Ah man. While powerful rich men tend to be assholes, I didn’t think their wifes had to be. But Amanda knew, and send this poor girl to Gaiman anyway, helpfully telling her predator husband “you can’t have her”. I’ve met her, she struck me as kinky and pretty sexualised, fair enough, but she knew what shit was going down with Gaiman and did fuckall nothing.
Akira MacKenziesays
I’ll keep Rebecca’s words in mind when I start to feel guilty about my love of Tekumel or the Cthulhu Mythos.
We have a lot of respect for Rebecca and her work.
And, it is becoming such a frequent case that questionable relationships are always decided in the public social arena. Women deserve respect, not abuse. I wish there were ways that all this f.u.d. about abuse of relationships could factually cleared up.
Also, scientology, just another abusive cult of the rich and famous, not unlike the mump cult, (MUsk+truMP) and their toxic koolaid that sheople are slurping up.
@1 On one hand fuck Amanda Palmer. On the other, I wonder if she’s a victim too. Brainwashed and victimized to follow her abusive husband’s every whim. That being said, that doesn’t absolve her for her failure in her duty of care.
Gaiman fucked off to the Isle of Skye just as the pandemic was starting. Was it because he was worried that the NZ police force would arrest him? I haven’t read the Vulture article as I don’t want to lose my lunch.
CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captainsays
When the news first broke, a YouTuber on the Council of Geeks channel made a lot of criticisms of Tortoise Media and their presentation (excerpted here). Similar conclusion to Watson, adding that the victims deserved a better journalists. The excerpts summarize the video.
Then another victim Claire independently went on the Am I Broken podcast with a therapist (excerpted here) and was given an hour to tell her story. These excerpts leave abuse details at the podcast itself and instead focus on reporters not picking up her story in the past and a lie from Gaiman.
“employed as a nanny”
I thought you were only employed if you got paid.
It’s worth noting that Gaiman didn’t pay Scarlett Pavlovich until after she filed and came forward publicly.
Amanda Palmer is looking shadier by the minute.
She apparently gets a buttload of money from Kickstarter but doesn’t pay anyone who works in her artistic endeavors.
She has money, although I doubt very much that she has much access to Gaiman’s money–abusers like the control and money is a depressingly easy way to control people–but doesn’t pay a person who is destitute and damn near homeless to babysit her kid, at her toxic spouse’s place, no less. She warns her husband to leave the “damaged” person alone, fully aware of her spouse’s proclivities, but doesn’t warn the nanny, because like everyone else who ever labors for her, she doesn’t want to actually part with any of her own cash to pay them for their labors but does like the free babysitting services. Nice.
When she finds out that her husband has sexually assaulted her son’s nanny in front of her son, her first question isn’t “are you okay and how can I help you” it’s “was he [her son] wearing headphones”. Yeah, because that’s the crucial part.
Why is she even leaving her son with Gaiman?
Yes, I know she wants [Gaiman] “to be in her son’s life” but WHY? I cannot fathom why you would want or even think it was okay to leave a kid in the care and/or control of a damaged, damaging and violent person, unless the kid is both the string and lever to exert influence on her husband, as a means of getting him to continue to give her money. The damage is already apparent if the kid is calling domestic workers in the household “slave” and demanding that they call him “master”. I can’t imagine not grabbing the kid & heading out for an undisclosed location & communicating only through lawyers and a restraining order. Jesus fucking christ, I put my pets on my restraining order against my attacker (my state legally allows this, since threatened violence against pets or children is the reason many victims of domestic abuse don’t leave.)
My guess is that it was because Weinstein was known to be a shit to everyone. He was rich but he didn’t have fans.
Gaiman hid his sociopathic rapist tendencies much better, with the tacit assistance of his wife and the goodwill of his legion of fans.
Apologies if I just spammed a bunch of posts here…. maybe I’m in moderation? I just thought the post comment button was broken.
Gaiman’s clearly an utter shit, and it feels weird to be responding to a story about a terrible man with “And what about his b*tch of a wife”, but the more I’m hearing about Palmer, the worse she sounds. The absolute pretentious drivel in her private text messages are the least of it.
