The fox is in charge of the henhouse

NASA’s budget is getting slashed.

NASA is terminating $420 million in contracts the agency says are redundant or “misaligned” with its core priorities, but has provided few details about what is being cut.

In a statement to SpaceNews late March 24, NASA press secretary Bethany Stevens confirmed a post by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) that NASA had terminated about $420 million in “unneeded” contracts.

The question I have is…how much of that $420 million in contracts was going to SpaceX, which is run by Elon Musk, who is also running DOGE?

Much corruption, so respect.


  1. robro says

    I’m going way out on a limb here, but my wild guess would be that none of that $420 million in contracts affects SpaceX, StarLink, or any other Musk related business.

  2. arrantprac says

    I’m sure the $420 million was what they found was unnecessary, and absolutely not an arbitrary amount chosen for the lulz.

  3. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 2

    Broccoli-Headed Teenage Incel: “Yeah man, we found (snicker) four-twenty million dollars (laughing, whispering)… Shut up, man! Shut up!… (normal) and we reduced it by (laughing) SIXTY NINE PERCENT, DUDE!”

  4. billseymour says

    My guess would be that the “unneeded” contracts were with SpaceX and StarLink competitors.

  5. whywhywhy says

    Next announcement will be that all cancelled contracts are reassigned to SpaceX

  6. says

    It will go to Musk because financing a one-way trip to Mars is more important than anything real scientists and engineers would do in space.

  7. robro says

    kayden @ #9 — I thought “The fix is firmly in the henhouse” was perfect myself.

  8. lotharloo says

    Folk, Musk doesn’t really need anything to go to SpaceX. He wants to get his massive tax cut so he can sell off his sinking Tesla stock. Why would he care about a few million going to his company when he can literally pocket billions after tax cuts?

  9. says

    @11 lotharloo
    Sure, tax cuts are everything, but I’m going to push back against “sinking Tesla stock”. While it’s true that it has taken a dive from its value around Christmas, that was the peak following a dramatic rise after the election. Currently, the stock is around where it was in October, and higher than it was one year ago. Of course, seeing how the brand has become toxic to the very people who would be most likely to buy an EV, and that no “respectable” magat would ever consider buying an EV (in spite of the recent advert from the White House), the current slide may continue unabated (no doubt there would be some cheering for a multi-billion dollar self-own).

  10. says

    @12 RS
    No surprises there, and it would be expected fallout to push rural users (a large chunk of their base) to a lower performance platform. I can see them out on the rooftops clearing off the snow from the dishes in winter, and wondering why the latency is so high when compared to the FO networks used in the cities.

    And rockets instead of C-17s? Really?

  11. drsteve says

    Hi, Professor Myers.
    Maybe I am missing the button or is there any other easy way to share your posts to Bluesky? I’m in the process of unwinding my Meta accounts so there and LinkedIn are going to be my only social media accounts going forward.

  12. John Morales says

    [drsteve, no. You have to copy/paste into your app, because the template here is old and not very extensible (it does Twitter!) and Bluesky is newish]

  13. Hemidactylus says

    420 seems an important number given:

    Nonetheless, one Trump executive order directs the heads of the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense to issue a report by April 20 to the president with recommendations on whether or not to use the Insurrection Act to aid in mass deportations.

    Maybe April 20th being Hitler’s birthday is but an odd coincidence. Some are reading even more into this deadline:

  14. John Morales says

    Silentbob, total truth. There is no such button. There is one for Twitter.

    That was the question.

    I’m pretty sure it ain’t gonna be as trivial as adding a line of code, but hey, maybe it’s just that easy and PZ is being a slacker. Or whoever, they’re being slackers.

    But hey, maybe it is indeed a trivial fix, and PZ is just a slacker.

  15. says

    If anything happens on April 20th it will be because that’s pot day, and not because of any connection to Hitler. Musk is the kind of 50 something juvenile to reference pot to please the eternally juvenile section of his fandom.

  16. says

    And that cargo rocket idea? Nothing new. Either my brother or I had some sort of book about the future written in the late ’70s, possibly one of the books put out by Usborne. One of the pieces of future tech mentioned was a suborbital military rocket that could deliver commandos anywhere in the world in 90 minutes.

  17. Bekenstein Bound says

    And those commandoes would spend a good several minutes as sitting ducks wafting gently to the ground under three big honking huge parachutes.

    There’s a reason paratroopers aren’t used much in actual practice, and it applies to this as well.

    What, a shuttle-like spaceplane? Yeah, and phone up the enemy and politely ask them to clear a runway.

    Plus any reasonably technically capable adversary will be tracking them from shortly after launch, just as we can track nukes.

    Oh, and then there’s the minor matter that nobody will be able to tell whether the rocket is carrying troops or a nuke. (Or cargo!) And an adversary that cares about, at the very least, avenging itself will have to assume it’s a nuke, and act accordingly.

    That scheme is just made of stupid all around, as is the Musk cargo-rocket one. Even in a peaceful world where no one would think it could be a nuke that’s on the way, I can’t see this being anything but hugely wasteful for any but the most acutely latency-sensitive and super-scarce cargoes, which category is pretty much limited to “live organs for transplant” at this time. Maybe if someone with a rare tissue type matched a donor halfway around the world who’d just been hit by a car, but no similar case that was more local, or something.

    Who wrote the story you found the troop-carrier ICBM in, anyway? It wasn’t Pournelle, by any chance, was it? <smh>

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