And here we have the perfect apotheosis of the Trump voter, a small resentful man finding satisfaction by berating a Muslim family and thinking himself bigger because of his religion and his president.
In the viral video, Downing is seen with a clear plastic cup while shouting
Donald Trump is my president!andYou can try to act like you’re innocent. You can try to fuck with me, but guess what? You will never, ever, ever stop me. My Christianity will rise above your Sharia law. Your Sharia law … don’t mean shit to me!
And here is the next stage in the development of the Trump voter: crying in jail.
You know, since Jeff Sessions wants to keep those for-profit prisons full, maybe he should start jailing more Republicans.
And the video itself: the guy who starts beating his chest and grapping his crotch like a fucking male silverback in heat…
We’re supposed to elieve that THIS is the epitome of western civilization?
Sadly, a discussion I read elsewhere suggested that he is in jail for a relatively trivial charge of public drunkenness, rather than anything serious enough that he might learn a lesson.
and we’re the “snowflakes”??? boo hoo, tuff guy. they arrested you for being so assertive of your trump given rights! where’s the justice? oh poor man. so oppressed by “liberals”. weep your way in jail, mofo.
Thank you Drumph for all the blussings you yielded to us.
[typos deliberate]
Trump is “his” president? I’m pretty sure Trump wouldn’t give him the time of day.
Now, that’s an atavistic cancer!
That video is really going to help US tourism.
Hair furor might have learned how to push the button — he can’t read the label, of course — on his compromised dumbphone that speaks the time. In Russian.
@2, Holms
From PZ’s link:
jrkrideau wrote:
With all the news of late, this is just the latest reason not to visit the States in a long line of reasons. If the uptick in overt xenophobia, racism and nationalism weren’t already enough to convince you, there’s the pointless new restrictions and rules like no laptops in the cabin of a plane for passengers from Europe, and that you must unlock any device for inspectors when asked so they can snoop in your stuff.
Trump is gonna protect those coal jobs, but fuck those tourism jobs.
ck, the Irate Lump — “Trump is gonna protect those coal jobs…” I assume you’re being facetious, but no he’s not. No coal industry revitalization, no coal jobs. Robert Murray, the CEO of one of the biggest US coal companies and a Trump support, told him to “temper his expectations.”
I didn’t hear any bigotry. I just heard economic grievances. He’s clearly tired of establishment politicians who keep on doing Wall Street’s bidding.
I hope they do.
Yes, he should be facing more than PI charges. That was some awful harassment and I feel badly for the family that had to endure it. It’s also sad that they were upset to the point that they hurled back at him homophobic slurs. :/ And the other white guy did a piss poor job of corralling his fellow, at one point simply flexing his bicep for the camera.
Thread won.