Creepy ghouls squared

When anti-abortion zealot Lauren Handy’s house was raided, they found five fetuses, and Handy made a promise.

Handy declined to speak on camera Wednesday, but told WUSA9 she expected the raid to happen “sooner or later.” She also declined to say what was in the coolers, saying only that “people would freak out when they heard.”

Well, the shoe has dropped. She claims they buried 110 fetuses.

“During the five days they were under my stewardship, the 115 victims of abortion violence were given funeral mass for upbaptized children and 110… were given a proper burial in a private cemetery,” said Handy, the director of activism at the group Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.

Handy claimed that on March 25, she and Terrisa Bukovinac, her group’s founder and executive director, had gone to Washington Surgi-Clinic to protest abortions. There, they said, they found a medical waste truck driver and asked him if they could take one of the boxes he was loading outside, arguing that they were filled with “dead babies” and promising to give them a “proper burial.”

The driver denies that story. Apparently, though, Handy’s group is in the business of stealing medical waste.

Ick. Just ick. You should feel disgust when contemplating Lauren Handy, the garbage person.


  1. cgm3 says

    Strangely, I am not freaked out by any of that. Somewhat bemused that she and her associates would do such things (and I wonder what efforts they’ve made to help needy mothers with actual post-birth children), but mind not blown at all.

  2. lotharloo says

    victims of abortion violence

    It took me a while to figure out this refers to fetuses and not any actual human being. These clowns are living in an alternate reality.

  3. call me mark says

    Lauren Handy

    It can’t just be me that keeps misreading that as “Laurel Hardy”?

  4. says

    Yesterday Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted a call for a “full medical examination and police investigation into how these babies died.” She said they were found in a condition “consistent with a partial birth abortion or infanticide.”
    Since she obviously considers them to be dead babies, I replied that the first suspect is usually the one caught with the dead bodies in their apartment. No response yet.
    Her other big tweet yesterday proclaims that “either you are pro-pedophile and pro-transgender biological men or you defend children and women. Period. There is no other option.”
    I thought maybe I’d follow her on Twitter so y’all don’t have to, but I’m not sure I can do that for long. As a caring father and generally decent person with no criminal history, I can only handle so many accusations of being “pro-pedophile” from this…this harpy.

  5. raven says

    “During the five days they were under my stewardship, the 115 victims of abortion violence were given funeral mass for upbaptized children and 110… were given a proper burial in a private cemetery,”…

    I don’t believe this.
    Forced birthers always, always lie.

    Where is the proof for this claim?
    It it had happened, there would be videos of those 110 funerals and they would have been uploaded to Youtube.
    Where are those graves? Which private cemetery?
    Why were only 110 fake funerals held? Were they going to send the other 5 fetuses to Kindergarten?

    Her story doesn’t hold together for 5 seconds.

  6. raven says

    She said they were found in a condition “consistent with a partial birth abortion or infanticide.”

    She doesn’t know that.
    They were not.
    They have already been examined by competent authorities who found nothing wrong with them except they were stolen from a medical center.

    As I just said, forced birthers always, always lie.

  7. robro says

    …given funeral mass for unbaptized children

    Does “given funeral mass” suggest a priest was involved or did she preform the mass?

  8. raven says

    Does “given funeral mass” suggest a priest was involved or did she preform the mass?

    I looked it up.
    Apparently anyone, or probably any Catholic, can perform a funeral mass.

    A priest or layman will lead the vigil service and offer prayers or readings from scripture. During the wake, one or multiple eulogies may be read.Jan 19, 2022

    Catholic Funeral Service: Mass, Traditions & What to Expect

    That should be layperson not layman but whatever.

    It is all make believe and let’s pretend anyway.

  9. birgerjohansson says

    If you want to know how many late term abortions that are done in reality outside the lies of the anti bubble, you can see it at the web site for wossname CDC or the department of health, I don’t recall which one.

