This is a thread dedicated to discussion of race issues in the US. Tony and rq are the curators, and they will be posting news and links here. Please feel free to add to the conversation, but this is not the place for argument; increase the information, not the conflict.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Thanks for creating this thread PZ.
note to anyone reading: most of the stuff I link to will contain excerpts, but not the whole article. A large part of that is due to the issues with loading a page with tons of links. It’s extra annoying when you’re on phone trying to read this page.
I may occasionally post the contents of an entire link, but I’ll make note of it.
Hiring black prosecutors won’t fix the criminal justice system:
If you think racist Donald Trump is political, look at what the New York Times said about him in 1973:
Why the police killing of Sam Dubose has Cincinnati on edge:
Author Zak Cheney-Rice goes on to lay out four reasons.
#AllLionsMatter Parodies the Fact That People Are More Outraged Over Cecil the Dead Lion Than Slain Black People:
Following the above are several Tweets under the hashtag.
Haven Monahan says
Ice Swimmer says
The McWhorter article was painfull to read. He used a lot of words to present very few facts.
Martin Lee says
I love your writing, and I think this is a very good idea for a thread – although I fear for its long-term stability given the nature of these online debates.
I literally just picked up Ta-Nehisi Coates’ memoir today (the latest book was sold out – which is encouraging!), but I look forward to following this thread.
I agree that hiring Black prosecutors in the US won’t change anything for the simple reason that this is a systemic issue. The SYSTEM needs to be changed, not just the pawns in it. It’s the same with the police – Black police officers aren’t the main problem – it’s the system of police they are operating in.
I also don’t believe for a second that ‘racist’ Donald Trump is political, since this strategy seems far to short sighted to work for him in the political future.
rq says
Martin Lee
Please see here, that thread and its previous iterations, which have been going on for nearly a year, with no major upsets and loads of links. There’s hours of reading (I could say required reading) over there, and a lot of background information for things that will appear here.
It would just be wonderful to have more people contributing.
And on that note, I’m going to finish up there, so as not to inundate this clean new thread, and when that one dies its natural death (or until August 9, I’m not sure which comes first), I’ll move back over here. But I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread.
rq says
This made me laugh. Rob Ford really did happen to Toronto, you know. :D
Charles Sullivan says
I’d like to recommend a book that Ophelia Benson mentioned a month or so ago. I’m reading it now. Very disturbing yet insightful.
The book it called “Worse Than Slavery: Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow” by David Oshinsky.
Gar Lipow says
I’d like to expand just a little on the first link. A big part of the problem is that prosecutors are dependent on the police to secure convictions. That means prosecutors mostly won’t prosecute police officers. Exceptions will be weeded out by police sabotage of their cases and opposition for reelections (or pressure on other elected officials where prosecutors are appointed). That is why, if we want to do something about police brutality and police racism, one piece of the puzzle is permanent independent prosecutors who do nothing but prosecute cases of police abuse, from petty harassment all the way to corruption and murder. There is on one sliver bullet, but prosecutors focuses on police abuses of power, separate from normal prosecutors offices, are an essential part.
Body cameras are another, but only if there are penalties for turning them off improperly, and with someone other than the police having custody of the recordings. Otherwise, police will adapt, turning the cameras off at critical moments when they are planning to go “rogue” (scare quotes because part of the system). There was a case in Florida a few years ago where a welfare check by police turned into a police murder, and the police turning the camera off was recorded by a monitoring system that had initially summoned the police.
Gar Lipow says
I meant to say “no one silver bullet” not “on one silver bullet”.
rq says
I read the McWhorter article. I think I filled up an entire Bingo card: black-on-black crime, reverse racism, etc.
It’s fine as an analogy until you remember that racism (institutionalized and often personalized) is real, unlike god(s). He separates current activism from policy changes, without realizing that these two things are fully entwined. And the comparison of acknowledging white privilege and self-flagellation… well, there’s something of the witch-hunt rhetoric in there – a bit over the top.
Basically, he complains about Antiracism because it means white people have to care more than they currently do. Oh, the agony.
addicted44 says
I couldnt finish that McWhorter article. Hopefully it got better in the 2nd half, because there were literally 0 points being made in the 1st half, other than making strained analogies to religious worship.
anbheal says — an interesting bit of arcana.
ledasmom says
The McWhorter article was pretty bad. I’m not sure there’s a single cliche he missed – black-on-black crime, Obama, IQ. I feel as if I could point people at it and say: Don’t.
treefrogdundee says
I think the biggest issue with racism in this country is that far too many people think that it just up and vaporized by the end of the 1960s. I don’t think this speaks to any inherent racist attitude among the population, more so their inability to focus for more than 15 seconds. This provides cover for those last lingering segments that do represent institutional racism (Ferguson, etc). Fortunately, as technology forces the aforementioned dreamers to come to grips with reality, I think these last vestiges will find it harder and harder to hide from sunlight. Then that will leave the massive socioeconomic disparity that leads to racism by default, but that is another story…
Martin Lee says
Hi rq – I’m new in here. I’m about to go read that thread over. Go gentle!
That being said:
You realize that Rob Ford ain’t mayor anymore…
On the topic of Trump, the man has a clear history of making ridiculous racist comments which (from my point of view) all seem to stem from his clear position of white privilege. He views himself at the top of the pedestal, and views all those not on that pedestal as below him. This hasn’t changed since his run for the Republican nomination – it’s become more visible as he’s gotten press for it.
His comments on Oprah in 1988 even sound like they’re coming from a racist point of view:
United States-Third World Relations in the New World Order By Abbas P. Grammy, C. Kaye Bragg clearly points out that he’s completely wrong (during the 80’s Kuwait was starting to suffer from their worst depression in decades). But Trump is playing into the racist image of middle eastern people being affluent – wealthy oil tycoons.
My point is that this isn’t a new image for Trump. This isn’t being put on for the media for the sake of the Republicans. This appeals to many of the Republicans because, like Trump, they hold these racist values and images.
The question for me is how do we get them to recognize that it exists. It’s like arguing with a creationist who believes in microevolution, but not ‘real evolution’. They just cannot join the dots between the evidence and the final outcome.
How do we bridge that gap?
rq says
Martin Lee
I know Rob Ford isn’t mayor anymore. But he still got elected and managed to do some damage, which is the key point here. It might be a lot more difficult to get rid of Trump, is all I’m saying. :)
Do you really think that Republicans are unaware that their views are racist? Because I’m inclined to think that they just don’t care.
addicted44 says
@14 “that will leave the massive socioeconomic disparity that leads to racism by default”
I think you’ve got the causation backwards, for the US at least. It’s racism which leads to poor whites supporting policies that hurt them in order to benefit the extreme rich.
Why Doesn’t the United States Have
a European-Style Welfare State?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Martin Lee @4:
As rq mentioned already, there’s been a stable racism-based thread (in different incarnations) going for very nearly a year at this point. Granted that may not be your idea of ‘long-term’, but I’d think it is for a blog.
Also, whenever I find myself employed again with some extra income, I really, really want to get Coates’ book.
(btw, thank you for the compliment on my writing; if you haven’t checked it out, I have a blog which you can access through my nym)
Speaking of Ta-Nehisi Coates, I am absolutely thrilled at the possibility that he might be writing a comic book for Marvel. It hasn’t been confirmed, but it seems to be a rumor with some strong legs.
Is Ta-Nehisi Coates writing a new comic book for Marvel?
He is a fan of Marvel Comics.
In May 2015, he received an invitation by upper management at Marvel to talk about writing for them.
Marvel’s Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso recently said:
Again, none of this is set in stone. It is, I think, slightly more than a rumor. But dammit, the idea of one of the best journalists (and one with a strong social justice bent) of today writing comics-and most likely a comic book featuring characters of color-fills me with such joy. I was talking to a friend a few days ago about how I wish I had half the writing talent of Ta-Nehisi Coates. I’m in awe of his skills as a writer, but I also love how he communicates about racism (really, how he communicates on anything). He speaks in such a way that-as my mother put it when I was a child-a Martian could understand. To know that he loves comic books too? Dude can I have your autograph?!
Haven Monahan says
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Haven Monahan,
Your coments don’t add to the conversation, or increase information, They are something else.
Martin Lee says
When Rob Ford was elected, his opponents largely didn’t go into his past drug abuses (Canadian politics can be so… nice). Your comparison between him and his election campaign and Donald Trump is, in my opinion, a big red herring. Donald Trump clearly holds racist opinions, and seems incapable of holding them to himself. His racism is not a display for election it’s just him. Rob Ford was clearly an addict, but was able to tuck it away for a while before it got the best of him.
I have read parts of your blog (since spotting this thread), hence my comments! I haven’t read Ta-Nehisi yet, but I’m very much looking forward to it.
Dr Ben Carson tropes out the same language used by the rest of the republicans:
is CLEARLY making allusions to the old ‘black on black crime’ story which has been hashed out dozens of times.
He appeals to the core conservative tropes of “you can just work your way out of poverty” with nonsense like “Even in an economy that is stagnant, it is still relatively easy to obtain a good job when one has acquired the requisite knowledge and skills. Many sophisticated jobs go begging or have to be filled by foreigners because we are not producing technical graduates in sufficient numbers.”
I guess all the graduates working at supermarkets are just doing it wrong?
I guess the three years I spent working security with my Ph.D in Chemistry were all just imaginary? Maybe I’ve failed some key life skill…
Curiously, he advocates for better access to education here but then suggests that you should work for it yourself here.
He’s Republican through and through, and his policies and comments miss the mark. They make no suggestion of improvements, merely point out the holes in the current policies. I’m less than impressed.
Haven Monahan says
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Question, is your links to pure opinions by a conservative, or do they contain links to the academic literature found through places like Google Scholar? The former, is controversial, and not evidence.
Haven Monahan says
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Haven Monahan:
Ben Carson is relevant to this thread. Just not in the way I think you mean.
On the one hand he is an example of an African-American man in the US who has achieved success and fame. He has risen to a place than many blacks can only dream of. He was a respected neurosurgeon and is a presidential candidate. That is something noteworthy.
OTOH, he is misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and a conservative fundie who thinks the United States is (or should be) a theocracy. For my part, the only type of links involving him that I would produce for this thread would be this:
Ben Carson thinks Black Lives Matter is ‘silly’:
Ben Carson is a modern-day Uncle Tom. His dismissive attitude towards the Black Lives Matter movement is in line with many, many white USAmericans who don’t see “what all the fuss is”. I don’t know why he doesn’t recognize the suffering of African-Americans in this country and how said suffering is intertwined with their race, but he does. And in so doing, he helps to perpetuate the culture of white supremacy in the United States by giving it a pseudo-legitimacy as a black man. He is that prominent black man that white people can point to and say-
A: “I’m not racist, I love Ben Carson”
B: ” See, if a black man says Black Lives Matter is stupid, then it validates my thoughts on those thugs”.
Along with the rest of the Republican contenders for the presidency, Ben Carson’s words and actions help to further the suffering of black people in this country and that is one of the many, many reasons I despise the fuck out of that man.
As an aside, I don’t recommend you continue down this path:
Such rhetoric has been common among various conservative critics of this site as well as Libertarians. Discussions involving this inevitably turn into arguments and that’s exactly what PZ does not want in this thread. Please consider that before you add anything further.
Haven Monahan says
echidna says
I read the first of articles linked to in #19. A brief synopsis of the article (which would have been a helpful thing for you to provide) is that government initiatives to combat racism have had unintended consequences, therefore (final paragraph):
My view is that Dr. Carson doesn’t propose a single helpful idea or insight – it’s just an anti-government screed. You clearly think differently, unless you are trolling. Why did you think it would be a useful link to share?
Martin Lee says
I’ve posted a commentary which uses your links to back up what Tony has said.
Also, Tony’s the moderator (along with rq). It IS up to them.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Haven @26:
He is misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and a theocratic asshole. Those are many of my objections to the man.
I did not engage in any ad hominem attack. To do that, I would have had to attack him or his character in an attempt to refute any of his arguments. I did not attempt to refute any of Ben Carson’s arguments.
I also explained why I think he’s an Uncle Tom, and provided a link to elucidate why I feel that way. Do you even know what an Uncle Tom is?
I’m not the final arbiter of anything. That is the sole province of PZ. I simply think that your line of argument is likely to lead to arguing and that’s not what PZ has said he wants here.
I’m not sure if you realize this, but this is a progressive space, so the overwhelming majority of people who comment and read here are people who oppose a great deal of the shit Carson espouses. I wasn’t going to continue interacting with you given that you support a man as reprehensible as Ben Carson, but I changed my mind somewhat. Since you’re clearly not aware of the man’s many failings, here:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Martin Lee @28:
I appreciate that, but I think you’re mistaken. Neither rq nor I are *moderators*. We’re simply curators. We collect links and bring them here. That’s it. We have no power here. That doesn’t mean I can’t make suggestions that perhaps someone ought to cool it with their line of reasoning. Anyone can do that though.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Also, Haven FtB is not responsible for the ads on the site. They have a third-party advertiser that provides the ads. Believe me, I don’t believe anyone at FtB would support Ben Carson.
Haven Monahan says
Morgan!? ♥ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says
Haven Monahan,
Specifically, which ideas, and, specifically, why those ideas are worth consideration. If those ideas were implemented, who would benefit, how, and why. Who would foot the bill, how, and why. Please be specific in your reply.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Haven @32:
Given that government assistance programs enable people to survive during times of economic downturn and provide food for their families-none of which would be possible without those programs, you have a curious idea of bettering the lives of socioeconomically disadvantaged people.
You cannot simply take away government assistance programs and not replace them with a system that achieves the same or better results. As briefly mentioned in my link @29, there is a lot related to economics and the plight of poor people that Ben Carson does not understand. His views are in line with other conservatives who do not have the proper understanding of the complexities involved to have any hope of offering a solution to the economic woes of millions of USAmericans.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Never Forget #020: Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat long before Rosa Parks:
Advocates of respectability politics have evidently been telling African-Americans that they have to present themselves in a manner deemed acceptable to white people so that they may continue living for a lot longer than I thought.
And wouldn’t you know it, Ben Carson is a fan of respectability politics:
(via Ta-Nehisi Coates)
The article is from 2013, which isn’t terribly old and I’ve seen nothing to indicate that Carson has changed his views for the better.
More of Ben Carson’s ‘respectability politics’:
Here is an article to aid people in understanding ‘respectability politics’- Why respectability politics is a sham:
Nes says
I hope this is appropriate for the thread.
I was reading Offworld and came across an article about the Invisibility Blues Kickstarter, which looks like it’ll be similar to Anita’s Tropes vs Women in Video Games series, but about racism. I don’t know much about the people behind it, but I did click through to their videos and watched the one about Cuphead, which was interesting. Just thought I’d give it a signal boost in case anyone else was interested in it and wanted to help fund it (they have already reached their goal).
rq says
Haven Monahan
re: Ben Carson
Back when he entered the campaign, and every now and then since, the other thread had several opinions on Ben Carson and why his policies and ideas aren’t actually helpful. Including many from disillusioned black people who had held him up as an icon, and were disappointed. If you go to that link, and check all the pages, and Ctrl+F “Ben Carson”, you’ll come up with a few things.
Martin Lee
re: Trump/Ford
Listen. I’m not going to just go right out and say Donald Trump is worse, or that he definitely won’t be elected, and yes, I base that on Ford, because he ran on some pretty silly platforms, never mind the drug addiction. That’s just the issue that got him out, but that doesn’t encompass everything that was wrong with him.
As it is, this comparison is completely off-base for this conversation, so please just stop.
Not looking for scholarly articles here. All media articles (preferably with your own commentary, as to why it is relevant to racism), personal stories, anecdotes, etc. can be shared. So please don’t bring in academic articles into the fray as an argument against someone posting on their own (if wrong) opinion*. I have been posting precious few myself, and that would make the vast, vast majority of past year’s work completely void.
* I would say Haven Monahan’s issue is posting them up without explaining to us what we might find of value besides ‘Ben Carson has some good ideas’, rather than posting conservative crap. Because we can give them alternate reading material for that – some people just don’t get beyond that.
rq says
Thanks for those links!!
rq says
Lawsuit: Black Employee of Cupcake Shop Fired After Reporting White Colleague’s N-Bomb
Teen Perfectly Illustrates The Problem With NBC’s Sam Dubose Tweet
rq says
Lawsuit: Black Employee of Cupcake Shop Fired After Reporting White Colleague’s N-Bomb
Teen Perfectly Illustrates The Problem With NBC’s Sam Dubose Tweet
echidna says
Haven at 32:
Completely failed? I don’t think so. If it were not for government intervention, you would still have slavery and indentured servitude. The US is still too far in that direction compared to other developed nations. After all is said and done, God will not provide, due to lack of existence. The “invisible hand of the Market” has no incentive to do the job, nor are private charities sufficient. The solutions have to lie with something powerful enough to actually do it, such as government. Power is a two-edged sword, of course, but without government you end up with chaos and exploitation.
As far as I can tell, Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican who understood this.
rq says
… To add to echidna‘s 40, I think many government programs and policies have failed due to efforts to undermine them, or inconsistent implementation, or just plain whining. See: Voting Rights Act, as one example. Also that Supreme Court decision on discriminatory housing practices in Texas.
And while yes, some of those efforts have come from government entities, this means a change in government (attitude) is required, rather than a change in policy as such.
PZ Myers says
“Haven Monahan” shows up with no prior history here, dumps that controversial McWhorter article on us, and then disingenuously pours on links from Ben Carson, far right wing loon, claiming that they “hadn’t heard of him until recently”.
I see TROLL writ all over that. Banned. Trollpoop deleted.
Nerd of Redhead: You were successfully baited and gave the troll opportunity to bicker further; they were looking for a fight and you cheerfully plunged in to give them one. That is exactly the behavior I’m trying to squelch here. You made no comments until you saw someone you disagreed with and could take a slap at. I’m giving you a one day suspension. Stay out of the discussion threads if you can’t stop being pugnacious.
rq says
Well, at least we got some nice Ben Carson rebuttals out of that.
And considering that so far main discussion has been about two Republican candidates, I think Tony and I will work out a sort of directional statement for the thread, sort of a la Ibis3 over on the Feminism discussion.
Caine says
Ferguson was mentioned in an article I linked for the Art thread:
X-posted Discuss Art
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Never Forget #019: Concentration camps were perfected in Africa:
I noticed a lack of citations for the above article and left a comment (which is currently in moderation) at the site about that.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Me @46:
I was mistaken about a lack of citations. The site refers to references as receipts and I was unfamiliar with the term. The article does list several citations.
Lynette Holloway over at The Root writes about 40 new state laws sparked by Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson:
Super-duper baby steps, but at least they’re steps aimed in the right direction.
Also from The Root, an article by Kirsten West Savali, Jonathan Sanders case: Interview with the mother of the Mississippi man allegedly choked to death by cop:
I sincerely hope that he gets his day in court and that the courts find him guilty.
I can’t even imagine what it’s like for African-Americans to live every day of their lives in cities and towns that revere the Confederacy. I lived in Alabama for 15 years from the age of 12 until 27, but my consciousness hadn’t been raised enough, nor was my education sufficient to be aware of any of the racist imagery all around me.
From John Walker at Fusion–
St. Louis juvenile court biased against people of color:
Is there any aspect of USAmerican society that isn’t biased against people of color?
One defender for 394 cases in a year. IANAL, but wouldn’t even half that load be nigh-impossible for one person?
Move along, nothing to see here. Nope. No white bias whatsoever.
birgerjohansson says
Norway’s police haven’t killed a single person in nearly 10 years
….but surely, lethal shootings by the police has nothing to do with racism (sarcasm) ?
Nowegian (and British) police are less into force and more into face-to-face interactions.
Thumper: Who Presents Boxes Which Are Not Opened says
@ birgerjohansson
A 2006 survey found that Police Federation members were overwhelmingly (82%) in favour of frontline police officers being “routinely unarmed” (in terms of firearms). There are few moments when I have been prouder of our Police Force as a whole. The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police cited the US as an example of why giving frontline Police Officers firearms as a matter of course is a bad idea, and said that “Sadly we know from the experience in America and other countries that having armed officers certainly does not mean, sadly, that police officers do not end up getting shot.”
The UK Police force (particularly the Met, it seems) do have a problem with systemic racism of course, but it seems to be nowhere near as serious, and they can’t act on it by shooting people. This seems to me to be a far preferable way of doing things.
katybe says
Not specifically racism in America, but I just read this on the BBC, and this seems the least tangential place to share it –
Link is to a story about a twitter bot created to discourage people from using the word illegal when talking about immigrants.
cicely says
Dear White America: Your Toxic Masculinity is Killing You
Sarah Lee Circle Bear Died While in Police Custody; Family Seeks Justice
Crimson Clupeidae says
Agreed. Race is used as the excuse/dogwhistle/whatever to keep people at each other’s proverbial (and all too often, literal) throats and propr up the wealthy.
And…it works. :-(
RE: Cecil the lion and all of the eeming conflict with the black lives matter.
The best thing I saw was someone recommending that all black people dress up as lions. It was funny, in that sad, kind of painful way. I might run in different circles (I get most of my news online, and rarely, if ever, watch main stream news outlets of any kind), but the reaction to me seemed pretty even (i.e. the people I know/follow seemed just as outraged by both acts). Unfortunately, many of the responses also had that Dear Muslima vibe, as if people can’t be outraged about both things.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Awww, former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson cannot find a job and rarely leaves his house-
A New Yorker profile of the police officer who shot unarmed teen Michael Brown to death in Ferguson, Missouri revealed that he is living in virtual anonymity and is deeply incurious about the larger events around the killing and the unrest that it spawned.
Former officer Darren Wilson now lives in a quiet neighborhood filled with houses “clad in vinyl siding.” He has a baby daughter who was born in March, a little sister to his two stepsons with wife Barb, another ex-cop.
The New Yorker‘s Jake Halpern said that Wilson has been unable to find police work, that departments consider him too much of a potential liability. So, he is living on donated money, screening visitors with a series of cameras connected to his cell phone and answering the door in a hat and sunglasses.
When asked if he has read up on the systemic injustices and entrenched departmental racism highlighted in the Justice Department’s report on the Ferguson Police Department, Wilson shrugged it off.
“I don’t have any desire,” he told Halpern. “I’m not going to keep living in the past about what Ferguson did. It’s out of my control.”
A grand jury cleared Wilson of wrongdoing in Brown’s killing and a Justice Department report on the killing said that Wilson had fired on the youth in self defense. While the agency found that the Ferguson police were carrying out racist policies and preying on the city’s black population, Wilson himself was twice found to have acted within official protocol.
Later in the profile, Wilson said he believes that blacks on his beat are using the racism of the past as an excuse not to do better in the present.
“I am really simple in the way that I look at life,” Wilson told Halpern. “What happened to my great-grandfather is not happening to me. I can’t base my actions off what happened to him.”
Police officers, Wilson said, “can’t fix in thirty minutes what happened thirty years ago. We have to fix what’s happening now. That’s my job as a police officer. I’m not going to delve into people’s life-long history and figure out why they’re feeling a certain way, in a certain moment…I’m not a psychologist.”
Now, Wilson and his family continue to keep a low profile, rarely venturing outside and choosing locations for outings carefully, like restaurants.
“We try to go somewhere — how do I say this correctly? — with like-minded individuals,” Wilson said. “You know. Where it’s not a mixing pot.”
Dude, just say you hang out with only white people.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Crap. Everything but the last line in my comment above should be blockquoted.
Saad says
From Tony’s quote in #53
Oh my god…
anteprepro says
Tony!’s quotes at 53:
That may be the most depressing part of this all. The people enthusiastically throwing money at the cop who lost his job after killing a black teenager. What a noble fucking charity.
What a hideous old trope that is. By fucking god.
Like minded individuals. Not a mixing pot. The culmination of a long series of dog whistles.
This isn’t just saying that he just prefers to hang around other white people. This is saying he prefers to exclusively hang around people with the same ideas as him too. You know, the kind of people who agree that racism is an issue of his grandfather’s time, that blacks are failures just blaming their problems on The Past, that money should be showered on a poor old cop who got yelled at for murdering a black teenager, and that Mixing Pots are Bad Things. In other words, not just white people, white racists.
Marcus Ranum says
I’ve just been listening to this week’s “This American Life” podcast. It’s here:
“The problem we all live with”
Right now, all sorts of people are trying to rethink and reinvent education, to get poor minority kids performing as well as white kids. But there’s one thing nobody tries anymore, despite lots of evidence that it works: desegregation. Nikole Hannah-Jones looks at a district that, not long ago, accidentally launched a desegregation program.
It’s stomach-churning to listen to. The tl;dr form is: education is not broken, education has been broken. What works is integration/desegregation but the US’ reaction has been to back away from it and re-segregate. Connecting the dots is easy.
Martin Lee says
Why is it that, because he’s Black, Obama’s record must speak for all possible Black presidents?!
Did anyone suggest that because Bush lead us into a global recession, and two unnecessary wars, that we’d never have a White president?! What about Andrew Johnson, who allowed white southerners to completely eradicate any progress in the Black community after the Civil War, giving them reign to enact “Black Codes” and silently support the formation of the KKK. Did we declare that there’d not be a White president for generations?!
rq says
40 New State Laws Sparked by Michael Brown’s Death in Ferguson. The Root. I think the article posted by Tony over on the discussion thread.
Dylann Roof, Ray Tensing and their audacity to plead not guilty, from Blavity.
rq says
Next time someone says racism isn’t real, show them this 3-minute video
Dear white Facebook friends: I need you to respect what Black America is feeling right now
Black Lives Matter, all of them (Content Note: Transphobia) – yes, Tony’s blog post on the matter, one more time! Because we’re here for all black lives.
Dear NBC, BBC, CNN, and others: Mugshots are for criminals and murderers, not their victims – a look at how victims and killers are portrayed.
More examples at the link.
rq says
A Brave Interview: Raising A Black Child In America
Interview at the link. Clint Smith is excellent. And he has some beautiful poetry out there, too. I recommend.
rq says
The Continuing Reality of Segregated Schools
I believe the article has a link to the audio.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Alabama man says cop threatened him with murder:
Man, cops get to keep their jobs for doing and saying shit that would get civilians in a load of trouble.
But I’m sure he has nothing against black people. He’ll probably even let a black person use his restroom.
Dude, you don’t know that. More importantly, this is police officer. This kind of language is unbecoming of cops who are entrusted with authority and power. They are supposed to serve and protect. How can this guy be trusted to serve and protect black people if he’s going to say hateful, racist crap like this?
Both sides?
Both motherfucking sides?!
There is no justification for a cop saying such things, no matter *what* the “other side” is.
So chances are the cop wasn’t cleared, bc there doesn’t seem to have been any inquiry. Does this mean ::gasp:: that he lied?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
<a href= " details brutal attack on innocent man by Shreveport cops who allegedly beat and sodomized him:
(note: that’s the actual title of the article)
(bolding mine)
1- More cops being fucking vile assholes
2- Why is this referred to as ‘sodomy’, rather than what it was- rape?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Well I messed *that* HTML up…
abb3w says
I presume that at least some of the previous threads have brought up Altemeyer’s RWA and Pratto’s SDO scales, and their correlations to prejudice.
I’ve also previously noted that they seem to shed some light on the social justice controversy within the Freethought movement. RWA is strongly correlated to religiosity; SDO is uncorrelated. So, while the skeptic movement seems to tend light on xenophobes, there’s just as much contempt-based prejudice as in the wider society. Possibly more so, among organized groups. Some of the institutions arising in Ingersoll’s era had by the mid-20th century seem to have fallen to this.
The racist/sexist faction seems to have been swept even more thoroughly under the rug than the communists, but howsoever much the contemporary humanist faction might wish it to have never existed, it seems to have been one of the major strains.
Caine says
Art and Activism:
Caine says
Nona Faustine’s White Shoes Series, beautiful and powerful:
X-posted Discuss Art
rq says
Issa Rae: Hollywood Wanted to Lighten Awkward Black Girl—I Said No, also worthy of cross-post to the Discuss: Art thread.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Today is the one year anniversary of the extrajudicial execution of Michael Brown, Jr. at the hands of ex-police officer Darren Wilson.
A children’s illustrator is getting hate for her anti-racist art:
Click the link for screencaps of the backlash as well as the support she has received.
Also, note the amount of fucks she gives:
Anne, Cranky Cat Lady says
It’s so nice to see that ME still has that edge when she wants to bring it out. She seemed to have gone all Christianitish, but it looks like there’s still more to her.
Pen says
Can I do a ‘casual racism of the day’ anecdote here? Even if it’s technically for Toronto, just over the border? This one’s really exemplary of how casual racism happens – and how its entangled with the personality of the deliverer to the point where you can’t quite pin racism down on them. Also, nobody gets killed fortunately, but two people get embarrassed and irritated while the perpetrator goes scot free.
So there I am at the car rental counter in Toronto, and the white woman behind it really was a grumpy old whatever, but she was treating me fairly civilly. Then a black guy comes along and he has one of those questions that require a one-second answer, so he butts in with it during a quiet moment. I give him a big welcoming smile because, yeah, it’s a pain to wait for 15 minutes when your question takes 1 second, and I was all for her dealing with it. People do that all the time. Not with this employee. She tells him in the nastiest tone she can muster that she’s with a customer and he’ll have to wait. Not content, she starts trying to catch my eye while she pulls disapproving faces about him. Yuck! Before she was done, I needed a shower, not a car. I had a really bad feeling about her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone treat a reasonably well-dressed white guy that way AND try to drag another customer into it – heck, in Chicago, I just waited 45 minutes to sign a form while another white woman discussed shopping opportunities with the employee! But what do I know? Toronto-car-rental-person did have a grumpy personality. It’s not like I have enough to file a complaint against her. I’m just left with a bad feeling.
‘Kay, I’ll leave you all to the really heavy stuff now.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Shots fired in Ferguson after mostly peaceful Michael Brown, Jr. anniversary:
Fuck. I just had a chilling thought. How many black families have lost a loved one due to police brutality within the last year? The last 5? The last 10? Could we fit them all in a civic center? A massive football stadium?
Pen says
@ Tony #73 – “How many black families have lost a loved one due to police brutality within the last year? The last 5? The last 10?”
The Guardian is attempting to count them: How many black families have lost a loved one due to police brutality within the last year? The last 5? The last 10?