She reminds me a lot of a friend/acquaintance I had since my early teens. Like Amanda, she’s quite attractive in an unusual way – and like Amanda she seems to have the knack of being fascinating company. She can make any person she talks to, man or woman, feel like they’re the most interesting person in the world and that they’ve been friends forever.
And so that person is happy to help her out with little favours, assistance moving, small loans, whatever. And they’re usually happy to do this, because it feels so good to be around her, and her life has been so hard, and she just needs a little help to get things going. But sooner or later the shine wears off… the asks become more frequent and more serious, her attention and company fade – she’s becoming fascinated with different people and the previous mark starts to feel left out… Usually either drama ensues (mainly in the case of boyfriends she’s done this with), or a BFF-fallout takes place. She moves on to another host shortly, she always has a couple in waiting.
In the 25-odd years that I’ve known this woman, she’s done this to more boyfriends/”roommates” and besties than I could count. Also a couple of moderately well known writers and musicians whom I won’t name. She loves creative men, at least for a while.
While I did like her when we were kids, and we share a lot of the same acquaintance circle, her charms never really worked well on me and I don’t think she put much effort into it. Nowadays, as her looks and health have faded, she’s had a lot more trouble attracting people to her to make her life easier. The occasional facebook posts I see from her get increasingly desperate and unhinged. “The art of asking”
All of this is to say: I suspect Amanda was both a victim of and predator on Gaiman. I’m sure she was genuinely interested in him, he is a smart and charismatic person. But everything I’ve seen of her since this started to come out suggests that she was in the relationship because he had things she wanted – contacts, fame, wealth, social cachet, a look and lifestyle she wanted to cultivate for herself.
What Gaiman wanted from Amanda, I think we all can guess. But did she start tossing vulnerable young women him from the less useful end of her orbiting fan-base when she got tired of dealing with his sexual needs?
Reminds me of Ghislaine Maxwell.
I have never read a single word of Neil Gaiman, so I can’t comment on the quality of his literary works. As for the accusations against him : They must be listened to, taken seriously, and investigated. I am reminded of the case of Walter Breen, a notorious pedophile with connections to fandom who just happened to be married to Marion Zimmer Bradley, who knew what was going on and remained silent.
Ah man. While powerful rich men tend to be assholes, I didn’t think their wifes had to be. But Amanda knew, and send this poor girl to Gaiman anyway, helpfully telling her predator husband “you can’t have her”. I’ve met her, she struck me as kinky and pretty sexualised, fair enough, but she knew what shit was going down with Gaiman and did fuckall nothing.
I’ll keep Rebecca’s words in mind when I start to feel guilty about my love of Tekumel or the Cthulhu Mythos.
We have a lot of respect for Rebecca and her work.
And, it is becoming such a frequent case that questionable relationships are always decided in the public social arena. Women deserve respect, not abuse. I wish there were ways that all this f.u.d. about abuse of relationships could factually cleared up.
Also, scientology, just another abusive cult of the rich and famous, not unlike the mump cult, (MUsk+truMP) and their toxic koolaid that sheople are slurping up.
@1 On one hand fuck Amanda Palmer. On the other, I wonder if she’s a victim too. Brainwashed and victimized to follow her abusive husband’s every whim. That being said, that doesn’t absolve her for her failure in her duty of care.
Gaiman fucked off to the Isle of Skye just as the pandemic was starting. Was it because he was worried that the NZ police force would arrest him? I haven’t read the Vulture article as I don’t want to lose my lunch.
When the news first broke, a YouTuber on the Council of Geeks channel made a lot of criticisms of Tortoise Media and their presentation (excerpted here). Similar conclusion to Watson, adding that the victims deserved a better journalists. The excerpts summarize the video.
Then another victim Claire independently went on the Am I Broken podcast with a therapist (excerpted here) and was given an hour to tell her story. These excerpts leave abuse details at the podcast itself and instead focus on reporters not picking up her story in the past and a lie from Gaiman.
“employed as a nanny”
I thought you were only employed if you got paid.
It’s worth noting that Gaiman didn’t pay Scarlett Pavlovich until after she filed and came forward publicly.
Amanda Palmer is looking shadier by the minute.
She apparently gets a buttload of money from Kickstarter but doesn’t pay anyone who works in her artistic endeavors.