    Every one of those few late term abortions is the result of a tragedy where a fetus has some non-survivable condition that was not picked up by initial ultrasound checks. Or there is some condition that could kill the mother.

  10. birgerjohansson says

    Serves them right if they stumble over surviving tissue from “Species”.

  11. microraptor says

    feralboy12 @4: It’s interesting how quick Republicans are to accuse people of being pedophiles. Especially right now, when Tennessee Republicans are trying to pass a law that would eliminate age limits as well as removing bans on forced or coerced marriages and consequently make it legal for a sixty year old man to marry a nine year old girl.

  12. moarscienceplz says

    Her other big tweet yesterday proclaims that “either you are pro-pedophile and pro-transgender biological men or you defend children and women. Period. There is no other option.”
    Interesting. So, those slime molds in various state legislatures who are advocating the death penalty for women who choose to have an abortion, umm, which option are they choosing?

  13. brightmoon says

    Yuck , why would she want dead bodies in her house. Ive got a dead mouse in the wall somewhere and that smell is horrible. And don’t even think of putting that in the fridge🤮

  14. whywhywhy says

    A mass implies that communion is part of the ceremony and thus if she had 110 funeral masses that would require a priest. Otherwise it is a service not a mass in which case a layperson can perform the ceremony.

  15. brightmoon says

    And cgm3 is absolutely correct (#1) . Instead of wasting time, energy and money doing this nonsense, she could be helping a mother with a real child

  16. wzrd1 says

    If the “remains” she speaks of actually existed beyond her lies and feeble excuse for a mind, their burial would likely involve either a toilet or landfill, as burial requires a permit and record of whose remains are buried where.

    MTG is full of shit, which is beyond well documented. She speaks of facts that she procures from her rectum. Investigators are tight lipped over what was found, as it’s part of a criminal investigation and such leaks would endanger, if not kill any criminal prosecution.

    What I love is how the bible thumpers proclaim that the bible is anti-abortion and pro-life, ignoring the mass murders committed by deity or “the chosen” and absolutely no mention of abortion, which was documented to occur even then. They’ll also proclaim that homosexuality is evil, but eat pork and shellfish with abandon, while wearing cotton-polyester mixed threat clothing – all equally prohibited in the very same book of their bible.
    Less than 1% even knowing why the dietary prohibition was revoked by Peter’s fever dream… But oddly binding precisely where they want it to to make the greatest ruckus. Oh well, welcome to buffet religionism. Pick and choose what you want and proclaim it holy. With extra credit for making claims that a book says things not within it (dealt with one yesterday that claimed Jesus was uncircumcised, but the texts quoted oddly silent on anything penis related at all).

  17. woozy says

    With extra credit for making claims that a book says things not within it (dealt with one yesterday that claimed Jesus was uncircumcised, but the texts quoted oddly silent on anything penis related at all).


    But Jesus’ circumcision is mentioned explicitly in Luke and is a subject of much art work and his foreskin has been the subject holy relic hunts.

  18. whheydt says

    Re: wzrd1 @ #17…
    Or the other uproar in the news at the moment… The football coach from Bremerton, WA that was fired because he insisted on praying in the middle of the field after every game. None of them seemed to be fazed in the slightest over the injunction to pray in private and not be like those that pray in public.

  19. PaulBC says

    woozy@18 Also, it’s a holy day in many Christian religions. This reminds me of a campus preacher I remember in the 80s who insisted that Jesus only drank grape juice, not wine.

  20. wzrd1 says

    @woozy, that idiot went on and on about Galations 8 regaling the world about an uncircumcised Jesus.
    Total whack job, as that chapter of the epistle discussed the Word vs law.
    As near as I could tell before I blocked the idiot, he was using the Bible According to Bob or something. Dude passed weird on the left and accelerated hard.
    Seriously, I hate it when people try to take my job! At least when I go into warp weird, it’s for humor. ;)