Apparently, the total for all races killed this year is around 550, with black people twice as likely to die. Let’s round that to about 400, with a projected figure of 800 this year? And it probably isn’t unreasonable to multiply by however many years… I don’t know how many people fit in a civic center or football stadium. Whatever, it’s still too many.
The Guardian also notes that black people are not only twice as likely to die, but about twice as likely to be unarmed and doing nothing very much at the start of the incident.
Pen says
#74 – Sorry, forgot to add a link :
Pen says
#74 & 75 – Whoops, I did my maths wrong. Black people being twice as likely to be killed needs to take population demographics into account.
Pen says
– 400!!! Could the curators please just correct that last post, and i’m going to go an do something about the jetlag.
awakeinmo, Ruiner of Things says
Can I drop this link here?
Armed “Oathkeepers” Show Up in Ferguson
Yeah, this should end well.
rq says
There’s two counts, I believe the other one is by the Washington Post, but I could be wrong. Their count is much higher, over 600 (might be near 700 by now). The two counts have slightly different criteria.
Either way, both are projecting something near 1000 deaths by police for the year (last year, I believe, it was around 1100, but these are memory-numbers so may not be accurate. I’ve been posting occasional updates on the Count (when I remember) here.
In any case, for those switching over from the Look At All the White People thread, here we are.
I know this comes late in the thread, but here’s a Welcome! comment from me and Tony:
And as a reminder of where it all started, here’s PZ’s first post on Michael Brown Jr, though first mention goes to Tony in the Lounge (comment 448), with a link to one of the first news stories at 449. I believe PZ’s post then connects to all subsequent posts – if it doesn’t, the next place to look is “Good Morning, America“. Other posts from PZ and a few other FtB bloggers are usually linked through as well.
And to finish off, here’s Dana Hunter on Bernie Sanders fans, with some advice (and links!) on who to listen to and who to read to achieve some clarity re: BLM.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Be nice if this could spread throughout the country:
California Governor Jerry Brown signs bill banning grand juries in police use-of-force cases:
After the decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases, I have found I’m not happy with the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
rq says
Quebec considering removing N-word from 11 place names – yep, it’s there, even in la belle province!
Okay, I get descriptives, but to say there was no pejorative connotation back then…? I think… I think he’s wrong. What’s nice is that the commission is considering the name-change without any actual outcry from the public – which means that someone in that commission is being so PC as to actually think ahead of the crowd! And that is a good thing.
From Tuesday, about Monday night: Ferguson unrest: More than a dozen arrests in 4th night of Ferguson protests; also on Monday, Michael Brown anniversary: State of emergency declared after shooting, protests.
From Monday, about Sunday: Ferguson braces for nightfall after state of emergency declared.
More recently, Christian Taylor shooting: Texas police officer fired – I wonder if he will be able to live on donations from now on, too?
And they’re still calling it a suspected burglary.
Ferguson unrest: Protesters gather for peaceful demonstration
Belmar was ‘critical’ of them. What would he say if it was a group of black men exercising the same right?
rq says
Ha! CTV journalist Tom Walters charged one year after Ferguson protests.
I had a whole other comment with more Canadian media links but I think moderation et it all up. I forgot to remove some bad words.
Also, here’s an article from August 5 of last year. Earlier this year – I believe in July? – we saw a number of articles on the threat white supremacist organizations pose to USAmerican domestic safety. It seems to be a recurring theme, and yet the authorities don’t seem to be taking these people with the seriousness they deserve. See also: Oath Keepers (tangentially related).
Anyway, here’s the article: Nonpartisan Study: Sovereign Citizens Pose Bigger Threat To USA Than Islamic Extremists.
rq says
And from CTV News itself,
CTV’s Tom Walters nearly a year after Ferguson arrest.
Other stories from there:
‘I have a dream’ speech warm-up recording discovered in North Carolina, which is neat!
After 2 nights of tension, a peaceful protest with no arrests in Ferguson;
Police chief fires Texas officer who killed unarmed college football player.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Over at Ferris State University, the Jim Crowe Museum of Racist Memorabilia has their Question of the month up:
The answer is long and involved.
Here’s an excerpt:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Bernie Sanders lets civil rights activists open Los Angeles campaign event:
(bolding mine)
Marissa Johnson speaks out about taking the mic from Bernie Sanders:
I implore her critics to keep the bolded portion (my doing) in mind.
tonysan says
opposablethumbs says
Oh go away, troll #86. You’re transparent and tedious.
tonysan says
tonysan says
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
In case there is any doubt, the fool posting above is not me, nor are they related to my blog. They are a troll trying to stir up shit, so please don’t listen to them. PZ will happily ban this latest fool posting where they know they are not wanted.
tonysan says
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
Lol, I was thinking I should write a children’s book: The Saddest Troll of Them All.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Sandra Bland: Talking while black:
blf says
US civil rights activist Julian Bond dies aged 75. Mr Bond was one of the founders of the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, who played an incredibly important role in the Civil Rights movement), and also a founder of the SPLC, and later, president of the NAACP.
Morgan!? ♥ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says
Damn, damn, damn and damn. We need our wise elders to live forever. We need as many as we can get. We need to stop murdering our young who could become wise elders. We need to stop murdering.
RIP Julian Bond.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Huge piece of black history found: Martin Luther King Jr’s first recording of ‘I Have A Dream’ speech found:
rq says
Here’s a piece by Tony, listen to the song within.
Black Lives Matter? Not to NBC
Chills. The good kind. I think.
peesutease says
peesutease says
peesutease says
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Sorry, Not sorry: Bernie Sanders nixes aides apology to Black Lives Matter :
Dutch paper NRC Handelsblad sparks latest n-word debate with Ta-Nehisi Coates book review:
(to prevent this post from being held in moderation, I have tweaked the n-word as it appeared in the original article by replacing the ‘i’ with an asterisks)
They didn’t assume it would offend Dutch readers? Are there no black people in the Netherlands familiar with the N-word (and that read the paper)?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
White supremacist Craig Cobb wants to name latest all-white enclave after Donald Trump:
I think Cobb’s community would have to be NOT welcoming to Mexican-Americans for this to appeal to Trump.
rq says
I have some week-old articles that I said I’d put up. And I’m slowly trying to find a groove within which I can do things here and still do everything else in meatspace.
Anyhow, onwards.
A Year After Michael Brown, People Are Sharing Tough Truths With #FergusonTaughtMe
One thing I haven’t kept up with is twitter, hence I have no idea what the alternate narratives for Tyrone Harris currently are. I do think the official one has changed in the meantime. The “remarkable amount of gunfire” may not have been unloaded by Harris himself, but by police firing pretty much into a crowd. Annnnyway.
Police Have Killed at Least 1,083 Americans Since Michael Brown’s Death – note: that number is already a week old.
A huge stack of visuals at the link, too – great infographics for more visual readers. With all requisite numbers, too, of course.
Yankees Affiliate: Timing Of Blue Lives Matter Day An ‘Unfortunate Coincidence’. Considering the origin of the phrase as a direct response to last year’s resurgence of #BlackLivesMatter, I really doubt that. I’m pretty sure there’s a team of people who are supposed to look into such things.
The Yankees may have been ignorant of the date (far too ignorant, in my opinion), but the Blue Lives Matter organization most certainly was not. I’m placing bets on that.
Officials Declare State of Emergency in Ferguson – it’s week-old news, I’m mostly wondering, has it been lifted yet? Mid-week I heard it was extended…
Ferguson Protesters Report Police Opening Fire On Wall of Protesters
So there you have a non-police version of that night’s events.
Bernie Sanders Announces New Policy Platform Aimed at Making Police Reform a Reality – which is all nice and good, right, especially considering his rather… lukewarm stance as posted by Tony just previous.
The article mentions ‘detail’ but I’ve read criticism that it’s mostly rhetoric and little concrete action-planing.
rq says
Photos: At Least 2 Protesters Arrested During NYC March For Michael Brown, some more of last week’s news.
1-Year-Anniversary of Brown’s Death Marked by Police Shooting, by Jamilah Lemieux, via Ebony.
Serena Williams Looks Stunning on the Cover of ‘New York’ Magazine’s Fashion Issue. Here’s to positive images!
“Ferguson Represents The Shot Heard Around The World…”
“This Year Of Protests Has Been The Year Of Purpose…”
Bernie Sanders Unveils Sweeping Policy Platform To Combat Racial Inequality. Still last week’s news.
rq says
Still with last week’s news! Nathan Bedford Forrest statue vandalized.
#BlackLivesMatter Activists Arrested in Ferguson Anniversary Protests
Chicago Police Offer ‘Advice’ On How Not To Get Shot By Them. I bet most readers here can list police advice off the top of your heads. Which seem to work mostly for white people. I’ll test you on this later.
Police organization’s ‘Darren Wilson Day’ in Columbia, Mo., sparks protest, criticism, as mentioned by awakeinmo upthread, too, via the St Louis Post-Dispatch.
For white people to read and ponder to themselves. White people, what’s happening in #Ferguson is life and death. Please share this and think about it #BlackLivesMatter, see attached text for required reading.
Social Media Reacts After 2 Prominent #BlackLivesMatter Activists and Cornel West Are Arrested During St. Louis Protests
Ah, but West…?
rq says
Something approaching ally-speak: I think it is best for me to stay ready to respond. If they silence the activists, I’ll be ready to step in for them.
Sheriff taunts clergy keeping vigil at jail where Sandra Bland died: ‘Go back to the church of Satan’
The racism banner suspended on balloons to drape the Arch was inspired. @LBPhoto1 photo 8/10
[rq takes a break for a few days]
Exclusion of Blacks From Juries Raises Renewed Scrutiny
There’s plenty more at the link.
Failure factories, on schools and segregation.
More at the link. TL;DR – segregation is bad.
The Revolution Is Socialized: Organization ‘Live-Tweets’ Watts Riots on 50th Anniversary, a retrospective.
This and that else at the link, but please explain to me, are things so very different in this day and age?
rq says
See Julian Bond’s Life in Photos, from Time.
President this AM on the death of civil rights activist Julian Bond, see attached text.
A ‘Never-Ending Nightmare’ in Ferguson
Audio at the link. And her last name is ‘Kendzior’, not Kenzidor.
Oath Keepers to Arm 50 Black Protesters in Ferguson with AR- 15’s for an Epic Rights Flexing March. Is there any way for this to actually end well?
This actually sounds quite terrifying.
Race in the US: Know your history, via Al Jazeera.
A great history lesson over at the link.
Locked in Solitary at 14: Adult Jails Isolate Youths Despite Risk
More at the link.
rq says
America’s branch of Amnesty International could do better: Wow. @amnesty this is a WHOLE NEW set of Black folk. Making demands. AGAIN. I hope it makes it into the media again, because there was a lot of eye-opening stuff appearing on twitter re: this.
Worn Dialogues: Gallery Conversations, a ROM event in Toronto.
Freelance writer Sarah Kendzior: ‘Geography is essential to understanding Ferguson’
Interview at the link.
The Wire’s David Simon is feeling (slightly) optimistic for once. Here’s why. He’s making a series about de-segregating housing. Exciting? It just might be.
More on white privilege past and present at the link.
Emails Show Feds Have Monitored ‘Professional Protester’ DeRay Mckesson. Not that he’s making much money off it.
This and that else at the link.
And here’s an interesting perspective: Could black people in the U.S. qualify as refugees?
I encourage you to read it all.
rq says
Julian Bond, Former N.A.A.C.P. Chairman and Civil Rights Leader, Dies at 75, his New York Times obituary. Not going to cite much, but here, I’ll pull one problematic sentence that has seen a lot of twitter attention:
See if you can figure out what’s wrong with it. To be honest, I’m not sure if I’d have known if a lot of people hadn’t pointed it out.
Misty Copeland Wants Others to Understand What it Means to Be a Black Dancer, because we all love ballet. And ballet #NeedsMoreWhitePeople… NOT.
I hope I have a chance to see her live one day, before she retires.
Straight Outta Compton and the Social Burdens of Hip-Hop
Of course, there’s a lot else wrong with the hip-hop community, rampant misogyny among that else. So.
Ferguson activists DeRay Mckesson, Johnetta Elzie among those arrested in St. Louis, Washington Post with last week’s news.
My Anger is Justified: Why Black Women’s Rage is Necessary for Change, and not a reason to dismiss their words and/or actions.
rq says
This: “We are making history today” First day of school at Hawthorn, Mo’s 1st all-girls public school focused on STEM. Should be in headlines. Somewhere. Everywhere.
What if…?
It’s impressive. There’s something especially poignant about a black man in the role of Captain America.
This is a couple of years old, but probably just as relevant today. Forbes “If I Were a Poor Black Kid”–A Poor Black Kid’s Response
Youtube video; link to original article at the link.
CNN guest blasts police for swarming ‘Straight Outta Compton’ showings: ‘We cannot racially profile movies’, though I’ve heard massive police presence at the movie theatre is the norm in some locations.
Well, those are words I can get behind.
Sanders: Just Because He Has a Record of Civil Rights, Doesn’t Mean He’s Entitled to the Black Vote – nope, he’s not entitled to it. He should fight for it, just as he would fight for any other vote. C’mon, Bernie. You can do it.
rq says
Racial bias, it turns out, is everywhere: Racial Bias Affects How Doctors Do Their Jobs. Here’s How To Fix It.
There’s more at the link, but it’s good to see positive steps.
Why the Appeal to “All Lives Matter” is Bunk. Bookmark this to share with anyone who still believes #AllLivesMatter is a legitimate slogan (as used to counter #BlackLivesMatter).
I left the final points out so you can go and read on your own.
Here’s a way to tackle racism, from the UK! Scousers Corner Neo-Nazis At ‘White Man March’ In Liverpool
Photos and tweets at the link. Wasn’t it in BC a few years ago something similar happened?
Here’s some humour with a racist bent, with some good advice within to boot! 10 Ways To Prevent Getting Profiled By The Police If Driving While Black
Numbers 5 to 10 can be visited at the link, but I suppose you get the idea.
Get an education, we tell ’em, it will Make Things Better! Really? Racial Wealth Gap Persists Despite Degree, Study Says
I’m sensing some subtle victim-blaming in there – those huge loans, all that financing, all the fault of those taking those loans! Nary a mention of the predatory nature of banks, and of all those implicit biases that actually got black people and hispanic people a worser deal than their white counterparts.
Remember this guy? Fired Ferguson Spokesman Devin James Dubs Himself “Voice of the Voiceless” In New Book.
rq says
Speaking of ‘but what about black-on-black crime?’, it’s not like it’s an issue that doesn’t get addressed: If interested, this @300MenMarch is to raise awareness so as to raise money to expand, not just cuz walking’s fun: …
It’s an issue that doesn’t get media attention: Baltimore men march 35 miles to DC to protest inner city violence; national media hardly notices
I don’t think this is the first such event – maybe the first of such distance, but these people have been out before, to absolutely no media noise.
Now, what are white people doing about white-on-white crime?
95% of Prosecutors Are White and They Treat Blacks Worse
More at the link.
The benefits of colorblindness? What Happens When Minority Kids Are Taught Not to Talk About Race
I guess not so benefits after all.
Administrative error? Difference in priorities? Deliberate omission? Man who hanged himself in Jennings had been on suicide watch
rq says
Notable Mississippians join chorus to change state flag. Racist symbol is still racist.
And then there’s basically a repetition of all the ‘heritage-not-hate’ and ‘flags don’t cause violence’ arguments we’ve heard before.
What The Supreme Court Ruled On the False Arrest of Sandra Bland – could be a repost from the previous iteration, but the article is from July 24:
I’m pretty sure he’s still not being held accountable for it.
A Former Cop on the Subculture That Leads to Fatal Police Shootings
Interview at the link.
A blast from the past: Black civil rights activist recalls white ally who took a shotgun blast for her.
Blacks own just 10 U.S. television stations. Here’s why.
If representation in media is important, then media is failing. And people wonder why white people know nothing.
rq says
WATCH: 14 police officers take down a one-legged homeless black man armed with crutches in San Francisco. He was also armed with blackness.
What Julian Bond Taught Me
What a loss for the community – for all the communities.
Remembering Kajieme Powell. Him, too.
Live updates: Defense rests in Charlotte’s police shooting case
I kinda have my fingers crossed.
At least 1008 Black Lives Matter demonstrations have been held in the last 395 days, see chart!
Grand Juror in Michael Brown Case Appeals Gag Order on Panel – still fighting that.
And yes, here’s more on Bernie Sanders: Why Are White Liberals Getting So “Berned Up” By Black Women Activists?
rq says
Previous in moderation, but I just wanted to add this from the final link in that set:
That’s right, no passes.
Black Lives Matter Charleston: Surveillance started after Walter Scott shooting
“Everybody does it”. Right.
More later.
jackman says
rq says
All 173 Confederate flag rallies since the Charleston massacre, mapped. Check for blatantly racist activity near you.
Here’s a couple by Dana Hunter:
But A White Guy Who Attacks Cops Would Get Shot, Too, Right?
Why Bernie Sanders Could Lose – And How You Can Help Him Win.
Full video of both arrests at tonight’s weekly peaceful #BlackLivesMatter demo. Note chokehold used in second arrest Yep, that’s happening.
Prosecutors want subpoenas quashed in Freddie Gray case
That case just sounds dirtier and dirtier the longer it goes on. Courage to Mosby and her team, this is some fight. I’m glad they’re attempting to keep the focus on where it belongs, on Gray as a victim of police brutality – at most positive, police negligence – where his past as a criminal or saint should take a backseat to the fact that he was a human being worthy of care and dignity.
rq says
Watson Coleman Statement on AG Investigation of Radazz Hearns Shooting
U.S. Budgets Cash to Treat Heroin Abuse in Northeast
I get the feeling that this funding is available because heroin has become an issue in middle-class communities. The lower classes can go get fucked, eh? And I wonder about disproportionate application…
Study Finds Education Does Not Close Racial Wealth Gap, audio at NPR.
Transcript at the link.
A shattered foundation, “African Americans who bought homes in Prince George’s have watched their wealth vanish”.
Article continues at the link.
40 men walked over 30 miles from Baltimore to DC in one night. Here’s why.
Let’s raise the signal a bit, hm?
300 Men March Walks 35-Miles From Baltimore to D.C. to Address Violence
Just please, please, please don’t let these efforts of addressing issues within the community overshadow those attempting to combat issues from without the community – police brutality against people of colour is a different issue from this one, but I put this here to counter those who believe that black-on-black crime is more of an issue, an issue not receiving attention from within the black community. Let’s face it, they’re both issues, both being addressed by (different members of) the same community. One does not cancel out the other.
rq says
Here’s some words about an organization worth supporting. I believe they have a gmail address where they can be reached.
I don’t resent one minute or dollar I’ve spent this past year working in this movement and in the communities we’ve serviced.
However, I do know that some things have to change for the health and well-being of all of @ophelporhush’s “staff” and volunteers.
For the projects we have and the level we want to go to and amount of people we want to service, we need grants.
And over the next 90 days, we’re going to work hard to secure grants. Any info and help with this is much appreciated. @ophelporhush
We want to continue to pay young folks for their work. We want to continue to provide a safe, clean space for them to bond and learn.
We want our workers and volunteers to feel appreciated beyond a “thank you.” So we must locate the real money for the community work we do.
So if there’s anyone reading this and who has advice or experience or anything they’d be willing to share, this might be a good cause.
Incidentally, speaking of new organizations just taking off, Seven Scribes (a writing site for people of colour that I have often linked to and quoted from on these threads) is looking for (a) donations (though they reached their kickstarter goal) and (b) writers (who, thanks to current donations etc., they can now afford to pay). This is a subtle hint to some people on this network.
rq says
Here’s The Root on the 300 Men March: 300 Men March Movement Arrives in DC
Faces of the Movement Meet Up, with exhibit of photography. Put a face and a personal story to protestors out on the street.
Here’s more about the project: New Favorite Tumblr: Faces of the Movement
Former Fairfax police officer charged with murder of unarmed Springfield man
He’s already been fired from the force, though, which I find interesting – no longer under the wing of the police union, and possibly a washing of the hands? The officer who shot Christian Taylor was also fired quickly, and while I appreciate the move, I do wonder why.
McCorkle Place’s Silent Sam memorial to the Confederacy has been spray-painted with the phrase “Who is Sandra Bland?”
15 Heartbreaking Drawings Capture the #LastWords Spoken by Black Victims of State Violence, updated version.
rq says
Slow Poison, “Even if the police don’t kill me, a lifetime of preparing for them to just might.”
So much more in there worth the reading of. Worth every minute you spend on each word.
Why Sheneque Proctor is NOT the Female Eric Gardner
NYCLU Motion: Garner Grand Jury Records Must Be Public
Noose hanging this morning from prayer tower at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK. @deray @Nettaaaaaaaa Everyday racism.
Sili says
Weelll …
It could be this ubiquitous persecution of Christians we keep hearing about.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Over at Sincere Kirabo’s blog, a commenter asserted that if you obey the law and the police, there will be no problem. One of my responses to him was to point out John Geer was compliant with cops for 50 minutes and was still shot and killed (thankfully the officer has been charged with second-degree murder). I’m likely to go back and ask him is if he thinks police officers are justified in killing a suspect who isn’t compliant. After all, non-compliance takes many forms. This is the story I had in mind:
2 former Georgia copes have been charged with murder for the 2014 tasering death of a handcuffed black man who refused to walk. I wonder if said commenter feels that Towns’ refusal to walk is sufficient grounds for him to be murdered.
rq says
Stephanie Zvan: Democrats Can’t Win on the White Vote.
From the CBC:
How #BlackLivesMatter became a worldwide rallying cry
Also from the CBC:
Compton no longer the stuff of gangsta-rap lore;
John Geer shooting: Adam Torres indicted on 2nd-degree murder charge.
Heina Dadabhoy: “Liberal” ≠ Get-Out-of-Everything-Free-Card – yes, with a focus on Bernie Sanders!
rq says
From Dana’s post, I’d like to highlight one of the links within: Interrupting Bernie Sanders, because it’s well worth the attention.
And from the comments on Dana’s same post, a couple of articles from Shakesville (which, I’m sorry to say, I do not follow with the fervor it deserves, but that’s an issue of time rather than anything else):
Primarily Speaking, which focusses on Clinton, but has a few things about other candidates.
Also, Hillary Clinton and #BlackLivesMatter: The Videos, which has both videos as well as transcripts. So no, BLM isn’t just going for Sanders. The methods differ, but they’re seeking answers from everyone who might listen and care.
rq says
Exhaustive new study finds black jurors struck from juries 300% more than their white peers, Shaun King from DailyKos.
But I’ve seen arguments that there’s no systemic racism, as pointed out by Tony just a couple of comments up. This seems pretty systemic to me.
Racial graffiti written on Haley grave
Revenge graffitti?
Kinfolks: a journal of black expression – Vol. 1 / Issue 3 – there’s a new Clint Smith poem inside, plus an array of other black authors. And you read it like a book on your screen!
It’s certainly worth returning to.
This is a repost: We Are Our Heroes: On Activism In The Age Of Celebrity Worship.
I think there’s something to be said for the opposite, too, esp. re: allies – don’t expect all-star treatment for one action, forever.
Lena Dunham: Sandra Bland had big plans to help women before she died
Interview at the link.
Charleston schools say no to Confederate flag displays
It takes nine dead people for schools to realize it’s a divisive symbol. What the hell are you teaching the kids?
Something a bit more fun, while at the same time, not: 7 Things to Remember If You’re a White Person Dating a Person of Color.
rq says
Here’s a few reviews of Straight Outta Compton.
“Dr. Dre straddled me and beat me mercilessly”: Dee Barnes rejects “revisionist history” of “Straight Outta Compton” in powerful essay , which refers to this article from Gawker: Here’s What’s Missing From Straight Outta Compton: Me and the Other Women Dr. Dre Beat Up. TW for sexist violence.
There’s more at the link.
And Ava DuVernay’s review: Ava DuVernay writes the only ‘Straight Outta Compton’ review you need to read
See her review tweets. She seems quite pleased with the film, even with the erasure of women.
Judge: N.M. police officers will stand trial for 2014 fatal shooting of a homeless man
Something approaching justice?
Two former Ga. police officers charged with murder for stun gun death of handcuffed man – is this a developing pattern?
I suppose we’ll have to wait and see how the trials turn out.
‘I don’t want to die in your cell:’ Police release video of Ralkina Jones taken prior to death
So even with all of that, something didn’t quite go as well as it should have.
rq says
Here’s a few reviews of Straight Outta Compton.
“Dr. Dre straddled me and beat me mercilessly”: Dee Barnes rejects “revisionist history” of “Straight Outta Compton” in powerful essay , which refers to this article from Gawker: Here’s What’s Missing From Straight Outta Compton: Me and the Other Women Dr. Dre Beat Up. TW for sexist violence.
There’s more at the link.
And Ava DuVernay’s review: Ava DuVernay writes the only ‘Straight Outta Compton’ review you need to read
See her review tweets. She seems quite pleased with the film, even with the erasure of women.
Judge: N.M. police officers will stand trial for 2014 fatal shooting of a homeless man
Something approaching justice?
Two former Ga. police officers charged with murder for stun gun death of handcuffed man – is this a developing pattern?
I suppose we’ll have to wait and see how the trials turn out.
‘I don’t want to die in your cell:’ Police release video of Ralkina Jones taken prior to death
So even with all of that, something didn’t quite go as well as it should have.
Social Justice Wizard of Oz, Gold Bricker of Yellow Roads says
rq says
Cost of Police-Misconduct Cases Soars in Big U.S. Cities. Yep, having badly behaved police ain’t cheap! Can’t get to the full article, but there seem to be a lot of large numbers in it.
Podcast: We Still Rely On Volunteers To Tally The Victims Of Police Violence
APD officers will stand trial for murder in shooting of James Boyd, as seen previous via different channels.
I think it’s important to have a reasoned response to unethical practice in order to avoid falling into the trap of being accused of being an angry (brown) girl on Twitter.
There’s more at the link, but if you ever wonder why writers of colour just don’t try harder to become visible? Maybe it’s not the writers.
Tombstone Of ‘Roots’ Author’s Grandmother Vandalized: ‘White Lives Matter’, as seen previous.
rq says
New book about Danziger Bridge carnage is powerful even for those who know the story: Jarvis DeBerry.
Well, that was new… and horrible. And read on, apparently the police might still get a chance to have their story become the official one.
Two former East Point officers charged in death of handcuffed man, as seen previous.
Three More Transgender Women Of Color Killed. Let’s hear it for all black lives matter.
More on each victim at the link, but I was heartbroken by this:
If she couldn’t use the right pronoun, did she really accept her child’s identity?
DNA Shows Warren Harding Wasn’t America’s First Black President. Didn’t know this was in dispute, but congrats, Obama, you’re still the first!
Ep 48: The Year of Ferguson, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and More!
Audio at the link.
rq says
The Short, Hard Life Of Freddie Gray
There’s much more at the link.
Martin Luther King’s hate mail eerily resembles criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement. Plus ca change…
‘Muslim-Free’ Gun Store Now Selling George Zimmerman’s Confederate Flag Paintings – seen around and elsewhere. As the subtitle says, it’s totally not about race, AMIRITE???
‘Muslim-free’ gun shop teams with George Zimmerman to sell Confederate flag prints, that’s just the Washington Post version.
ACLU blasts St. Louis County for belatedly charging Ferguson demonstrators. They’re going after last year’s arrests.
Journalists included in those counts, too.
Important read: Secret aid worker: there is still racism within humanitarian work
And remember, these white-superior attitudes also infest local organizations. Sometimes it’s not inadvertent but an unwillingness to relinquish power to those who might wield it differently, those who are not like you.
rq says
Virginia cop’s arrest reveals larger cracks in ‘blue wall of silence’
Undercover Police Have Regularly Spied On Black Lives Matter Activists in New York. Show of hands, who’s surprised?
As a good person recently commented on FB, are they keeping as close tabs on the KKK and flag rallies and sovereign citizen groups?
The Rebellious, Back-Flipping Black Figure Skater Who Changed the Sport Forever, because sports and fun!
There’s more at the link.
16 Trans Women Have Been Murdered This Year. Here’s One Theory Why Cops Haven’t Caught the Killers. The numbers aren’t the same from source to source, either.
So there you go, police microaggressions that aren’t even micro, against transgender people. Do better.
Virginia ex-cop charged with murder for killing compliant man standing in doorway of his home, Raw Story on the John Geer shooting.
‘Everybody’ Arrested In Ferguson Last August Is Being Charged, Lawyers Say. Don’t say why, though.
rq says
Velda City recalls all warrants. Small steps forward?
19 Science-Fiction And Fantasy Novels By Women Of Color You Must Read, because no matter how much we talk about them, they never seem to get enough exposure.
The Bernie Sanders Kerfuffle, #blacklivesmatter, and White Progressive Colorblindess. At least we’re talking about Bernie, eh?
More at the link.
St. Louis Cops Kill Another Teen, Massive Protests Sweep The Streets, with pictures of the streets last night (tear gas and armed cops). The anniversary of Kajieme Powell’s death.
NYPD and NYC Transit Used Undercover Officers to Monitor Black Lives Matter Protesters: Report, The Root on protestor surveillance.
Yes, It Is Time Teachers Start Actively Challenging Racism in the Classroom, and no, it’s not just the job of teachers of colour, but white teachers, too. Especially white teachers.
More at the link.
rq says
Here’s three different fundraising links to the same Ferguson organization, Millenial Activists United. Currently raising money for their legal defense fund. They’ve been out on the streets protesting and working for awareness since last year.
any and all funds donated to our fundrazr account is strictly for legal defense. …
or you can donate via Paypal for organizational support or legal defense. Paypal:
Crowdrise: …
Maybe someone out there can help them out a bit.
rq says
St. Louis police fatally shoot teen while trying to issue search warrant, hopefully more and clearer information coming up about this, as police version is currently being doubted by protestors who were nearby when it happened.
Note: escalation included smoke bombs from police. Ghastly pictures.
If you have any outrage left, muster it up now: Officer’s Lawyer: Sanders Death Not Racial
Sounds like an idiot.
ICE Officer Will Not Be Charged In Death Of Terrance Kellom, Killed During Detroit Arrest
A, but armed with a hammer he surely deserved to be killed, right. Still not inclined to believe the police.
Police shoot and kill suspect in north St. Louis – he’s an 18-year-old who just graduated high school, and he is a ‘suspect’. Everywhere.
