A cure for the priesthood’s problems

At last, this sounds like a practical solution:

In an open letter, the girlfriends of more than 40 priests have called for a relaxation of the church’s stance on celibacy to allow a limited range of sexual practices, including the reverse Dutch Steamboat, the Stockholm Slip’n’Slide and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

There are more details at the link, but it is not recommended if you are not in a raunch-friendly environment.

If you squint real hard it almost looks like an experiment, at least


I am really surprised at all the people who are saying the original letter had to have been an intentional joke. Haven’t you looked at Ray Comfort/Kirk Cameron/Kent Hovind on YouTube? They say essentially the same things! For another example, I was sent this link (scroll down to where it says “What Are The Scientists Saying?”) to a 50 page document full of nonsense, garbled science and creationism, and random invalid arguments against evolution, all just as silly as this.

Some simply don’t understand Poe’s Law. It states that parodies of fundamentalism will be indistinguishable from the real thing. This letter is indistinguishable by any measure from any of the routine creationist lunacy you can find just about anywhere you look.

What kind of relationship?

I want to hear the rest of this talk, because I’m wondering about that “building a relationship with your readers”.


I think “relationship” might be too sensitive a word for “throw out lots of bloody gobbets of freshly hacked up meat so the readers will tear them apart instead of you”. Ride the tiger, baby.

Poke fun at some creationists while I’m occupied.

Hey, it’s been awfully quiet around here — it’s been one of those lost weekends for me. Sorry about that, I’ve been up to my eyeballs in busy-ness, and it doesn’t look like it’ll get much better today. So I guess I’ll steal something from the May/June edition of Skeptical Inquirer, by permission of managing editor Ben Radford.

14 (+ 1) Reasons Why Creationists Are More Intelligently Designed Than Evolutionists
Paul DesOrmeaux

  1. “Creationism” comes before “evolution” in the dictionary.

  2. Radiometric dating has determined that Kirk Cameron is between 6,000 – 10,000 years old.

  3. The banana has obviously been perfectly designed by a designer for eating and for using in other creative, non-edible ways.

  4. Where the hell are those transitional species, like flying squirrels, for example?

  5. If we evolved from monkeys, why don’t we look more like the Planet of the Apes chimps?

  6. Ben Stein offers a perfect example of irreducible complexity “wherein the removal of any one of the parts [such as dying brain cells] causes the system to effectively cease functioning.”

  7. Especially when filled with animal crackers, my Noah’s Ark cookie jar is an exact replica of the real deal as depicted in my illustrated Bible.

  8. Evolution violates the second, third, fourth, and any future laws of thermodynamics that science types can dream up.

  9. If the earth were actually billions of years old, all the water from the Genesis flood, which currently covers three-fourths of the Earth’s surface, would have disappeared down the drain by now.

  10. After supposedly “millions of years,” tetrapods haven’t evolved into pentapods.

  11. Evolution is only a theory, like the theory of the Scottish origin of rap music.

  12. There are well known, professionally published scientists who believe in God and who think dogs can telepathically communicate with humans.

  13. If you leave bread, peanut butter, and Fluff on a counter long enough, does it eventually evolve into a Fluffernutter sandwich? Not likely.

  14. Contrary to claims by Darwinists, Ann Coulter is not a transitional fossil.

  15. If creationism isn’t a valid alternative theory, then what are we going to do with all that crap in the Creation Museum?