
  1. rorschach says

    Ah man. While powerful rich men tend to be assholes, I didn’t think their wifes had to be. But Amanda knew, and send this poor girl to Gaiman anyway, helpfully telling her predator husband “you can’t have her”. I’ve met her, she struck me as kinky and pretty sexualised, fair enough, but she knew what shit was going down with Gaiman and did fuckall nothing.

  2. Akira MacKenzie says

    I’ll keep Rebecca’s words in mind when I start to feel guilty about my love of Tekumel or the Cthulhu Mythos.

  3. says

    We have a lot of respect for Rebecca and her work.
      And, it is becoming such a frequent case that questionable relationships are always decided in the public social arena. Women deserve respect, not abuse. I wish there were ways that all this f.u.d. about abuse of relationships could factually cleared up.

  4. says

    Also, scientology, just another abusive cult of the rich and famous, not unlike the mump cult, (MUsk+truMP) and their toxic koolaid that sheople are slurping up.

  5. gijoel says

    @1 On one hand fuck Amanda Palmer. On the other, I wonder if she’s a victim too. Brainwashed and victimized to follow her abusive husband’s every whim. That being said, that doesn’t absolve her for her failure in her duty of care.

    Gaiman fucked off to the Isle of Skye just as the pandemic was starting. Was it because he was worried that the NZ police force would arrest him? I haven’t read the Vulture article as I don’t want to lose my lunch.

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