Oh, that ‘near the suspect’s body’ is apparently way up the street, according to witnesses who were nearby or present. And considering VonDerrit Myers, I think people have doubts about whether it was actually on the victim.
In other words, police shot two young men, killed one of them, wounded the other, because they may have raised what could have been a gun. What if it was a phone, to film the police…?
Somerville hangs ‘Black Lives Matter’ banner at City Hall. ANy bets on how long it will stay up? How many complaints do you think they’ve had by now…?
Somebody seems to get it. I wish him courage in the days to come.
The White Folks Who Need “Proof of Racism”, yes, more white-folk reading! This is our issue!
There’s more at the bottom from Toni Morrison. Stop asking for proof, white folks. Listen to what is being said to you, accept it, strive to do better, be the change you want to see. Don’t deny the experiences of others, especially if they’re so radically different from yours that you have trouble relating. You don’t have to relate, you have to listen and believe.
rq says
Protesters march through downtown St. Louis to renew focus on killing of Kajieme Powell – this is prior to the shooting, of course.
Holmes v. Garvey, from the ACLU.
Civil War re-enactment canceled after Charleston slayings. That actually seems like a kind thing to do. Cue whiterage!
‘We’re surrounded by murders’: a day in St Louis’s most dangerous neighborhood, the kind of neighbourhood everyone loves to put down and point to as being what’s wrong with the black community, and never wondering what they can do to help.
Rawlings-Blake says arrests up amid ‘domino effect’ of Baltimore crime. Did the police start working again?
Zachary Hammond lawyer: police may need federal oversight after teen’s death. So it takes a white boy dying for police to need oversight and for this to be mentioned in a way that seems to be taken seriously? I mean, I agree, I definitely agree, but… maybe some earlier voices could have been listened to…
rq says
Amy Poehler’s brand of feminism just urinated on black women worldwide
Cross-posted to the discussion on feminism.
How Black Reporters Report On Black Death
Please read. So much in there. SO MUCH.
Vultures, from Seven Scribes, in partnership with Kinfolks: a journal of black expression.
Keep reading.
NOPD officers convicted in Danziger Bridge shootings will get new trial, mentioned in passing in the previous article about the book on the Danziger Bridge shooting.
Mike Huckabee: MLK would be ‘appalled’ that #BlackLivesMatter is magnifying race issues. Yes, let’s appropriate MLK some more.
In Mississippi, defenders of state’s Confederate-themed flag dig in. They would, wouldn’t they. Heritage not hate!!! Sickening.
rq says
16 Trans People (That We Know Of) Have Been Murdered this Year, “At least 14 of them were black or Latina women.”
A Curious Case: 9 Mysterious Details About Kendrick Johnson’s Death That Will Make You Go Hmmm…(LIST) No word yet on how the investigation into that is going.
Family questions medical care in Pemiscot Co. jail after 33 year old dies
Decision soon in police shooting of Terrance Kellom. This came prior to the previous article posted here, which states that there will be no charges. Justice at work, eh?
The Number of Cops Indicted for Murder Spikes Upward
More at the link.
Private Prison Company Employees Profited From Unpaid Prisoner Labor, Former Inmates Say. Slavery by any other name…
<a href="
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Before Ferguson, white cop shot black former athlete; jury weighs fate:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Conservative assholes have targeted Black Lives Matter activist Shaun White (who blogs at Daily Kos) with accusations that he is lying about his race and is really white:
King has written a long, detailed piece at Daily Kos refuting the accusations, and revealing personal details of his life that he would have preferred to keep secret.
Among them:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Darnit. There’s a comment in moderation about the shitstorm brewed up from conservatives about Shaun King. I forgot there are words that will trip the filter in the post.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
African-Americans discriminated against in access to public services:
rq says
In 141, you call him Shaun White, not Shaun King – bit of a slip. :/
ACLU, other activist groups blast county decision to charge protesters a year after events – because it makes sense, don’t it. To wait a whole year. :P
Two different worlds. Two different scenes in #STL tonight: #SFvsSTL game at Busch .(via @nickpistor). #PageandWalton (via @Rebeccarivas). (Last night = two nights ago.)
After Fatal Police Shooting, St. Louis Police Use Tear Gas on Late Night Protestors
People on the ground say the bricks and bottles were thrown after the teargas was deployed.
In a residential neighbourhood.
With children playing in nearby streets.
With elders at a church.
With people on their porches and in their backyards.
Teargassed bad enough that yesterday, when they went to mow their lawns, the residue was lifted up and was enough to irritate anew.
Ball-Bey was eighteen. “Appeared to be in his early 20s”. Well, I guess that’s close.
#MansurBallBey. This is him.
#MansurBallBey was the very first straight male friend that treated me like a human being while knowing i was gay. A true thug, indeed, neh? The police are pushing the drugs-and-crime narrative pretty damn hard, but the family seems to be resisting. Of course, the one does not negate the fact that he may have been a good human, too. But I think it’s important to remember the person behind these kinds of tweets, instead of the caricature the police are trying to paint.
The cops shot #TyroneHarris the same day they killed #MikeBrown. When pol came together for #KajiemePowell the cops executed #MansurBallBey.
A sick sort of anniversary.
rq says
Here is Jason Flanery, the officer who killed #VonDerritMyers, in N. STL today after a black boy was killed by police.
And on the subject, We received this an hour ago via email. It’s an unverified letter claiming that Flanery was put on duty in order to provoke protestors into violence. It also claims that the fires were set by police plants. About those fires, there’s a comment on that coming up.
Being a good ally definitely DOES NOT include setting shit on fire, breaking anything in the presence of black people facing the police. Mm, lost the actual tweet I thought I had, but there were several, from several people, saying that all fires set that night were set by white people running away from the scene once things were burning.
The police, of course, are using the fires as a convenient excuse to show how unruly and rowdy them there black folks are.
It’s disgusting.
Four different types of chemical warfare being used in St. Louis city right now against black bodies. If anyone wants to look at the pictures and tell us more.
This family and all these kids were all tear gassed. Their crime. Living there. Not protesters, just living there. But the police just don’t care! I wonder how many of these people are more willing to stand up with the protestors now?
STL City Police are shooting smoke bombs at protesters! Just a short video of what it looked like.
Anne, Cranky Cat Lady says
rq and Tony, thank you for keeping this thread going. I don’t comment, but I do read.
rq says
Missouri Supreme Court upholds release of internal police investigation documents – in other words, rules in favour of police transparency and possibly accountability.
Justice Dept. Presses Civil Rights Agenda in Local Courts. This is good.
May this initiative find great success and little work.
“1 Shot Fired by Officer”, “The shape-shifting story of a cop who pulled over a driver and ended up shooting himself.” Except he’s blaming the driver he stopped, of course.
Danny And The Human Zoo, upcoming entertainment.
Bail set at $1M for officer charged with attempted murder – just as an example of the privileges you get when you’re an LEO. Because he got the money paid, and is now out on bail. Or bond. However that works.
Second man sues Michael Slager, North Charleston over alleged wrongful use of Taser. Cops with a history of violence will continue to be violent unless they are explicitly stopped. But funny how nobody believes they are wrongfully or excessively violent until someone dies.
rq says
Won’t be on CNN. Beautiful vigil for #CaryBall tonite on 2-year anniversary of murder #Ferguson
Are Bernie Sanders’ Supporters His Biggest Problem? Some signs do point to Bernie himself being his own problem…
There’s more at the link, but gadsdamn white progressive liberal Sanders supporters who are not fervent BLM supporters, get your shit together.
The alarming effect of racial mismatch on teacher expectations
The question is, how do you point people towards this and then explain to them that they themselves are part of the problem, and then have them introspect deeply enough to change things?
Murder suspect sought after San Jose cops kill 2 cohorts. Let’s pretend for a moment he is a murderer, not just a suspected one – did he really deserve to die?
So, was the woman actually in danger, if he took off running? Did he really deserve to die?
And here’s another example of police excess: Police fired 600 ‘unnecessary’ shots, killed hostage in unprecedented car-chase shootout. The whole stories has echoes of ‘Brelo’ all over it.
Ah, police can release this video: Police Video: Protesters Throw Rocks, Bricks at Police, but not the scenes prior that show them launching smoke bombs and tear gas at protestors. Skewed much?
rq says
Why does a black person who reads & thinks have to be labeled “conscious”? As if the default for black is stupidity. The tweet links to a tweet with a link to the article itself, but I just wanted to put that thought out there. I’d never thought about that. Which is rather sad.
Police Group Makes A Big Admission About ‘Justifiable’ Police Shootings
It seems a small admission, but given the general culture and atmosphere, it’s a big thing… and there’s a nice chart comparing how many hours they spend training in what, and firearms gets a whopping 58 hours (with self defense at 49), while first aid training takes up 16 hours, and de-escalation – 8. Frightening really.
A Young Leader Gets Real on Ferguson, Police Brutality, and Why #BlackLivesMatter. Johnetta Elzie.
Netta’s story continues at the link. Please read. She has not only faced down the systemic racism of police and the justice system, but the rampant sexism within activist ranks themselves.
Photos from last night. #MansurBallBey #STL
‘Death of My Career’ “What happened to New Orleans’ veteran black teachers?”
Obama Will Travel To New Orleans To Commemorate Hurricane Katrina Anniversary. I guess Obama does care about black people?
Can’t believe it’s been 10 years already.
rq says
Quiet start 1 day after fires, tear gas in wake of St. Louis police shooting of teen. They say Mansur Ball-Bey pointed a gun at police, and that’s why he died:
(Current newest info is that he was shot in the back… and still a danger to police.)
Well check this out under #CrimingWhileWhite: Standoff ends at St. Charles home where armed man barricaded himself in basement
Oh and look he’s alive. This is bullshit, all this shooting of young black men. BULLSHIT.
Times Regrets ‘Slave Mistress’ in Julian Bond’s Obituary
Cue anti-PC outrage.
Breaking: Grand jury votes not to criminally charge two #SouthJersey cops in car stop shooting death of #JerameReid.
Youth on bike seems to text in disbelief at police response to protests in North St. Louis. @LBPhoto1 8/19 Just a neat photo.
St Louis 8/19/2015, a Storify of Antonio French’s tweets from that night.
rq says
Teen killed by St. Louis police was in wrong place at wrong time, not a criminal: family
He was 18, for fucks’ sake.
Photos of Last Night’s Rainbow Reveal St. Louis’ Cultural Divide
Two worlds, I say. Two separate worlds.
Could A Middle-Aged White Man Ever Become President? *Facepalm* It’s about O’Malley.
It’s going to be some tough questions about his time in Baltimore.
August is the month of our discontent, by Deray McKesson. Not sure if it’s a video or what but it’s not showing up for me.
Slay, Dotson call for calm, peace after St. Louis police shooting. Call off the cops, that might help.
St. Louis judges want sculpture to honor slaves who sought freedom here
rq says
The Loud Silence When Trans Women of Color Are Killed. This article gets its own comment.
Cited in full.
rq says
Florida bill would ban confederate flag on government property. About time.
6 Police Officers Across the US Were Charged with Murder This Week, Proving Strength of Protests. Ill consider protests as ‘working’ once actual convictions start rolling in. A “bad week for killer cops”, indeed. Boo. Hoo.
Justice Department reports on Ferguson could cost more than $1 million.
And another example of getting it right, Nashville Hotel Boots White Supremacists!
A Tale Of Two Cities. Same protest. Different neighborhoods. Different police response. via @oregon_girl3
Yep, they took protest to a white neighbourhood, just six blocks away.
I think they should do this first thing, next time.
Because we all know there will be a next time.
Response to Reports of Excessive Force by St. Louis Police Department Against Protesters – though AI has been criticized for a rather late and tepid response.
The article includes background from last year:
rq says
I may be out for the weekend, I don’t know yet, but if I am, have a good one!
rq says
Some behind stuff from Friday:
Seattle Protest: Stop Denying White Privilege
Study shows African Americans discriminated against in access to US local public services, from the University of Southapton.
The article contains a link to the actual paper.
Alabama officer accuses police chief of ordering black cops to work black protests
Protesters call for police board to fire cop acquitted in fatal shooting. As if they will.
Birmingham News lays off last black reporter. It’s not so much that they should keep them just because they’re black, but the fact that they’ve never hired enough other black journalists for this to not be an issue. In Birmingham.
All that power? What Should Black Lives Matter Do with All That Power?
So that’s where that was going. Funny how, though, he never mentions anything about treatment programs or support programs for those who want to quit drugs. Needle-exchange programs and stuff. Sure, people can do the drugs they want – it’s their body – but they also need a network of support in case they want to get off the drugs and can’t do it on their own. And they should have the opportunity to do them safely – legalization does not necessarily mean regulation or adherence to health codes and the like.
rq says
14-Year-Old Shot By Cops After Fleeing Now Faces Assault Charge. Waistbands and guns.
The kid is lucky to be alive! Oh, and he’s black. In case you hadn’t guessed.
Protesters unveil demands for stricter US policing laws as political reach grows – all that protesting? It’s changing something. Still can’t say how much or how significantly, but it’s making change happen.
More on the platform at the link.
At Hurley High, Confederate battle flag is everywhere and means everything. What a bunch of rebels, eh?
Remembering the lynching of Leo Frank, 100 years later – kinda missed the actual anniversary day.
Chief Dotson defends tactics during unrest; autopsy shows Ball-Bey died of wound to his back – and the official story has changed over the weekend while I was away. Surprise, surprise. Locations have changed from alleys to backyards and now it appears that Ball-Bey wasn’t even at the property purportedly being investigated.
About those burnings, too. No word on what witnesses were saying about white people lighting them and running away.
Police patrol Rosedale neighborhood after man who waved Confederate flag charged in assault. Just a flag. Heritage not hate!
rq says
Chris Ball-Bey wept for his brother Mansur at his vigil at Page & Walton in St. Louis. @LBPhoto1 photo 8/20
March for Jamyla Bolden to Mike Brown memorial in Ferguson. @LBPhoto1 photo 8/20
NEWS ROUNDUP: #BlackLivesMatter Activist Denies Lying About Race, Former President Jimmy Carter Has Brain Cancer…AND MORE I point you downstream towards the article that reads:
Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
From “teen” to “man”. From “pointed a gun” to “flourished”. The changing language of a public relations campaign. Re: language used in media to ref. Mansur Ball-Bey.
Man killed by St. Louis police died from gunshot in the back. Note: “man”, not “teen”.
It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy, but this has been a suspicious coincidence in the minds of many: Cumberland County settles suit over alleged jail assault of man later killed by police
rq says
Are Traumatized Students Disabled? A Debate Straight Outta Compton
Now that’s the kind of caring attitude I expect from educational institutions. :P Fuck them.
Here, in tweet format, more comparison in the Ball-Bey shooting story: #MansurBallBey. (Short video there.)
In original version, officers were in alley. In new version, they are in 2 diff positions in backyard.#MansurBallBey (Side-by-side text comparison.)
Police union slams circuit attorney over investigation into officer-involved fatal shooting. Well waddayano, the police union is being an asshole.
You can read her response, too: Statement from Circuit Attorney Jennifer M. Joyce in response to SLPOA
A fine statement.
Black Man Shot by Police in St. Louis Died From Bullet to Back, the New York Times.
rq says
Science Fiction Is Really, Really White. But we already knew that.
False alarm, Sad and Rabid Puppies, false alarm!
New York over the weekend:
#NicholasHeywardJr’s father speaks about his son, shot & killed by a NYC housing cop at 13-years-old.
Five facts about #NicholasHeywardJr, a 13-year-old shot & killed by a NYC housing cop who was charged with NOTHING.
It’s a police shooting dating back to 1994.
One year ago: 2014: #Utah Cops Killed Black Anime Cosplayer With Toy Sword #opDarrienHunt #BlackLivesMatter
St. Louis Police Wives Association seeking donations. Maybe they can raise some funds and make some lunches for the black community, too. That would be a nice gesture.
rq says
First Kerrick juror speaks after mistrial, so a mistrial there – not the result people were hoping for.
There’s more at the link. But I guess that’s the typical thing, isn’t it, paint the victim in such a way that it looks like they deserved death in some way. Ugly.
Appeals Court: Woman Pepper Sprayed by NYPD Can Sue for Excessive Force. Hope she wins!
Rapper Wiz Khalifa Violently Arrested by Cops at LAX for Using a Hoverboard
Neither money, nor education, nor social standing, nor fame…
St. Louis cop union mouthpiece Jeff Roorda’s idea of a “media” release. Note “To” line.
I still don’t like Roorda.
Angola Prison and the Shadow of Slavery
More at the link.
Last year, the phrase repeated the most at #afropunk was “Hands up, dont shoot.” This year, it’s “Black trans lives matter.” #AfropunkFest15
Mixon: “I stand with marginalized groups who seek merely to be seen as fully human. Black lives matter.” #HugoAwards
rq says
Poll: Most black people prefer ‘all lives matter’. Though if you read, there’s no mention of how many black people were actually interviewed (as there were 1000 respondents, total). Just mentions a percentage: 64. Which, essentially, is meaningless.
Group of black women ‘humiliated’ and kicked off Napa wine train for ‘laughing too loud’. The way the article presents it, it seems as if they were being awfully rowdy. I have a suspicion that they were being too happy and carefree for some of the white passengers – would they have been called out like this if it was a group of white women, out having fun together?
MSNBC host crushes Huckabee: ‘Unsophisticated manipulation’ of MLK can’t stop ‘Black Lives Matter’
Video at the link.
How The Hugo Awards Saboteurs Actually Disproved Their Own Best Argument – mostly tangentially related, but worthy of remembering, esp. since it was an official award that refused to acknowledge the attempts of white people to keep things white.
Bernie Sanders meets with black voters in South Carolina: ‘We are going to end institutional racism’. How about he get that message out to his fan-base first? I mean in the sense that they better shut up and acknoweldge that institutional racism is an issue, period, and that black people have a right to be pissed off about it.
Somerville Mayor Explains Why City Hung Up ‘Black Lives Matter’ Banner
rq says
Families seek answers about loved ones’ deaths in police shootings. Story from the Indy Star, but it could be Anywhere, USA.
I walked into a prison expecting to meet criminals. Instead, I found a community of men. By Clint Smith III. The video is a repost from a longer article, but the shorter description is well worth reading again.
Who Won Science Fiction’s Hugo Awards, and Why It Matters. If you think it doesn’t matter, it does.
And there’s a lot more reading to do there. It’s fun and informative!
DuBose murder prompts college police force reviews
Campaign Zero: Solutions, worth a read. Campaign Zero is a new anti-police-brutality campaign launched by the same amazing people who brought you We the Protestors and the newsletter.
rq says
American Airlines workers say they face racial taunts, discrimination. This feels like a repost. I feel like airline workers have recently been under scrutiny.
Prominent Ferguson protesters publish anti-police violence policy platform. Oh, hey, it’s more on Campaign Zero!
More at the link, and at their website itself.
Proposal to rename Prairie View A&M thoroughfare ‘Sandy Bland Parkway’. It would be a nice gesture!
Here’s What Black Lives Matter Activists Want Politicians To Do About Police Violence, Huffington Post on Campaign Zero.
Fairfax, Va., police officer charged with murder in shooting of unarmed man
Probably reposted information.
St. Louis, Missouri Slave Patrols Kill “Moor” After Racially Profiling him as “Black”
Just a different, interesting perspective.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
11 members of the Sisters of the Reading Edge Book Club were kicked off the Napa Valley Wine Train. Apparently, one guest thought they were too loud what with their laughing and having fun. And somehow the wishes of this one guest were treated as more important than the 11 women who were having a good time:
Some people have taken to Yelp to complain:
I wonder why they deleted that FB comment…
I checked the Napa Valley Wine Train’s terms and conditions, and while they do state:
I find myself bothered by the fact that the managers appear to have kicked out these women based on complaints from one woman. Again, why was she treated so preferentially?
rq says
There’s also the fact that they said they talked to the women several times and told them to quiet down, when the women themselves say they were only spoken to once.
NJ admits police killed Jerame Reid with his hands up, but he moved a bit, so, you know, no charges. Shaun King on Jerame Reid.
After Hurricane Katrina, a Man-Made Disaster in New Orleans
The article continues at the link.
‘This Week’ Transcript: Donald Trump , notable for this part:
And this:
Family of man killed by Bridgeton police demands federal civil rights probe
I do hope they get it.
Dear White America: I know it’s hard, but you have to acknowledge what’s happening in this country
There’s more at the link, a great discussion on privilege.
America Has Freaked Out Over Birthright Citizenship For Centuries, because eliminating it is a form of racism.
There’s more on other ethnicities and when they were considered worthy of citizenship by birthright at the link.
rq says
“A little girl is dead” – Frustrated mom’s #BlackLivesMatter Facebook rant goes viral
Just so you know, there have been at least 2 marches now for the 9-year-old girl. Ball-Bey wasn’t a thug, he wasn’t even at the drug house (as per the changing police story, turns out he was sitting on the porch of a house two houses down). I can understand this woman’s pain and frustration in general, but that doesn’t mean she’s right about the protestors marching for the wrong people. And anyway, if Black Lives Matter, then ALL Black Lives Matter, even those of suspected criminals.
Predicting police misconduct before it happens
I believe there is audio at the link, too.
Arrests for minor crimes spur resentment in some Baltimore neighborhoods
Esther J. Cepeda: Ending the school-to-prison pipeline
More at the link.
Black pitmasters left out of US barbecue boom
Why does he think so? Read on at the link.
Why We Do What We Do to Make the SLMPD Great, from Chief Dotson’s blog!
And he keeps insisting no investigations are necessary that are external to the police force. Nope, everything fine here!!!
rq says
White supremacist convicted in plot to kill Obama with ‘death ray’ device, just, you know, to point out that it’s not black people who are posing a threat.
The Worlds on Wheels: A Narrative Essay
ACLU says hearing on Officers’ Bill of Rights stacked against reform advocates, which just means the battle be that much more difficult.
Tension escalates in a St. Charles County subdivision after a new neighbor moves in. Get this:
White flight and all that.
Autopsy indicates officer shot unarmed teen William Chapman from distance – in other words, not close enough to be a threat.
Black people should just get pants with no waistbands. Apparently they’re a danger to police. Or something.
Misleading title. I’m actually discussing how I allowed I stopped catering to the white gaze. Links to great Salon article with terrible title.
rq says
Here’s the previously mentioned article: I’m black, but I’m uncomfortable around black people
How internalized racism can be psychologically damaging, I insist that you all read the rest of the article.
“Stop F**king Crying!” SWAT Raids Wrong Home, Holds Naked Mom at Gunpoint in Front of Children, an example of the fine policing the SWAT team does sometimes.
White people in New Orleans say they’re better off after Katrina. Black people don’t. Interesting how that works.
More at the link, but also a link coming up with more numbers and graphs.
How Solitary Confinement Became Hardwired In U.S. Prisons, from NPR, audio and text at the link.
How The U.S. Is Neglecting Its Smartest Kids, also from NPR, with text at the link.
Ferguson Judge Orders Withdrawal Of All Arrest Warrants Before 2015. Recently nearby Velda did the same. A good first step.
rq says
Shaun King on American Airlines: American Airlines being sued by African-American employees for overtly racist patterns and practices.
Sandra Bland’s Death Launches Hearings
More on Texas jails at the link.
Sandra Bland: Texas records show racial breakdown of those stopped by same trooper
I bet they’re going to spin it so that the arrest itself had no racial motivations whatsoever.
But so what? Acting like an entitled asshole while in uniform is also not cool.
Michael Slager, officer charged in Walter Scott’s death, likely to wait longer for bond hearing. I thought that was already done.
Note acceptance of official police version as fact. The struggle over the taser.
60 years ago today, Emmett Till whistled at a white woman — and he was executed for it four days later – from yesterday. Trigger warning for a recap of the events, including violence and mutilation.
St. Louis’ longest-serving jail inmate has been sentenced after 7 years in limbo. Can’t imagine 7 years like that.
That’s a long time to be waiting.
rq says
Comment in moderation.
Two transgender murders, one city: US fails to track new ‘state of emergency’. Referring to Kansas City, where Tamara Dominguez was recently murdered, number 17 for the year. :(
What a horrendous attitude. I wonder how hard they’re actually trying?
Here’s a pledge, of a sort: TAKE THE PLEDGE
Where Black Lives Matter Began – bringing it back to Hurricane Katrina.
There’s not a lot left in between to read, just a few more statistics and the glaring difference in perspectives by race.
Powerful visual representation of what mainstream America wants to do with #BlackLivesMatter
WATCH: White school board crowd boos NAACP, call blacks ‘racist’ over objection to ‘Dixie’ fight song
Katrina Washed Away New Orleans’s Black Middle Class, anotehr retrospective.
Much more at the link, including those graphs I mentioned earlier.
rq says
New Ferguson judge orders all arrest warrants issued before 2015 withdrawn, as seen previously.
Campaign Zero: Black Lives Matter activists’ new, comprehensive policy platform, explained
As the introductory tweet said, your move, Clinton.
Analysis Finds Higher Expulsion Rates for Black Students, something that isn’t surprising given other articles in how they are perceived by teachers and other disciplinary actions.
Do not be fooled, though, as this does not mean the North isn’t racist. Just maybe a little less obviously so.
Dyett parents in 8th day of hunger strike to save school
#PeoplesMonday has taken over the TKTS steps in Times Square to read the facts of #HenryGlover’s murder to the masses
Five facts about #HenryGlover. NOLA cops shot & killed him, then burned his remains, as he fled Katrina.
rq says
Putting this one up at the top of the comment: #BlackLivesMatter organizers to rally for black transgender women
Sorry for the late notice.
Book club kicked off Napa Valley Wine Train, another article on that incident.
As of Today, Black Lives Matter Activists Can Point to a Thorough Police Brutality Reform Plan, Slate on the Campaign Zero platform.
Post-Dispatch Deletes Mention of Fingerprints, DNA Evidence from Coverage of Police Shooting, because the police story keeps changing.
Some signs point to Roorda emailing advance (and false) information to a particular journalist.
Here’s How Black People Actually Fare in Bernie Sanders’ Home State, because we’re still keeping an eye on him.
Cop Fired For Being KKK Member, But Now He’s Working At Florida Elementary School, because teaching kids is exactly where they want him… right?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
The Black Lives Matter policy agenda is practical, thoughtful, and urgent.
From the Washington Post.
Don’t want to ride on the Napa Valley Wine Train? Here are 5 black-owned wineries.
Oh, and look at this!
Napa Valley Wine Train admits they were 100% wrong for kicking black women off:
Will an apology be forthcoming for a group of Latina women who were kicked off the Napa Valley Wine Train?
White people who get together to drink and celebrate can be just as loud. I wonder how many instances can be found of any such group being kicked off…
rq says
#SayHerName | Chapel Hill, NC
Maryland attorney general recommends profiling standard for police
I love how the police union is all ‘no need for this’. Just being contrary, I suppose.
Laclede Cab Fired Me for Black Lives Matter- My Response
Ferguson Announces an Amnesty on Warrants, via the New York Times.
Police Union: Circuit Attorney’s Investigation Undermines Police – yup, still unhappy!
I’m all for unions, but police unions just have to go. Or need a heck of a lot of reform.
Here’s more union stuff, this time from Seattle: The President of the Seattle Police Union Believes the Obama Administration Has Created a “War on Cops”
All the bells and whistles.
rq says
San Jose police launch FAQ page for officer-involved shootings
Link to the FAQ page itself is there. Not a bad idea.
Mansur Ball-Bey was innocent bystander in police raid, family attorneys say
Eh. I wanted to post this yesterday. #TransLiberationTuesday (August 25) Masterpost
A list of events and other things happening at the link.
Amid national law enforcement debate, Md. attorney general condemns police profiling, Baltimore Sun on the new profiling standards.
Marked as IMPORTANT: 24 Actions You NEED to Take to Help Trans Women of Color Survive
There’s another 12 items on this list at the link. Most of it regular common sense stuff that can be boiled down to ‘treat us like people’.
I would never date a man who hates Beyoncé, a bit of a fun read.
rq says
Lonnie Johnson, Creator of the Super Soaker Awarded $72.9M in Royalties, article from April.
10 Years Later, There’s So Much We Don’t Know About Where Katrina Survivors Ended Up
More on this New Orleans diaspora at the link.
white person: *reaches to the outer borders of our known universe* See attached. Remind you of any other arguments you may have heard around?
Donald Trump gets a boost from former Klansman David Duke, which of course is a stellar endorsement. Actually, it gives a pretty good idea of the scary attitudes that will be legitimized if he does end up president. Or even actual Republican candidate.
St Louis’ sons, taken too soon
50 years ago today, 58,000 new black voters registered in 4 Southern states after passage of Voting Rights Act on 8/6
rq says
City of Prairie View weighs renaming street after Sandra Bland, possibly a repost.
Unify or Die: Revolutionary Struggle and American Gangs
It’s pretty dense, but there’s a lot of great information in there.
(2/3) Minimums are often related to firearms & drugs. Possessing a gun during a crime can lead to decades in prison.
(3/3) Some states have revised their sentencing policies. The results are dramatic.
I lost (1/3) somewhere.
David Duke On Trump: He’s “Certainly The Best Of The Lot” Running For President – yeah, yeah.
WATCH: ‘Not racist’ Louisiana man warns that renaming street for MLK will unleash his ‘racist ways’, because it’s the quiet, polite behaviour of his black neighbours that keeps his racism in check. So long as they behave according to his standards, he’ll be the least racist man you know!
Saad says
Ben Ferguson: Hispanics don’t under English
rq says
Racist Fliers Reading ‘Let’s Get the Blacks Out’ Spark Outrage in Mich. Community. I certainly hope there’s outrage!
No one seems to be taking responsibility. How strange. You’d think all those white pride people would be ready to step up and be accountable.
Despite strict voter ID laws, Alabama is in the process of closing 45 of 49 driver’s license offices, because who needs ’em, amirite?
There’s a small update appended saying this may be an empty threat due to budget cuts upcoming, but still… I can just imagine the lines at these 4 locations.
LAPD Police Commission Acts Like it Wants to Incite Riots. It’s a police commission. You were expecting a better attitude?
But nope, apparently they’re not worth his time, patience, or respect. More at the link.
BREAKING: #BlackTransLivesMatter protestors block traffic at 12th & Figueroa in #DowntownLA. Photo from last night.
