David Attenborough is going to need a replacement someday (no hurry!), and I think I’ve found him: it’s Aiden the Zoologist.
He seems to know what he’s talking about, and he’s certainly enthusiastic. All we need to do now is get him through college.
Dang it, you made me do it. I usually only donate to Doctors Without Borders. >:-(
Who knows, this might be the next Asimov, de Grasse Tyson or Attenborough. I’ll spring something his way.
I’d have contributed, but I won’t give my card details easily. If they had PayPal, they might get more.
By the way, FTB is getting so cranky as to be unusable.
Donated. That’s our best hope for the future, right there.
How nice of you to show up just to be a crank. I’ve donated many a time on gofundme, it’s perfectly safe.
I will confirm this statement.
Thank you for bringing this young man to my attention. He’s delightful and I wish him the very best. I also donated to his college fund and also shared his video with friends. :-)