Dawkins embarrasses himself again

Oh no, Richard Dawkins, stop. He’s asked in an interview what he thinks of doctors being arrested for gender affirming care, and his old eloquence is completely gone. He stutters, he stammers, he struggles to get an answer out, and he looks for an excuse to evade the question — for adults, he asks, or children. Like it makes a difference, like there’s an age that justifies suffering. He finally gets out…

I would have strong objections to doctors injecting minors, children, or performing surgery on them to change their sex

Note that this does not answer the question. Should doctors be jailed for providing gender-affirming care? I don’t care if someone has opinions and objects, the question is whether it is right for the state to arrest care-givers for giving care?

OK, so he doesn’t think children should be treated for this issue — not that they’re getting sex change operations anyway, they might at best be given therapy and reversible puberty blockers. What about adults?

If they’ve thought about it properly

As if trans people don’t even think long and hard about it, and as if he’s the right person to judge if they’ve properly thought about it. He goes on to say that it might be OK if if they struggle and suffer over it. You can be trans, according to Dawkins, if you’ve been made sufficiently miserable.

What we’re seeing now is a fashion, a craze, mimetic epidemic which is spreading like an epidemic of measles or something like that

Oh, just go ahead and spit out the words woke mind virus, it’s what you really want to say, boomer.

That doesn’t even make sense. Is measles a meme now? Is it really a good idea to compare a fashion to a serious, life threatening disease? Is the state of being trans a biological disease at all?

Dawkins really needs to learn that if he doesn’t have an informed opinion on a topic, he should refrain from answering…especially if he’s just going to regurgitate that anti-trans crap that is so popular over there on the other side of the Atlantic.


  1. raven says

    This is elder abuse.
    I can’t even pretend to care what Richard Dawkins thinks about anything much less something he knows nothing about.

    What we’re seeing now is a fashion, a craze, mimetic epidemic which is spreading like an epidemic of measles or something like that

    Well, at least this is a testable hypothesis.

    It’s been tested.
    He is wrong.
    This is just the old Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria lie due to Social Contagion and social media.

    ROGD doesn’t exist.

    ROGD has not been recognized by any major professional association as a valid mental health diagnosis, and use of the term has been discouraged by professional and academic institutions due to a lack of reputable scientific evidence, major methodological issues in existing research, and likelihood to cause harm by …

    Rapid-onset gender dysphoria controversy – Wikipedia

  2. jeanmeslier says

    Dawkins must be a big GOP fan then, I really have a hard time distinguishing this anti-LGBTQ ramblings from the far right’s hate spiral

  3. jeanmeslier says

    @raven #1
    even if he wasnt a TER(F) I do not find Dawkings appealing in any regard
    1) his arguments for atheism are everything but original, reading philosphers like David Hume , Jean Meslier, Nietzsche,.. is far more “enlightening. There have even been atheists in ancient Greece. And if you want to know aout atheism on modern platform there are plenty of other options, at least nowadays , who havent forgotten to release the parking brake
    2) his biological expertise is obviously also not one of a kind, even without his TER(F) nonsense , he would be one anmong many

  4. raven says

    People have actually done real research on the timing of gender identity in Trans people.
    As opposed to questionaires on anti-Trans websites populated by bigots.

    Rapid Onset Gender Disorder doesn’t exist.

    .1. Someone needs to teach Richard Dawkins how to use the search engine, Google.
    ..2. So why are Trans people appearing right now?
    It’s a lot of things but mostly for the same reason gay people started appearing a decade or two ago.
    They aren’t hiding in the closet any more!!!
    They’ve always been here, but when you can lose your job or your life by coming out,… few people come out.

    .3. It is the same with atheists, witches, and Pagans BTW.
    Why are there atheists and Pagans all of the sudden?
    Why was the USA 90% xian a few decades ago?

    Up until a few centuries ago, being an atheist, wiitch, or Pagan was a death penalty offense in a lot of places.
    Being an atheist still is a death penalty offense in 13 countries. I doubt there are many out atheists in Iran.

    Here is a recent article on gender identity timing and Trans people.

    New Study Undercuts The Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria Hypothesis
    March 20, 2023

    BOSTON, March 20, 2023—A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that a substantial proportion of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) adults realized that their gender identity is different from their sex assigned at birth during adolescence or later. It also found that TGD people typically waited many years before sharing this realization with another person. The study adds important new knowledge to clinical and popular understanding of the timing of TGD people’s awareness, understanding, and sharing of their gender identity. It also undercuts a core component of the “rapid onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD) hypothesis, which posits that TGD identities realized in adolescence are transient and will not continue into adulthood.