Iconic Ferguson Photo Subjects Are Being Charged A Year Later – we’ve read about the year-old charges being brought, but there’s more in the article on who, specifically, is being charged, and it’s not just those journalists.
Why Ending Birthright Citizenship Would Be Terrible For Silicon Valley
I can’t help but think that this particular support for immigrant reform has racist under/overtones of its own. I may just be reading into it wrong at the moment, though.
Pa. Judge Sentenced To 28 Years In Massive Juvenile Justice Bribery Scandal
That is some vile human trafficking right there. “Kids for cash” – and this is why outsourcing prisons to private companies and signing contracts with them about how many spaces should be filled – it’s just wrong. WRONG.
rq says
Keep an eye out for a new comment 179, I think I put in eight links instead of the maximum six.
Road to Sandra Bland’s alma mater named for her. So they did it, yay!!
‘The wave has reached us:’ EU gropes for answers to migrant surge. Read within for a flavour of racism, European-style.
Mom forced to quit as volunteer after complaining about youth cheer coach’s KKK shirt – shouldn’t the cheer coach be leaving? Let’s see:
So far so good. But then:
Aha. What a great way to treat people who point out insensitivity and possible outright hatred within the community: ostracize them, too! Great decision there, McCracken. Stellar.
High-profile STL cabbie says he was fired for political stances. I posted from his personal blog previously.
Union on officer charged in shooting: ‘We could all be Adam Torres’. Yes, you could, and I wish you would all be charged in those situations where you shoot unarmed men for no reason at all. And convicted, too – you say it like it’s a bad thing!
Well, that’s police unions for ya. They take it so personally.
Police brutality in America should come as no surprise – Bryan Stevenson | Comment is Free , youtube video. Careful, though, it’s part of an automatic playlist. :)
rq says
Judge rejects subpoenas for prosecutors to take witness stand at first Freddie Gray hearing. Well done, judge. That first hearing is coming up fast, too.
How companies make millions off lead-poisoned, poor blacks. That sounds like a headline way too dated to be a thing in this modern world… unfortunately…
There’s more to read, but it’s just so damn depressing…. Ruining families and honestly these people don’t give a shit. Gray was one of their victims, too, as was his sister, but this company just brushes it off with declarations of a good relationship with the family.
It’s revolting.
What We Don’t Know About Policing, Race and Mental Illness
More background at the link.
Defense attorney says teen not under arrest after officer involved shooting
Assault? Well, he did, apparently, reach for his waistband….
Woman dies in county jail; investigation under way. Another lengthening list.
Phantoms Playing Double-Dutch: Why the Fight for Dyett is Bigger than One Chicago School Closing. Those parents are, as far as I know, still on hunger strike.
Keep reading at the link.
And see if there’s anything you can do to help save the school.
rq says
Something in this comment won’t post, here’s hoping it’s only in moderation because it has some excellent links.
Judge rejects subpoenas for prosecutors to take witness stand at first Freddie Gray hearing. Well done, judge. That first hearing is coming up fast, too.
How companies make millions off lead-poisoned, poor blacks. That sounds like a headline way too dated to be a thing in this modern world… unfortunately…
There’s more to read, but it’s just so damn depressing…. Ruining families and honestly these people don’t give a shit. Gray was one of their victims, too, as was his sister, but this company just brushes it off with declarations of a good relationship with the family.
It’s revolting.
What We Don’t Know About Policing, Race and Mental Illness
More background at the link.
Defense attorney says teen not under arrest after officer involved shooting
Assault? Well, he did, apparently, reach for his waistband….
Woman dies in county jail; investigation under way. Another lengthening list.
Phantoms Playing Double-Dutch: Why the Fight for Dyett is Bigger than One Chicago School Closing. Those parents are, as far as I know, still on hunger strike.
Keep reading at the link.
And see if there’s anything you can do to help save the school.
Morgan!? ♥ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says
I appreciate the yeoman’s effort required by rq and Tony to keep this thread current. It is heartbreaking though. The sheer volume of racism is awful. In my wandering around the ‘net I discovered the site Understanding From their homepage:
There is a wealth of links, research, information etc. It as a wonderful effort to concretely DO something about prejudice and racism. And it has been available for a long time. I’d welcome the response of educators out there if they are familiar with this resource and if it is useful. I suspect the topic is not addressed academically at any level below university.
Morgan!? ♥ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says
How many people are aware that there is a protest march taking place right now, sponsored by the NAACP?
From The Campaign For America’s Future at
Saad says
Did anyone else see this from Facebook today?
That drawing doesn’t go with the text above it.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Saad @185:
I missed that image, but I saw a text meme going around about pretty much the same thing. It noted that black, Asian, and Indian women did not gain the right to vote at that time. There was no mention of when Latinas gained the vote though. I did some digging, but I’m none too clear on when they gained the right. Technically, all citizens-female and male-of the United States gained the right to vote with the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In practice though, it wasn’t until the 1975 Amendment to the Voting Rights Act that the right to vote was fully extended to certain minority groups:
In any case, no, not all female citizens of the US gained the right to vote in 1920.
katybe says
With apologies for it being a link to a Facebook post, I thought this might be relevant/interesting here:
Here’s the first paragraph for link context, but the full thing is worth reading.
“Amelia Boynton Robinson, a matriarch of the Civil Rights Movement and one of the organizers of the famous Selma March known as “Bloody Sunday,” died yesterday at the age of 104. Born in Savannah, Georgia, Boynton Robinson spent decades registering African Americans to vote in Alabama and, in 1964, she became the first African American woman in the state to run for Congress. However, it was a now iconic photograph taken of Boynton Robinson during the first Selma March, where she is collapsed in a young man’s arms after being beaten and gassed, that brought national attention to her pivotal role in the movement. Five months later, she was a guest of honor at the White House when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act into law.”
rq says
I think I have an article coming up on her life. Thanks for posting!
10 Stunning Portraits Show Redheads Come in More Skin Colors Than White – a strange form of racist thinking, but it exists:
Another iconic life gone: Marcy Borders, subject of iconic 9/11 ‘Dust Lady’ photo, dies after battle with stomach cancer.
Black Lives Matter organizers hold rally in D.C. for black trans women
Would that more people had shown up in support.
D.C. mayor to ask for expanded police powers amid homicide spike. Doesn’t bode well, in my opinion.
LAPD’s long-awaited body cameras will hit the streets on Monday. And it’ll be a while before there’s any data on whether they change the behaviour of police.
Friend of Mansur Ball-Bey gives statement to police, circuit attorney. In other words, things moving forward there, too.
Quite a difference from the official story.
rq says
Ferguson protester who threw back tear gas cannister in iconic photo is charged
Because throwing a canister in the general direction of police is assault, yet those firing into neighbourhood backyards will never be penalized for their horrendous actions.
Guilty of being black in a white world: The ludicrous reason these women were thrown off of a train last weekend
More at the link.
I really wish images of Black people being killed were this guarded and regarded as too explicit and traumatic for mass consumption. Seems relevant.
Megyn Kelly demands Cornel West explain why #BlackLivesMatter doesn’t protest black-on-black violence – you know, besides the small fact that Black Lives Matter has a different focus and that there are otehr groups protesting black-on-black violence – with the participation of BLM, I am sure. It’s called overlap.
Anyway, Megyn Kelly is full of shit.
First State Legalizes Taser Drones for Cops, Thanks to a Lobbyist
The future is here. And I don’t like it.
From Computers to Leaders: Women at NASA Langley. Let’s hear it for all the NASA women, especially the NASA women of colour. Don’t hear nearly enough about them.
And women have been doing this since time immemorial, yet for strange reasons their stories seem to be lost to the public.
rq says
4 ‘Reverse Racism’ Myths That Need To Stop. So let’s stop them, fellow white people. This is our work.
Two more specific items addressed at the link, plus a great review of the definition of racism. Worth a bookmark.
Video: Chicago Cop Says ‘Mike Brown Deserved It’
DeRay McKesson on Police Reform and Community Relations, C-Span video.
Police to start handing out ‘info cards’ after frisking suspects. I… I’m not sure what to think of this. Sure, good for complaints, but is this going to reduce the number of stop-and-frisk incidents? Or what? Just more paperwork, a clearer paper trail? Collectibles?
7 Women of Color Who Fought for Gender Equality
A small selection of heroes. Sojourner Truth (I can’t get over how much I like her name), Ida B. Wells, Dorothy Height, Patsy Mink, Dolores Huerta, Wilma Mankiller, Vanzetta Penn McPherson.
Criticisms of Media’s Treatment of Filmed Black Death vs White Death
Makes you think…
rq says
Man shot by St. Louis police had severed spine, raising question of how he ran
Photographer highlights the beautiful diversity of redheads, just Mashable on the same photography before.
These Are The Schools That Hurricane Katrina Destroyed
I wonder if predominantly white schools received disproportionate attention and care?
Ah, here we go, as per katybe‘s comment upthread: Amelia Boynton Robinson, Civil Rights Activist, Dies At 104
104. Wow. I wonder if she was happy with the state of today’s civil rights?
Post-Dispatch responds to Riverfront Times article
So, sorry for printing wrong or inaccurate information that sounds good in the heat of the moment? Gotcha.
No charges against D.M. officer who fatally shot man. Waddayano.
And everyone is so pleased.
rq says
A guide to debunking ‘black-on-black crime’ and all of its rhetorical cousins, another valuable resource.
There’s a few more items in between, but in closing, here’s the conclusion of the article itself:
How about starting to care for black people as people?
Maryland is First State to Ban Broad Class of Discriminatory Profiling in Law Enforcement. Here’s hoping it works. I hope they’re providing extra training and support resources for officers, as well as a process for those who feel that they still have been profiled to file complaints.
Woman killed in Illinois is 19th transgender homicide reported this year – another one too many.
Mihalopoulos: CPD investigating cop for saying ‘Mike Brown deserved it’ – well, at least they’re investigating.
You’re a bright one, you are, Mr Paul!! Rand Paul: Black Lives Matter Should Change Its Name
For the record, he also lets his black friends use the toilet in his house.
But seriously, ‘innocent lives matter’? No. The guilty ones matter, too. That’s the whole point of being pro-life!! :P
Oh and heeeeey look, Bernie Sanders ‘why-are-they-picking-on-him’ fans! Here’s one for you! BLM and GetEQUAL Call on Clinton to Stand with Black Trans Women
If Bernie Sanders has such issues taking #BlackLivesMatter on – head-on, honestly and with no back-tracking – how do you think he would fare with #BlackTransLivesMatter? Seriously? I don’t think he could handle it. Though he may yet surprise.
Morgan!? ♥ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says
I am frustrated, and angry and sad. I’ve been following closely this “Racism in America” thread and in addition to all else, I am overwhelmed. I know that PZ wants to encourage guided discussion on these dedicated threads, but particularly re racism, there is simply too, too much. I can barely formulate one coherent response to an incident before there are four others that deserve response. Urgh.
I have been spending time searching for resources and commentary from qualified people and institutions who are attempting to tackle our huge racism problem. I’ve found no shortage of concern. But what I need to investigate now is the location of the roadblock. Why, if so much is being done to tackle America’s racism problem intellectually and academically is none of that good information filtering down to the levels at which something can actually be DONE to effect the problem? I think I know the answer to that, but it needs more research and thought before I burble something stupid.
End of rant.
rq says
I feel ya. I’m not even getting everything, I’ve started skipping articles that seem only peripherally related, and there’s still so much stuff – I could cut down, but then I have to pick and choose. Even just the topic of police brutality would have so, so much, but that’s kind of useless without the wider of discussion of racism, and that… well, here we are. Hard to have a discussion, I agree. :( Looking forward to your researched burbling (thoroughly enjoyable always, by the way).
Baltimore preparing for protests during next week’s hearing in Freddie Gray case
It’s always nice to prepare, I just hope they’re properly engaging the community, too.
The Meaning of Serena Williams, “On Tennis and Black Excellence”.
This is why Samuel DuBose’s mother was asked if she forgives the shooter within a day of her son being murdered, while the father of Alison Parker was allowed the negative emotions associated with the death of a child. Because black people’s emotion is somehow dangerous? Good lord… Shut the fuck up and suck it up, that they might express negative and passionate emotions – ha, and positive and passionate ones, for that matter! – and none of it is for white people’s benefit, because they do not exist or live or suffer or win for white people’s benefit. So there!
Policing the Police: Who’s Been Investigated by the Feds? [Interactive Map]
Yep, interactive map included at the link!
Hurricane Katrina Anniversary: 11 Quotes That Sum Up the Aftermath of Gulf Coast Disaster
Let’s hear it for Mr West.
Please keep spreading this @Medium post. If you still think Donald Trump is only a joke you’re not paying attention. <- An intro, to this article: Donald Trump’s Rapidly Growing Fan Base of White Supremacists. And this is why even entertaining him as a potential candidate is so dangerous: imagine all those people, previously forced to consider their racist views and attitudes unacceptable, now wallowing in the endorsement of one of the top candidates for presidency… Imagine the amazing feelings of relieved validation that hey, it’s okay to be racist! Except, of course, they don’t say ‘racist’, they say ‘facts’ and ‘reality’. :P ANyway, the article:
So it’s not just Duke (as seen upthread), it’s really the endorsements of all endorsements for Trump: if you see these hate-filled people starting to high-five each other left and right, this isn’t the man you want.
rq says
Prosecutor releases Olympia officer-involved shooting documents
Note officer’s fear of being overpowered, because Teh Negro, as we all know, possesses super-human strength that manifests itself in moments when opposed with a white man with a gun. There is no mention of whether the man in the light shirt or the man in the dark shirt ever said a word at the police officer (except for some general yelling), like all this happened in an eerie sort of silence. No mention of whether the men tried to surrender (so he happened to have a skateboard in his hands), whether they said not to shoot, whether, at the last, the man was yelling because one of them was already wounded and needed medical help. Whether the ‘charge’ was a single step forward in order to make oneself heard. Nope, check out that language, and you will see how Dangerous! and Frightening! it is to confront two essentially unarmed young black men.
A Katrina survivor’s tale: ‘They forgot us and that’s when things started to get bad’
The story goes on, but it’s a stark contrast to a white woman’s story I read yesterday and decided not to post here. SO many stories about overcoming and rebuilding, but they’re all about the white community… so here you go, here’s the tragedy of Katrina, and no, it hasn’t ended for many people.
Men Who Kill – on gun culture and patriarchy.
Down with toxic masculinity, in other words. For everyone.
Prison Guard ‘Beat Up Squad’ Is Blamed in New York Inmate’s Death. Prisons. Another place for power-hungry people to exercise authority over those subordinated to them for whatever reason. That culture needs a change, too.
Movement Generations: On Julian Bond
Keep reading at the link!
And this one, I posted it but the comment went into moderation and I haven’t checked if it’s out (I know, I know). But it’s an important read so I expect it won’t suffer much for the repost!
Phantoms Playing Double-Dutch: Why the Fight for Dyett is Bigger than One Chicago School Closing. It is on the lengthy side, but from what I understand, those parents are still on hunger strike. And yes, this is important enough.
rq says
Did Police Arrest Juvenile For Rapping N.W.A. Lyrics At Them? (Video) Sure looks like it.
Important: Californians: Contact your legislators & tell them to vote YES on #AB953 so we can put an end to profiling! #YesAB953
This language of demonization absolves this city and nation of its 500 years structural looting and genocidal trauma. See attached text, I’m pretty sure this is out there in article format, too. Haven’t found it, but I did find this: Morgan State prof: Whites should put their ‘unearned wealth’ in black bank accounts, which leaves a strong whiff of the Republican rightwing fanatics.
City of Jennings settles with civil rights lawyers on major reforms
Some slow good news coming out of the entire area.
Off-duty HPD officer shoots combative person at hospital. He was already in the hospital, so why not, I guess? Admittedly, a taser doesn’t seem to have had any effect on the man. But still… shooting, in a hospital? Hmmm.
rq says
Life after being a violent asshole – teach others to be a violent asshole! Ex-Cop Who Killed Six People Now Teaches Other Officers When to Use Their Guns. I dunno if I’d trust his judgment…
This is the culture that needs to change.
Yesterday was all about redheads who happen to be people of colour. Today: High Cheekbones and Straight Black Hair?
The article is from 2014, and goes more into ancestry, etc. And the interesting (and understandable) fact that it’s easier to accept native ancestry than European.
Mich. Man Allegedly Robbed Bank to Pay for Daughter’s Chemo – not necessarily within the scope of racism here, but a sad sorry state of affairs, if that is the only option people have to ensure medical care for their loved ones.
Maajid Nawaz: ‘Treat Islamist extremists like the BNP — like racists’. Unfortunately, I am not subscribed.
rq says
The Mayor of DC has a plan to deal with the rising number of murders: It’s clearly evident that you’ve talked to the respectability politics crew. This. Ain’t. It. Girl. See attached.
Someone suggested this to her: Did This City Bring Down Its Murder Rate by Paying People Not to Kill?
Read on.
The mayor got some flak, though. Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bowser speech on how to stop killings
Dunno, but without any mention of community or improving relations, I’m not sure she’s going the right way.
DC @MayorBowser plan to fight violence: more cops on street; more cameras: get tough w repeat offenders. @wusa9
.@MayorBowser THIS is what got 7yr old #AiyanaJones killed by police! Children live in these homes! This is TERROR. The attached tweet reads: “.@MayorBowser says she’s not proposing stop-and-frisk, just searches of homes of former violent offenders on parole.”
rq says
No, no racism to see here!
The Border Force Just Had One Of Those Days Where Everything Went Wrong, a story from Australia. Worth a read.
Palestinians salute Black solidarity, call for joint struggle – transcending borders and boundaries.
More on the alarm felt by Israeli agencies at the link.
Report: 13 Southern states suspend black students at much higher rates
Good luck!
Black Lives Matter halts DC mayor’s speech proposing more police powers, as seen before!
Orlando Police Department responds to video of bloody scuffle
The fact that he has previously been arrested for this? Doesn’t exactly make police claims sound more legit, considering how easy it is to arrest black people for being aggressive. Comes automatically, I suppose.
Police in Vermont city strip searched black men as they stepped off the train – wait, what??
Those are some of the most astounding numbers. Holy shit.
rq says
August 27, 1963: W.E.B. Du Bois Dies – 52 years ago.
Grand jury to consider charges against man shot by police during struggle at Marymount Hospital, just upthread is the incident itself.
Hmm, high on some unknown drug (though placid for 2 hours) and then went for the officer’s gun… Hmm.
Broke Me in Half
Because, indeed, #AllBlackLivesMatter.
Obama to New Orleans 10 Years After Katrina: ‘You Inspire Me’. Another positively inspirational piece.
rq says
#BlackLivesMatter Activists Call For Charges In Brutal Death Of Prisoner Samuel Harrell
Why should this even be under discussion? They killed him. Why aren’t they already charged?
Baltimore police announce plans to create information center in case of future unrest
Are they going to help the community, too? Answer its questions and assist in crisis?
On the same day as the horrific shooting deaths of two journalists in Virginia, Hootie & the Blowfish frontman Darius Rucker dedicated “Amazing Grace” to Charleston, South Carolina, his hometown that suffered through a mass church shooting in June.
Rucker performed an a cappella rendition of “Amazing Grace” and delivered heartfelt words to Charleston residents at his beachside taping for CMT’s Instant Jam.
“We went through a lot of crap recently — the tragedy broke my heart,” Rucker, 49, said. “The greatest feeling I’ve had in a long time is when that played out and our city didn’t divide. We said this is us. We said to that guy …
‘You wanted to mess with our city and instead you brought us together.'”
“We realized how much we love each other, that someone who is not like me is there, and we still love them,” he added. “This song goes out to our city.”
For the listens.
We’re Black in Havana, and Still Can’t Breathe
Please keep reading at the link.
Father Robs Bank to Pay for Daughter’s Chemo After Insurance Canceled, sorry, can’t get over it – there’s a GoFundMe link within the article for the little girl’s treatment.
William Chapman: state official will seek to prosecute officer who killed teenager
Progress, of a kind.
rq says
“I Need to Know What Your Plan Is Going to Be to Protect My Life”, “Black Lives Matter activists Brittany Packnett and Johnetta Elzie explain Campaign Zero, a new effort to end police violence, and why presidential candidates need to move past talk to action.”
Interview itself is at the link, highly recommended reading.
What Is the Place for Black People in Post-Katrina New Orleans? A good question, considering all the white people recovery stories.
There’s more at the link, but I think you get the idea.
FYI, the responses from Black people to this tweet have shown me how internalized oppression is for us, see attached tweet-as-photo because it’s not a link to the article.
Jennings settles federal lawsuit over its municipal court; voluntary reforms coming elsewhere, same info, different source.
Emmett Till, 14-year-old Chicago Youth, Abducted and Murdered in Mississippi Delta
Sixty years ago.
rq says
A Decade After Katrina, One Campus Still Struggles to Recover.
More on the changes since Katrina at the link.
Commonwealth’s attorney clears officer in fatal shooting inside Portsmouth home
Justice at work!!
Native traditional methods revived to combat California drought, wildfires… but of course, when times were good, these methods were probably considered unnecessary and useless. Funny that.
Ohio cop tells black man he tailed him and pulled him over for ‘direct eye contact’, a case of having eyes while black. Clearly a potentially criminal offense.
Stopped for failing to signal a turn. I can’t imagine the thoughts that went through that driver’s head.
Meet the Artist Who Put Images of White People on Helmets Where Native Mascots Usually Go, with a warning for racist imagery.
A bit more at the link. But for the record, one of his created helmet designs does have the pope.
Previously, I brought up the Australian Border Force – here’s a few more questions about them: If Border Force acts like this in Melbourne, what do they do offshore?
The creeping force of police rapidly advances. All ostensibly to keep people safe, but I dunno…
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Young black man jailed since April for alleged $5 theft found dead in cell:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
11 years-that’s how long a mother says her black son was racially profiled by police officers in Denver, Colorado:
I hate, Hate, HATE the fact that I live in a country that penalizes black people for existing. And to be so helpless in the face of that. Fuck!
rq says
Police chief talks about officer cleared in fatal shooting case
North Side woman found guilty of interfering with police duties. Wanna know what she was doing? Observing. Form fifty feet away. Not even filming. Interfering with police duties? More like interfering with police privilege to do things their own way unobserved.
Newport News officer who fired fatal shot on July 4 was also involved in 2012 shooting. Why are they always repeat offenders? Maybe they haven’t all shot someone before, maybe they all haven’t killed before, but the vast majority have a string of complaints against them.
Watch Live: George W. Bush Delivers Remarks In New Orleans For Katrina Anniversary. Will he mention black people?
Emmett Till’s cousins recall historic murder, and it’s a painful story to read. I can’t imagine what it would be like to relive. And remember. Even sixty years later.
Johnson: A deeply conservative appeal
Article from 2013, so add 2 years to every number. Still relevant.
rq says
The article found me: Why aren’t these hairstyles suitable for the office? White middle-aged women model cornrows and weaves to address racial prejudice in the workplace. They should wear them to work, too.
Oath Keepers Accuse Own Leaders of Racism after Withdrawing Support for Black Open Carry March. I’m wondering at the layers of irony in this one. Upper Devonian or merely antedeluvian?
Honestly, I still don’t think it’s a good idea, but I’m impressed with the stand some of these members have taken. I would not have expected any of them to even care. Which sort of means I have to reconsider their motives and reasons for showing up in the first place – maybe. But I’m impressed.
Still don’t support open-carry, though.
Viola Davis Says She Will Star in a Film Adaptation of ‘Fences’ Directed by Denzel Washington
Veerrrrrryyy interesting, that they actually believed a black director capable enough wasn’t out there… good luck to the project!
Ohio board establishes state’s first-ever standards for police use of deadly force. That’s kind of the only thing that appears at the link. Hopefully there will be a story later.
Spike Lee To Be Honored At Oscars With Lifetime Achievement Award
At least he’s gotten some acknowledgement.
Could teen have run with severed spine after being shot by St. Louis police? I have my doubts, but apparently the police don’t!
The family is hiring a pathologist to take a second look.
rq says
The Definitive History Of ‘George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People’
So there you go. Black voice (no matter how obnoxious) speaks the truth of what happens to black people, and they get shut down and shut up.
There’s more on what West said and the impact it had on different people at the link, well worth a read.
Terrible Writing About Hurricane Katrina: A Scourge Unto Itself
Well, that’s another book to look into (I mean the one by Smith, not Finks).
Frank Petersen, first African-American Marine aviator, dies. Seems like a lot of trailblazers out of history have been coming to that point in life where it ends. Seems like a bad time for them to go.
Are we afraid to watch white people dying? A perspective on what deathvids get shown on repeat and which ones don’t.
Think about that question for a moment, and the media coverage… And how it has all gone down.
Why isn’t New Orleans Mother’s Day parade shooting a ‘national tragedy’?
Another to provoke the thoughts. There’s more at the link.
rq says
Unpaid internships and a culture of privilege are ruining journalism. Among other things worth reading, it touches on this:
The Cold Cases of the Jim Crow Era or, as the introductory tweet put it, 500 Emmett Tills.
Article continues, but we all know how difficult it is to re-examine history, especially racist history. People would rather forget or ignore and pretend it’s in the past, rather than realizing that this past affects the present and the future, more than they could ever know.
Eyewitness Of The Emmett Till Kidnapping Shares Story, Honors Martin Luther King Jr. In St. Louis. Audio at the link.
High-speed car chase ends with a quick dance party. Let’s hear it for #CrimingWhileWhite.
Sojourner-Douglass College loses bid to restore accreditation, due to a lack of funding.
And a project worth looking into, EMMETT TILL PROJECT
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
DuSable Museum unveils exhibit of African-American experience:
Museum honoring black baseball players to open in Birmingham, AL:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
The Democratic National Committee passes resolution supporting Black Lives Matter:
rq says
Before Emmett Till’s Death, Willie James Howard, 15, Was Murdered in Florida
Court Decides Civil Rights Protections Don’t Apply To Kids In Prison. And guess who is disproportionately affected!
LAPD Officers Who Shot Unarmed Man With Autism Awarded Millions In Discrimination Lawsuit. Being a horrible person pays off.
So they got more than the family of the man they killed.
Justice at work.
Confederate Flag-Vest-Wearing Ohio Police Chief Won’t Apologize. HERITAGE NOT HATE!!!
That ‘not a racist bone in their body’? Pretty much 100% of the time, FALSE. Whether by ignorance or by intent, false.
Shooting by Dover police under investigation
He may or may not have actually been carrying a gun.
As per the usual.
Inmate found dead at Hampton Roads Regional Jail, as posted by Tony above. Going to put up several of the same story, as it appears the family has been trying unsuccessfully to gain some media attention. Think of it as a signal boost.
rq says
Meet #Jamychealmitchell killed in a VA jail cell His crime Stealing a Snickers Bar.- its true #BlackLivesMatter
Let’s hear it again for non-lethal force: ‘This Instrument Can Kill’: Tasers Are Not as Harmless as Previously Thought.
Young black man jailed since April for alleged $5 theft found dead in cell. Yup, there he is again.
“Natural causes”, indeed. I get refusing meals, but what about medical attention? Oh right, he had no rights (see previous comments).
Don Lemon Criticizes CNN, Suggests Its Coverage of the Va. Gunman Was Slightly Homophobic. May he pay the same attention to how CNN covers blackness.
Stop Blaming Me for Hurricane Katrina. No one’s blaming you for the hurricane, dude. You’re being blamed for the response. Screw your excuses. You had the power to act, and you should have had the guts to do so. Some leadership.
The Making of Fetty Wap’s “Trap Queen”
rq says
Black Man Held For Months For Stealing $5 Worth Of Snacks Found Dead In Jail Cell – yep, BuzzFeed on that!
Charts Show How Hurricane Katrina Changed New Orleans
There’s plenty more charts at the link, but just to pause here on schools, I wonder what the racial make-up of the existing charter schools is? And also, why the hell were the public schools in such poor financial condition that they didn’t have the resources to make sure more of their students were up to standards?
Canadian researchers offer university courses studying Beyonce, in case anyone is interested in studying black excellence in the music industry.
Family of man shot, killed by Pleasanton police wants federal investigation – this time, a young white man. Where’s the #AllLivesMatter crowd to raise some noise about this?
This Black Driver’s Mistake Was Looking a Police Officer in the Eye, as seen previously, but here’s an update:
“Safe Communities Through Aggressive Traffic Enforcement” is, as Ta-Nehisi Coates put it so well, just another way of saying “Municipal Plunder Because Blacks”.
Spike Lee to get honorary Oscar 25 years after Do the Right Thing. 25 years too late, but at least he’s getting some recognition.
Funny how they couldn’t honour him at the time. Celebrate his achievements and all that… not that they’re irrelevant now, but it’s nice to hear all the good things while on the upswing, as it were…
rq says
Here’s to less guns for police: Bystander Shot by Undercover Police Officer Dies
I thought they get lessons on when and where to use their firearms – would’ve thought that proper aim, and not shooting while other people are nearby or within the potential line of fire, would have been at the top of the list of skills acquirable. I mean, how do you accidentally shoot someone twice in the torso?
TW for horrible racist language within the next two links.
Zimmerman brags about killing Trayvon Martin: ‘We all know how it ended for the last moron that hit me’ – not citing, the headline alone is vomit-worthy.
Here’s another source on that: ‘We all know how it ended for the last moron that hit me’: George Zimmerman brags about killing Trayvon Martin in racist Twitter rant and refers to Obama as an ‘Ignorant Baboon’. Jesus fuck, can they just not give him the widespread media attention? I can’t even laugh at him. There’s nothing funny or attention-worthy in repeating his words for a wider public. Jesus fuck, media.
It’s the 10th anniversary of Katrina, and I don’t know how to feel
I can think of a few stories that I have read that are in danger of just that.
Anyway, to continue:
Teens Nearly Killed After Police Mistook Telescope for a Rifle and Sweater for a Tactical Vest. “Nearly killed” because, most likely, they were white.
Imagine that.
rq says
Breaking: Die-In in downtown #Chicago calling for community control of police #ChiRisingAug29 #cpac #BlackLivesMatter
New York police officer shoots dead bystander, 61, during gun sales sting, I know, seen before.
DNC Adopts Resolution Supporting ‘Black Lives Matter’, also seen previously on this thread, but consider that a refresher – here’s the response from the Black Lives Matter network
Vandals graffiti around 17 homes & cars, in 2 metro Atlanta neighborhoods. With both racial & sexual comments. So many axes of hate.
