Isn’t that what every politician wants? Maybe not if you’re a coal executive convicted for conspiracy to violate mandatory federal mine safety and health standards, conspiracy to impede federal mine safety officials, making false statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission, and securities fraud, or if you are a mannequin of a man carved out of marshmallows with a monotone.
What in the world did I just watch
— Liam Donovan (@LPDonovan) May 3, 2018
He’s running for the senate representing West Virginia, against Manchin (a conservative Democrat who is no prize himself), and for some reason he thinks his opponent is Mitch McConnell, the senator from Kentucky, who he’d have to work with if his charisma did somehow get him elected.
I’m sorry, West Virginia. Your politicians all suck.
I wouldn’t go out of my way to dis Manchin. He managed to get elected to the Senate as a Democrat from West Virginia. It is extremely important that he win reelection.
Wow, who would vote for this guy? Where to start? I can’t believe he said “China people”. Try moving your face dude.
I am certainly no fan of Mitch McConnell. But “Cocaine Mitch”?
Cocaine Mitch versus Propofol Don
McConnell’s father in law owns a shipping company, and coke was discovered on one of his freighters. No indication that company had anything to do with it. That’s it. Also his wife is Chinese which why Blankenship is doing the racist thing.
He’s that lacking in affect or just heavily tranquilized?
He is almost as scary as Doug Ford, though without the crazed look.
Blankenshit [sic] is truly evil (in all sense of use of “truly”) His commercial tries to spin the truth into a lie and doubling the lie to sell himself as the guy who could “fixit”.
WV really needs to be weened off coal, being the toxic drug, and shift over to solar panel production and forming installations of solar to supply their energy.
I know, easier said than done. Only, saying it over and over, may get some in authority to consider the move as a way to excel in the changing energy supply economy, which would benefit the entire population of WV.
I know I’m talking into the ether, I only need to write it down and get it out of my frustration.
Thank you for reading.
Right now he’s running for the gop nomination, so it makes some sense that he’d make this about McConnell (who’s run ads against him). But notice the not-so-subtle racism in his mention of
and McConnell’s . McConnell’s wife is Elaine Chao, current Secretary of Transportation, who was born in Taiwan.(1) West Virginia Coal Baron Won’t Stop Saying : in His Senate Ad
(2) This kook has a distinct problem with the truth. For instance, other ads, The GOP Candidate Testing the Limits of Trumpism:
But is he pointing a shotgun at a kid supposedly wanting to date one of his daughters? justice dems progressive candidate against joe Manchin. We don’t have to settle for conservative corporate hacks.
Why do those children look like that?
Where did they come from?
What is he going to do with them?
Why is the one on the right wriggling?
Yeah that Brian Kemp one. It’s like there are all these old, white guys who are terrified that someone is coming to take their Wimen.
Cervantes @1 — West Virginia was a reliably Democratic state until quite recently, so I’m not sure Manchin deserves all that many pats on the back. Plus, given his voting (or lack thereof, sometimes), he all but begs to be branded a DINO.
How are you “pro life” when you’re responsible for 29 deaths, and an NRA member?
@ 12 chigau
Why do those children look like that?
Children’s dose of the same drug as the zombie is on?
Why is the one on the right wriggling?
Would you not be trying to escape? He is lucky it was not a cat.
Mhiggo — It was a Dixiecrat state. Robert Byrd was a KKK member. True, he repudiated it but that still tells you what it once meant to be a Democrat in WV. Jennings Randolph was more conservative than Manchin, other than being pro-union. This is the basic problem in Appalachia and the South — what it means to be a Democrat in those states today is completely different from what it meant when they were reliably Democratic.
From what I can tell, this guy is trying to salvage his reputation by concocting a conspiracy theory that appeals to partisan bias. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were quite a few people who believe everything this guy says just because he’s using Obama and Manchin as scapegoats for his own actions.
“Pro-life candidate” and “NRA Life Member”! Signs here of outstanding ethical agility.