    “The ROGD hypothesis suggests that transgender and gender diverse identities that become clear after puberty don’t last beyond one’s adolescent years,” said lead study author Dr. Jack Turban, Director, Gender Psychiatry Program and Assistant Professor, Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. “With over 40 percent of transgender and gender diverse adults reporting that they first realized that their gender identity differed from their sex assigned at birth during adolescence, that theory clearly does not hold.”

    The study, titled “Age of Realization and Disclosure of Gender Identity Among Transgender Adults” divided 27,715 TGD adults in the United States into two groups based on how old they were when they realized that their gender identity was different from their sex assigned at birth. The first group (16,279 participants, or 59.2%, known as the “childhood realization” group) came to understand that they were TGD at age 10 or younger; the second group (11,218 or 40.8%, known as the “later realization” group) reported realization of their TGD identity at age 11 or above. Participants were also asked how old they were when they first shared their gender identity with another person. Overall, several years typically elapsed between realization of one’s gender identity and sharing this with another person.

    Other important findings from the study include the following:

    A larger proportion of participants in the later realization group were assigned female sex at birth (63.2% vs. 53.1%)
    A larger percentage of participants in the later realization group identified as nonbinary or genderqueer (49.1%) compared to those in the childhood realization group (25.2%)
    A smaller proportion of participants in the later realization group experienced K-12 harassment based on gender identity (13.1% vs. 26.9%), had a history of exposure to gender identity change efforts (13.1% vs. 26.9%), and received pubertal suppression (0.2% vs. 0.4%) or gender-affirming hormones (34.8% vs. 56.6%).
    Among the childhood realization group, the median time between realization of one’s gender identity and sharing it with another person was 14 years.

    “It is notable that study participants in the later realization group were also more likely to have been assigned a female sex at birth. This further undercuts the ROGD hypothesis, which asserts that people assigned female sex at birth who come to understand their trans identities after puberty will not continue to hold these identities in adulthood,” Turban added. “Additionally, the fact that participants in the childhood realization group took approximately 14 years to disclose their gender identity to another person refutes the notion inherent in the ROGD hypothesis that disclosure of a trans identity to parents coincides with when trans youth first come to understand their gender identities.”

    The ROGD hypothesis, first published in 2018, immediately gained influence in public policy debates with coverage by publications ranging from The Economist to Science. A correction was issued shortly after publication of the initial ROGD manuscript stating that “ROGD is not a formal mental health diagnosis at this time. This report did not collect data from the adolescents and young adults or clinicians and therefore does not validate the phenomenon.” Despite this, elements of the ROGD hypothesis continue to be prominently featured in influential mainstream media discourse, including the New York Times. The hypothesis is also used by numerous governmental agencies, lawmakers, and policy analysts to justify legislative and regulatory measures prohibiting adolescents from accessing gender-affirming medical care, despite opposition from all major medical organizations.

    “The damage that has been done to transgender and gender diverse youth and their families by new laws prohibiting them from accessing gender-affirming medical care as well as the toxic rhetoric promulgated by these legislative campaigns is incalculable,” said study senior author Dr. Alex S. Keuroghlian, who directs the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center at The Fenway Institute and the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Gender Identity Program. “It is vital that clinicians, health policy analysts, and journalists familiarize themselves with the facts about gender identity development.”

    “Age of Realization and Disclosure of Gender Identity Among Transgender Adults” is based on data from the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality, which surveyed over 27,000 transgender people in all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, U.S. territories abroad, and U.S. military bases on a multitude of questions about their lives. The paper is the latest in a series of secondary analyses of the groundbreaking 2015 survey. Prior papers include “Factors Leading to ‘Detransition’ Among Transgender and Gender Diverse People in the United States: A Mixed-Methods Analysis,” published in 2021 in LGBT Health, “Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes,” published in 2021 in JAMA Surgery, “Pubertal Suppression for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation,” published in 2020 in Pediatrics, and “Association Between Recalled Exposure to Gender Identity Conversion Efforts and Suicide Attempts,” published in 2020 in JAMA Psychiatry.

    “Age of Realization and Disclosure of Gender Identity Among Transgender Adults” was authored by the same researchers who wrote the 2022 study, “Sex Assigned At Birth Ratio Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents in the United States.” Published in Pediatrics, that study provided evidence undercutting the “social contagion” component of the ROGD hypothesis.

    “Age of Realization and Disclosure of Gender Identity Among Transgender Adults” is available here.


  5. raven says

    his arguments for atheism are everything but original,..