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Fatal deputy-involved shooting
rq says
How Whiteness tells the Story of Katrina 10 Years Later
Continue reading at the link. The best is still to come.
Sneers and looks of indifference from the people that were caged up for their “safety”. #BlackFair What’s that all about? Stay tuned. Probably until tomorrow.
The Black Panthers were fighting for the same rights as Black Lives Matter, because apparently some things don’t change.
Interview at the link. Excerpt:
Democrats Make A $15 National Minimum Wage An Establishment Principle. Now let’s see some action, because we all know who is disproportionately affected by the minimum wage.
Check Out America’s Worst Police Departments. Failing grades and all. Not a flattering picture. Of course, what do these people know, anyway, it’s not like any of the respondents are police officers or anything like that. Just members of the community.
The hero of this comic book is a single, black mother raising her super-powered son – because this kind of representation is important.
One of these days, one of these comics starring a young black boy/man will end with him getting shot in the street by a white cop. Now wouldn’t that be the ending of all endings.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
One month later, here’s how that nude lingerie for women of color is doing:
There are multiple enthusiastic Tweets.
Imagine that. Women of color are a demographic that buys stuff. Who could have imagined that? I mean I thought only white women bought stuff.
rq says
Women of colour are a demographic that buys stuff tailored to women of colour! AMAZING! Now someone needs to bring back vari-toned band-aids and put them in the visible shelf of the band-aid aisle.
In New Orleans, a Black Feminist Opera With a Touch of Afrofuturism
Nice. Very nice!
#BlackLivesMatter Interrupts MN State Fair w/ List of Demands, Vimeo video.
Katrina wasn’t over when the storm ended, for some: ‘You’re one of us now’
Story continues at the link.
The Combat Jack Show: The Tef Poe Episode, audio.
California Voters Want Policing Reforms That Politicians Won’t Deliver, on the poison that is police unions.
My sister was the only black ballerina at Joffrey. She played the role of “black iris”.
rq says
Here’s more about the ballet piece: Black Iris by Jeremy McQueen.
Matt Black’s ‘moral’ photography of America’s sprawling poverty, for the story behind the photography. Less racism so much as a look at class, but heck, we know that intersection.
45 murders in 31 days The victims of July violence
From Baltimore.
Details emerge, questions remain in case of Albany Taser death. Non-lethal force, indeed.
Twizzlers, Skittles, and keeping one’s hands warm on a cold night… suspicious.
Trump, in Tennessee, downplays police brutality, promises to get rid of gangs. Read on, if you like, but honestly, I’m not going to cite him here.
Saad says
Confederate Flagger is shocked that hardly anyone showed up to her secession rally in Montgomery
(NOTE: Video at the end of article autoplays)
And they got rained on… *snicker*
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Napa Valley Wine Train may face a $5 million lawsuit:
rq says
Hurricane Katrina Was a Nightmare for Inmates in New Orleans
Keep reading at the link.
Hype surrounds hearing as Freddie Gray case heads to court, and the BPD are apparently getting ready for riots.
Blipster Life: Some Sheroes Don’t Wear Capes, featuring Netta, audio at the link.
After Katrina, New Orleans Cops Were Told They Could Shoot Looters. Define “looter”. Article from July 2012. Worth a reminder.
Minnesota State Fair. You. Can’t. Stop. The. Revolution. #BlackFair #StopPoliceCrimes #BlackLivesMatter, for the photo.
NYPD undercover cop fires at suspect armed with fake gun, fatally shoots bystander, mostly on the excessive aggressiveness of the NYPD.
rq says
In Louisiana, 59% of blacks say it has “mostly not recovered,” while 78% of whites say it has “mostly recovered”.
An Artist Turned An Abandoned New Orleans Complex Into A Tribute To Black History
Oodles of powerful art.
°One of my favourites: #ExhibitBe. NOLA. Am I Next?
Another favourite: #ExhibitBe. NOLA. #SayHerName.
And another: #ExhibitBe. NOLA. Gordon Parks.
This needs a gotdamn trigger warning. Link to a link for slave tetris. Because that’s a thing. A real thing.
<a href="
rq says
Family of Valley Man Shot in Houston Speaks, with video.
Ah, another incident of police unable to deal with mental illness properly.
Here’s one for the WTF???? file: Women sues NYPD for repeatedly trying to arrest her dead husband
Isn’t there like a list of dead people somewhere so they can verify these things? Perhaps a death certificate somewhere on file?
Death of a young black man in a Virginia prison sparks outrage. He was 24.
… But apparently wasn’t under any particular watch. Or extra medical attention. Or anything.
Young black man jailed since April for alleged $5 theft found dead in cell, via the Grauniad.
University of Texas at Austin Moves Confederate Statue – the more, the merrier! And by ‘more’ I mean ‘more removed’.
MTV Airs Rebel Wilson’s “F— Tha Stripper Police” T-Shirt. In addition to some of the ‘jokes’, it was in rather poor taste.
I’m thinking Rebel Wilson herself was rather… uninspired.
rq says
Skywriter spelling out #BlackLivesMatter over downtown Seattle.
Whites Quit Working With Black Mississippi Judge, Then He Got Sacked, “Rickey Thompson started a drug court to start treating offenders and stop imprisoning them. Then he says officials quit sending him offenders altogether.”
Personally, I think his biggest crime was being popular among black people. But what do I know?
Serena Williams Is Today’s Muhammad Ali, an interesting read on sports and representation. A sample:
What ethnic group is mostly likely to be shot by police in the USA? You may not guess right, though.
I can get behind supporting officers, as long as they listen to those offering suggestions, complaints and other general commentary in good faith.
Strangers in our Home: Why Writing about Hurricane Katrina is Both Impossible and Necessary
Continue reading at the link.
rq says
Attorney General’s office says not naming officers who shot Radazz Hearns over ‘security concerns’
These particular ones, maybe – but I do believe they didn’t release Darren Wilson’s name initially because of ‘safety concerns’. Though how many of these actually guilty officers have ever been in direct, actual danger, who knows?
Details emerge, questions remain in case of Albany Taser death. Tasers are non-lethal weapons, though, so why worry, right?
Contributing factor: mental illness. More training for cops, please.
City appeals order to release Garner cop’s complaint records, may they win.
Fox News Graphic Calls Black Lives Matter The “‘Murder’ Movement”. A picture is worth a thousand words, but you can read about the bad vocabulary at the link.
Black Lives Matter And The Death Of Felix Kumi, the dude accidentally shot and killed in New York.
More at the link.
A White Teen Was Killed By A Cop And No One Took To The Streets. Is That A Problem? Yes, especially in the light of #AllLivesMatter.
Don’t blame the media for white people unable to stand up for one of their own. Oh wait, the media is white. I guess they’re culpable, too.
rq says
In the Execution Business, Missouri Is Surging
Keep reading at the link.
[KATRINA 10] Mental Health Professionals Balance Recovery and Resourcefulness
A good case for increasing mental health resources.
I’m a black activist. Here’s what people get wrong about Black Lives Matter. A good review and overview, in case anyone has been forgetting.
More at the link. A long read, but a great lesson in history, and the contemporary.
About a kind of white-washing, a kind of respectabilitization of the past, in views of keeping the present tamer, more polite, and a heckuvalot quieter.
Dallas man dies after deputy is seen with knee on his neck during arrest. I posted about this above. Did I ask about the #AllLivesMatter crowd with respect to bringing attention to this?
Deray McKesson Checks Comedienne for Mocking Police Violence at VMAs. He wasn’t the only one, though.
Sample tweets can be found at the link.
Hulk Hogan: Don’t Let One Racist Slur on Tape Define My Lifetime of Repeatedly Using Racist Slurs. That headline pretty much covers the entire article. Stop thinking you’re not racist or that you can’t be or talk or act racist, white people. We do it all the time, we do it unconsciously. Own up, make a conscious decision to change, and let’s move forward by listening and learning from the black voices speaking out around us. Not by denying that we could ever be racist in word or deed – this kind of thinking is a shameful lack of accountability on our part. Do better.
rq says
James Bond Author Says Idris Elba Is ‘Too Street’ to Play James Bond. Apology forthcoming.
Black Utah Man Says He Is Being Terrorized by Racist Neighbors, becaus these things actually happen.
More details at the link.
One Easy Thing All White People Could Do That Would Make The World A Better Place. Watch the video (from 2013) if you can, it’s a good example of using white privilege the right way.
Racist Slave Trade Video Game Prompts Social Media Backlash
Read on at the link.
There’s ways to educate and then there’s ways sto reinforce stereotypes and everything that goes with ’em.
To Hasselbeck and Others: Here Are a List of Hate Groups, None of Which Are Black Lives Matter Activists or the Organization. Yeeeep, BLM is apparently a hate group.
You can watch the video at the link.
Tenn. Teen Badly Beaten After Reportedly Using the N-Word. Will this be treated as reverse racism, or an attack on free speech? The school has an interesting response, though:
So I’m going for the reverse racism, because of a lack of due discipline arising from the victim’s whiteness.
rq says
I love this story, out of Canada: UPDATED: Cree Woman Wins Beauty Pageant, Immediately Turns Spotlight to Stephen “Missing and Murdered Women Not a Priority” Harper – nothing better than having a voice and a platform from which to use it! I don’t know if this will actually improve any action or increase motivation to investigate these disappearances and murders, but the attention is necessary.
You know what would be awesome? If the CBC invited her for an interview and she had a chance to repeat these same statements there. To the white people of Canada.
PBS NewsHour Launches a Yearlong Conversation on Race, Diversity and Intolerance, something to look forward to!
Police in San Antonio fatally shot man with hands up, unaware they were being filmed, Shaun King for the DailyKos.
So you can watch the video at the link, if you like.
Racism turns up everywhere. Porn’s Race Problem
More at the link. It’s pretty atrocious.
The article also speaks about black women in porn, and how much they get paid versus their white counterparts. It’s disgusting.
I know Chris Brown is problematic for reasons, but here’s another aspect of him: Chris Brown and Why Its Easy to Ignore Rape of Black Boys
There is more on this particularly toxic aspect of culturally-accepted masculinity at the link.
Ooooh! Another playing fast and loose with their opinions and prejudices, rather than looking at the facts! Sheriff links “Black Lives Matter” movement to slain deputy. Note: there hasn’t been much of an investigation yet.
See? Black people are a monoli… Oh.
rq says
I missed “Nicki Minaj fires back after Miley Cyrus aims White privilege at her,” got a link? What is she talking about, you ask?
This: MTV Video Music Awards 2015: Miley Cyrus fires back after Nicki Minaj aims vulgarity at her. Whew! What a title.
Blind people can be racist, too, study says. Which proves what, that it’s not about the colour you see, but the biases you hold? Sounds about right.
No shit.
Miley Cyrus Uses the Term “Mammy” on Stage at the 2015 MTV VMAs. If you’re not clear about why this is wrong, google the term.
Feminist, my white ass. She should at the very least, as a feminist, recognize the sexist implications in the term, even if she is willfully blind to the racist ones.
Fox News declares #BlackLivesMatter a “murder movement”. They’re pissing off the white right-wing, so I guess… they’re doing something right?
Better n better.
Activists planning protests around Freddie Gray hearings, as police prepare. First one’s today, if I recall correctly. The police are preparing, too.
rq says
The Prison Guard Who Couldn’t Escape Prison. Considering how good cops get treated in the end, how do you think this will end? TW for suicide.
A lot of maintenance going into that green wall of silence. Too much. Way too much.
Social Media Threat Against Black High School Students in Texas Spurs Mass Absences. So disadvantaged students get disadvantaged even more. Congratulations, white supremacists, you are all assholes.
Apparently it’s super-hard to track who owns an instagram account, when the owner is white.
The NFL is going to hate Will Smith’s new movie ‘Concussion.’ Watch the trailer. I hope he’s prepared for extra white hate.
Oh maaaan, white football-loving USAmerica, you’re going to hate this one.
Federal court to consider if California death row delays violate US constitution. How about doing away with death row?
The disrespect of black bodies at the VMAs went too far
Exclusion of Blacks From Juries Raises Renewed Scrutiny. “Renewed”? So there was scrutiny, and someone decided Eh, no, things are fine?
Much more at the link.
rq says
Asari Kente Cloth tribute to African American Astronauts. Thx @ourshadesofblue for inspiring our kids to soar higher.
No convictions over 500 black and Asian deaths in custody, this in the UK.
Read on at the link. Contrast and compare to the US situation. Maybe less deaths on the streets, but in prison…?
Apple Launches Scholars Program with Thurgood Marshall College Fund for HBCU Students
Nice move. As long as it comes with no strings.
Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly vows to “put #BlackLivesMatter out of business”. #BlackLivesMatter is a business?
Oh I like that dig about standards. There’s a subtitle where O’Reilly says: “Any media person who supports them, I’m going to put them on this program and put a picture of them on the air”, which, if you think about it, could backfire on him rather nicely.
Editorial: Police and the use of (political) force, with specific reference to unions.
More at the link. Police unions have got to go, if they plan on continuing in the modern guise. They just can’t.
Idris Elba is ‘too street’ to play 007, says James Bond author. Again, the photo editor disagrees: “He thinks the actor isn’t ‘suave’ enough”, and the photo is as suave as they come, staring over the rims of his glasses and all. *palpitations*
rq says
Video Suggests Suspect in San Antonio Shooting Had Hands Raised When Shot, seen via Shaun King previously.
Police: Friendly fire likely wounded officer in wrong-house encounter. Wrong house. Shot the dog. Shot each other. Can the cops get any more incompetent in this case? Something tells me they’re less worried about getting the facts right than about making a spectacular arrest.
Suspect in Texas Cop’s Shooting Death Has History of Mental Illness. I suppose it’s better than linking him automatically to BLM, but I’m not sure if mental incompetence is really the way to go, either.
God bless the photo editor who was like “Let’s clear up right away that the man who said this is a complete moron”. This photo.
Alabama police admit officer’s body camera was turned off before shooting man holding spoon
So, really, the point of those body cameras…?
Man Found Unconscious in SDPD Patrol Car Dies
Could very well be just a suspicious coincidence, but I’d like to point out two things:
1) Why is his criminal history important that it even needs to be mentioned? Even as a few-worded aside at the end, where it seems tacked on and irrelevant?
2) House of Metamorphosis? Kafka…?
rq says
Jamarion trial: 2 moms on opposite sides of tragedy
There’s more at the link, but I don’t hold out much hope for Jamarion. He’s a black boy who stabbed a blue-eyed, blonde white boy. Everything is stacked against him.
Idris Elba Is Too ‘Street’ to Play James Bond, Says Latest 007 Author. Still coming up on the apology, don’t worry!
Who is the judge in the Freddie Gray hearing? Meet Barry Glenn Williams.
Eh. I was kinda hoping they’d have more on his trial history and suchlike.
There’s nothing linking Black Lives Matter to a Texas cop’s death. Fox News did it anyway. Because it’s Fox News.
Sparkly bright police work right there.
Interview with man picked by Kennedy administration to be the first black man in space. Except, oddly enough, he never went to space.
And now the story is that anyone who wasn’t white just couldn’t make the cut. BULLSHIT.
Georgia teenager dies after being shot with stun gun by police. Them there non-lethal weapons at work again.
rq says
Former Police Chief: National Anti-Police Trend is Growing
So calling for change in a single police department is enough to turn all of USAmerica (or, you know, at least the black folk) anti-police police murderers (potential or actual)? Maybe he should question why the situation was so volatile before he speaks to the press about it.
Idris Elba is ‘too street’ and ‘too rough’ to play James Bond, 007 author says. Just sayin’, the story got around. Though maybe the author just doesn’t personally like Elba, but would be okay with someone like, say, Chiwetel Ejiofor. Perhaps one should ask…?
Cop kills six people in 12 years, now teaches other cops how to use their guns. I lack the appropriate words. I wanted to make a joke about teaching from experience and the like, but… no.
Three Shootings In Vallejo, “Residents of a Bay Area town wonder how one police officer could gun down three men in five months and earn a promotion.” Yep. A story from March 2015, but it serves as a clear look into police culture.
Family of man killed by Oakland police to sue after seeing video
There should be criminal charges.
Retrial for five New Orleans cops convicted of shooting dead two unarmed civilians in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina because leaks by prosecutors ‘tainted’ judgement -in what way? Aaaah…
Stupid legal points in this case – I mean, holy shit, look at the case.
I just hope the verdict is the same, in the end – with harsher penalties.
rq says
Wrong-house shooting in DeKalb: ‘Why did they shoot me? My dog?’
I’ll give you two guesses!
Study: People Are Quicker to Shoot a Black Target Than a White Target. And shooter bias increases in states with lax gun laws (as per the subtitle)! Imagine that!
That’s why it’s called subconscious bias.
okay y’all—time for @tejucole to write the James Baldwin biopic starring @TheOrlandoJones, & we all know this is true – also another Bond candidate, in my opinion.
Panel may look at how pretrial practices affect disparities in justice
I know a few people they would do well to listen to.
There Is No Ferguson Effect
The absolutely inimitable Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Bond Author Apologizes for Calling Idris Elba “Too Street” to Play 007
Well, I wouldn’t have been quite so enthusiastic about the apology, as nice as it is. Also he never mentions about how he’s going to think about his choice of words or the effect that ‘gritty’ has vs. ‘street’, or that he has realized that he needs to pay closer attention to his words. I mean, as a start, the apology is nice.
But it should have been more.
rq says
FOP backs law for police anonymity
Funny, police unions and Republicans working together.
Not funny at all.
Woman convicted for standing somewhat close to a police officer. You can read the details at the link, but the headline is a pretty good summary.
Mass march against apartheid culture @StellenboschUni #Luister #OpenStellenbosch
#Luister “we are here to disrupt White privilege”
W. E. B. Du Bois with the Fisk University class of 1888. Love the photo. Just wish there’d been a bigger class.
Pine Lawn in talks with St. Louis County about turning over policing. Uh-oh for Pine Lawn! Though I don’t know if county police would be that much of an improvement.
rq says
Is the FBI monitoring this guy, too? Texas Bounty Hunter, Nathan Ener threatening domestic terrorism against #BlackLivesMatter activists.
STATE OF THE TROUT: 6 minute long rant about Miley Cyrus, plus other various newses
Cleveland police officer goes on trial in civil case over 2012 fatal shooting
Sounds like a nice, proper de-escalation technique from off-duty officers. More at the link.
Hey, remember this case? 3 San Bernardino County deputies charged in televised beating It’s nice to hear that there will be charges.
Sure, we don’t know what it’s like because all we have is a bird’s-eye view.
Three Deputies Face Criminal Charges in Horseback Pursuit Takedown, NBC on the same.
rq says
Old ‘White Only’ sign removed from St. Louis Goodwill’s online shopping site after complaint
BART Police Say Man Shot Himself During Confrontation With Officers At West Oakland Station. An eye-witness on twitter says the cops claimed this after the man who was shot was yelling ‘they shot me’.
What you need to know for today’s Freddie Gray hearing, a re-cap.
Sony Altered ‘Concussion’ Film to Prevent N.F.L. Protests, Emails Show. Ooooh, they did, did they? I bet it will still piss off football fans, the white ones especially.
Well, shit.
Cop sues NYPD, claims locker vandalized after blowing whistle on quotas. He tried to be a good cop.
#Amita – screenshots at the link.
Miami security guard blames George Zimmerman for arrest in killing of unarmed man
And so it goes. That’s just the beginning.
rq says
Comment in moderation. There will be a new 240.
Black Lives Matter, ACLU Call out LAPD for Trampling First Amendment Rights
A bit more at the link.
Oakland police review process examined after first fatal shooting in two years, again on waking a man up in his car and not giving him time to wake up.
Hm. Wondering how Hogg’s criminal past (the extremely recent one, at that may be relevant to the actual actions taken by police prior to shooting him.
Idris Elba cant be James Bond, he wont be able to drive an Aston Martin without being pulled over every 15 minutes. That will ruin the movie.
Actually, that would be an interesting type of Bond movie… Constantly being side-tracked and obstructed by police and having to show his ID again and again… And STILL managing to outsmart, outwit and outmaneuver the bad guys.
And in a resonant salute to #AllLivesMatter, ‘A thug’s life don’t matter’: Texas racist threatens mob violence against Black Lives Matter to avenge deputy’s death.
Read more of his filth at the link.
California Agrees to Overhaul Use of Solitary Confinement, which is a good step and some kind of progress, I suppose.
Black Employees at a Trump Casino Were Reportedly Removed Whenever the Donald Arrived. Just another reason amongst the myriad to hate Trump.
rq says
Comment in moderation. There will be a new 240.
Black Lives Matter, ACLU Call out LAPD for Trampling First Amendment Rights
A bit more at the link.
Oakland police review process examined after first fatal shooting in two years, again on waking a man up in his car and not giving him time to wake up.
Hm. Wondering how Hogg’s criminal past (the extremely recent one, at that may be relevant to the actual actions taken by police prior to shooting him.
Idris Elba cant be James Bond, he wont be able to drive an Aston Martin without being pulled over every 15 minutes. That will ruin the movie.
Actually, that would be an interesting type of Bond movie… Constantly being side-tracked and obstructed by police and having to show his ID again and again… And STILL managing to outsmart, outwit and outmaneuver the bad guys.
And in a resonant salute to #AllLivesMatter, ‘A thug’s life don’t matter’: Texas racist threatens mob violence against Black Lives Matter to avenge deputy’s death.
Read more of his filth at the link.
California Agrees to Overhaul Use of Solitary Confinement, which is a good step and some kind of progress, I suppose.
Black Employees at a Trump Casino Were Reportedly Removed Whenever the Donald Arrived. Just another reason amongst the myriad to hate Trump.
rq says
M.E. identifies woman who died while in custody at North Braddock police station
Sooo… we’ll see?
Here’s How New Texas Public School Textbooks Write About Slavery – do you really want to know?
Concrete examples at the link! And yeah… not pretty.
Ex-Eutawville chief pleads guilty to lesser charge, will serve no time for killing black motorist
His face was a picture of despair! O, the anguish! O, the agony! However will he survive… *whispers* house arrest…?
Should Cops Who Shoot Civilians Be Named? Seriously? Yes. They should also face charges in all situations, because if it was self-defense, then that will out in court.
More at the link.
Palm Springs to pay $2.5 million to family of Marine shot by police. Because the uniform is no protection or refuge.
Wellp, a job well done, innit?
Confederate flag debate raises safety concerns at Harrisburg High School
rq says
I left a sample comment by accident in the blockquote of that one link. Let that be a warning to anyone who wishes to delve deeper.
Schneiderman declines to take Mount Vernon bystander case. So, no special investigation in the case of an innocent by-stander shot by a trigger-happy police officer. Great!
Speaking of trigger-happy, Trigger-Happy Cop Shot One of His Own and Kept Blasting Away. The heat of the moment, I guess? (I know this is a thread mostly for the racism, but it’s the cops, too! Both sides!)
More than 30 people killed in Bexar County by law enforcement officers since 2010. Sounds a bit much.
More on police-related deaths at the link.
Missouri auditor will review municipal court practices to look for abuses. Oh good. I hope they have training in how to spot these abuses and how to listen to those experiencing these abuses. That would be a good start.
And all eyes on Baltimore, Protest at Pratt and Calvert during #FreddieGray preliminary hearing #BaltimoreUprising
It was not yet 10am when I snapped this photo. Told by officers they’re “preparing”.
rq says
The U.S. has 35,000 museums. Why is only one about slavery?
Read on at the link. One man making use of his white privilege.
Blood Plasma, Sweat, and Tears, “When cobbling together a livable income, many of America’s poorest people rely on the stipends they receive for donating plasma.” And guess who is disproportionately affected!
Police line advancing on protestors #FreddieGray Baltimore again.
Baltimore Police Arrest Injured Protester Near Freddie Gray Court Hearing
Both sides, I tell ya.
We’re creating great content at @sevenscribes and highlighting young writers of color. If you’re with that, back us: …
I post articles from them regularly. Never been disappointed so far, always provoked to think and see things a bit differently, through eyes not mine. If you have anything to spare, I recommend supporting them.
Also, I know at least one person who should try to write for them. :)
rq says
‘This is a threat to me and my family’: Man furious after waking up to find ‘N*****’ in three-foot letters burnt into his front lawn with weed killer in Florida
The article goes on to mention that the shooting of the two reporters last week should be classified a hate crime. Which seems rather unrelated to this story, but okay.
Judge denies motions to dismiss charges, recuse Mosby in Freddie Gray case. So yay Mosby, may things proceed accordingly.
Judge Doesn’t Dismiss Charges in Freddie Gray Case. Yep, it turns out that the defense wanted the charges dismissed altogether. Is this a typical legal dance?
Fox News says Black Lives Matter incites violence. Critics said the same of MLK. Small comfort.
So stop invoking MLK as the etalon of peaceful protest. It is with the white eye of retrospection that we can label him such, but at the time, as peaceful as he may have been, he wasn’t seen as such. A white fear of black equality.
Whitworth students pose in blackface, University promises action. University students, so intelligent and educated. So ignorant.
The students will be held accountable, but I especially like the condemnation of the educational system of the United States: these (blackface, the word ‘mammy’, etc.) are not things that should be swept under the rug and ignored like they’re just harmless forms of self-expression. They come with a huge amount of baggage, and for any kind of racial justice to occur, people need to know this. They need to know this not in the passing way of ‘heard it once in history class’, but know it enough to remember it. And to call each other out when someone suggests such things. I’m surprised that there wasn’t anyone to say anything out loud on an entire soccer team, but I guess it happens.
.@DanPatrick, the Lt. Governor of Texas, has released this statement re: appreciating police. 2015. (h/t @stjbs) See attached text, a letter in support of police. Basically, they have dangerous jobs, they are underappreciated, and everyone should make sure to donate some extra time and/or money to make them feel more cherished!
rq says
YES!!! #AB953 #RiseUpAB953 #CAleg Amid protest for black lives in the capital, a nod to trans lives, too. See photo.
Second video said to show man holding knife when shot by deputies… but they won’t release it? Hmm.
So why not release it? They’re so quick to release other videos, ones that have more bearing on the character of those they shoot rather than the actions of their officers… Somehow, they’re never particularly transparent with those.
Wrongly convicted brothers each get $750,000 in compensation. Which is nice, but for three decades of wrongful imprisonment, I would have expected more…
rq says
And because we do need to hear his own perspective on the matter, Idris Elba Lets ‘the Street’ Do the Talking. Basically, he doesn’t say much about it.
This couple got ‘Black lives matter for target practice’ written on their house
A pattern of intimidation, one might say. Where are the consequences? Are the police doing everything to investigate?
Mosby’s chief deputy steps forward to defend her
More at the link, but the tone is very much ‘white man saves black woman’. While I appreciate the necessity, it still doesn’t leave one with a comfortable feeling.
Gov. Nikki Haley criticizes ‘yell and scream’ strategy of ‘Black Lives Matter,’ but also says GOP needs new tone – yeah, maybe Trump should tone it down a bit, hey?
Say it louder, I don’t think Trump heard you.
Police in Ferguson gave a lesson in how not to respond to protests, says report – a lesson, apparently, few have learned.
Plenty more at the link.
You May Not Know These Black Millennials, But They’re Helping Detroit Make Its Comeback
Eleven people making a difference at the link, and that’s only a handful of those doing the work. Go, black millennials!
rq says
‘Provocative’ Police Tactics Inflamed Ferguson Protests, Experts Find, HuffPo on the latest DOJ report coming out today.
Racism manifests in all spaces: Geosciences in the United States: The Stats (stats actually from May 2014)
More links to sources and other resources at the link.
I doubt much has changed in the intervening year.
Andre Green’s family hires high-profile attorney, plans to file lawsuit against IMPD
Besides the usual horrible shit that comes with the cops killing a teenager, you know what bothers me here? That he’s looking at the case from a tactical standpoint. Not community relations, not improved training in non-lethal force, not resources for stressed-out officers, but the fucking tactical standpoint.
Justice Department report finds uncoordinated police response to Ferguson protests, St Louis Public Radio on that.
How the Federal Government Built White Suburbia
There’s more at the link, on this government-sponsored type of discrimination. Plus links to more reading on the subject.
10 criticisms and lessons from the DOJ report on Ferguson response
You can view the ten lessons learned at the link.
rq says
Judge: Separate trials for six officers in Freddie Gray case – this sort of makes sense to me, but sort of not. Do separate trials have an impact on the chance of convicting all officers involved? Would one trial for all six have an impact on these chances?
I’m wondering who on the defense is interested in justice.
Officials were wrong to jump to conclusions in deputy’s slaying. Is this in relation to the link to #BlackLivesMatter?
They have unofficially linked him – shouldn’t that be enough?
Why I Don’t Date White Men, a personal account of enduring racism and refusing to become an educator to one’s partner. Excerpt:
Worth a read, all of it. She also touches on how the racial aspect intersects with poverty. Which, as we know, often occurs.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says
A monument of racism to be abolished!!! Racism is over!!!
It is amazing that this monument in NOLA is finally being removed.
Inscription on which:
rq says
Anthony Batts says police ‘took a knee’ after Baltimore riots
An interesting and rather frightening prospect, that, when faced with reforms that may reduce their power and privilege, police refuse to do their duties at all.
What an attitude.
Sandra Bland activists maintain jail vigil despite dimming media spotlight. Still no real answers there.
More at the link, but attention to the case seems to be waning. I hope they get some answers, whatever they may be.
On Taylor Swift and her cringeworthy obsession with blackness
Ex-Baltimore Police Commissioner Discusses Tenure, Firing
Rather sparse on the details there,CBS Local.
Moving Targets, “US police have fatally shot 30 people in moving vehicles this year, despite federal guidelines advising them not to. Why have police departments pulled the trigger on drivers rather than reform?”
Is anyone surprised? See Denver PD for more details. Jessie Hernandez comes to mind. As one example.
Ex-Police Chief Who Fatally Shot Unarmed Black Man Sentenced to House Arrest. Mentioned previously, I believe. But seriously. House arrest. Fuck that shit.
rq says
School Protesters Force Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel To Shut Down Budget Meeting
Justice Department report criticizes military-style police tactics in Ferguson, Los Angeles Times.
Those of us white folks that say we are “colorblind”, create erasure that race benefits or disadvantages in the U.S. Links to infographics.
