I ran across this Twitter account, Oli Nor, that strives to present a pretty, positive image of White Nationalism. You know how some people post nothing on Twitter or Facebook but adorable pictures of cats with uplifting messages? Like that. Only all the pictures are of plump, blue-eyed babies or slender, pale-complected attractive young blonde or red-haired women in demure poses. And the messages are all about the purity of the race, the proper role of women, and the horribleness of “savages”, which is, apparently, everyone who doesn’t fit their ivory-skinned ideal.
A few examples:
There is an attractively gentle allure to modesty in nationalist women that contrasts with the coarse harlotry common in modern society. pic.twitter.com/dSCUsXTFxK
— ✠ Oli Nor ✠ (@OliNor2016) October 3, 2016
There is an attractively gentle allure to modesty in nationalist women that contrasts with the coarse harlotry common in modern society.
Oh, look. Misogyny. Who ever thought you’d find that coupled with racism?
The future of Whites is under siege by the globalist cabal, their imported savages, and traitors in the governments of Northern countries. pic.twitter.com/8XOwIgVYxR
— ✠ Oli Nor ✠ (@OliNor2016) October 16, 2016
The future of Whites is under siege by the globalist cabal, their imported savages, and traitors in the governments of Northern countries.
The models in the numerous photos actually are quite lovely, but I wonder if they know how their images are being used, or if they realize how ugly the text makes them.
Hint to Oli Nor: white people do not own nor did they create either beauty or culture. When you claim sole possession of those human traits, you discredit yourself.
When I see all that transparent skin, all I can think is ‘stand by for raging melanoma’.
I can see her naked legs. How is that ‘modest’?
And her upper arms! And is that bright red lipstick on her face? Only harlots use that.
also braided hair
If only GOPers could be this honest.
Iron crosses and whining about “traitors” – even if Oli Nor did post nothing but adorable pictures of cats with uplifting messages, these are signs enough.
My Dog! One of them (further down the twitter stream) is actually wearing a real, honest-to-goodness, dirndl! The führer, good Austrian that he was, would approve!
(But you’re right, P -, the lipstick is a BIG no-no, the National Socialists were very clear about that – make -up of any kind was frowned upon.)
That second model has dyed hair. I thought only feminazis did that.
Speaking of pale beauty, are Europeans and fly larvae white for the same reasons, IE lack of sunlight?
I assume most of those are a) stock photos that were b) stolen, so the people in the pictures probably have nothing to do with this and would not want their pictures used that way.
Dirdls are pretty common and horribly popular in Austria and Bavaria and com September / Oktober all over Germany. Please don’t think that they say anything about the wearer apart from the fact that they like Bavarian/Austrian folk culture and think they look good in a Dirndl.
Positive racism: I’m positive it’s racism.
Those photos aren’t pictures of women and children. Oh, of course the models are real women and children, but they are not themselves, they are playing… I don’t know… faeries or something. Sweet, adorable, fragile, ethereal creatures who need the protection of Big Strong Blond Men. Wank material for white men with low self-esteem.
The woman in the top photo is a German style blogger. I doubt she’d be happy about being (mis)identified as a nazi.
Back in May, I posted about The City Without Jews, a 1922 satirical story about the expulsion of Jewish people from Vienna. One line I quoted that still makes me chuckle – when I momentarily put out of my mind what was to come – was about Viennese women after the expulsion wearing dirndls, “which, indeed, look very nice when worn in the open country. Here, they looked like a bad joke or caricature.” Like if Latin@s and Muslims were expelled from New York and everyone there started going around in overalls and…dirndls, I guess.
I hear these exhortations to protect the white race, but no one ever says why it should be protected, or what exactly would be lost if it somehow “vanishes”? How, precisely, would the world be a worse place if there were to come a time when there’s nobody left that these assholes would recognise as white?
I’m pale as fish bellies myself, but I don’t see any inherent reason my skin colour must continue unchanged. It’s just racism all the way down.
re @8
“…dyed hair…” disagree, looks more like a ribbon braided among the blond follicles.
still, who braids ribbons in hair? Feminazis? you betcha!1!!!11!
re @2:
“…naked legs…”
me thinks not. those legs look modestly clad in white hose.
I have succh a fetish that I always spot such aspects.
Let’s all raise money to get Oli Nor to Massachusetts for his 63rd trimester abortion. We have a medical emergency on our hands.
On the subject of blonde, blue-eyed women being appropriated by the alt-right, see also: Taylor Swift. It’s remarkably easy to find images of her, with a “quote” ostensibly by her, that actually is either an actual Hitler quote, or was written by some white nationalist. (She’s also been repeatedly been the subject of bogus stories saying she is a Trump supporter, when in fact she has kept her political views to herself.)
There’s also the question of how exactly that “genocide” is supposed to happen.
I admit that I’m neither blond nor blue eyed, but I pretty much qualify as white and so does my husband. Nobody stopped us from having all the kids we ever wanted.