    But The God Delusion was well written and appeared at the right time.
    I give Dawkins some credit for speaking truth to power here, power being 2 billion xians, some of whom actually believe their mythology.

    In a sense, being an atheist is picking the low hanging fruit.

    “The gods don’t exist and heaven and hell don’t exist either.”
    These days that is obvious.
    The xians have had 2,000 years to come up with some evidence and they’ve come up with nothing.

  6. jeanmeslier says

    @raven #6
    if they cared about evidence, then they’d stop presupposing their god whenever they can

  7. moonslicer says

    @ raven #5

    “So why are Trans people appearing right now?
    It’s a lot of things but mostly for the same reason gay people started appearing a decade or two ago.
    They aren’t hiding in the closet any more!!!
    They’ve always been here, but when you can lose your job or your life by coming out,… few people come out.”

    I think it would be hard to overestimate the importance of the internet in the phenomenon of so many transpeople coming out.

    Back in my day, growing up in the 50s and 60s, you had virtually no access to (1) good solid information and (2) other transgender people. You were on your own. And it’s not obvious to you what’s going on inside you. OK, you’re supposed to be a boy and yet you have this inexplicable attraction to “girl things”. How do you explain that, and what is the significance of it? You have no easy way of finding answers to such questions. Especially since you have absolutely no one you can approach to give you any help.

    It was the internet that eventually got me out. When I learned that there were lots and lots of people in the world like me–I wasn’t some lone freak–it changed my outlook completely. And when I saw that there were so many people coming out and living their lives as themselves–that was something I never knew was possible. For a lot of years I’d kept so much bottled up inside me, and suddenly I learned that it didn’t necessarily have to be that way.

    Coming out in the 50s and 60s would have been well-nigh suicidal. These days the possibilities are greater, though there are still many obstacles in your path.

  8. says

    It makes you wonder if there should be a mandatory retirement age for those past their “best before” date. Or at least exclusion criteria such as a maximum number of lies, racist garbage, etc. coming out of their mouths.

    The ilk of Dawkins, Cleese, Maher, etc. have all shown they have nothing left to say. All they’re doing now is living off old glories and hoping to stay in the spotlight as their own light is fading.

  9. spinynorman8 says

    100% agree. The level of arrogance and hubris Dawkins exhibits when offering his idiotic opinions on topics he clearly knows little to nothing about is mind blowing. This is Michio Kaku level stupidity.

    You’d think someone so smart would recognize when they’re clearly suffering from Dunning-Kruger, but clearly not.

  10. says

    You’d think someone so smart would recognize when they’re clearly suffering from Dunning-Kruger, but clearly not.

    I sometimes think it’s the “smartest” people who are most prone to Dunning-Kruger when they venture into areas in which they are not experts, because they think they can pick up anything and they are very good at motivated reasoning.

  11. John Morales says

    In Australian news: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-13/qld-medical-insurer-drops-cover-private-doctors-gender-dysphoria/102592298

    One of Australia’s leading medical insurers has dumped cover for private practising doctors who initiate hormone treatment in adolescents with gender dysphoria, a decision that may put even more pressure on public hospital waiting lists.

    MDA National said it will also no longer insure private doctors, such as general practitioners, from legal claims arising from the assessment of patients under 18 as suitable for gender transition treatments, such as cross-sex hormones and gender affirmation surgeries.


    “Children are not able to transition without relying on the assessments of medical professionals,” MDA National said in a statement to the ABC.

    “This places doctors in a uniquely vulnerable position with respect to future litigation – particularly so, if courts take the view that the practitioner has influenced a child’s decision to medically or surgically transition and that there are limits to a child’s understanding and what they effectively consent to.

    “This has led to our view that medical practitioners who assess children as being suitable for transition and/or who initially prescribe cross-sex hormones are at a heightened risk of receiving claims, irrespective of the strength of the consent process and the standard of care or the model of healthcare.”

  12. says

    This is not a time to debate or take issue with Dawkins’ latest pronouncements. This is a time to solemnly say goodbye to him, and to acknowledge that advanced age and cognitive decline have taken their toll, and his best years are behind him.

  13. numerobis says

    advanced age and cognitive decline have taken their toll

    Some while ago I noted a dichotomy in that people raised atheist found Dawkins to be insufferable already decades ago. Our parents who were raised religious but became atheists, liked him until recently.