She has money, although I doubt very much that she has much access to Gaiman’s money–abusers like the control and money is a depressingly easy way to control people–but doesn’t pay a person who is destitute and damn near homeless to babysit her kid, at her toxic spouse’s place, no less. She warns her husband to leave the “damaged” person alone, fully aware of her spouse’s proclivities, but doesn’t warn the nanny, because like everyone else who ever labors for her, she doesn’t want to actually part with any of her own cash to pay them for their labors but does like the free babysitting services. Nice.
When she finds out that her husband has sexually assaulted her son’s nanny in front of her son, her first question isn’t “are you okay and how can I help you” it’s “was he [her son] wearing headphones”. Yeah, because that’s the crucial part.
Why is she even leaving her son with Gaiman?
Yes, I know she wants [Gaiman] “to be in her son’s life” but WHY? I cannot fathom why you would want or even think it was okay to leave a kid in the care and/or control of a damaged, damaging and violent person, unless the kid is both the string and lever to exert influence on her husband, as a means of getting him to continue to give her money. The damage is already apparent if the kid is calling domestic workers in the household “slave” and demanding that they call him “master”. I can’t imagine not grabbing the kid & heading out for an undisclosed location & communicating only through lawyers and a restraining order. Jesus fucking christ, I put my pets on my restraining order against my attacker (my state legally allows this, since threatened violence against pets or children is the reason many victims of domestic abuse don’t leave.)
Never thought I’d agree with anything that JK Rowling said but life is strange.
My guess is that it was because Weinstein was known to be a shit to everyone. He was rich but he didn’t have fans.
Gaiman hid his sociopathic rapist tendencies much better, with the tacit assistance of his wife and the goodwill of his legion of fans.
Apologies if I just spammed a bunch of posts here…. maybe I’m in moderation? I just thought the post comment button was broken.
Gaiman’s clearly an utter shit, and it feels weird to be responding to a story about a terrible man with “And what about his b*tch of a wife”, but the more I’m hearing about Palmer, the worse she sounds. The absolute pretentious drivel in her private text messages are the least of it.
She reminds me a lot of a friend/acquaintance I had since my early teens. Like Amanda, she’s quite attractive in an unusual way – and like Amanda she seems to have the knack of being fascinating company. She can make any person she talks to, man or woman, feel like they’re the most interesting person in the world and that they’ve been friends forever.
And so that person is happy to help her out with little favours, assistance moving, small loans, whatever. And they’re usually happy to do this, because it feels so good to be around her, and her life has been so hard, and she just needs a little help to get things going. But sooner or later the shine wears off… the asks become more frequent and more serious, her attention and company fade – she’s becoming fascinated with different people and the previous mark starts to feel left out… Usually either drama ensues (mainly in the case of boyfriends she’s done this with), or a BFF-fallout takes place. She moves on to another host shortly, she always has a couple in waiting.
In the 25-odd years that I’ve known this woman, she’s done this to more boyfriends/”roommates” and besties than I could count. Also a couple of moderately well known writers and musicians whom I won’t name. She loves creative men, at least for a while.
While I did like her when we were kids, and we share a lot of the same acquaintance circle, her charms never really worked well on me and I don’t think she put much effort into it. Nowadays, as her looks and health have faded, she’s had a lot more trouble attracting people to her to make her life easier. The occasional facebook posts I see from her get increasingly desperate and unhinged. “The art of asking”
All of this is to say: I suspect Amanda was both a victim of and predator on Gaiman. I’m sure she was genuinely interested in him, he is a smart and charismatic person. But everything I’ve seen of her since this started to come out suggests that she was in the relationship because he had things she wanted – contacts, fame, wealth, social cachet, a look and lifestyle she wanted to cultivate for herself.
What Gaiman wanted from Amanda, I think we all can guess. But did she start tossing vulnerable young women him from the less useful end of her orbiting fan-base when she got tired of dealing with his sexual needs?
Reminds me of Ghislaine Maxwell.
I have never read a single word of Neil Gaiman, so I can’t comment on the quality of his literary works. As for the accusations against him : They must be listened to, taken seriously, and investigated. I am reminded of the case of Walter Breen, a notorious pedophile with connections to fandom who just happened to be married to Marion Zimmer Bradley, who knew what was going on and remained silent.