish dishonest books of pseudoscience, and now … and now, they’ve come out with a popular magazine.


I’d complain some more but I’m afraid they’d kick sand in my face and beat me up.

(via ERV)

We all seem to be in an arithmetical mood today

I may have just used the old 2+2=5 analogy, but I also like this example from the Primate Diaries:

Fundamentalists: believe 2+2 =5 because It Is Written. Somewhere. They have a lot of trouble on their tax returns.

“Moderate” believers: live their lives on the basis that 2+2=4. but go regularly to church to be told that 2+2 once made 5, or will one day make 5, or in a very real and spiritual sense should make 5.

“Moderate” atheists: know that 2+2 =4 but think it impolite to say so too loudly as people who think 2+2=5 might be offended.

“Militant” atheists: “Oh for pity’s sake. HERE. Two pebbles. Two more pebbles. FOUR pebbles. What is WRONG with you people?”

(props to Stephen Wells.)