I get to spend a day in New York City on Monday. Where should I go for a nice classy New York dinner?
The Trump Tower Grill, maybe?The reviews aren’t exactly stellar.
I reflexively want to be generous in my assessment of what the post-election Trump Grill says about the Trump presidency. Perhaps it’s a sign that Trump is in over his head, and a shallow, mediocre man who runs a shallow, mediocre business empire (and restaurant) would sink and implode, crushing the expectations of millions of his hopeful supporters. But watching Trump parade his enemies through the nearby lobby, taunting them with prestigious appointments only to cruelly humiliate them, I had to look over at the human cattle herd at the Trump Grill, overwhelming a well-meaning staff with their dreams of a meal fit for a president, and wonder if he cared about any of them, either.
Nah. I can probably find a food truck run by immigrants that will get the job done.
Oh, no, I had a horrible thought flit through my head: does this mean Guy Fieri will be the next president of the US?
If I may offer a suggestion, Seven Turkish Grill on West 72nd Street has the pluses of having delicious Mediterranean food, relatively healthy, and a quick walk to the American Museum of Natural History.
Taco Truck. They must be lining up in front of Dump Tower [™ GoogleMaps]
first to stick it to Trump, second due to the Vanity Fair review of Trump Grill.
This is such a great line from the review:
Ouch. That fragile ego is so easy to damage.
I assume everyone has seen the fabulous Trump Grill martini by now…
Yelp has closed their page for clean up.
Ah, yes, the latest in very important things for a president-elect to be spending valuable time spewing about…negative reviews of his restaurant. “Trump attacks Vanity Fair editor, again” the headlines announce. How silly can it get? Who knows, but I’m pretty sure he and his crew appreciate the value of a little comic relief as the tragedy they are creating unfolds.
And then there’s his Victory Lap…geez. Last night I saw a snippet from the Daily Show where Trevor Noah shows clips of what the Dumpster has said to supporters on his latest reality TeeVee show: Me Won. Assuming those clips of his speeches are real, he’s throwing it in their faces that he was BSing them.
#5 Saad:
More evidence that one can simply buy one’s way out of bad Yelp reviews. I wonder if Trump paid full price for the bribe or simply offered 70% and the option of suing him for the rest?
No, Guy Fieri will be the Supreme Court; the Insane Clown Posse will be the next Presidents (with an s). Of course I doubt anyone here will get the asinine reference but it was too good to pass up…
wait till Trump mandates that all school lunches be contracted by Trump Grill. Then we may finally find the culinary pit of American cuisine
re @8:
[running my imagination up to 11]:
Guy Fieri –> Secretary of the FDA!! tastey, yum yum
//// ?
A new version of ketchup is a vegetable (or the UK’s similar “turkey twizzlers”)…
Here in France, the fortunately relatively few Le Penazis (and some other facist nutters) with any sort of control over school meals have been eliminating pork-free alternatives (specifically halāl or kosher meals are apparently rare in the public schools system), forcing the affected students to either not eat at all or eat only part of the meal (read: go hungry), eat the “forbidden food”, or (I presume) other actions. Pork or nothing: how school dinners are dividing France (Oct-2015):
As summarised in the above excerpt, a common excuse being used is “French culture” or “French eat pork” which somehow therefore means it is required to eat pork. A codeword stolen by the facists for this nonsense is “secularism”:
I can give you some nice student locations.
I think you’d like Cafe Gitane 242 Mott St, it’s French Moroccan light lunch fare and cocktails.
The best cheapest sushi I’ve ever had is at Ogawa Cafe 36 E 4th St between Lafayette and Bowery. It’s staffed by an old couple who only sell sushi and 16-24oz beer, which is a combination you can’t beat. It’s a small place off the beaten path with only four tables or so. I think they close early, around 2 AM. Get the spicy girl.
If you would really prefer the immigrant cart, the Dosa cart along 4th in Wash Sq. won a city-wide radio contest where callers voted. He’s usually got a line and leaves at 4 pm.
I like Xi’an Famous Foods, they have a few locations. Cold noodles, dumplings, and lots of lamb.
For a tongue in cheek dessert, Rice to Riches in the bowery. Baskin Robbins style rice pudding selections with punny names like Sex, Drugs, and Rocky Road, Oreo-gasm, or the Secret Life of Pumpkin. Its former owners were indicted for running a multi-million dollar gambling ring. You can’t really get a more NY place that that.
Or you could just do what I do and go through Peculier Pub’s 350 beer selections one at a time while inhaling fries. They make a pretty good burger too, but go early before the jukebox gets turned on. I swear someday I’m just going to pour a chili down the back of it.
I doubt that will result in salsa, mariachi, c&w, or whatever music genre you’re trying for (excepting perhaps gurgle and spark), but I suppose it’s worth a try…
blf, how are peanut and other food allergies dealt with in French schools? In North America peanut allergies in children have been an issue for years in places like schools. These right wing mayors interfering with any accommodations for children with food allergies wouldn’t surprise me.
timgueguen@13, Interesting question! Sorry, I haven’t a clew. A speculative guess is a child with a food allergy has something akin to a prescription for safe food (France’s health care system is quite good) and the matter is not one the facists can interfere with.
Also, some admittedly quick searching suggests peanut allergies (I don’t look for any others) is much less common in Europe / France than N.America; possibly by as much as an order-of-magnitude. If correct, that would suggest the problem is not widely known, suggesting the facists are unlikely to know there is something else they can feck up.
Johnny Nicholson died this summer, at age 99. If you never had a chance to visit Café Nicholson, it was home to The New Bohemians, and one of Manhattan’s best-kept secrets. There was only one option on the menu every night, whatever Edna Lewis was preparing. Johnny and his partner, the photographer Karl Bissinger, would charm the guests like Tennessee Williams and Kurt Vonnegut and Gore Vidal. It was decorated Cuban fin de siècle, with an emphasis on homoerotic sculptures. As I read the review, I thought of Café Nicholson repeatedly, and how little Trump understands about good taste and culture.
Well, if you want to stick it to the blustery orange one, next time you go to NYC, try hopping on the PATH to Jersey City, home of a sizable Pakistani population that he accused of celebrating 9/11 and a monument to the Katyn massacre his bestest buddy tried to have taken down. I recommend Sapthagiri, a great South Indian place in the India Square neighborhood.
I don’t know about Jersey City, but there were street demonstrations in support of Al Qaeda in a part of Patterson, NJ following the attack. I had family there at the time; it is not a fiction made up by conservatives.
I’m sure you can count on Fieri “to become” the next president… haha, Latin joke… haha ha ha…
…I really am a very sad individual indeed.
Citation that hasn’t been refuted multiple times is required. Why did you think a vague hearsay allegation is anything to be seriously considered?
Xi’an Famous Foods. ‘Nuff said!