Nice. “Milestones” fly by a bit quickly but hey, squeezing four billion years into a few minutes, you gotta expect that. The meditative music melts me.
I like the fact that most of the video focused on the ancient world ocean instead of the land. That’s where all the action was for most of Earth’s history.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
Fascinating. Need to rewatch few times to fully comprehend.
Terribly inaccurate. I looked in vain for the dates of momentous events such as the arrival of the Mi-Go, the Elder Things, and the Great Race of Yith.
“Reduced to a smear of carbon” PZ? Speak for yourself. I intend to be reduced to a diamond.
Ray Ceeya @ 2
The Earth might as well have chosen the way of the Solaris ocean, becoming sapient while skipping the annoying “individual organisms” phase.
I slowed down the playback speed to 0.25. Takes a while, but at least you can read almost everything. I liked watching the rise and fall of the percentages of gases and temps. No oxygen until ≈3012 Ma. 20°C.
Stuart Smithsays
Yeah, but talking carbon! That’s the special kind!
Insects scurrying by at least 400 Ma…then first arachnids by about 380 Ma…flying insects emerge by around 350 Ma with beetles showing around 318 Ma…then the sophisticate ‘true spiders’ at around 290 Ma equipped with spinnarets to snare ’em.
A tidy sequence.
…of evolutionary adaptation, natch.
Speak for yourself!
I’ll be ablated from the surface by red giant Sol, my carbon spread into interstellar space, to pollute virgin new worlds. ;)
Turning the screen brightness all the way up, putting on granny glasses, and having a quick finger on the space bar, I managed to get it all in a bit less than 40 minutes.
Nice. “Milestones” fly by a bit quickly but hey, squeezing four billion years into a few minutes, you gotta expect that. The meditative music melts me.
I like the fact that most of the video focused on the ancient world ocean instead of the land. That’s where all the action was for most of Earth’s history.
Fascinating. Need to rewatch few times to fully comprehend.
Terribly inaccurate. I looked in vain for the dates of momentous events such as the arrival of the Mi-Go, the Elder Things, and the Great Race of Yith.
“Reduced to a smear of carbon” PZ? Speak for yourself. I intend to be reduced to a diamond.
Ray Ceeya @ 2
The Earth might as well have chosen the way of the Solaris ocean, becoming sapient while skipping the annoying “individual organisms” phase.
I slowed down the playback speed to 0.25. Takes a while, but at least you can read almost everything. I liked watching the rise and fall of the percentages of gases and temps. No oxygen until ≈3012 Ma. 20°C.
Yeah, but talking carbon! That’s the special kind!
Insects scurrying by at least 400 Ma…then first arachnids by about 380 Ma…flying insects emerge by around 350 Ma with beetles showing around 318 Ma…then the sophisticate ‘true spiders’ at around 290 Ma equipped with spinnarets to snare ’em.
A tidy sequence.
…of evolutionary adaptation, natch.
Speak for yourself!
I’ll be ablated from the surface by red giant Sol, my carbon spread into interstellar space, to pollute virgin new worlds. ;)
That reminds me of this song.
Turning the screen brightness all the way up, putting on granny glasses, and having a quick finger on the space bar, I managed to get it all in a bit less than 40 minutes.