These creationist goobers are worse than low-hanging fruit — they’re rotting on the ground and indistinguishable from the droppings of frugivores — but a good debunking with evidence is still entertaining and informative. Potholer54 has given out his annual Golden Crocoduck award, and I can tell it was a difficult choice. So many amazingly deserving twits, and he has to pick just one!
This year, it goes to Matt Powell, because not only is he a gibbering fool, but he is blatant in his dishonesty.
For next year, though, I would like to nominate Eric Hovind, who has gotten positively hyper on social media lately, and is flooding Xitter with the most stupid assertions, which mostly seem to have been stolen from Harun Yahya’s Atlas of Creation. Copying your homework from one of the most clueless creationists on the internet (or, now, in a Turkish prison) is a truly stupid move, Eric.
Xitter- is that pronounced “shitter”?
@jacksprocket #1:
I’ve always assumed so. Perhaps someone should run a poll on Xitter to see if that’s the consensus.
Hasn’t Hovind won in the past? Next year he might have Mike Johnson on the candidate list.
Especially since Harun Yahya stole most of his garbage from American Christian Creationuts.
A worthy winner of the “Lying for Jesus Award”. Wonderful to see him called out for the “surfing monkeys” (yet again proving that the only references he uses are headlines in right-wing tabloid trash) where he is caught between saying that “evolutionists” were crazy for saying monkeys reached South America on floating vegetation, and other creationists who are saying that monkeys reached South America from the Ark on floating vegetation. OK Matt, just how did monkeys (and many other groups of African origin) reach South America? Waiting….
Dumb Idiot Ham used that made up vegetation fallacy in his putrid faculties to explain how did the animals who allegedly survive the Flood get from Ararat to their respective destinations without crossing land bridges. As usual, no bases or evidence for his claims. All made up.
Below is a long (and too polite?) article, but it points out that ‘the repugnancant’s Johnson’ (lewd pun intended) is highly educated, but ignorant as hell in many areas and is a hateful, dangerous xtian nationalist.
Jefferson Would Be Turning Over In His Grave
Published by digby on October 28, 2023
Mike Johnson is a delusional zealot
Oh, and below the title of that article is an image of ‘the ark with dinosaurs’ ROFLMAO.
Mike the Johnson is not bad enough for the crocoduck award.
He felt empathy for wossname, Floyd, that got murdered by a cop.
And he recognised that his adopted black kid will have a bumpier road in life than his white siblings ….thus proving himself woke! MAGAheads promptly condemned him as a RINO when they found out.
@9 Yes, well, maybe, but in an interview this week – “Having raised two 14-year-old boys in America and the state of Louisiana, they had different experiences,” he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “And I’m not so sure it was all about skin color, but it is about culture and society. Michael, our first, came from a really troubled background and had a lot of challenges.”
I am tryingbto image giant tortises migrating from a high mountain at Ararat to a shore, where they could find a handy mat of vegetation to sail all the way to the Galapagos Islands. Maybe the tortises ate the monkeys on those particular rafts.
@11 Or the monkeys turned the tortoises upside down and used them as boats…
@nomdeplume #12:
Wouldn’t it have been easier for the monkeys to just hail a passing turtle? Or maybe not.
“Sarf o’ the river, mate? Not at this time o’ night.”
@3. robro : “Hasn’t Hovind won in the past? Next year he might have Mike Johnson on the candidate list.”
Yes. Back in 2008 with the very first one for Kent Hovind. As this notes :
With Eric Hovind winning in 2012 as well.
^ In related news looks like that page needs updating..
Digging Dinosaurs by Jack Horner (1988, ISBN-10 : 0894802208
ISBN-13 : 978-0894802201)
is an excellent book. I highly recommend it. Being about 35 years old, I’m sure there are specific details in the book that have been superceded by more recent evidence, but it’s still worth a read.
Vegetation mats:
Floating island? Wisconsin community members use personal boats to move giant floating bog
I admit, no monkeys were involved.
More video of bog moving
“Being about 35 years old, I’m sure there are specific details in the book”
Pedantry alert… You may be about 35 years old, but what about the book?
(sorry- actually I’m a more of grammar anarchist)
I suppose they justify lying because their cause is just. However, when they lie to damage someone’s reputation, that is bearing false witness, one of the Ten Commandments.
Creationists ideas are not just . They’re stupidly dangerous . Their anti evolution stance endangers medical research. Look up the Sabin vaccine for polio- evolved by using natural selection on the virus to evolve a weaker strain that didn’t cause symptoms. That’s just a single example . Creationist geology fails to find oil. Creationists tried that one themselves and failed spectacularly!
Reginald Selkirk @17 & 18
Ok, that bog is seriously cool. We do have floating bogs in the UK (I’ve jumped up and down on one in unison with my fellow classmates, to make the trees rock), but nothing that size that I am aware of.
About water dispersal of species by floating mats of vegetation.
This is a common idea that has been verified by actually watching species disperse in real time.
Here is one report from a hurricane in 1995.
These iguanas floated 200 miles on a massive raft of vegetation.
raven @23
And that is cool too.
Here is another example of overseas dispersal and one that thousands of people saw.
A floating dock in Japan was caught in their big tsunami that also damaged their nuclear power plants at Fukushima.
An entire ecosystem floated from Japan to Oregon.
They removed two tons of foreign organisms from 100 different species.
Arguing with creationism seems like such a quaint, 1990s/2000s internet phenomenon these days. I can sort of believe that young evangelicals are still into, but who the fuck has time for this anymore.