Welcome Siobhan to their new home

One of the blogs here, New Frontier, is experimental: we bring in people who want to try their hand at this bloggery thing, and put them in that group blog, and give them an opportunity to see if it all works out for them. It’s a way to try out people who may not have much of a track record yet, but look promising.

Those of you who’ve been following the prolific Siobhan on that blog will be pleased to know they’ve been bumped up to their own independent blog: check out Against the Grain.


  1. Donnie says

    Just an offhand comment that I like this idea, and I was wondering if it was possibility. Will be interesting how it works out. Maybe turn FtB into the Huffington Post of Science, Social Justice, Equality, and all the other important topics that pisses off the appropriate assholes. Of course, without the woo