
  1. birgerjohansson says

    I am reminded that it is possible to be a force of good and evil at the same time.
    Lincoln abolished slavery but fucked over the Indians.
    LBJ abolished the legal discrimination of blacks and tried to start a social security system but encouraged mlitary coups everywhere and contnuesd the Vietnam war.

    This is the good part of Obama, but I remain disgusted with the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to him.

  2. Ichthyic says

    *sees Birger compare the good and bad of a couple of presidents*

    This is the good part of Obama, but I remain disgusted with the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to him.

    wait… what?

    how the FUCK is it Obama’s bad that he was awarded the Peace Prize?

    I do hope you meant the entire thing as a joke, otherwise….

  3. Vivec says

    I would generally consider “authorized drone strikes resulting in a record number of civilian casualties” a retroactive disqualifier for a peace prize.

  4. Rich Woods says

    @Ichthyic #6:

    He wasn’t compelled to accept it.

    He was awarded it primarily for not being Bush, and at that particular time more on the basis of what he was saying he wanted to do than what he actually ended up doing. If he, by now, had actually achieved his declared aspirations, then he would most certainly deserve it.

  5. birgerjohansson says

    Ichthyic et al, let me clarify.
    The responsibility for choosingg a poor recipient of the Peace prize of course belongs to the Norwegian Nobel team. The responsibility for failing to live up to election promises belongs to Obama.