Ambitious new African American Initiative aims to improve climate. So they mean to say climate change is real? No, wait, they’re talking about a different sort of climate.
Interview at the link.
‘Shut the Hell Up!’: Roland Martin Thoroughly Demolishes Bill O’Reilly’s Ignorant Argument About #BlackLivesMatter; sadly, only video at the link.
Andy Roddick On The Ugly Truth Behind How We Treat Serena Williams
rq says
Hot Air exclusive: Scott Walker speaks out on cop murders and American leadership
There’s more at the link. I’m wondering if the name ‘Hot Air’ is tongue-in-cheek at all…
Wrong-house shooting: Not the first time a 911 call puts homeowner in peril. And even when visiting the correct house, not the first time officers shoot the people requesting their help. There’s a short list of five people, at least two of whose names we have seen in these threads, with a link to more.
Family of man killed by Philly police lodges federal class-action suit
Good luck.
Solicitor Scarlett Wilson to seek death penalty against Dylann Roof. Not exactly the path to racial reconciliation. I… kind of don’t get it, though. The victims’ families were asked, straight off the bat, if they forgave Roof. Which they did, sort of, at least publicly saying the words. My question is, if the death penalty is not necessary legally, and the family has “forgiven” Roof, why bother at all?
Portsmouth police officer indicted on first-degree murder charge in shooting death of William Chapman II
Here’s a profile of Rankin from June 1 of this year: Stephen Rankin: the military-trained officer who killed two unarmed men.
rq says
Miley Had it Coming: Why Nicki Minaj Has No Duty to be Nice About White Privilege, another commentary on Miley’s blatantly obvious white privilege.
Basically, Cyrus was all ‘Angry Black Woman Alert!’ without turning on her brain and listening.
Racial Injustice Fatigue: Coping with the Toxicity of Well-Meaning White People. It’s listen-up time for white people!
No, she does not have that obligation. Nope.
Justice Department report: Police seriously botched their response to Ferguson protesters, Vox. Link to the report itself at the link. Also here.
<a href="
rq says
Comic book fans, arise! Amandla Stenberg’s New Project Is A Tribute To All Badass Black Women
I was all ‘woo! an elf parent and a black parent!’ and then I thought ‘heeeeeey… what if her elf parent is a black elf???’ So anyway neat thoughts.
Millis gun attack story fabricated, official says, because this is what officers doooo…
At least he had the decency to describe the suspect as white. Can’t imagine if he’d said black.
Did I mention I wanted to see her on the CBC? New Mrs. Universe says Tory government treats First Nations people ‘like terrorists’
It’s like USAmerica and Canada were colonized by the same people or something. They seem to be doing the same things.
William Chapman: state official will seek to prosecute officer who killed teenager – from last week, as it now turns out the officer has been charged. Let’s hear it for the trial!
Family: Jamycheal Mitchell was in cell covered in his own feces, urine. So, basically, no basic human care. No medical care. And they blame everything on his mental illness.
rq says
‘Dope,’ One Of The Summer’s Best Films, Returns To Theaters Friday
We Trust Black Women to Stand Up, Speak Out, and Lead, on the importance of (a) listening to black (and other minority) women and (b) meeting their (even basic) needs.
More to read at the link, also speaks to the health needs and issues of black trans people.
Man On Crutches Claims Cop Said “I Don’t Give A F***” Before Beating Him. Wait… another black man armed with crutches beaten by police?
Something a bit more subtle: Arizona News Anchor Is Drawn Into Debate on Her Accent and the Use of Spanish
Vanessa Ruiz, you should know by now: Real White USAmericans know best.
The Truth of ‘Black Lives Matter’
Nice one, NY Times. Calling out Republicans and taking a stance, all at the same time. You liberals you!
Davis says Baltimore police officers ‘take offense’ at Batts’ comments. His comments yesterday, as per several comments above.
Honestly, if the police union supports Davis? I rather fear for the outcome.
rq says
This article is rather lengthy but that’s mostly due to the wealth of information within. Much of it is more feminism-focussed, but there’s a good chunk that focusses on race and test results. Yep, it’s a long piece on stereotype threat: “Picture yourself as a stereotypical male”.
See the graphs for more details.
An off-duty cop shot my brother inside a hospital. I want to know why.
No, it doesn’t get any better from there. Not at all. Seriously, did no one listen to his parents? To him? Another person who should. not. be. shot. Who should instead be receiving proper treatment for his mental health at a professional facility and looking forward to getting better. I sure am glad he’s alive, though. And recovering.
I blame the hospital as much as I blame the security guard.
Note this:
What a Kanye Presidency Would Look Like, five vignettes that are apparently humourous in their representation of Kanye’s impending presidency.
The Life And Death Of Influential Black Panther Fred Hampton
Read on at the link.
Huffington Post, on twitter, presented it as ‘the Black Panther you never knew about’ (I paraphrase). I mean, if you’ve never heard of Fred Hampton before, then… I dunno.
rq says
New London Prosecutor: Police Used “Appropriate” Force On Prisoner Who Later Died
Oh okay!
Low-Income Workers See Biggest Drop in Paychecks – guess who will be disproportionately affected!
Keep reading at the link.
Man who allegedly terrorized African-American campers faces criminal charges
At least he’s facing criminal charges now. I hope they stick, and stick good!
Here’s the Conservative Playbook for Tearing Down Black Lives Matter – we saw the NY Times support earlier in this thread. Here’s basically the same info in different words.
In other words, just a lot of hate.
Ferguson police say they don’t have video from protester’s arrest – though the protestor was livestreaming, they don’t seem to have the footage…
Well I know who I’m going to believe…
Cop Fired After Indictment in Killing of Virginia Teen William Chapman, some more on Rankin. I hear rumours that it might be worth checking out the Portsmouth PD recruitment video. Apparently it ends with a grenade being lobbed into a house for no reason. Haven’t seen it yet, but would I be surprised? Not really. Goes with the attitude.
rq says
Black man arrested over a tweet, #NathanEner still free after video threatening to kill #BlackLivesMatter activists. Don’t believe Twitter?
Partie le un: Maryland man arrested for Twitter threat to ‘kill all white people’
Somebody needs to review the definition of the word ‘racist’. But I continue with…
Partie le deux: East Texas community leader, former jailer issues call to attack anti-police activists
But he’s still free to go about his business. What could possibly be the difference?
Students and alumni take to social media to protest Howard University, a traditionally black university.
Lots of tweets with specific concerns at the link.
Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation. Shoulda gone through with that whole 40 acres and a mule bit back when you had a chance, would’ve cost less!
rq says
[UPDATED] Cop says photo of him saluting at KKK rally was “taken out of context”
The article links to the Vice piece. And you know, even if he is telling the truth, I have a hard time taking it at face value… Because cops.
Driving while fresh: Black man pulled over by Rhode Island cop for air freshener dangling from mirror. It’s like a really bad joke except it’s not funny at all.
Ooooh, excuses, excuses! So now they’re watching the entire family for one guy, who obviously doesn’t come around too often, and somehow the cop didn’t see that McLaren didn’t get into the car… I have some questions.
I love a little smackdown in the morning. O’Reilly Asks Expert If Black Lives Matter Is To Blame For Police Murders. Then Things Got Awkward. (Don’t know about awkward. Just smackdown.)
There’s more at the link, too.
5 Things To Tell Anyone Who Blames Black Lives Matter For Violence Against Cops. For you, O’Reilly!
The five things at the link. I’d just like to highlight these two little paragraphs:
Bolding mine. A kind of progress – now convictions have to be up, too.
LeBron James Is Now Helping Akron Adults Get Their GED, but no, blacks are just destroying their own communities and they don’t care!
In a similar though more general vein, #BlackMenLove: We Should Cheer Academic Success the Same Way We Do Sports and Entertainment. Article from July of this year.
More at the link.
rq says
17 Images That Destroy the Most Common Myths About the Black Panthers
I believe there is information on where the film will be playing to be found via a link at the link.
One Year Later: The Evolution of a Movement, from August of this year.
More at the link.
Portsmouth Police Officer charged with murder granted $75,000 bond. Just, you know, to compare with that young man in Baltimore whose bond was set quite a bit higher for breaking a window.
ACLU to Justice Department: Don’t give LAPD money for body cameras
So yeah, it’s not just about the bodycams as such, but about how they are used.
Remember all that fear-mongering the police are doing? I went looking for the uptick in murders in U.S. cities. Here’s what I found.
More at the link.
St. Louis Rams Partner with City to Silence “Black Lives Matter”
rq says
Oh boy, that was a terrible blockquote. Sorry!
Alabama officer kept job after proposal to murder black man and hide evidence
More at the link.
Whitworth Soccer Players Suspended for One Game After Posing in Blackface
Just the one game, huh?
We Got Berned
More about the horrible christian advice, but I’m pretty sure the portrayal of black women as being so susceptible and made to be examples of that particular ideology is harmful, too. Box-Office Hit War Room Made Me Shake with Rage.
Black Man Brutalized by Security Guard at Whole Foods for Trying to Buy Food. He couldn’t possibly be actually buying food, amirite??
Way to go. I hope Whole Foods has a good reply to this.
Modern-day slavery: Lies, deceit and abduction staff Thailand’s fishing industry.
rq says
Oh boy, that was a terrible blockquote. Sorry!
Alabama officer kept job after proposal to murder black man and hide evidence
More at the link.
Whitworth Soccer Players Suspended for One Game After Posing in Blackface
Just the one game, huh?
We Got Berned
More about the horrible christian advice, but I’m pretty sure the portrayal of black women as being so susceptible and made to be examples of that particular ideology is harmful, too. Box-Office Hit War Room Made Me Shake with Rage.
Black Man Brutalized by Security Guard at Whole Foods for Trying to Buy Food. He couldn’t possibly be actually buying food, amirite??
Way to go. I hope Whole Foods has a good reply to this.
Modern-day slavery: Lies, deceit and abduction staff Thailand’s fishing industry.
rq says
These folks want to celebrate their Southern Heritage… Aka colonialism, slavery and Jim Crow.
Now I’m not sure if this is Baltimore or Minneapolis, because it seems there were several flag and anti-flag protests.
Thankfully, most also had this: Chant: “DC Means ‘Don’t Come’ Get the Phuck Out Now!” #HateNotHeritage
On racism and attempted diversity in publishing, Contents of Maggie Stiefvater’s Brain. Here was the issue:
And here’s her response (partial):
In other words, she’s a white person on a panel about writing diversity as a white person rather than leaving open opporunities for actual people of colour to have their voices heard.
A response to her being on the panel:*tch-who-was-talking-about.htmlto this b*tch who was talking about Halsey in the press the other day, Maggie what’s good? The link is a bit redacted for obvious reasons, please make appropriate corrections to reach the site.
There’s more at the link, but please read it there.
Whole Foods’ security guard is fired after ‘slamming a customer into concrete pillars before choking him unconscious in bloody attack when he tried to pay with food stamps’. I hope they write a warning about him, or give him a bad reference. Anything that keeps him from getting another job as a security guard. And I hope he faces charges, too.
White woman accidentally impregnated with black man’s sperm loses legal battle
I don’t really know what to say. I suggest she start using her white privilege to educate her family ASAP.
rq says
PZ on the confederate flag: The incredible shrinking number.
Family Of Man Fatally Shot By Police Files Federal Lawsuit Against City. Bonus points if you can identify which man in which city before reading the article.
Viola Davis Just Called Out Hollywood For Ignoring Dark-Skinned Women. The question is, will Hollywood listen this time?
Ratcheting Up the Rhetoric, Charles M Blow.
Love his writing.
Texas officer who killed football player was hired on 3rd try. One wonders how he managed to be hired at all.
Funny that it’s comforting to know that he was not hired due to health reasons, rather than anything behavioural. Still, though…
Attorney, NAACP skeptical of state’s attorney’s report on New London in-custody death. One can understand why.
rq says
2015 may be one of the safest years for law enforcement in a quarter century. Some numbers and stats to put before those who insist that policing is more dangerous than ever.
Black couple uses housing law to sue over slurs, threats. May they win.
May. They. Win.
White people have got to learn that there will be consequences for such blatant intolerance, and black families and those of other minority groups must be encouraged to make sure those consequences are felt. Precedents, please. Lots of them.
Oakland Cops Investigate Guard’s Reported Attack on Whole Foods Shopper. The man got fired, but I hope the investigation comes up with charges and a trial and a conviction of assault. And, of course, actual consequences.
Black Disabled Veteran’s Home Vandalized with Racial Threats of Violence. I think I had this as a twitter picture before, here’s more information.
Never mind, I remember those typos, had an article – but this one has an interview with the resident family itself. I mean, more of one.
Sydney Pollack’s ‘Amazing Grace’: The Tortured 4-Decade History of the Film Aretha Franklin Wants to Stop. There’s a lot to read in there, but honestly, it’s a bunch of white men (or at least, mostly white men) trying to overrule a black woman. I understand them wanting to complete the film and to fulfill the original director’s dream and all that, but seriously, the subject of the film is a woman, a black woman, who is a real person and human being, and she has a right to refuse. It’s so callous and insensitive of them not to realize both the sexist and racist overtones of what they are doing here. Absolutely despicable.
photoreceptor says
Been here a few times before, but I am an infrequent poster. I haven’t read many (most) of the replies but I wonder is there anything special about racism in America, I mean as compared to racism period? I guess each country has it’s own historical, economical and ethnic factors that influence how the different populations relate to each other, but I would see the problem as basic mistrust of other groups, the dark flipside of group identity. The systemic racism that is so pervasive today has accompanied your society throughout its evolution, just as it has in other societies. But how does one do anything to address the problem and eventually cure the disease? Equal education at an early age has worked pretty well in the UK, which has absorbed large numbers of people from the former colonial territories. Teachers in primary schools have to deal with kids coming from a trillion cultural backgrounds. It certainly didn’t work overnight, and there are still many problems, but it’s going in the right direction.
Actually, not meaning to be argumentative, but the term “racism in America” is itself a bit – ahem, racist – since I presume Tony and rq mean “racism in the USA”, not in Central and South America. People in South America consider themselves the true “Americans”.
rq says
1) It’s PZ’s title, not mine or Tony’s;
2) See comment #79 for clarification on that ‘America’ bit (there’s a bolded bit that might interest you).
Remember, this is a US-based blog with many US-based followers and therefore the focus will be US-based racism, even in a thread labelled ‘America’ since – surprise! – that’s a globally-recognized and accepted (though without doubt problematic) shorthand term for the United States of America. If you want to make the title more practically inclusive, go ahead and post examples of racism from Central and South America, too (conveniently omitting Canada from this list of non-USAmerican countries, I see – Canada is American, too!). That would be a great expansion on the current focus.
rq says
State attorney declares Jacksonville police shooting justifiable, but family says it still has issues with evidence
A few interesting points about the evidence are presented in the article.
Confederates Cry Victim at D.C. March. The Daily Beast, apparently, has a category labelled “Tiniest Violin”.
Aand that’s how that ended.
Cops Demand NFL Star Apologize for Speaking Out After Police Pulled a Gun and Illegally Searched Him
The local police association, as per the article, really does have one of the most nauseating statements ever.
Here’s What It’s Like Inside A Pro-Confederate Flag Rally. Is it going to be all about heritage? Is it? Is it?
There’s more at the link, but as an example of the love and welcome these people have for everyone in the country, this is a fiine example.
And these are democrats, folks. And another quick example:
Umm, okay, then maybe don’t promote the confederate flag, because that one indeed has a rather harsh legacy of hate…? I’ll take the sweet tea, though.
Unless that’s a euphemism for something else.
Not also the frequent statements that Black Lives Matter is racist, probably the most racist of them all.
Ex-Worker podcast #40: Struggles Against White Supremacy and Police Since Ferguson, with audio.
There is also a link to the transcript after this descriptive blurb.
Cop Who Leaked Video of Fellow Police Beating Innocent Man Facing 7 Years in Prison. You may ask what for:
So his misconduct in public office is worth not gratitude or mild congratulations for exposing the kinds of officers one (presumably) does not wish to see on the police force, but seven years in prison… You rock, Australia.
rq says
‘Black characters are still revolutionary’: writers talk about the complexity of race
Three revealing opinions at the link.
No, Police Defenders, There Is No ‘War on Cops’. Let’s hear it, once more, with feeling.
10 Insidious Ways White Supremacy Shows Up in Our Everyday Lives – only 10 of them, mind. There’s a whole lot more out there.
It all starts with college professors, with nine more list items at the link.
The Architecture of Segregation, another on the housing market and discrimination in real estate.
A bit more at the link.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
photoreceptor @268:
I don’t think there is anything unique about racism in the US, no.
I don’t think there is any one way to address the problem. I think a multiplicity of techniques is the best approach. Educating people, especially at a young age is key. But it’s not the only way. For instance, I (and many others at Pharyngula) have been educated on matters of race as adults. The whittling away of racist beliefs and prejudices is something that happens gradually, and sadly at a snail’s pace, bc it happens one person at a time. This is one reason why it is imperative that the government adopts policies to protect racial minorities-precisely because the social change needed to diminish the effects of racism takes so darn long. We need mechanisms in place to protect racial minorities while we continue to engage in the time-consuming, often arduous, but extremely necessary task of educating people.
1- as rq mentioned, the title of this thread is PZ’s.
2- asserting that the title is racist doesn’t demonstrate that it is. In fact, I don’t believe it is. I think you could make a case for the title being nationalistic, but not racist. There’s nothing inherent to the title that punches down on people of other races. Plus the title doesn’t speak to one racial group dominating other racial groups.
3- Your comments about other regions are why I adopted the phrase USAmerica. I almost always use that term when discussing the United States, whether at FB, here, or on my blog. I think it important especially in the latter two cases to be specific, bc the readership is international (not that I’m comparing my blogs traffic to Pharyngula, merely that I know many of my readers are outside the U.S.), and I personally don’t believe the United States is the most important country in the world.
California police shootings database reveals ‘clear racial disparities’:
Without looking at the comments, I wonder how many people attribute the higher percentage of homicides involving black folks to a greater propensity to commit crimes…
rq says
Something I never really thought about: White People Need to Stop Snickering at Black Names. I didn’t know that was a thing?? Sure, sometimes the spelling is a bit odd to my eyes, but they’re such wonderfully interesting and beautiful names, the sound combinations… Apparently, this is something to laugh at.
There’s a great Kay and Peel video at the link. Though I took issue with the portrayal of the teacher as angry black man, so maybe not that great. But. It did probably show an aspect of racism that black students feel over white students, namely, for pointing out simple mistakes, they are disciplined far more quickly than their white counterparts.
Pointless off-topic confession: Because English is my second language but I started learning it at 5 without a lot of exposure to its actual pronunciation but I was also a precocious reader, for the longest time, I actually thought that ‘Aaron’ was pronounced ‘Ay-Ay-Rawn’. Yep.
For all you fashion lovers out there (warning: focus on women’s fashion): 8 Ethical Fashion Brands with an Artisanal Touch. I found the jewellery at list number 5 (Abury) especially striking.
A White Supremacist Holds an Entire American City Hostage. But seriously, he’s not a threat to anyone!
Yep, he got kicked out of Estonia and Canada, those liberal socialist havens for communists!
There’s more at the link, but it’s quite disturbing.
Fla. Teen Flees Cop Because He Does Not ‘Like White People Touching’ Him – so where’s the issue?
I suppose about a clearcut a case of reverse racism as you can get, right right, huh?
History Professor Denies Native Genocide: Native Student Disagreed, Then Says Professor Expelled Her From Course
Read more at This shit right here is what’s holding you back, racist USAmericans.
Pteryxx says
Buzzfeed on the suicide of a prison guard who couldn’t get away from the prison culture: A Suicide on CO Row
rq says
Stupid auto-inserting link that I didn’t see. There will be a new 273 soon, please keep an eye out.
History Repeats Itself With Backlash Against Black Empowerment
N. Palm Beach church’s sign supporting Black Lives Matter vandalized. Because white people have to be the focus everywhere.
Here’s a Guess the Race! challenge for ya. Teen Boy Will Be Charged As Adult For Having Naked Pics of a Minor: Himself In a case of straight-forward case of sexting-while teenaged, the story gets pretty ridiculous:
That bolded bit? That’s the worst part.
#CrimingWhileWhite on a plane. Flight diverted after passenger becomes unruly over cat. Let’s look at the consequences she suffered:
Well then.
Texas Cop Who Fatally Shot Christian Taylor Was Hired After 2 Rejections, old information by now.
Confederate Flags Crash Nascar’s Plan for a Homecoming
More at the link, but it looks like fans are ruining what looks to be a positive direction for Darlington. So sad.
rq says
#Blacklivesmatter and white progressive colorblindness, yep, another look at Mr Sanders and his followers!
Much more at the link.
The Dirty War Against Youth, From Ferguson to Ayotzinapa, a global look. It’s quite the history lesson within. Well worth the time and the attention.
WATCH: Woman berates restaurant staff ‘to get it right the first time,’ then gets instant comeuppance
Is it wrong for me to laugh a little bit?
Cops: Police Chief Responded to Racism Complaint by Comparing Black People to Monkeys. Well, if you fight fire with fire, it’s only logical to fight racism with racism, right?
More details at the link.
The school-to-prison pipeline affects girls of color, but reform efforts pass them by
More details and information at the link.
photoreceptor says
rq and tony, 269 and 272: answering the different points willy-nilly: I could have included Canada in the list, it wasn’t my intention to give a comprehensive list, just to point out the nationalistic (I will use Tony’s term) overtones of the title, even if it came from PZ himself. I won’t hark on about it, because I don’t want to digress from the serious subject of the thread, but in the spirit of pointing out unintentional biases in language use (which is encouraged at Pharyngula) it just comes across a tad superior to non-US americans.
I am glad you agree that racism in the US is not fundamentally different from racism anywhere else: “It always appears when blacks gain ground against white supremacy as America’s economic and social structures drastically change. Here’s the pattern: white socio-economic anxiety translates into oppression based on race, blacks respond against the oppression, white supremacy produces a backlash to the response, and the blacklash produces more black struggle” I think that quote from rq’s 275 applies to many cases of racial discrimination, in Europe you have the “Polish plumbers”. These people were deliberately brought in to aid the countries (France, England) when they had insufficient local manpower and skills to handle, were initially welcomed but when the economy turned bad there were backlashes against them, branded as louts stealing the local women. This isn’t to belittle the problems in the USA, far from it – this is a very sweeping generalization but I lived in NYC for a couple of years and was struck by how these populations of whites and “non-whites” seemed to co-exist in the same space without interacting, averting eye contact at all times, whites using above ground mass transit (taxis, maybe buses) and non-whites going below ground (subway)… But I say it to advance my thesis that racism is a fundamental human behaviour, the result of social bonding within groups making the other groups always the enemy. The easier it is to recognise the “other” – skin colour, eye shape, whatever – just makes it easier. Maybe such mistrust and penalisation of the others once had an advantage, to further the interests and survival of your own group during times of hardship, much like animal behaviour during the arid seasons when food is scarce. But that is not to justify it or say we can do nothing about it, just how difficult the problem is. In a case like the US where the system has been long entrenched with whites at the top of a pyramid (just like here in Europe), nobody wants to relinquish any ground. I agree with Tony to say a multi-faceted approach will probably be necessary, dealing with harsh current realities while groundroot changes are implemented. One factor which has led to great progress in the UK, as I said before, is truely mixed classrooms, both in terms of ethnicity and economic situation. The parents are the hard ones to convince, and in the USA with a significant fraction of kids (I don’t know the actual numbers, I think it is higher in those Bible Belt states – but this phenomenon is quite exceptional in the UK) “educated” at home outside a mainstream system would be one more obstacle to progress. Maybe another aspect which could be considered rather specific to the USA is the lethal violence coming from your gun culture, mixed with racial tension it is a deadly cocktail.
And to end up with some non-US american racism, as rq invited me, how about the poor “negres” in northern Argentina, treated as “blacks” by the mostly spanish descendants (following the successful genocide by the invading spaniards) in the cities to the south. But they are not of negro (used in an anthropological context) descent, they still have native american blood – the lone survivors of the butchery because they inhabited terrain that was difficult to access in order to exterminate them, not worth the effort. They live in abject poverty, are mistreated and abused in many ways.
Another point for discussion: who fucked up this world the most, the english or the spanish?
rq says
I can’t tell if this is a serious question or not. At any rate, it’s way off-topic for this thread. You can email PZ and see if he can start a new thread on this topic, as curated by you. (Also you forget the other great colonists of the world: the Dutch, the French, the Portuguese, the Russians… and that’s maintaining the euro-centric view.)
Students at Jamyla Bolden’s school are given Build-A-Bears, books to help them grieve. And they say the community doesn’t care.
These Stunning Images Show the Beauty of Black America in the Place You’d Least Expect. Please look.
See link for more.
Louisiana detective refusing to resign after photo of him at KKK rally last year surfaces, from Daily Kos.
More at the link.
It’s not enough for young black women to admire Serena. They need to emulate her will to win.
Serena Williams as role model? Yes. Victim-blame-y title and text (as in, if you’re not doing it like Williams, you’re not doing it right)? Not so much, perhaps?
Anyone in the area? SAVE THE DATE!!
Racial Equity Workshop October 9 and 10
The REAL Team
More at the link itself, lots of information. It seems a laudable effort, and I can only hope that (a) they do it right and (b) that they educate those in need of this education.
And if that was too positive an outlook for you, here’s a return to the darkened depths. Fatal officer-involved shooting in VA beach overnight
Ruminate on that overnight. Back in the morning.
Pteryxx says
via Mano Singham in the sidebar, from NPR’s Code Switch: Mass Deportation May Sound Unlikely, But It’s Happened Before
rq says
Officials were wrong to jump to conclusions in deputy’s slaying
An annotated guide to racist police officers; more than a few bad apples and not just in the South, by Shaun King.
Includes a quick summary of the racism found at specific police departments (you can add some to the list if you want, via the comments), and includes source links for each (a least one per). It may not seem a particularly long list, but it’s way too long. (And this isn’t things like shootings, this is simple, everyday racism like racist jokes or racist emails or racist commentary.)
Trial scheduled for October 2016 in Brown family’s wrongful death lawsuit against Ferguson
I hope they win.
Jury awards $5.5 million to family of Euclid man killed by Cleveland cop – a killing that occurred in 2012.
So that 5.5 million? Tax-payers.
Due to recent twitter comments, I think this needs a repost: Are Bernie Sanders’ Supporters His Biggest Problem? Specifically with regards to this:
Details about people shot and killed by Virginia Beach officers, that’s the shooting in the final link of previous comment. Video only, unfortunately.
Emmett Till’s death, and history, is fading in this Mississippi town
rq says
Comment 280 in moderation due to excessive linkage.
Baltimore reaches $6.4 million settlement with Freddie Gray family – ‘reaches’? Yesterday the sentiment was pretty clear that the deal hadn’t been finalized yet.
Ah, still requires approval… what are the chances? Also, note again, tax-payers will be covering this. You’d think people worried about where their tax money goes would be more worried about police officers and their trigger-happiness.
Farmington police officer shoots man in custody at hospital – another one??
Question, if he was driving erratically, perhaps there was a medical issue? And maybe he shouldn’t have been treated like a violent offender? More:
So good thing he’s alive, but I’m… wondering… why the officer took the case over? Is this standard procedure?
Students’ return to school is marred by renewed segregation across US
Post-racial America, folks. Ain’t it grand.
(And what was that about black people and how they should educate themselves…?)
5 facts exposing the media’s lies about police shootings. Turns out bartending is more dangerous than police work. Which means Tony (and other bartenders here and about) deserve the Bartending Medal of Honour. Your bravery is appreciated.
‘Baltimore 6’ fundraiser shirt features brick from ‘Battle of Mondawmin’. Ummm.
1) Fundraising for those six? Okaaaay…
2) “Battle of Mondawmin”? You mean that time the city shut down public buses and the police kettled stressed out teens? What a battle that was. Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?
Watch: Racist Police Chief Resigns After White Officers File Complaint, ‘He Compared Blacks to Monkeys’. You know what’s encouraging? That it was white officers who complained. And actually did something about this, being in a position to do so. I am thrilled (and I’m not the only one):
Don’t pat yourselves on the back too much, though, white folk. These officers speaking out is the teeniest drop and the smallest possible gesture to be made in the face of the overwhelming racism among police officers that exists out there. No resting on any laurels. Especially because of the community reaction (which included the mayor supporting the chief):
Note bolded part (bolding mine).
rq says
Listen to these 7 podcasts driven by black women
There’s a variety of topics, though there’s a distinct lean towards pop culture. Does anyone know of any science-based podcasts, run by black women (or black people, period)? Or with a science-y slant? That would be awesome to dig up, too.
Raymond Kelly, Ex-Police Commissioner, Blames Mayor de Blasio for Rise in Killings. But is de Blasio really to blame?
So there’s a 97% drop in stop-and-frisk searches with a ‘correlating’ 8% increase in murders. Now are those some solid numbers or what! More at the link.
#ItDoesntMatter, for the photos.
Florida trooper arrested a cop, then was stalked & harassed by the Thin Blue Line. Good cops? What good cops, right?
Talk about a disproportionate response.
Larry Harvey on Burning Man’s race gap: ‘Black folks don’t like to camp as much as white folks’ because slavery. No, seriously:
I’m afraid I’m not following his logic here.
Caine says
Oh, bow and scrape to those cops, now!
There are a gazillion articles about this, including many on unsavory bigot sites.
Caine says
Rashid Robinson also has a petition up for Kenneth Davenport.
rq says
Black Activist Says ‘We’re at War With…Bad Cops’ — but What He’s Learned About Slain Texas Deputy Has Moved Him to Action – never mind the clickbait title, but you can rest assured that this is the kind of Black-Panthers-related story that is not going to make it into mainstream media with any real force.
Conservative rightwingers, take note. This is how you do human.
Remember Natasha McKenna? I think PZ even did a post about her: Death of Fairfax County inmate ruled an accident
And here’s how he describes her struggle with the deputies:
Pleading with their tasers. And note referral to Brute, her tremendous and superhuman strength. Remind you of anything?
Words about slavery that we should all stop using
There’s a bit more including another link at the link.
BCSO: Video evidence shows man killed by deputies had knife in hand
And yet they can’t release that video to the public. They will be working diligently on the case. Investigating themselves, adn all that.
