A reader sent this in — I’m envious. I’ve been eyeing various likely sites for webs, haven’t seen any of the orb webs yet. I’m in the land of cobwebs and jumping spiders right now, and haven’t had much of an opportunity to get out and explore yet.
Soon, though. I’ll be fetching my wife in about two weeks, and then it’s a summer of visiting lonely empty places with lots of spiders. Romantic!
We have some big ones here in Australia, nice to look at but not so good when you walk into one in the dark
@1 If i did that on Monday ,i would still be screaming on Friday .
PZ, it’s good to know that you will get Mary back home soon, before the next big wave of Covid 19 hits us again.
I’m afraid that the yahoos in Texas and other red states are going to party for Cinco de Mayo tonight, and in a couple of weeks, we’re going to see some spikes in the number of cases of the illness.
I think that you will be much happier to not be alone.