Gosh, I sure hope Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps working for the Biden campaign

I worried that this ad by Joe Biden that quotes Marjorie Taylor Greene saying favorable things about him was a quote mine. I’m so used to creationists pulling out short quotes that mean something completely different from what the author intended that I was afraid the Democrats might be pulling the same dishonest stunt, because we know she hates him. But MTG words do make a pretty good campaign ad.

So I looked a little deeper. She actually said those things in a speech to TPUSA; she actually thought these things are bad for the country.

“Joe Biden had the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs,” Greene says in the ad, while images of the president smiling in various locations are shown as upbeat music plays. “That is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on and Joe Biden is attempting to complete.”

“Programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid. And he is still working on it,” she continues just before a Biden/Harris campaign logo appears on screen to end the video.

WTF? “education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid” are unpopular, awful programs for a president to promote, so she seeks to saddle him with that? FDR was one of our greatest presidents, and that’s a comparison she wants to make? That’s nuts, but it’s actually what she thinks.

Clinching it, MJT posted a response to Biden’s ad, and it’s a different excerpt from her TPUSA speech, filling in the gaps in Biden’s thoroughly edited version. What she was trying to communicate, poorly, was that Biden is a big fat socialist.

Lyndon B. Johnson is very similar to Joe Biden. How are they the same?

They’re both Democrat Socialists.

Lyndon B. Johnson was the majority leader in the Senate. Does that sound familiar?

He was Vice President to Kennedy. Joe was Vice President to Obama.

He was appointed as the president after JFK was assassinated, then he was elected.

His big socialist programs were the Great Society.

The Great Society were big government programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and welfare, the Office of Economic Opportunity, and big labor and labor unions.

Now, LBJ had the Great Society, but Joe Biden had Build Back Better, and he still is working on it.

The largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs that is actually finishing what FDR started that LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete, socialism.

Biden is not a socialist, not even a Democrat Socialist. He is not trying to complete socialism, whatever that means. If the Great Society programs were socialism, then hooray for socialism, give us more of that, please.

Clearly, MTG was trying to put down Biden by chanting socialism, socialism, socialism at him, but by spelling out what socialism means to her, she’s basically educating everyone on what a good thing socialism can be.

Pay attention, Biden. Greene is actually telling you what works.


  1. wzrd1 says

    LBJ had the Great Society, but Joe Biden had Build Back Better, and Ford had Whip Inflation Now. Only one of those programs completely failed, the Republican one.
    BTW, since all of FDR’s programs are evil, when are we getting rid of that expensive nuclear arsenal he set up the seeds for?

  2. stuffin says

    The lack of intelligence (trying to avoid the word stupidity) is amazing. She isn’t even a good poser.

  3. raven says

    Social Security is sort of Socialistic.
    So is Medicare.
    Both are old, highly successful, and wildly popular programs.

    And, the GOP has been trying to get rid of them since they started.
    Efforts that have so far failed.

    The last serious attempt was probably by George Bush.

    Bush outlined a major initiative to reform Social Security which included partial privatization of the system, personal Social Security accounts, and options to permit Americans to divert a portion of their Social Security tax (FICA) into secured investments.

    Social Security debate in the United States – Wikipedia

    A lot of the time the GOP doesn’t outright try to abolish Social Security, having found that threatening to starve millions of old people isn’t popular.
    They propose to “reform” Social Security.
    Which actually means to “reform” Social Security out of existence.
    Orwell would have known what they are doing.

  4. raven says

    Bush outlined a major initiative to reform Social Security which included partial privatization of the system, personal Social Security accounts, …

    FWIW, we already have partially privatized the Social Security system in the USA.

    There are a large number of programs where people can divert part of their income into retirement accounts.
    These would be the 401(K) plans, IRAs, and Roth IRAs, among many others.

    The 401(K) plans were enacted by a Democrat, Jimmy Carter.
    The Roth IRA was enacted by another Democrat, Bill Clinton.
    Strangely enough, the IRA was enacted by a Republican, Gerald Ford.

  5. Larry says

    MSG may be bad for you, but at least it makes food taste good. Even thinking about MJT gives me a sour stomach.

