I note that most Minnesota snowplow voters do not show the loyalty to Minnesota indicated by the UMM Prof from PA, UT, Or, and WA. No names won that explicitly reference MN that I can see.
On Golden Girls, Rose was from Minnesota. Boom!
@4 @5 Betty White was also a regular on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, which was set in Minneapolis.
@4: “The Big LePlowski” – the Coen brothers are from St. Louis Park, Minnesota.
Also “The Blizzard of Oz” – Judy Garland was from Grand Rapids.
Captain Kendricksays
No “Plowee McPlowface”? :(
I do like “Ctrl-Salt-Delete” though….
Am I the only person who remembers when local TV newscasters insisted on calling snow “white stuff”? Did no one suggest “Betty Whitestuff”? Don’t misunderstand, “white stuff” was an abomination. I’ve worked for papers where we offered a prize for the first reader to report the use of “white stuff.” The winner always won on the first day the weathercaster so much as mentioned the possibility. Then we killed them.
Someday there will be a contest to name the first video-rendered AI assistant, and one of the choices will inevitably be “Facey McFaceface” and I don’t think civilization will survive that.
Nasty little troll you’ve picked up there. Sounds like it’s typing one handed.
call me marksays
Oh the five-year-old is back.
What I don’t understand is “peter1” must spend hours and hours in its pointless masturbation over this blog and its commenters, and when PZ gets round to it it will take him but a few minutes to remove them all and ol’ petey will get blocked. Again.
That level of obsession ain’t healthy petey. Get help.
John Moralessays
Being a regular at Pharyngula is like voluntarily entering a psychiatric ward and enjoying the experience.
Says the troll that has already made umpteen IDs so as to get a session of posting in Pharyngula before the hammer comes down.
(Irony is not dead)
Samuel Vimessays
@John Morales
You said a mouthful. Granted, I’m not the most active regular, but that sad little fellow makes more posts here in a day than I do in a month.
Those are cute!
Betty Whiteout,I was going to suggest that.
In less fun snowplow news, “NJ Plow Driver Fired After Allegedly Blasting 2 Orthodox Jewish Men With Snow and Ice.”
I note that most Minnesota snowplow voters do not show the loyalty to Minnesota indicated by the UMM Prof from PA, UT, Or, and WA. No names won that explicitly reference MN that I can see.
On Golden Girls, Rose was from Minnesota. Boom!
@4 @5 Betty White was also a regular on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, which was set in Minneapolis.
Great names!
@4: “The Big LePlowski” – the Coen brothers are from St. Louis Park, Minnesota.
Also “The Blizzard of Oz” – Judy Garland was from Grand Rapids.
No “Plowee McPlowface”? :(
I do like “Ctrl-Salt-Delete” though….
Am I the only person who remembers when local TV newscasters insisted on calling snow “white stuff”? Did no one suggest “Betty Whitestuff”? Don’t misunderstand, “white stuff” was an abomination. I’ve worked for papers where we offered a prize for the first reader to report the use of “white stuff.” The winner always won on the first day the weathercaster so much as mentioned the possibility. Then we killed them.
Loving the music references.
@#10, littlejohn:
Sounds more like a euphemism for cocaine.
It already won first place last year, so is no longer available for use.
They could however have gone for the full set: Icy McIceface, Snowy McSnowface, Salty McSaltface…
I’m sure there won’t be any distracted drivers trying to read the name of the plow during a blizzard.
@#13, xohjoh2n:
Someday there will be a contest to name the first video-rendered AI assistant, and one of the choices will inevitably be “Facey McFaceface” and I don’t think civilization will survive that.
Nasty little troll you’ve picked up there. Sounds like it’s typing one handed.
Oh the five-year-old is back.
What I don’t understand is “peter1” must spend hours and hours in its pointless masturbation over this blog and its commenters, and when PZ gets round to it it will take him but a few minutes to remove them all and ol’ petey will get blocked. Again.
That level of obsession ain’t healthy petey. Get help.
Says the troll that has already made umpteen IDs so as to get a session of posting in Pharyngula before the hammer comes down.
(Irony is not dead)
@John Morales
You said a mouthful. Granted, I’m not the most active regular, but that sad little fellow makes more posts here in a day than I do in a month.