Deep down, they actually hate white women for not being content with being poor fragile brood mares who crave being protected like a particularly sensitive kitten. Those white women they “love” so much, they have better things to do. If circumstances are right they have kids (and horribly enough, sometimes even with dudes who are NOT white), if not they don’t. They are not our mothers’ generation who were desperate to get married and who still “had to get married” when sex went wrong*.
It’s why those dudes got to be misogynists on top.
*I once had a friend whose grandparents had dragged his parents to the townhall because they’d already split up when she noticed she was pregnant. And of course for the next two decades a divorce was not to think of. You can imagine what a happy functioning family that made.
Yawn. As many here might have noticed, I like to play a little game with internet misogyny. It’s called “did Juvenal get there first?”.
Predictably enough in this case, yes he did…
“And what think you of his searching for a wife of the good old virtuous sort? O doctors, lance his over-blooded veins. A pretty fellow you! Why, if you have the good luck to find a modest spouse, you should prostrate yourself before the Tarpeian threshold, and sacrifice a heifer with gilded horns to Juno; so few are the wives worthy to handle the fillets of Ceres, or from whose kisses their own father would not shrink!”
@15, @20:
These guys always need some kind of scenario that turns their extermination fantasies into some kind of “self-defense.” It’s projection. In that interview with Roland Martin, Richard Spencer squirms as Martin deconstructs his persecution complex, until the actual white supremacism comes out. Same with “we just want a white homeland.” Yeah, but how exactly do you suppose to get that white homeland?
These persecution fantasies always sound like a threat to me.
Is she represented by an agency? Maybe they can sue.
The ‘white homeland’ folks always get an extra eye roll when they are American (or Canadian or Australian, etc.). Maybe if you want a white homeland, you shouldn’t cross the ocean to go to a land originally settled by people of color. And maybe that ‘voluntary self-deportation’ they talk about should be ‘you first’.
I don’t really wish them on Europe either, since Europe has its own home-grown nationalists, but there’s just that extra bit of ‘are you that un-self-aware or just so racist that you assume white people get first dibs on all land on Earth’ when white non-Europeans do it’. (Or both.)
‘gentle allure to modesty’
I’m starting to get the impression that ‘modest’ in these contexts is a code word for ‘subservient to men’.
Their whole rhetoric is just a reeeally thin layer over that white supremacism. Because of course they think that they get first dibs on everything. And more than that.
wasn’t it always? at least in that phrase “a modest woman”?
Oh of course. A failed attempt at humor on my part.
of course he’s also #prolife. Meaning the woman’s rights are secondary to brooding a fetus within her. Her life is only to give life to babies, so her life has a duty, not a right of hers.. After they’re born, they aren’t fetuses, so no more rights. Rights only exist to those in the womb, all else are just moochers.
I’m noticing a lack of pictures of white men. I would ask how they think they’re going to get white babies but I strongly suspect they think they are going to be the sires, and this is another aspect of their masturbatory fantasies of sexual power over women. I wonder what they think of spilling their seed into a woman of colour. Is that wrong too or is it only white women who are expected to be pure?
The lazy arseholes guide to improving self-esteem. 1.) pick any arbitrary characteristic about yourself that you can neither choose to have or change.(e.g. skin colour, etc, but not things like education, community work, or business acumen, because you have to work at those things) 2.) declare this characteristic makes you morally superior to others. 3.) Strut around like a pigeon on a chess board.
Slip in a color photo of Irma Grese in her happier, innocent pre-SS days and she’d fit right in.
I wonder what kind of name Oli Nor is. Doesn’t look quite “Aryan” to me.
@timgueguen – I’m not sure, but I think it’s Finnish.
In the 1950s when I was just a kid, I remember a television clip of a member of the White Citizen’s Council who said:’The highest achievement of civilization is the Southern white woman and her blond-haired, blue-eyed little girl.’
The complete and utter oiliness of his expression and tone angered even the little kid in me.
I see this complete jerk is still alive and calls himself Oli Nor.
Giliell, 20
That’s exactly it. Parse the white male supremacist bemoaning of white people (whom they deem “western civilization”) failing to reproduce, and you find male dissatisfaction for women’s (sometimes) unfettered choices, and a desire to constrain those choices by any means (those means generally involve Viking LARPing and rape fantasies, to the surprise of no one). No grand conspiracy at all, but some not unexpected consequences of liberation, of a sort, and increased opportunities, with the same caveats.
Yeah, that’s why I’ve simplified my vocabulary. They’re just bigots and they’re bigoted about anything that can be turned into bigotry, which is everything.
But “Oliver North” sounds Aryan.
It doesn’t. My Farsi isn’t posh but I’m sure it’s not common in Iran.
I just contacted some of the models found on that account on Instagram, no they did not know about the usage. Lets hope they can file a complaint with twitter.
I also contacted the lady in the photos and received a prompt response from her that she was aware of what the dirtbag is doing, but she does not know what to do about it. Frankly, I do not know either, but if anyone has suggestions, please leave them here and I will gladly share them with her.
In the USA a DCMA should be easy and quick. It also might help to report him to Twitter for Copyright violation.
llyris @ 28
Some white women couldn’t seem to understand my Anglo dad marrying my Mexican American mother. Racists don’t like any intermarriage.