  6. rietpluim says

    I remember a video where some conservative woman said “social justice” like it was something bad. I guess Greene means the same thing.

  7. Akira MacKenzie says

    WTF? “education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid” are unpopular, awful programs for a president to promote, so she seeks to saddle him with that?

    The Corn pone trash living in the sticks and white flight refugees in the ‘burbs, have convinced themselves that.government should only exist to field a military and to fund cops. Anything more than than is illegitimate.Besides, They don’t need any of those programs. They’re rugged individualists who can do it on their own. They don’t need help and anyone who thinks they need it are weaklings, cowards, and moochers. Government help infantilizes people, and makes them dependent on welfare rather than working. Also, these programs are just the camel’s nose and will be used as a means to control people and usurp their “freedoms.” Today free school lunches, tomorrow 1984.

    That’s what your dealing with.

  8. cartomancer says

    If you complete socialism you get a little rendered cutscene ending, the credits roll, and then a New Game Plus option becomes available, where you can play a better version of the game without the annoying bugs that capitalism put in.

  9. Akira MacKenzie says

    Biden is not a socialist, not even a Democrat Socialist.

    And that’s the problem.

  10. bennett says

    And Biden was never Senate Majority Leader.
    And LBJ was not “appointed” President.

  11. Sphinx of Black Quartz says

    Thus Spake ZaraRaven, in post #4:

    They propose to “reform” Social Security.
    Which actually means to “reform” Social Security out of existence.

    I wonder if they’ll try the “repeal and replace (with nothing)” dodge that almost worked with the ACA.

    “Let us repeal Social Security and Medicare TODAY, and TOMORROW we’ll implement a new, better system! And there will be free ice cream for everybody! And a pony made of diamonds! Just TRUST us!”

  12. rorschach says

    It’s fine to make fun of the fact your opponent is so uneducated that they think good things for the voting public are magic marxism malign maladies. But just as I dont care if Boebert used to be a hooker, I dont care if MTG is dumb as a bunch of basil. These people do real harm, and they can do that because people vote for them and put them in a position where they can cause harm. We wont fix MTG or Boebert or the Q nutters, but we need to make voters understand that these pocket fascists will not solve their life problems.

  13. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 14

    …but we need to make voters understand that these pocket fascists will not solve their life problems.

    And that’s another problem. You have to reverse the inertia of centuries of cultural and economic barbarism before enough people democratically accept a humane atheist, socialist society. Our civilization doesn’t have that long. Incrementalism isn’t going to save us when our species has only a few year left before capitalism and religion lead us to extinction.

    I’m sorry, but you must FORCE people to do the right thing and punish them when they refuse.

  14. whywhywhy says

    I have always preferred the Fox News/Fascist view of Biden over the real thing.

  15. rorschach says

    “I’m sorry, but you must FORCE people to do the right thing and punish them when they refuse.”

    Err, how do you propose to do that? What I got out of the reeducation campaign that happened after Germany lost the war was that the fascists just assimilated into the new society, and eventually became leaders again. Societies are facing a situation now where at least a third of people have no ties to reality or rationality. Their brains are malfunctioning, GIGO. I don’t see a solution, not before we’re all dead anyway.

  16. Jazzlet says

    MSG is not bad for you, it is widely found in food eg tomatoes, cheese, bread, kombu (seaweed). In blinded tests at usual usage levels it doesn’t cause any of the symptoms of “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” (CRS), and there is a strong argumentthat the whole CRS thing is racism.

  17. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 17

    I don’t know what to do either. All I know is that I’m terrified.

  18. robro says

    I started a post about Heather Cox Richardson’s background on the whole socialist/socialism canard, but don’t have time. However, Richardson’s writers some about MTG’s ad today. You might find it interesting.

    She also gets into Chump’s next pending indictment.

  19. birgerjohansson says

    Myself @ 22
    Crossposted from the infinite thread.
    A long but very important article in The Raw Story.
    -The people who pull the strings are not stupid people like MTG, they are very focused on a long game to undo pretty much all progress since FDR and make USA an oligarchy. If you think this is hyperbole, just read it.

