I’m sorry, the last day to register for the International Conference on Creationism was 3 July, so it’s too late for you. It will be held at Cedarville University, a glorified Bible college in Ohio.
It’s sponsored by a fine assortment of organizations dedicated to promoting ignorance:
- Answers in Genesis – https://answersingenesis.org/
- Apologetics Press – https://apologeticspress.org/
- Biblical Science Institute – https://biblicalscienceinstitute.com/
- Canyon Ministries – https://www.canyonministries.org/
- Central Pennsylvania Creation Fellowship – https://www.centralpacreationfellowship.org/
- Clearly Seen Events – https://www.creationconf.com/
- Core Academy of Science – https://coresci.org/
- Cornerstone Educational Supply – https://cornerstone-edsupply.com/
- Creation Ministries International – https://creation.com/
- Creation Research Society – https://www.creationresearch.org/
- CREAVIT – http://michael.oards.net/
- Ellen McHenry’s Basement Workshop – https://ellenjmchenry.com/
- Evidence Press, Inc. – https://evidencepress.com/
- Genesis Apologetics – https://crev.info/
- Institute for Creation Research – https://www.icr.org/
- International Association for Creation – https://associationforcreation.org/
- New Creation Blog – https://newcreation.blog/
- NJBibleScience – https://njbiblescience.org/
- Origins Education and Research Centre – https://originseducationblog.wordpress.com/
- Real Science Radio – https://kgov.com/real-science-radio
- Search for the Truth Ministry – https://www.searchforthetruth.net/
- The WEST Institute – https://thewestinstitute.com/
- TrueScience1.1 – https://www.truesci.net/
- Zoo Creation – http://www.zoocreation.com/
I don’t think you’ll miss much. One of the things that struck me about the list of speakers at this meeting is just how familiar they all are. These are mostly the same old frauds who’ve been parroting nonsensical lies for years, in some cases, for decades.
- Dr. William Barrick (Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, The Masters Seminary) — Theology
- Dr. John Baumgardner (Vice President Logos Research Associates & Research Professor Emeritus, Liberty University) — Geophysical Modeling
- Dr. Danny Faulkner (Researcher at Answers in Genesis and editor of the Creation Research Society Quarterly) – Danny Faulkner
- Dr. Joe Francis (Dean of the School of Science, Mathematics, Technology and Health, The Masters University) — Biology
- Dr. Aaron Hutchison (Professor of Chemistry and Forensic Science, Cedarville University) — Chemistry
- Dr. Russell Humphreys (Independent Researcher & Board member of the Creation Research Society) — Physics
- Dr. Matthew McLain (Associate Professor of Biological Science and Geoscience, The Masters University) – Education
- Dr. Douglas Petrovitch (Teaches Ancient Egypt at Wilfrid Laurier University) — Archaeology
- Dr. John Sanford (Director at Logos Research Associates) — Genetics
- Dr. Andrew Snelling (Director of Research at Answers in Genesis) — Geology
- Dr. Kurt Wise (Director of the Center for Creation Research & Professor of Natural History, Truett McConnell University) — Paleontology
I have to compare it to real conferences. There, you also find the old establishment giving review talks in plenary sessions, but the real meeting, the interesting and exciting new stuff, is given by hordes of grad students and post-docs presenting their current research. It’s a rich and complicated event with lots of people at all stages of their career talking things they’ve done that, mostly, no one else has done before.
Creationist conferences, not so much. It’s mostly old fuddy-duddies rehashing tired old arguments that have been repeatedly debunked and dismissed, and you have to pity any younger people who have been deluded and dragged into this mess. It’s just sad.
Also, is including representation from a few fringe ‘researchers’ at a Canadian university sufficient to call it an “international” conference? At the international meetings in the US that I’ve attended, I’m used to seeing a majority of the sessions led by European and Austrialian and Asian scientists.
They also tend not to be sponsored by religious institutions.