I didn’t make it to the midnight showing last night, so don’t worry, no spoilers here. I did run across this poster though, which for some reason speaks to me.
Never mind the goofy movie, sign me up to rebel against tyranny.
I’ll probably get to the movie tonight, though, and I’ll probably be disappointed, because the whole damn universe has been disappointing lately.
“Pull my finger”
OK, I’m going to throw my favorite monkey wrench in the works here as it comes to Star Wars.
This is JUST a Thought experiment so don’t come by my house with your Light Saber and get all Sith on me. But, I want you to consider that the Jedi are actually the BAD guys in the star was universe and that the movies are actually Jedi propaganda made after a successful coup d’etat by religious fanatics.
Sorry, what movie are we even talking about here?
Is there a new SW flick out, or is this a parody, or what?
#2, so maybe Star Wars is a prequel to The Handmaid’s Tale.
…All the fans I talked to who went to the midnight screening (noted sample bias) were happy with what they saw. Without giving spoilers (you Grinch, you!) they said it was a happy, high budget release in a beloved universe, flaws and all.
South Park actually satirized it right: to say the 70’s and 80’s (versions) were without flaws is to fall into the same emotional trap that led us to the current Trempire we currently rebel against.
SF author David Brin puts Star Wars on Trial.
Some of his points against it:
More links at his website: http://www.davidbrin.com/starwars1.html
” the movies are actually Jedi propaganda”
The Bible is proaganda by El against Lucifer, the real creator.
— — —
Moar disappointing /enraging news, from the Daily Mash:
“Prime Minister May orders large consignment of Dalmatians”
“A&E waiting times would improve if you weren’t such idiots”, say experts
“Actually Europe will pay £50 billion to us, says Brexiter”
(the last line might actually be the kind of thing a real Brxiter might say)
@3, multitool
It’s called Rogue One. Yes, a new Star Wars movie. Checking on Wikipedia, there’s one new Star Wars movie scheduled to come out every single year until after 2020. And by then you know might have more planned.
erichoug @2:
That’s hardly a new take on Star Wars. People have been making that observation since Phantom Menace was released. The Jedi forcable took children from their families, forbid normal human relationships, tacitly condoned slavery, were quite willing to use their powers for personal gain…
MicroRaptor @#8 Oh, yeah, we had a neighbor that used to say that the stormtroopers were obviously the good guys because they wore white and that was back in the 70’s when the first one came out.
The reason that I love this idea is because, if I think about it and watch the movies, I notice all sorts of weird, weird shit. Like how the Jedi are clearly a religion but they never explicitly spell out their beliefs, a tactic that many cults use in recruitment, or the items you mentioned. or the fact that when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan find a planet with rampant criminality and slavery Tattooine, they never bother bringing it up with the Jedi council and never even mention it. Seriously, if there was an Island right off the US coast that was run by gangsters and just loaded with smuggling, and human traffickers do you not think that an FBI agent after visiting might not want to bring it up with their superiors? In fact, the Jedi seem strangely OK with illegality and slavery.
Umm… There was. It was called “pre-revolutionary Cuba”.
It goes further than that, erichoug. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon recruit a kid from that planet and leave his mother in slavery. Not once does anyone give a thought to the fact that this might constitute a security hazard. What would have happened if Jabba had learned that a rising star in the Jedi Order had a mother who was a slave on his turf and decided to purchase her in order to try blackmailing said Jedi?
re @10
Does Cayman Island, qualify? Where all the tax frauds shelter their ill gotten gains.
IDK just throwin it out there.
Re’ erichoug (#2):
My favourite corner of the Star Wars universe, the ancient Tie Fighter PC game, tells the story rather differently, too: The Imperial Navy is actually quite competent and has some decent strategists. Things only go horribly, horribly wrong when Professional Politician Palpatine and Ace Pilot (Not Admiral) Vader try to call the shots. Hoth? Probably a million billion unecessary casualties because Vader decides to go for a walk in an already-abandoned base in the middle of a battle. Stupid VIPs always mess everything up, don’t they? The less said about Endor, the better. The entire Navy (by the looks of it) is bested by a few refitted antiquities because the Emperor says what goes. It was probably a relief for the Admiralty to watch the Death Star go. Finally back in command, even if the mess is already made and pretty much unsalvageable.
And in between Hoth and Endor the Navy is mostly running around doing what any imperial force should do: Insert itself in other peoples’ business and maintain the balance of power (i.e. hugely tilted in their favour). What it boils down to is meddling in civil wars (by stopping it and annexing both parties, yay!), building new weapons and dealing with the occasional uprising or traitor.