    They are not “stupid evil” like MTG, they are far more dangerous.

  20. Rob Grigjanis says

    birger @23:

    they are very focused on a long game to undo pretty much all progress since FDR and make USA an oligarchy.

    I’ve thought that was the clear goal of ambulant pustules like Steve Bannon since shortly after Trump oozed his way into the Presidency.

  21. says

    I still remember when Biden was called “The Senator from the Bank of America”. Any one who thinks he is a socialist is an idiot or a propagandist.

  22. robro says

    birgerjohansson @ #23

    …they are very focused on a long game to undo pretty much all progress since FDR and make USA an oligarchy.

    This is pretty much Heather Cox Richardson’s take on the GOP agenda in which everything for “the people” is socialism that must be rooted out of America. It is indeed a long game.

    According to Richardson this tactic dates back to the 1870s when the big question was over Reconstruction. At that time it was the Democrats pushing against “godless socialism” which helped Black people as former slaves make some headway. Republican leadership…which was mainly business Republicans…compromised to end Reconstruction despite opposition from the Abolitionist wing of the party. This trend continued during the next few decades although the focus shifted to fighting unions.

    If you consider that the current version of the GOP long game dates back to Goldwater’s “Southern strategy”, adopted later by Nixon, and recognize their success so far, then it’s difficult not to despair about the state of the country.

  23. wzrd1 says

    The current GOP long game began before WWII, when they wanted to bring fascism to the US. That got stalled cold, first due to that whole war thing against a handful of fascist nations, then finding the camps, yeah, total reputation killer. So, they hit pause.
    Then came Goldwater and later, the traitor Nixon.
    What else do you call someone who sabotages peace talks, just to gain election points while our soldiers, airmen and Marines died? The NSA actually has it on tape.
    Yeah, when they say FBI, international call intercepts are NSA and there is an FBI detachment that literally sits with the NSA team for just such occasions, as NSA is DoD and hence, cannot assume law enforcement duties.

    As for MSG, MSG is glutamate, which is the main component of glutamine and also critical in neuroreceptors for GABA. So, do without glutamate, you do without making proteins and around 1/3 of the neurotransmitters in your brain and nervous system. Basically, you’d be a dead, with symptoms quite similar to ricin poisoning, for the same reason, the inability to make proteins.*

    *The entire mechanism of ricin poisoning is also quite interesting. Half of the toxin doesn’t do anything, so when the ricin gets split inside of a cell, the working side survives and begins running down the endoplasmic recticulum and punching out a specific critical sequence in the ribosome at a rate of 1500 ribosomes per minute per ricin toxin A molecule.
    There are a couple of other toxins that operate in a quite similar manner, because plants are vengeful creatures. ‘)

  24. unclefrogy says

    they are very focused on a long game to undo pretty much all progress since FDR and make USA an oligarchy.

    In a way the struggle for democracy has always been with us. It is an illusion to think of the “founding fathers” as all in favor of democracy they were faced with real concerns and were realists enough to understand that they could not stand alone against the Crown government nor the rest of the world. There have always been the would be oligarchs some were slavers some were not.

    “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” Franklin supposedly replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

  25. Walter Solomon says

    Jazzlet @18

    MSG is not bad for you, it is widely found in food eg tomatoes, cheese, bread, kombu (seaweed).

    Sugar is also widely found in food such as fruit and honey. That doesn’t mean HFCS and granulated sugar isn’t bad for you if eaten excessively. I doubt refined MSG removed from its natural source is healthy.

  26. says

    I’m sorry, but you must FORCE people to do the right thing and punish them when they refuse.

    The problem is that once somebody has the power to force people to do the “right thing”, they also have the power to force people to do whatever is convenient to the person with power. Guess which one the person with power usually picks.

    On top of that, people with power usually get there by being ruthless fucks, and anyone who doesn’t use their power in a selfish manner is quickly outed by someone else who does. So, how exactly are we supposed to get this done? How are we going to make sure that the person with power actually wants to do what’s right?

    I barely trust myself with power and I sure as hell don’t trust anyone else with it. If PZ becomes dictator of the world, I’ll strap a bomb to my chest and try to give him a hug.