Uh-oh. I’m going to be glued to my chair all day #arachnids20

The American Arachnology Society Virtual Summer Symposium has been delivered in digestible lumps all through the weekend — two hours here, two hours there — but the marathon begins today, with 15 minute talks beginning at 9am and continuing throughout the day until 7pm. Now there’s the traditional conference structure! Maybe only 10-20% of the talks are relevant to my interests, but I’m just going to put them all up on my second monitor and keep the information trickling my way, perking up when the right magic words are uttered.

It’s not as if I’m going to be going out and about today anyway. A thunderstorm rolled right over my house early this morning, and more are forecast continuing through the early afternoon. Also, hot. Too hot.


  1. blf says

    Glued to the seat?
    Either the spiders aren’t cooperating and didn’t spin enough silk, or the idea is to hold still so they can spin enough silk… either way, there’s very nearsided spiders in the house, to whom poopyhead looks like a giant tasty fly (albeit with attached chair).

  2. unclefrogy says

    have a fun day!
    having lived almost my entire life up to now in southern california I do not associate
    rain and thunderstorms and hot days.
    though I did experience rain during a heat wave in Boston once, it was memorable and disconcertingly weird and uncomfortable
    uncle frogy