Scaring Up the Vote
More at the link.
Defense filing alleges Walter Scott was on drugs when he got officer’s Taser; family calls it ‘smoke and mirrors’. Remember how clear things were when that video just came out?
Who the fuck gives a shit about the drugs in his body? And they only have the officer’s word about the taser. I’m not inclined to believe him.
More at the link.
rq says
Demonstrators stage sit-in at Thurston County Prosecutor’s office, because why? Because:
If they’re not charging the officer, the least they could do is not charge those two young men, too.
Brooklyn DA: We’re In An Open Warrant “Crisis”
Good start. More of this.
Her Name Was India Kager: Police Gun Down Navy Vet While Her 4-Month-Old Son Was in the Backseat. And now a baby is parentless.
So if he was armed, and they spent a half-hour observing them and surveilling them… why is Krager dead? How did they not see the child? At best, this is sheer incompetence.
#WhiteGirlsDoItBetter: Why White Women Remain One of Racism’s Most Slept On Weapons – white women, let’s listen up!
A lot of it may sound harsh. Doesn’t mean it’s all wrong. (Also, this is a repost.)
Writing Begins With Forgiveness: Why One of the Most Common Pieces of Writing Advice Is Wrong
Rock on, writers out there.
From slavery to Ferguson, Ken Burns sees an unfinished Civil War
Article continues at the link.
rq says
5 Ways Taylor Swift Exemplifies White Feminism – And Why That’s a Problem
Read on.
Speaking of music, Why Beyoncé’s Latest ‘Feminist’ Move Was So Problematic. While cheered on by black women on twitter, apparently this white woman disagrees. Let’s see how:
The specific quote in question is this:
Going to take some thought here.
Prosecutor will not pursue charges in death of mentally ill inmate in Va.
I’d like to see his dictionary, please. I think someone replaced ‘restraint’ with ‘excess’.
Emerson professor has traffic citation vacated – kind of a good news? I think?
‘Cause all black people look the same? Even when they don’t at all?
Michael Slager, Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Says He Felt Threatened. Not buying it, not citing it. You can read, if you like.
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson to take ‘driving tour’ of Ferguson. He’s totally getting in touch with the community.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Ava DuVernay expands her distribution company to support women and filmmakers of color:
Full LA Times article here:
Array’s new site here:
rq says
Will The Ferguson Commission’s Final Report Just Collect Dust On A Shelf? “If it’s like other famous commission reports, yes.” Let’s hope it’s not like the others.
3 new Cuyahoga County grand juries, one likely to get Rice case. They’ve been taking so damned long with this, do they really think people will just forget?
I hope to hear of indictments very soon. If the grand jury has any sense at all.
Serena Williams is one of the most dominant athletes in any sport, but her paychecks don’t show it. I’m currently accepting theories as to why that might be. Perhaps she isn’t seeking out sponsors with enough determination? Perhaps her outspoken attitude is a turn-off to potential offers? Did I miss anything…?
Ava DuVernay Expands Array to Distribute Films by Women and Minorities, as presented by Tony above. Thank you, Ava!
Authenticity makes a comeback – and you might wonder why this is here. Well, look at the picture they’ve chosen to represent authenticity in a discussion of soul music – and then read this paragraph:
The new punk? More like the original punk. Except that only punk is, you know, punk, and soul music’s roots deserve to be acknowledged a lot more than just a few words in an article about white artists. And the photo. I mean, I like Adele, but if we’re going for ‘authenticity’, could have done better. (Article, by the way, from 2012.)
Another one of those things I’m putting up here as an example, but I really, really, really… can’t. Just… UGH. Rick Santorum, Invoking MLK’s Time In Jail, Says He’s Proud Of Kim Davis. In addition to her comparing herself to Rosa Parks, this is the ultimate in appropriation. She is nothing like either of them, and I hate the people who make these comparisons and I hate the people who write about them like it’s just another stupid thing they say, rather than a symptom of a far deeper violence against black people.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Oregon cop who turned in racist police chief fears for his life:
This shit is not right. This guy did the right thing and he’s getting threats of violence against him and his family.
rq says
City approves $6.4 million payment to Freddie Gray’s parents; says it’s from Wall Street. So… not taxpayer money? I’m just wondering how they’re getting so much from Wall Street.
Oh. Okay. Note the part about previous cases of men dying and suffering spinal injuries in police vans. Patterns, patterns, patterns.
Yall! We only have a week left in our @kickstarter push for @sevenscribes! It’s crunch time and we need your support … Five days left at this point, though!!
The devastating decision to not prosecute in the brutal in-custody death of Natasha McKenna, by Shaun King. Devastating is about right. Adding a Trigger Warning for the article, for details of violence.
More at the link.
Ron Johnson, Once Hailed as Ferguson’s Protector, Gets Slammed by Police in DOJ Report. He even got named as one of 2014’s most influential people, if you remember, though I forget which magazine.
I’m actually kind of guessing the last option, seeing as how they were all already trigger happy and high on adrenaline and basically in that combative state of mind where backing down and having dialogues would seem inappropriate and endangering because omg they’re throwing empty water bottles.
“There is no ‘War on Cops'”; There is a Long-Overdue Conversation About Police Brutality
More at the link.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
What if cops, not taypayers, paid the bill for their bad behavior?
rq says
Houston cops shoot unarmed black patient in hospital — and then charge him with assault. We’ve seen the story previously, but now with added charges.
More details at the link.
Sarah Palin refers to Black Lives Matter protesters as ‘dogs’ at rally against Iran deal. Let’s be specific, though – she only said:
See? She didn’t even refer to them directly. People are reading too much into her words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘Black Lives Matter’—but Reality, Not So Much, “The movement was founded on a falsehood. Scapegoating the police ignores the true threats to the urban poor.” Yep, another victim-blame-y piece from the Wall Street Journal. I can’t access the full story, but I’d love to read it, if anyone can help me out.
Cincinnati fires its police chief, launches search for third chief in four years
I wonder if his favoured group of officers were black? I mean, if the union is holding a vote of (no?) confidence, I’m not inclined to believe that he was all as bad as they say.
EXCLUSIVE: James Blake, former tennis star, slammed to ground and handcuffed outside midtown hotel by white NYPD cops who mistook him for ID theft suspect. Being a world-class athlete? Isn’t protection.
So a non-uniformed, not-self-identifying police officer just comes charging at him…? I question this particular police procedure. I guess arrest training is now mostly how to tackle someone.
We never abolished our human zoos – they are digital now
Read all the skipped bits.
rq says
‘No Blacks’ Is Not a Sexual Preference. It’s Racism.
There’s more at the link, and I encourage everyone to read, because these sorts of dating ‘preferences’ aren’t exclusive to gay men.
Media when Beyoncé says something vs. when a white women says the exact same message.. See photos. Refers back to that article about Beyoncé I posted yesterday.
September 9 Protest at Denver DA Mitch Morrissey’s house, a summary of an evening in Denver.
Cops In Freddie Gray Case Are Desperately Trying To Get Marilyn Mosby Off The Case – but we already knew that.
From Borders: Injustice, Atrocity, Tragedy & Resistance [The Refugee Struggle]
I’ve experienced a new level of racism since Donald Trump went after Latinos
You can read more at the link.
rq says
No charges to be filed against Pasco police officers involved in shooting death, so all those indictments and charges we saw earlier were a small piece of better news, but not all the news at all.
The number of police officers shot and killed is down this year, and half killed are black… which is also an interesting statistic. How many police officers are black?
More at the link.
Two former Chatham County sheriff’s deputies indicted for perjury in Ajibade death
EXCLUSIVE: James Blake, former tennis star, slammed to ground and handcuffed outside midtown hotel by white NYPD cops who mistook him for ID theft suspect. Not so exclusive, though, as it’s the same story, just a different source.
Hearing on Freddie Gray trial location to play out amid tensions. More on that later today.
Billie Holiday, via Hologram, Returning to the Apollo, which is kinda nice!!!
rq says
In Iowa, black voters are testing the Bernie Sanders waters
Haven’t heard much about him lately, either he’s improved security or he’s started listening.
NYPD commissioner to ex-tennis star James Blake: ‘Race has nothing to do with this’. Must be true then, hm?
Sounds like another case of black people looking the same.
A Prescription for More Black Doctors
Plenty more reading at the link.
Body Count, “Engulfed by crime, many blacks once agitated for more police and harsher penalties.”
Keep reading at the link.
Being ‘hafu’ in Japan: Mixed-race people face ridicule, rejection, another case of racism in Japan (we’ve seen articles on blackface in Japan previously).
Speaking of Japan, #ArianaMiyamoto, first half black, half Japanese woman named Miss Japan. Congratulations!
rq says
Just as a heads-up for tomorrow, they’ve released video of Natasha McKenna and her final struggle to live.
Johnetta Elze is watching and tweeting.
And it is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Should never have been classified as ‘accident’. Those officers should be facing charges, all of them.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
When street signs tells you to walk, yield, and stop racism:
Click the link to see some of the signs. My favorite says
When being racist please be sure to use the appropriate language.
Even funnier (in that twisted-not-really-funny-kinda-way)? What some nincomfuck said in the comments:
I’d say that qualifies as appropriate language.
rq says
California lawmakers approve bills to track racial profiling, police use of force
A nice step forward, if only in the data collected to draw further conclusions.
Carson pulls punches as Trump pounces, which is kind of neither here nor there.
Why everyone’s saying ‘Black Girls are Magic’
Keep reading at the link.
NYPD Commissioner William Bratton pledges apology to James Blake. “Sorry we thought you looked like this other black guy but it wasn’t racially motivated.”
That’s the update, the rest of the story is pretty much as we saw yesterday.
Pastor who led Freddie Gray marches arrested for blocking traffic – and note, he was arrested before actual protesting.
What a list.
Attorneys for man charged in Emanuel AME Church shootings seek evidence. Evidence for what, you may ask?
Because the victims were black, he’ll probably say yes.
rq says
Huckabee: Dred Scott Decision “Remains To This Day The Law Of The Land”
Is he actually serious?
Apparently yes.
USAmerica, I fear for you.
BREAKING: Video of encounter that led to death of Natasha McKenna at Fairfax jail released, link at the link… As mentioned above, it is disgusting viewing, and it is upwards of 40 minutes long. Major TRIGGER WARNINGS if you do decide to watch it.
NBA player Thabo Sefolosha spurns plea deal, asks for trial. Good man.
The trial’s in October. Good luck!
Report finds Tasers helped cause Va. inmate death. “Helped”. “Helped cause”. I think the official cause of death is still excited delirium, a condition, oddly enough, only seen in prisoners mysteriously dying while being restrained and tased by police.
GRAPHIC: Debunking The ‘War On Police’, just in case it needed more debunking. Lots of graphs to enjoy at the link!
rq says
This is the difference between how a white feminist is viewed vs how black feminist are viewed…let that sink in. See photos.
Reports: Paramedic recommended ER for inmate, but jailers wouldn’t release him. He was obviously faking it, amirite? Totally fooled this paramedic, but not those crafty police supervisors.
Baltimore Cops Have Found A New Enemy: Dirt-Bikers
Keep reading at the link.
I’m Black And Queer At The Same Time, All The Time. Because #AllBlackLivesMatter.
A lot more at the link.
NYPD cop who assaulted James Blake … Charged w/5 complaints in 7 months (There’s a link for that last at the link, too.)
rq says
This is the difference between how a white feminist is viewed vs how black feminist are viewed…let that sink in. See photos.
Reports: Paramedic recommended ER for inmate, but jailers wouldn’t release him. He was obviously faking it, amirite? Totally fooled this paramedic, but not those crafty police supervisors.
Baltimore Cops Have Found A New Enemy: Dirt-Bikers
Keep reading at the link.
I’m Black And Queer At The Same Time, All The Time. Because #AllBlackLivesMatter.
A lot more at the link.
NYPD cop who assaulted James Blake … Charged w/5 complaints in 7 months (There’s a link for that last at the link, too.)
rq says
One Year Without Justice For Man Shot by Police For Wearing ‘Cosplay’ Outfit. #DarrienHunt.
I don’t like the idea of trying to buy people’s silence.
Read this. Then I want you to think about how #NatashaMcKenna’s death was ruled an accident. A “Casual Killing” In VA.
Student Sent Home For Wearing #BlackLivesMatter Shirt With List of People Killed by Police
How fragile some feelings are.
Family of Tamir Rice asks for aggravated murder charges against officer. I really hope they get them, too.
D.C. mayor’s plan would limit access to police body-camera footage. Sounds like a good idea. Tell me more!
So basically there would not be much point to the bodycams.
Lawsuit: IMPD’s account of man’s shooting death ‘entirely uncorroborated’
Good luck to them, too.
rq says
Freddie Gray trials likely to cost the city millions. An incompetent police force that is racist to boot is expensive.
Tasing Inmate “Might Have Been Unreasonable” — But Still Legal, Court Finds. How nice.
Sounds legit. Seeing as how there was a woman officer already monitoring the security cameras, would it have been so difficult to have her come down to the cell?
White People 101 “MTV’s documentary points out some facts about race that might seem obvious until you realize that for many Americans they’re not.”
Article from July of this year, worth a re-read.
Black Women, Girls Trigger My PTSD: Iowa Man Who Called Black Girls Racial Slurs.
No word on how, exactly, they trigger his PTSD.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to announce she won’t seek re-election. Opinions still divided on whether this is good news or bad news…
Teaching Martin Luther King Jr. in the Age of Freddie Gray
More at the link.
rq says
An Open Letter from a Black Man to His White Family in a Moment of Violence
More at the link.
Why Aren’t More Black Voters Feeling the Bern? An article that apparently almost didn’t get published. And because it’s alternet, I can’t cite. But it’s a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered (or been asked) why black people don’t just shut up ad support Bernie Sanders.
Campaign Zero
I’m not sure how to cite this next piece, as it is… well, ‘thought-provoking’ would be too simple. At any rate, here’s On Quitting by Keguro Macharia.
Family of man shot and killed by CMPD officer wants federal trial. Judging from a federal decision upthread, I’m not sure that’s any guarantee or even a better chance at justice.
Former officer Michael Slager makes own plea for bail as judge again holds back decision. He sounds like he’s getting desperate.
rq says
David Duke kicked out of LSU hotel
The Enduring Myth of Black Criminality
Video at the link.
I think this is a repost as the article is from July, but just in case: New Report Uncovers Staggering Inequality for Anyone Not Young, White, Straight, and Male in Hollywood.
Darrien Hunt’s mom turns down $900K settlement from Utah cops over gag order on cosplayer’s death
Former NFL Player Ray Lewis: ‘Let’s Make Lives Matter’
This counts as caring about the community, doesn’ it?
Scare Headlines Exaggerated The U.S. Crime Wave. All those clickbait titles.
More discussion on methods and data at the link, including all kinds of caveats for how this data was acquired (since nobody has actually been collecting it for this year yet).
rq says
Long-Delayed Nina Simone Biopic Sets December Release
Pyer Moss Addresses Police Brutality During Powerful NYFW Show – so nice to see it showing up on all kinds of different platforms.
More details at the link.
Serena Williams had the perfect answer to a reporter who asked why she wasn’t smiling
Seriously? “What’s wrong?” Like he’s entitled to any answer that isn’t related to tennis? Jaysus.
Not only was tennis star James Blake innocent, so was the other black man NYPD said he looked like. Srsly, tho, all black men look alike, don’t they?
Maybe the police should get suspect identities straight before trying to straighten out anyone else’s.
LETTER TO THE PUBLISHER: ‘I said officers don’t shoot us, we are law abiding citizens.’
The story continues at the link. Talk about de-escalation.
Episode 3 – Sarah Kendzior
Audio at the link.
rq says
Watch: Video Released of James Blake Arrest; NYPD Cop Involved Has Been Sued Before for Excessive Force. In other words, there is wrongness on several levels here.
#BlackLivesMatter Protester Deray McKesson to Teach at Yale
Kinda wish it wasn’t all about the Divinity, but it’s good to have him speaking to that level of audience.
Mayor’s announcement creates new uncertainty for troubled police department.
Former NFL Player Ray Lewis: ‘Let’s Make Lives Matter’, which has been interpreted as ‘all lives matter’ rather than a focus on ‘black lives matter’. You know, self-policing the intra-community black-on-black-crime aspect.
911 call: Dorchester coroner uses N-word before chasing neighbor. Post-racial USAmerica, eh?
Study questions ‘broken windows’ theory of policing – because if it ain’t confirmed by a study, then we can’t officially say it ain’t working.
I guess “sophisticated big data analytical techniques” means they’re not going to be big on explaining methodology here, but it sounds legit, eh? Actually the study is pretty good. I’m criticizing the reporting here.
rq says
After a 24-Year Gap, Chicago’s South Side Gets a Trauma Center
Of course it won’t solve the problem, but will probably do much to mitigate the effects.
NYPD Releases Video of Wrongful James Blake Arrest. Watch at the link. It’s very dramatic and horribly wrong. The cop probably wanted to look good on camera. Instead, it’s a fiasco.
Fox News host: ‘Everyone benefited’ from putting more blacks in prison for drugs in the 1990s. Define “everyone”.
These people are for real, aren’t they.
An American void, a look at Dylann Roof’s friends.
Keep reading at the link.
Stephen Colbert wore a Black Lives Matter bracelet on the ‘Late Show’, but has he ever spoken out in support?
This Designer Stopped Everyone In Their Tracks With a Fashion Show About Police Brutality
There’s video at the link as well as lots of photos.
rq says
Woman Says She Endured 8 Days In Psych Ward Because Cops Didn’t Believe BMW Was Hers. Saw this stories several months ago, but … here it is again.
Sounds like a post-racial America, folks.
Urban Shield’s “Top Seller” is a T-Shirt Riffing on #BlackLivesMatter. Talk about appropriation.
Need I cite more?
African infants were found washed ashore on a beach in Libya 5 days before #AylanKurdi. The media ignored their story. So there’s that, too.
Ten Reasons Why Saying All Lives Matter Is Intellectually Immature.
Ten quick questions people should ask themselves before deploying #AllLivesMatter.
They Pretend To Be Us While Pretending We Don’t Exist, on racist appropriation in the literary world with a focus on yellowface.
Plenty more worth the reading of at the link. I recommend.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says
re @310:
beat me to it. came here to post exactly that. Not out of rage nor anger, just disbelief the NYPD would be so *. (including ageism). Maybe the fact that she was so young could lead to disbelief she was the owner, yet the throw in also sexism and racism into the mix. She is a woman, womenz don;t own BMW only dudes in order to entice womenz, and no POC would ever own a BMW, they only steal them. OTOH maybe they were goin anti-Bimmer, ie, only douches own BMW, she too nice, therefore she not he owner.
Regardless of the NYPD, incarcerating her into a mental hospital and subjecting her to medications is ~~~~ no words ~~~
rq says
Just a last highlight from the last link of my previous comment (310):
Anyway, onwards.
She Had a Dream: Mae C. Jemison, First African American Woman in Space, a recently passed anniversary.
More of her impressive biography at the link, though in summarized form.
The Reason This “Racist Soap Dispenser” Doesn’t Work on Black Skin – it sounds silly, doesn’t it? A couple years ago there was that whole thing with those low-light web-cams that wouldn’t pick up on black people’s faces.
So why not do that, esp. since (judging from the video) it wasn’t particularly dark skin? There’s more on other similar technological failures (really a failure of diversity in the workforce) at the link.
Young activists getting results — in Chicago, across the nation. Go them!
Funny how that ‘need of the community’ would probably have been completely ignored if it wasn’t for the protests…
Writing Through Protest: 12 Influential Black Writers Share Why Their Work Is So Crucial
Twelve statements for the reading of at the link. Also a great short-list of authors to look for in online publications (and offline, in some cases, too!).
Crowd in Olympia questions prosecutor about charging decisions in May police shooting
Of course they would. Probably a white jury.
More at the link.
Hank and Billye Aaron give $3M to Morehouse School of Medicine, a historically black college.
dianne says
The thing I still don’t get about this is the hospital. Didn’t they notice that she didn’t act like someone with bipolar disorder? Okay, so maybe someone who was forcibly sedated and woke up in a mental hospital is going to not be at their calmest and most reasonable and therefore might sound a little non-specifically “crazy” but even if they believed she had a mental issue, I see no indication that she ever expressed the slightest bit of homicidal or suicidal ideation so the criteria for involuntary hospitalization were not met and she should have been released. What the crap were the doctors who saw her thinking? Or the nurses? Or the dieticians, phlebotomists, and janitors? Isn’t anyone paying attention to the patient’s clinical state?
rq says
Well, she was black. As seen upthread in a case where a man went to the hospital for mental issues but wasn’t provided appropriate assistance and ended up shot – there seems to be this idea that black people cannot be trusted to describe their own mental state as accurate. Which is absolutely absurd.
James Blake Says Officer Who Arrested Him Should Be Fired, for a Start. I do hope he manages to keep the pressure on.
The most absurd part about this incident is how the chief insists that this was something extraordinary or unusual, yet it is exactly this kind of violence that happens to regular people all the time – so many we don’t hear about because they aren’t star tennis players.
When Disney and Dr. Seuss Made Racist Cartoons… Sure it’s a look at the (animated) past, but I’m going to TW this anyway for terrible racist imagery (if you choose to watch the videos).
Okay… a) I don’t see what intent has to do with this, even if it is a reflection of the times, that does not make it okay or not racist – it contributes to the general cultural climate of that time, and the effect is still negative; which leads to b) yes, I think this had influence on the young minds of the target audience and c) of course this matters.
In A Church Basement, Chipping Away At A Mountain Of Minor Crime Warrants
More at the link.
Losing My Religion in the Black South, on the complications of religion.
Read on to the end.
Jean Baptiste Point Du Sable: Father of Chicago, just an interesting piece of trivia that floated down my twitter timeline today.
That’s an interesting bit there, about ‘the white man’ as something more than just a white man…
Huckabee Claims Black People Aren’t Technically Citizens During Critique of Unjust Laws. Yep, Slate on Huckabee and Dred Scott.
dianne says
rq: Even if you completely ignore her description of her own mental state, the fact that the doctors who (I presume and hope) evaluated her didn’t notice that she had no symptoms of bipolar disorder speaks to either incompetence or prejudice so severe that they couldn’t honestly evaluate her through it. (Which is, of course, also incompetence, but of a more specific sort.) I suppose that there is some chance that she was so upset by being forcibly drugged and stripped that she acted a bit “crazy”, but bipolar disorder is a specific syndrome that looks absolutely nothing like a mentally healthy woman who is in the midst of being traumatized by being kidnapped. How did they even choose BPD as an accusation? Delusions go with lots of different mental conditions. However it happened, here’s hoping she uses the money she makes as a banker (which she really is, despite the police and hospital’s delusions) to hire a really good lawyer. Several people need to lose their jobs.
rq says
rq says
Colour me surprised indeed: Color-Blindness Is Counterproductive.
A great deal of interesting reading continues at the link.
Oklahoma police chief apologizes for 1921 attack on Black Wall Street, an article from 2013, but which serves as a reminder of forgotten history and of how necessary it is to acknowledg eit and 0yes! – also apologize for it.
A summary of the events of the Tulsa riot at the link, too.
Disabled Black Lives Matter, because #AllBlackLivesMatter.
The picture NYPD used to arrest James Blake was of respected Australian designer Sean Satha. Yeeep, the NYPD has fucked that one right up.
How the hell are they still a functioning police force?
The Success And Controversy Of #CampaignZero And Its Successful, Controversial Leader, DeRay McKesson. I’ve been reading critiques of this article (incl. from DeRay McKesson himself!) on twitter, so I hope there’s an article out tomorrow. Anyway, here’s some cites (from the article):
More at the link.
Panel Studying Racial Divide in Missouri Presents a Blunt Picture of Inequity. Surprise through-and-through.
Yep, it is.
rq says
My Police Academy Teaches the ‘War on Cops’ Myth
Read more at the link.
Questionable Medical Care Turns Short Jail Stays Into Death Sentences, including questionable mental health care. As pertaining to several recent instances.
Fatal shootings by police eclipse 2014 total – in Tulsa, that is. Could be different elsewhere.
The article interviews someone who happens to blame regular citizens for the uptick in police shooting, declaring that a decrease in trust from the community causes people to be more combative, which in turn, well, increases an officer’s sense of danger. And we all know where that leads.
Ferguson Commission Shines Light On Racially Divided St. Louis, NPR link with audio.
Man who films Portland police files federal lawsuit against city stemming from arrest . *sigh*
Baltimore pastor Jamal Bryant will run for Congress
Good luck.
rq says
The Ferguson Commission report itself, pdf format.
Missouri commission formed after Ferguson concludes: ‘Make no mistake: This is about race.’ But will it bring change?
All good ideas. Hopefully many will be supported beyond this report.
Whitney Houston ‘hologram’ to tour next year – recently, it was a Billie Holiday hologram to perform in Vegas.
I do wonder who will be making the bigger profit here, and who will be short-changed in the end…
The woman driving Patagonia to be (even more) radical, as related to DeRay’s vest, which some people on twitter will understand better than otehrs. See this paragraph towards the end:
Matt Damon Interrupts Successful Black Woman Filmmaker to Explain Diversity to Her. NO MATT DAMON NO!
FOP seeks donations for officers in ‘extremely lengthy’ Freddie Gray case. Just… yeah.
rq says
Black Americans Don’t ‘Appropriate’ African Culture
EXCLUSIVE: Iyanla Vanzant Issues a Challenge for #BlackLivesMatter Movement, Discusses the One Guest She Let Down
She is obviously missing more than half the story. I hope during the course of her research for this,she comes to realize everyone that stands behind the hashtag, and realizes that the leaders are there and that the solid action is already there, and that maybe they don’t need as much self-help as she believes.
Denver District Attorney Clears Police in Shooting of Native American Man. That’s #PaulCastaway, in case you’ve already forgotten.
Well, he decided to die and the officer just happened to help him out. It was his own damned fault, in other words. *spits*
Denver DA Releases Video of Paul Castaway’s Murder, a more personal blog post, with the video included.
Bystander with cellphone shot by deputies in Sacramento County. I bet the police feared for their lives again.
Another argument in favour of more guns… I mean… right?
New Study: Racism Can Make Kids Sick—for the Rest of Their Lives. Now this, this…
I think he’s talking to you, post-racial USAmerica. And I think he’s saying that you’re not all that post-racial after all.
James Blake’s arrest wasn’t a mistake—it’s business as usual for America’s racist police force. So don’t believe anyone trying to pass it off as an extraordinary event.
More at the link. What do you call a whole pattern of frequent such mistakes? Something like ‘incompetence’, no?
rq says
Added too many links to previous, but there’s good information within – so please look for a new 320 soon!
Black Kids Get Less Pain Medication Than White Kids in ER. And that is despicable and sad. No one should have to endure extra suffering just because of some preconception about how ‘strong’ and ‘resilient’ they’re supposed to be. And this is just focussing on one type of emergency pain.
I do find those last two statements somewhat self-contradictory.
Judge Denies Bail To Michael Slager, Former Officer Charged With Murder Of Walter Scott. Yes.
Smart judge. I withhold negative judgement for now.
Questions on the Blake Assault, for anyone who wants to read more opinion on that.
Worth reading.
How Segregation Destroys Black Wealth, another foray into the world of real estate, segregation, and black wealth. I’m sad the situation is what it is, but I’m glad there’s more attention paid to the issue lately.
More at the link.
State hasn’t collected racial-profiling data required by 1999 law, and I bet they’re not the only ones.
You could still have produced it, Chief Partridge.
Keep reading at the link.
And with quite some ado, here’s Ta-Nehisi Coates’ latest: The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration. A long piece, and I will cite minimally, because I haven’t managed to finish it yet, myself. But it’s a must-read, which kind of goes along with the words ‘Ta-Nehisi’ and ‘Coates’.
The report is both sexist and racist, and that’s just the beginning of the article!
rq says
Added too many links to previous, but there’s good information within – so please look for a new 320 soon!
Also this comment was written last night but for some reason didn’t post.
Black Kids Get Less Pain Medication Than White Kids in ER. And that is despicable and sad. No one should have to endure extra suffering just because of some preconception about how ‘strong’ and ‘resilient’ they’re supposed to be. And this is just focussing on one type of emergency pain.
I do find those last two statements somewhat self-contradictory.
Judge Denies Bail To Michael Slager, Former Officer Charged With Murder Of Walter Scott. Yes.
Smart judge. I withhold negative judgement for now.
Questions on the Blake Assault, for anyone who wants to read more opinion on that.
Worth reading.
How Segregation Destroys Black Wealth, another foray into the world of real estate, segregation, and black wealth. I’m sad the situation is what it is, but I’m glad there’s more attention paid to the issue lately.
More at the link.
State hasn’t collected racial-profiling data required by 1999 law, and I bet they’re not the only ones.
You could still have produced it, Chief Partridge.
Keep reading at the link.
And with quite some ado, here’s Ta-Nehisi Coates’ latest: The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration. A long piece, and I will cite minimally, because I haven’t managed to finish it yet, myself. But it’s a must-read, which kind of goes along with the words ‘Ta-Nehisi’ and ‘Coates’. Excerpt:
The report is both sexist and racist, and that’s just the beginning of the article!
I asterisked everything I thought might be offensive, just to see why it won’t post.
rq says
HAHA And I just noticed that it did post. Oh well! Read it twice, make sure you catch the links twice. :P
What White Children Need to Know About Race, one for us white folks with kids.
Highly recommended reading, also a great deal about the school environment. Includes suggestions on how to have these conversations and how to discuss these topics in a way that does not delete race from the equation, but rather talks about it and explains the concept.
Tampa police union slams city council over review board. Yep, they’re crying some blue, blue tears.
I don’t know how a civilian oversight board is unsupportive of police, since it can also provide insight into things police actually need, like mental health resources, general emotional support, etc.
Fairfax County Sheriff Breaks Silence About Natasha McKenna Video
I am unshocked and disappointed to see that there is no mention of the officers’ actions or how they are, honestly, to blame for the death of McKenna – it’s just a tragedy that happened on its own, is what it sounds like, rather than the horrible chain of bad, violent, power-mad decisions made by several correctional officers faced with a woman in distress.
More than two dozen Ohioans died from stun guns over 5-year-period, not a pretty number.
Trial of 2 officers in Boyd shooting set for Aug. 2016. Also moving very slowly on this one.