  14. robro says

    Dawkins is 82. I’m 75. I guess I’m young enough to blame his stupid narrow mindedness on his age, his age-related cognitive decline, or something. Sadly perhaps it says something about what I have to look forward to. I hope not. As of now, I don’t think I’m too prone to age-related ignorant bigotry even though I’m 75 and was raised in a climate of ignorant bigotry. It baffles me that a person with his cred, his standing should take such ridiculous stances. He apparently isn’t even smart of enough to know that he’s being interviewed by David Pakman, who could be counted on to ask thorny, complex questions, and should do some homework first. I can only marvel at his ineptitude.

  15. John Morales says

    I wonder if others watched a different clip.

    Dawkins seemed mentally competent enough to me, but trying hard to be as evasive and anodyne as possible while not repudiating his evident opinion.

    (And remember, if we make it there, we too shall be that age)

  16. John Morales says


    Seriously, Robro.
    “Dawkins is 82. I’m 75. I guess I’m young enough to blame his stupid narrow mindedness on his age, his age-related cognitive decline, or something.”

    I was born in 1960, so you are older than I am by a greater margin than Dawkins is older than you.

  17. nomenexrecto says

    #18: John Morales


    “Dawkins is 82. I’m 75. I guess I’m young enough to blame his stupid narrow mindedness on his age, his age-related cognitive decline, or something.”

    I was born in 1960, so you are older than I am by a greater margin than Dawkins is older than you.

    Errm, if you were born in 1960, you’re 63 now.
    Something needs to be corrected there…

  18. nomenexrecto says

    Sorry, can’t edit, so following up…
    Sorry, I misread. The point you seem to be making just doesn’t make sense to me, which may explain that…

  19. John Morales says

    nomenexrecto: “Something needs to be corrected there…”

    No, someone — that being you. Therefore:

    (82-75) < (75-62) was the ostensible point.
    Perhaps Robro got the insinuation, perhaps not.

    Note that since I was born in 1960 I am in my 63rd year but am only 62 years old until I hit my birthday in November.

  20. says

    “When Goldman and Kropotkin argued about sex” (YT link):

    …”All right, dear comrade, when I have reached your age, the sex question may no longer be of importance to me. But it is now, and it is a tremendous factor for thousands, millions even, of young people.” Peter stopped short, an amused smile lighting up his kindly face. “Fancy, I didn’t think of that,” he replied. “Perhaps you are right, after all.” He beamed affectionately upon me, with a humorous twinkle in his eye.

    (There’s too much ambiguity about the word “sex” in this anecdote, but I assume it was meant in an inclusive sense as it relates generally to patriarchal oppression and the possibilities of liberation.)

  21. says

    raven @ #5, thank you for that. Very interesting.

    Despite this, elements of the ROGD hypothesis continue to be prominently featured in influential mainstream media discourse, including the New York Times. The hypothesis is also used by…

    It’s not a hypothesis. It’s a crackpot notion used to foment a moral panic.

  22. says

    Wikipedia on Free Society/The Firebrand, the paper Goldman and Kropotkin are discussing:

    Free Society (1895–1897 as The Firebrand; 1897–1904 as Free Society) was a major anarchist newspaper in the United States at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries.[1] Most anarchist publications in the US were in Yiddish, German, or Russian, but Free Society was published in English, permitting the dissemination of anarchist thought to English-speaking populations in the US.[1]

    The newspaper was established as The Firebrand in 1895 in Portland, Oregon by the Isaak family, Abraham Isaak, Mary Isaak, and their children, along with some associates; the organization served as “the headquarters of anarchist activity on the [West] Coast”.[2] The paper was particularly known for its advocacy of free love and women’s rights, bringing an anarchist critique to bear on social and gender relations.[3]

    Deliberately defying the Comstock laws in an act of civil disobedience, The Firebrand published Walt Whitman’s “A Woman Waits for Me” in 1897; A. J. Pope, Abe Isaak, and Henry Addis were quickly arrested and charged with publishing obscene information for the Whitman poem and a letter “It Depends on the Women”, signed by A.E.K. The A.E.K. letter presented various hypotheticals of women refusing or assenting to sex with their husbands or lovers, and argued that true liberation required education of both sexes and particularly women.[3]

    After Isaak was released, the Isaak family moved the publication to San Francisco, California, and resumed publication under the name Free Society. However, while Free Society continued to discuss free love and advocate for equality of the sexes, it did not openly defy the Comstock laws again.[3]

    Notable contributors include[4] Kate Austin, Voltairine de Cleyre, Michael Cohn, Jay Fox, Emma Goldman,[5] Lizzie Holmes, William Holmes, C. L. James,[6] Harry Kelly, James Ferdinand Morton Jr., and Ross Winn.

