Science disproves Christianity

We’re going to have to rethink all monotheistic religions, actually, since a study now proves the universe was created by a committee.

The most extensive analysis yet undertaken of the structure and contents of the universe conclusively proves the universe was created not by a single entity, as has been widely suggested, but by “a fractious and disorganized committee or committees given to groupthink and petty infighting”, according to Drs. Karl Pootle and Yumble Frick, co-authors of the study. The analysis is expected to have profound implications on the theoretical underpinnings of many popular religions.


You don’t have to be smart to be a biologist, in a formal sense

One wonders exactly how desperate or deluded a young biology graduate would have to be to accept this job?

Position: Biology
Salary: Unspecified
Institution: Liberty University
Location: Virginia
Date posted: 3/6/2006

Biology: Liberty University invites applications for: Faculty member with Ph.D. and compatibility with a young-earth creationist philosophy. Teaching expertise in Microbiology and supervision of undergraduate research expected. Experience in molecular genetics helpful. Send letter of interest, resume, and statement of personal Christian faith commitment to Dr. Ron Hawkins, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Liberty University, 1971 University Boulevard, Lynchburg, Virginia 24502.

Wow. They want a microbiologist who is also a creationist and young-earther. How does one get doctoral level training in microbiology and come out rejecting evolution? I think Tara would have to slap ’em silly.

Irony alert

The Da Vinci Code is opening up some interesting contrasts—like creationists who suddenly find scholarship and expertise in a discipline to be worth something.

Just to correct one false impression: the blogger that led to the article does plainly state that he “has no truck with creationism”. However, one of the authors of the article itself is more lukewarm, and is willing to credit the empty noise of ID with some value and gripes about those authoritarian scientists, who he thinks ought to be more humble. The irony alert is still valid.


Ken Ham shows his sleazy colors a little more. Ham and Answers in Genesis have split from the organization that included Carl Wieland of Creation Ministries International. Big deal, you say; so what if a gang of creationist wankers can’t keep their act together?

The interesting thing is why Ham left the umbrella organization. It’s because Wieland insisted on “checks/balances/peer review” on some of their content. Where AiG formerly hosted a list of bad arguments that creationists ought to avoid, that list has been yanked from the AiG site at about the time they broke up with CMI.

I guess Ham didn’t want any constraints on his ability to lie for Jesus.

A significant revision and clarification: it wasn’t the ‘creationist arguments you should not use‘ article that was pulled, but rather a later article called “Maintaining Creationist Integrity” that directly confronted Kent Hovind.

Santorum flip-flop

Well, this isn’t a big surprise: Rick Santorum is writing a foreword to a bookthis book, Darwin’s Nemesis, a volume that praises Philip Johnson, father of the Intelligent Design movement. Santorum has a very confused history with ID: he was the author of the Santorum amendment, an attempt to couple ID to the No Child Left Behind bill. It was stripped from the bill, but that has never stopped the creationists from claiming it was a legally binding requirement.

The really funny thing is that the day after the Dover decision came down, Santorum backed down fast. And now he’s endorsing a pro-ID book?

Repeat after me: FLIP-FLOP.

(via Atrios)

Short takes

Never mind me, I’m running around with classes and meetings today…here are a few quick links.

I’m ignoring this one right now

Some things are just too stupid for words, but lots of people are emailing me about this fool’s plan.

A Las Vegas masonry contractor wants to amend the state constitution to require various inane ideas about evolution be taught to kids.

He wants to enshrine his ignorance in the Nevada constitution.

And he’s a democrat. Gaaaaa. Can we all just point, laugh, and turn our backs on this guy from now on?