  23. Robert Webster says

    Reminds me of my grandfather’s favorite political meme: I come before you to stand behind you and speak of something I know nothing about!

  24. jeanmeslier says

    @SC (Salty Current) #25
    But but it says “both sexes”. Checkmate wokeists! (casually ignoring its age)

  25. says

    Dawkins seemed mentally competent enough to me, but trying hard to be as evasive and anodyne as possible while not repudiating his evident opinion.

    If I wanted to be really charitable, I suppose one could interpret it as Dawkins starting (if only just barely) to come to grips with the likely consequences of his bigotry becoming public policy.

  26. Pierce R. Butler says

    … it’s what you really want to say, boomer.

    Dawkins, born in 1941, doesn’t fit in the “boomer” box: never has, never will. /nitpickery

  27. lotharloo says

    I have heard a saying “old age makes your worst qualities worse” or something like that and I think it’s true with respect to Dawkins. He was always a know-it-all who thought he could easily walk into new territories and drop pearls of wisdom. In some areas he was right, for example, it doesn’t really a genius to figure out that all the arguments for the existence of God are bullshit and so it worked for him there. But in all the other actual intellectual areas, it just has not. He immediately reveals that he is out of depth. He was basically the atheist equivalent of J. B. Peterson in that aspect.

  28. tacitus says

    Some while ago I noted a dichotomy in that people raised atheist found Dawkins to be insufferable already decades ago. Our parents who were raised religious but became atheists, liked him until recently.

    I was a Christian into my thirties before I became an atheist, and Dawkins’ supercilious manner has always rubbed me the wrong way. Is it strange that I didn’t have the same problem with Hitchens?

  29. Dunc says

    You’d think someone so smart would recognize when they’re clearly suffering from Dunning-Kruger, but clearly not.

    The whole point of the original D-K paper was that people afflicted by the problem it identified were unaware of it… The paper’s title was “Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments“.

    That inability to recognise that you’re suffering from it is the key factor which distinguises it from common-or-garden cluelessness.

  30. John Morales says


    But in all the other actual intellectual areas, it just has not. He immediately reveals that he is out of depth.

    “He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was Professor for Public Understanding of Science in the University of Oxford from 1995 to 2008.”

  31. rorschach says


    googling this reveals “minor stroke in 2016”, so I don’t think this is relevant now, and I see no obvious sequelae.
    Watching the interview, he tries to give answers to very vague and somewhat stupid questions, so I would want to cut him some slack for stammering a bit trying to see what on earth the interviewer is actually asking him.
    The answers he does give eventually are predictably wrong, and it is disappointing.

  32. Doc Bill says

    Age is a real thing and I certainly resemble my own remark! I found that in my volunteer work so long as I showed up and performed my role more or less adequately, the organization was quite happy to let me expire in the saddle, so to speak, rather than make the effort to recruit a younger generation. So, I retired. Hung up my spurs. Got me a rocking chair on the porch and an old hound dog.

    Whattya know, suddenly a new crop of volunteers came out of the corn field. My evil plan worked!

    I don’t regret stepping back. Like the song says, you got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em.

  33. robro says

    John Morales @ #31 — You seem to get my point but perhaps missed my tongue-in-cheek. I need to work on satire. Ageism appears to be a form of bigotry that some people are oblivious to and/or comfortable with, and find a handy way to chastise someone for saying something stupid in public.

    Doc Bill @ #39 — I’m facing something of the same problem, only if I retire now the organization I work for can’t replace me due to hiring constraints. So, a warm old body is better than no body at all.

  34. lotharloo says

    @John Morales

    He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was Professor for Public Understanding of Science in the University of Oxford from 1995 to 2008.

    Since 2008, the position was given to Marcus du Sautoy, a mathematician.

  35. UnknownEric the Apostate says

    Professor for Public Understanding of Science in the University of Oxford

    Professor for PUS? Shouldn’t that be given to some aging punk? Perhaps Johnny Rotten? ;)

  36. says

    @38: I kinda figure that said minor stroke basically demolished his filters. Or at the very least, let his mask slip so we can see him for the base metal he always was. I wouldn’t be surprised he’s always had that streak but he doesn’t try to cover it up since 2016.

  37. direlobo says

    Dawkins really needs to learn that if he doesn’t have an informed opinion on a topic, he should refrain from answering…

    The problem is he believes he has an informed opinion…

  38. says

    performing surgery on them to change their sex

    So is this Dawkins admitting that it’s actually completely possible to change sex and any past claims he made about “immutable biological sex” were a lie?