Similarly to the Freddie Gray case, we can see several roadblocks trying to be set up, and the idea that the case is actually far more complex than it appears. Well, they shot a man who was no real threat to them. How much more complex does it need to be?
‘My Name Is Natasha McKenna’: Protesters Demand Reforms in Va.
Video at the link.
rq says
Deadlocked jury favored acquittal for officer who slammed down Indian grandfather – remember that case? Poor guy lived in the neighbourhood but spoke bad English, and ended up in the hospital for it.
This is very interesting, in a demographic sense – (a) why were there no black men selected (not trying to impart some sort of conspiracy, just… a point)? and (b) I wonder how they would have seen things?
Former inmates: Incarceration makes economic stability nearly impossible for our families
More at the link.
Batman confronts police brutality against black teen in latest comic book. Recently it was Spiderman, now Batman – not bad.
Hmm, I kind of really like that. There’s a few more very interesting points they make in the article, what I think is a subtle stab at gentrification, too. Or not so subtle, actually. Heh.
Gwinnett sheriff issues scathing statement: ‘All lives matter’. You’re missing the point.
Oh shut up.
You can read his actual statement at the link.
New Study Says Black Kids Are Less Likely than White Kids to Receive Pain Medication in the ER, Vice looks at this information.
Something is not right with that picture, methinks.
rq says
Let’s take a look at hte diversity in science:
I want science to be more diverse. I’ve recently realized that it’s not diverse mostly because American culture squashes POC from childhood. That’s a tweet from Emily Lakdwalla. Is she correct?
Ninth grader builds a clock, brings it to school, is arrested… because he is muslim. Can you guess what they feared? Vows never to bring an invention to school again. I could cry. (FYI I cannot read the article but I could read excerpts as screenshotted on twitter. It just won’t open for me.)
Then there’s this: Florida Teen Girl Charged With Felony After Science Experiment Goes Bad. Chilly Climate in science? Fuck, it’s the fucking Antarctic for these kids right from the start. HOLY SHIT.
SHE WILL BE TRIED AS AN ADULT!!! Did you catch that part? DID YOU? And you expect other children of colour to read about these kids and suddenly want to do science? Recent sightings of black people in science notwithstanding.
Here’s more from Emily Lakdawalla, Thoughts on Kiera Wilmot: Mentor curiosity to create future scientists:
So… yeah. I’m going to have to find DNLee’s blog and do some posts directly from there.
Jail Says Man Tried to Hang Himself — Apparently, They Didn’t Expect He’d Survive
Just a weird case, eh?
Fewer police killed during Obama’s administration than any two-term president in our lifetime, so you can stop blaming the non-existent War on Police on Obama.
Some facts and figures at the link.
rq says
U of Mo. Student Posts Epic Facebook Response After Being Called ‘N–ger’. I’m wary of any headline labelling anything ‘epic’, because it’s usually a disappointment. In this case, while the response may not be ‘epic’, it is most certainly excellent.
The NYPD union just sent this email to reporters telling us we aren’t “qualified to judge the actions of police”. See attached. It starts with ‘To all arm-chair judges’ and gets no better from there. Knee-jerk reactions from ivory-tower pundits and all (and this is something I really hate about police unions, how they often play off the working-class police officer against some intellectual elite society that is Against!All!Police!, a rather false position to take).
Woman Wants Help IDing The Jerk Behind This Random Racist Tirade
Can he face charges of hate-speech? Because that would be kind of awesome.
“To All Arm-Chair Judges”: Police Union Leader Slams Everyone Outraged Over James Blake Incident – oooh, it’s an article on that letter posted above! Easier reading.
Ben Carson: Black Lives Matter “Alienating A Lot Of People Who Are Not Black”. Another case of Not Getting It.
The non-black community, I suppose.
Constitutionally, Slavery Is No National Institution. Seriously, youse guyse, slavery is not a national institution and… well, here:
Ummm… here, this paragraph, too:
I don’t see a good case against slavery-as-national-institution here. Not at all, actually. And returning runaway slaves from free states is a measure of slavery’s defensiveness? Am I misreading something here? Because something tells me this author is full of shit.
rq says
NC police chief retires after post criticizing Black Lives Matter. Going out with a bang and all that.
Sounds like retiring that early wasn’t quite in his plans. Well done, community, if you had anything to do with the retirement.
Lafayette black community leaders, residents demand answers in weekend police shooting
Tied to his arm…?
People Are Awesome: Teen Arrested For Science Experiment Now Heading to Space Camp, one good news for Ahmed.
And another good news for Ahmed: President Obama Invites Teen Who Built Clock to the White House.
Matt Damon’s staggering meritocracy lie: What his “Project Greenlight” blow-up with Effie Brown really shows
To be honest, I expected far better from Matt Damon. Not that I was waiting for him to come out with statements on racism and police brutality, but I would have thought his reaction to comments on diversity would have been more supportive, more listening, and less defensive.
The most important parts of the Ferguson report are not about police violence
rq says
Yoncé, a look at – yes! – Beyoncé and humanism and feminism.
Seattle officer who arrested black man carrying golf club as a cane fired for racial bias, confrontational manner: officials. Certainly took them a while to get around to it. What about some charges?
It’s a start, I suppose.
Why does St. Louis care more about Syrian refugees than its black population?
Continue reading at the link. But I would add that this sort of looking at a situation dichotomously – why do refugees get so much financial support, while parents on parental leave get a third as much? – is not unique to St Louis.
Church Blacklists 103-Year-Old Granny, Then Calls the Cops on Her. Because religion – and the authority many feel comes with it – is poison.
And they’ll know we are christians by our love. And compassion. And ability to work together.
Media spin on violence against police, another discussion on the non-existent war on cops.
Graphs and diagrams at the link.
Chief Dotson says judges are part of the gun violence problem in St. Louis city
So why is Dotson so obsessed with getting 17-year-olds in prison?
Saad says
My brother just texted me these pictures: Picture 1 | Picture 2
That was just done to a mosque near where he lives.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Tangentially related to this thread.
“No black men please” apartment listing yanked from Kijiji:
Here’s the connection to discussions of racism in the United States:
It’s laudable that Greene expresses that sentiment. It’s one I wholeheartedly agree with. I just wish the spirit of equality represented by the sentiment were reflected in the treatment of African-Americans by the US criminal justice system.
rq says
That’s horrible!! :( Fucking racists.
Let’s All Take A Moment To Marvel At Lupita Nyong’o’s Second “Vogue” Cover. Here’s a couple more.
Okay, let’s get to the depressing stuff.
Civil rights charges filed against Ole Miss student accused of putting noose on James Meredith statue
Not as depressing as it could be, since charges are being brought, but still. That it happened at all? Depressing.
Texas Grand Jury Could Get Sandra Bland Case Next Month, which will be… interesting.
Sounds like another circus, as directed by the police.
The Church of Nayvadius – basically an article reviewing several albums by Future. Of whom I hadn’t heard of, until now, but there’s plenty of sample songs at the link. And I know it’s a bit off-topic, but I want to make sure I keep posting from Seven Scribes because they’re trying hard to make it and be a voice for black people by black people. So think of this as a signal boost.
Black household income plunges in one year in Minnesota. One wonders why.
Compare to those numbers to this:
The researchers are still not sure exactly what is going on, but either way, it’s not good.
rq says
Chicago cop acquitted in slaying should be fired, agency says
Not quite justice, but it’s something. I hope he is fired.
Aurion, an African fantasy action RPG by an all-Black team from Cameroon, is on Kickstarter! … Give ’em some love, if you can spare it!
Meet Baroness Valerie Amos: The first black female head of a British university
And a rather tangential issue, not that you’ll hear about it all over the news, also from overseas: Joy as Mozambique declared mine-free
Video at the link. (For the record, apparently they said the process would take 50 to 100 years… and it took 22.)
rq says
Fucked up something there, but all the links seem to be okay.
St. Louis County Police bars use of dogs in crowd control – I would say an attempt at trying to show that they’re trying, but frankly… it’s something, that’s for sure.
I wonder what the dogs were for, then.
ACLU sues Hayward over fee for body camera footage of Black Lives Matter protest
It’s almost as if they want to discourage people from requesting that footage…
Ole Miss linebacker C.J. Johnson on Confederate flag: ‘It sickens me’. What’s with the ‘Ole Miss’?
White Supremacy and Taylor Swift’s ‘Wildest Dreams’ Video. Stop doing this shit, white celebrities.
More at the link.
Saad says
Matt Damon apologizes for whitesplaining but then says another stupid thing
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
The White House rebukes the Republican Party for not condemning Donald Trumps comments about Muslims:
Why would the apologize when they all likely feel exactly the same way? The GOP is a party of unabashed racists and Donald Trump is the spokesperson.
rq says
Fla. Teen Passes Up Fixing Car, Buys Cross-Country Teammates New Running Shoes Instead. File this under ‘caring for the community’. Know what I hate? That an 18-year-old had to make this decision.
Texas police caught in an enormous lie about their murder of unarmed mother Yvette Smith
A Black Woman’s Case for Atheism, by Sikivu Hutchinson.
Need more? See the link. Highly recommended.
‘He’s a f*cking kid’: Video shows nine California cops arrest sobbing black teen ‘for jaywalking’, another case of walking while black. Sickening. Absolutely atrocious.
Why some Muslims don’t want Ahmed Mohamed’s blackness to be ignored – while the focus has been on his religion (quite appropriately) I feel this is also an important aspect to examine.
An intersection, of sorts.
The Rise and Fall of Iggy Azalea, appropriation in the music industry.
More at the link.
rq says
NYPD Union Chief Calls James Blake Arrest Critics ‘Un-American’, old news.
9 Calif. Police Forcefully Arrest Black Teen for Jaywalking, yep, that story again. Took 9 cops to take down 1 black teenager.
Dispatcher in Tamir Rice case resigned from Cleveland police department – which is nice, but where are the consequences? Where’s the punishment for not passing on vital information?
The Jewish and Palestinian Activists of the Ferguson Movement, which almost didn’t get published at all.
Plenty more at the link. Kendzior’s writing and journalism is spot on.
Nine California Police Officers Brutalize Frightened Black Teen for Jaywalking. The story got around a bit.
Friend of Dylann Roof arrested by the FBI – had a story here about the friend recently. Looks like he’s been picked up after all.
rq says
Reformers Seek to Undo Growth of New ‘Debtors’ Prisons’
And guess who is disproportionately affected! So it’s good that this system of prisons is being looked at more closely. I hope some positive progress is made.
Failure to put seat belt on Freddie Gray wasn’t reckless endangerment, defense attorneys argue. Seriously? I call some major bullshit. Like, MAJOR. How is a failure to put a seatbelt on ANYONE not reckless endangerment? Jesus fuck but this is stupid.
Phoenix police: 2014 fatal shooting of Michelle Cusseaux was ‘outside’ policy
How about some criminal charges, too? Or at least a nice black spot on the record that says ‘no you can’t work as a police officer or a corrections officer anywhere in the future’?
It’s like they think just letting the person go will fix things – as if they can’t just get hired at the next place over. Dunno, this has been annoying me more and more lately.
Sandra Bland’s family attorney Cannon Lambert speaks on Bland case and law enforcement – no word yet on that grand jury, but sometime next week, I hear, there should be something.
Interview at the link.
Angry, cuss-filled rant sent to activists apparently came from local police station. “Oops” is right. Somebody needs to (a) clean up their PD and (b) take some lessons in tech.
Real intellectual heights reached.
Video shows clash between officer, teen in Calif. Same story as before. The kid nearly gained control of the officer’s baton! Nearly! It’s like possibly he was trying to avoid being hit with it or something. Amazing!
rq says
Black Lives Matter movement finds influencing 2016 contest a challenge
Is anyone really surprised? More at the link.
Teens in Schoolyard Fight Immediately Tazed by Cop. Filed under “Shocking” (no, really, look at the article, just above the headline).
That’s more than shocking.
St. Louis is one of the 10 most affordable places to live in the U.S.. Define ‘affordable’, as contextualized by this: Moody’s cuts Ferguson credit rating to ‘junk’ status. I know they’re two different cities. But still.
White People Explain Why They Feel Oppressed. Key word “feel”. I wonder if any white person has conclusively proved white oppression yet. I mean, oppression of white people. We all know what white oppression actually looks like.
Much more at the link, but I think it comes down to ‘not seeing race’ – being taught that race isn’t important, which means you believe that everything is based on merit, because you don’t see race, why the hell should all those black people be bringing it up all the time? Mm hmmm… Another short excerpt:
Excellent stuff. Right down to the last paragraph (inclusive).
Jury Watches Video of Shooting by Ex-Deputy
Interesting. At the same time, I don’t think that a jury made up entirely of people with only positive experiences with police is the way to go, either.
rq says
Mississippi Cops: We Totally Arrested That Black Doctor For Being Uppity, Ayup! By the Wonkette.
More at the link.
Irving Mayor Defends School And Cops, Doesn’t Apologize For Arrest Of Muslim Teen Over Clock. Idiot.
School protocol is to arrest without any particular investigation? Got it.
My friend is dead. Why isn’t gun control part of the Black Lives Matter platform?
Hey! I have an idea! Why don’t you join the movement and work on the gun control aspect??? Since gun control isn’t going to take away guns from cops (not really, they’ll probably be excepted), and BLM as well as Campaign Zero have a specific focus on law enforcement, there might be a reason they don’t mention these things. But nobody’s stopping you!! Oh, wait, he does talk more about this:
Well. Sounds like the beginning of something good. It seems BLM has a good reason for not including gun control – but you can go ahead and work on it, anyway. The more angles used to hit this racism thing, the better.
How Asian-American Voters Went From Republican To Democratic, just a discussion on policies and racism and etc. Lots of relevancy.
WATCH: Cop Beats and Pulls Gun on Unarmed Black Woman on a Crowded Bus. Sounds like bad judgment and incompetent policing to me. In a crowded bus? C’mon.
Sounds like he was doing a great job policing the community.
#BlackLivesMatter banner drop overhead the #PoliceLivesMatter march in #Austin. #ftp #Racism #PoliceBrutality
rq says
Texas Man Arrested in Hoax Claiming Members of #BlackLivesMatter Vandalized His Truck. These people try so hard to discredit the movement, which, I think, is a credit to the movement.
And yet people like this will never be seen as a problem, as a symptom of white people’s mentality. Always just exceptions and aberrations.
Police shooting protesters chain themselves to prosecutor’s house fence.
I like their determination and planning ahead.
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Delivers Remarks at the Congressional Black Caucus 45th Annual Legislative Conference Judiciary Brain Trust Panel – from twitter, I understand there was a huge focus on black-on-black crime, especially from the older generation, and Lynch’s remarks aren’t entirely without problematic aspects, but here they are:
Judging from the remarks as delivered, she spoke for quite some time. I believe one of the more problematic (and historically inaccurate) things she said is found in these paragraphs:
See if you can find it.
Jurors Could Be Swayed By That $6.4 Million For Freddie Gray’s Family. I find it interesting that the city settled so publicly, so quickly – well in advance of the upcoming criminal trials. I wonder.
Ah, but I think the city is at fault for creating this impression. These things don’t usually move so quickly, do they? Most wrongful death suits I’ve heard of are settled a year, two years, after the fact – and those are the quick ones.
Freddie Gray Died From The Same Racial Injustice That Will Keep His Neighbors Off The Jury. Yep. I don’t see why people with bad police experiences should be kept off the jury – as long as there are also present those who have never had a bad police experience. But considering the experiences of black people in USAmerica, I would say that this criterion (and I know, it’s not the only one, it just came up earlier in this thread, too) is just another way of skewing the jury white.
Keep this in mind (from the article):
In Louisiana, murders of whites more likely to mean death penalty – but #AllLivesMatter equally, amirite?
rq says
Pushing back on respectability politics, 7 minute video.
Mi’kmaq elder calls Harper’s ‘old stock Canadians’ offensive and racist. Yeah, that’s Canada’s leadership right now. ‘Old stock’ Canadians. Fuck Harper.
Not that they’ve ever received much gratitude for their generosity. Time to do better, Harper. You have an opportunity.
Video Shows Cops Wrestle a Black Teen to the Ground for Walking in the Street, Vice News looks at the incident.
Virginia tops nation in sending students to cops, courts: Where does your state rank? A reposted story, I believe, on the school-to-prison pipeline.
Protesters demand release of private surveillance footage in Lafayette police shooting
The image I get, from those technicians working to extract the video? Like they’re physically in there, with tweezers and magnifying glasses, trying to pull the film out from among all the other techno bits inside the surveillance device. Like, don’t these things have a USB port or something?
No, DeRay Mckesson Is Not Getting $40,000 to Speak at Yale, which was a rumour going around. On the other hand, even if he was, so what? Guy deserves some compensation for the work he’s been doing. But nope, I guess protestors gotta be poor, otherwise they’re being bought. Ech.
rq says
Denzel Washington Is Bringing All 10 of August Wilson’s Plays About Black Life to HBO, just a nice thing going on for the visibility of black authors and film makers.
Confederate flag flies in Nutley. WHY?
And fuck you too.
Denver Mother Says Fetty Wap Inspired Her Son to Go Outside Without His Prosthetic Eye. The importance of role models.
Funny how some people will never see this positive impact, but will instead continue to malign black music (until appropriated by a proper young white starlet).
MGH discovers why black women have more aggressive breast cancer, which hopefully will lead to better and earlier care for black women at risk.
O’Malley on his time in Baltimore: Amid Protests, Martin O’Malley Defends ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policing
Imagine how many more could have been saved.
Growing Up as a Black Trans Man, a demographic little heard from.
Keep reading at the link.
rq says
Demonstrators Protest Deadly Police Shooting Outside DA’s House, this time in Denver. #PaulCastaway
Holding a knife to his own throat, but his aggression was still more dangerous to the officers than to himself. Who seem to have been incapable of talking to him as a human being in distress.
Families of people slain by cops protest NRA’s police shooting competition in Albuquerque. There’s your gun control aspect to the movement.
Maybe not the movement as such, but there’s definitely a huge overlap in the communities here.
4 arrested during Samuel DuBose rally – seems like it was a busy weekend.
Some pictures at the link.
A dangerous myth about who eats fast food is completely false
Much more at the link. And I doubt the haters will pay attention to this study anyway. But basically, that’s another stereotype lopped off the list.
Charles Theatre shut down after shooting threat. Yeah, that happened. They were screening a documentary about the Black Panthers. Coincidence?
Ergh. I’d love to see that documentary.
Charles Theater closed following a shooting threat via social media directed at a screening of ‘Black Panthers’ documentary – a more complete headline, and just a quick summary of the same incident.
rq says
Protesters hold rally near Jeff DavisMonument against bike route w confederate statues. Confederate flag flies above.
Emmys 2015: Viola Davis becomes first black Outstanding Actress winner, leaves Kerry Washington and others in tears with impassioned speech. I believe she herself was nearly in tears.
I believe there is full video of her speech right here.
Uzo Aduba wins historic Emmy for best supporting actress in a drama, another historic moment.
Emmys: Viola Davis Becomes First Black Lead Actress Winner. There she is again. Congratulations! A transcript of her speech at the link.
Cops: Man Raised $5,000 After Vandalizing Own Truck, Blaming Black Lives Matter Activists. Previous article says he raised $6000. Either way, a good amount of money.
rq says
The stunning — and expanding — gap in life expectancy between the rich and the poor
That last little paragraph…
Also, I wonder if they have this data by race.
‘Man, I Went Viral’: My Day With Ahmed Mohamed, the Most Famous Boy on Earth, which… well, this:
Really? I don’t think there’s any way you could mistake him for someone white. Anyway, note also this part:
Anyway. I didn’t like the article. It felt a bit voyeuristic or something. Sure, he’s famous, but… I dunno.
Ben Carson’s Campaign Responds to Outrage Over Comments on Islam. You’d think he’d know better. Oh, and also, I don’t think christianity is consistent with the values of the Constitution, either, but I’m not USAmerican, so I probably don’t know.
Florida Girl Arrested Under Similar Circumstances as Ahmed Mohamed Has Advice for Teen. Oh look!
At least the charges were dropped in her case. A month later, of course. But hey, she was probably only doing it to get to Space Camp, right??? *sigh*
I’ve been wondering, who took that photo of Ahmed in handcuffs?
Breaking tongues: carrying names across borders
More at the link.
Watch: Boston Cop Probed in Violent Encounter With Female Transit Rider, with video.
I didn’t think people would randomly carry around rubbing alcohol.
rq says
13 voices, 13 perspectives on Eric Striker, race and college football, because it’s okay when black people entertain us, but they should stop being black at all otehr times. Or at least, they shouldn’t make themselves noticeable.
Are Black Women Paying the Costs of Incarceration?
More at the link. And people wonder why the cycle of poverty is so difficult to escape.
I’m Bringing “Womanist” Back, an article that was relevant what with the Emmys.
Makes sense to me.
Bratton Tries a Community Policing Approach, on the New York Police – ah, but will the police become more community-oriented?
Watch Viola Davis’s Speech as First Woman Of Color to Win ‘Outstanding Actress’ Emmy. Oh, watch it again. And again.
White As the Default
No roles for black people.
rq says
FROM THE ARCHIVES: “You can’t do that! Stories have to be about White people”. FALSE! So sad how many people believe this.
Read on.
Defectors: ISIS is killing Muslims, not protecting them
Keep reading at the link.
Blood at the Root, which is weirdly dated September 28 of this year, but what the heck, I’ll take the future.
Ah, the cry of post-racial America, how it resounds even unto today!
General Hospital’s Nancy Lee Grahn on Viola Davis’ Historic Emmy Win: “She’s Never Been Discriminated Against”. Yep, she said that, was corrected on Twitter, and then she dug her heels in. And was rightly pointed out that, when Davis mentions ‘women’, Grahn automatically excluded white women, as Davis not being representative of all women. There was a lot more. But this article pretty much covers it.
rq says
Regina, Uzo, Viola and The Blackest Emmy Awards Ever. Let’s hear it for being given the opportunity!!
And check this out, as a sample:
Scream it. LOUDER. There’s some white people in the back who don’t hear you. And this:
And to finish:
Trivial? Nuh-uh. Never. Representation matters. Ope, I lied, here’s the last thing from that:
So yah, representation matters – for everyone.
Protester says Cincinnati Police used Taser on him because he ‘flipped off’ another officer. Who do YOU believe?
Confederate Group Counters #BlackLivesMatter Protest with Misspelled Plane Banner. Laugh at them. Go ahead. I did.
How One Designer Risked Everything To Prove #BlackLivesMatter
More at the link.
Can’t read this but it seemed intriguing – Black Lives Matter: Thoughts from the Delivery Ward in St Louis. Anyone?
This is one of the best paragraphs I’ve read on black-on-black homicides
Council to vote on removing Sandra Bland from road name. They just put it up…
rq says
Dayum, moderation on the previous. Highly recommended reading.
Junot Diaz on reading, writing, and America’s amnesia about race
Interview at the link.
James Blake meets with New York mayor and NYPD chief after arrest. See link for more.
Jews in America struggled for decades to become white. Now we must give up whiteness to fight racism. A decent argument –
That takes care of one segment of the population, what about white christians? Oozing all that privilege?
DUMBO Parents Push Back Against Rezoning That Would Integrate Schools. Because having children of colour interact with your precious white genetic material is… dunno? Bad? Heh. I can only wish for more diversity around here.
Demonstrators Protest Deadly Police Shooting Outside DA’s House, about Denver- possible repost?
rq says
Tonight I leave you with some Ta-Nehisi Coates and the tail-ends:
Ta-Nehisi Coates to Write Black Panther Comic for Marvel. Have I posted this before? Yes? Well BOOM read it again! Nice. Representation.
The shocking racial epithet hurled at USC’s student body president. Is it shocking because nobody’s heard it before? I like how all this racism all the time is ‘shocking’ when… heck, white people, you just haven’t been listening! We’ve been sitting around not paying attention. Shocking, indeed – only to those with their ears shut and hands over their eyes.
Utah mom says school ‘racially profiled’ her teenage daughter for being white and having dreadlocks. Sweet dreams, everyone.
rq says
Note: Y’all have time to catch up on the reading for the next four or five days. I’m travelling sans computer, therefore sans Twitter (no smartphone for me), so no major catching up. I will just post all the open tabs from work computer tomorrow, and then – regular scheduling resumes around Monday or so. See y’all!
chigau (違う) says
Thanks, rq.
We’ll be here when you return.
rq says
Here’s the leftovers I have at work (it’ll take a couple of comments, then I’m off):
An article from the Toronto Star on racial disparities in children staying in foster care, sorry, I lost the title because reasons.
Brampton residents push to end street checks, the slightly more polite, Canadian, version of stop-and-frisk.
Positive steps in Ferguson;
A plan to end police abuse;
Bernie Sanders and the black vote;
James Blake arrest video.
Those last four from Mano Singham.
rq says
A better way to handle protestors, a somewhat aside that demonstrates a different approach to heckling from people who disagree.
When irrational fears provoke murder, also somewhat tangential but also not.
These two previous from Mano Singham.
The Dishonest Self-Appeasement of “Not All Cops”
More at the link.
What a privilege indeed, a post by our Tony. In case you aren’t already doing so, I highly recommend perusing his blog archive for past articles on racism, police brutality, and white supremacy. Great stuff.
You’ve got a (black) friend, from Dr Singham again.
Ta-Nehisi Coates rips Trump, Ted Cruz and conservatives campaigning against #BlackLivesMatter
Read it all at the link.
Video also available, I believe.
Saad says
Presidential hopeful and racist theocrat Mike Huckabee says Obama just pretends to be Christian
He also tweeted this about the Pope’s visit:
Ha ha. He’s just jealous that the Pope came to see Obama and has never even heard of Mike Huckabee.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
CFPB and DOJ Order Hudson City Savings Bank to Pay $27 Million to Increase Mortgage Credit Access in Communities Illegally Redlined:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Gov. Kasich waives food stamp time limit for rural whites, forces urban minorities to go hungry:
All lives matter, huh?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
I don’t think this link has been posted. If so, my apologies.
If black lives matter, respectability politics should be a thing of the past:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Black tv journalist in VA granted order of protection against white man:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Fundraiser Friday: ‘An American Nightmare’ Documentary Series Will Explore American Racism’s Roots:
Here’s their Kickstarter page.
Their goal is $50,000. So far they’ve raised $3932. I hope they can meet their goal. They have 40 days left, so there is quite a bit of time.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Here is more on that documentary:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Inland interfaith group organizes against racial profiling:
Saad says
George Zimmerman retweets picture of Trayvon Martin’s dead body
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Study: white people react to evidence of white privilege by claiming greater personal hardship:
Oooh, look! Heartless Republicans being heartless again.
NC Senate votes to cut food stamps after GOPer promises it will make lazy people go to college.
Nevermind all the people that would suffer if their family were forced off food stamps.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Kerry Washington: It’s not ‘risky’ to cast black actresses. It’s good sense.
Hopefully tv execs will move past this belief that it’s “taking a risk” to cast black actresses (and other women of color). It’s too early to tell though.
Jeb Bush’s Claim That Blacks Want ‘Free Stuff’ for Votes Insults Our Dignity and History of Struggle:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
NYPD will document virtually all instances of force:
I don’t normally post entire articles, but this whole thing is worthy reading, IMO.
We need surveillance for white male predators who operate under the radar:
rq says
Firstly, some apologies for overstaying my vacation. Coming back, it’s difficult to pick everything up again. But I will. With the caveat that I’m currently causing a kerfuffle at work that might actually be a lot more emotionally taxing than expected – and the expected emotional taxation was already to be quite steep. So.
I see Tony has been doing a right fair job of curating while I’ve been out (thanks, partner!).
As for me: Right now, I’m going to take care of the week-plus old tabs I have open, and then I’m going to figure out how I can keep curating this thread at a lower volume that doesn’t make me think I should be doing more.
As always, anything from anyone else at anytime is absolutely 100% welcome. So. Ready for some old news?
This was rather tangential, as it does not directly address racism, but also extremely relevant, as it discusses (in)equality of opportunity: The case against equality of opportunity.
More stuff at the link.
Apple Censored an App About the Ferguson Shooting — Here’s Why
There’s plenty more at the link. Warning, though, for some possibly traumatic content (clips from the app and similar).
A noose hanging outside of Mitchell Hall at The University of Delaware a day after a BLM demonstration. #TheRealUDel Right, that actually happened.
Hillary Clinton Agrees To Meet With DeRay Mckesson, Campaign Zero. Now this is one thing I would love to catch up on, as it occurred just as I was leaving and I have no idea how things went. But I like that it happened!
Republican Bush says multiculturalism wrong for US. Because…. I’m sure he has reasons.
Hilarious ‘Daily Show’ Writer You’ve Never Heard of Is Winning Post-Emmy Social Media
So you might wonder why he isn’t better-known: wonder away.
rq says
Former NBA Champion Devean George Developing Affordable Housing in North Minneapolis. I think they call it ‘caring about the community’ or something like that.
I wish them all the luck possible.
Why I’m Done Trying To Solve White Ignorance. This is a fucking dense read, but I highly recommend slogging through it all. You’ll barely notice it, actually, and you’ll be better off for it. Excerpt:
And it goes on from there. SO MUCH INFORMATION.
11 Art Exhibitions by Black Women You Must See this Fall and Winter
Some aMAZing art on that list.
Burning Man’s black campers explain why they are the 1%
Article continues at the link.
Color film was built for white people. Here’s what it did to dark skin. An interesting look at some of the more subtle biases that exist around us, and that most of us white people would never even think about. Not even remotely. Because the world is so fair (pun intended).
“We Shall Not Be Moved”: A Hunger Strike, Education, and Housing in Chicago
More at the link.
rq says
Invoking “Black Lives Matter” – DON’T DO IT. Just don’t. The important bit:
I don’t act like an ‘angry black woman’ – but I’m read that way if I broach race
Seriously, black woman have every reason to be angry, so why should we dismiss them as ‘angry black women [not worth listening to]’? Start wondering why they’re so angry…
Elizabeth Warren praised for echoing Black Lives Matter arguments in speech
Well done, Warren. I hope others have the guts to follow your fine example.
Oh, and this tab is ancient, but I wanted to put it here, not the feminism thread, though I should probably do that, too: #WhyIStayed: Year One
rq says
Biracial Privileges and Social Justice: ‘Black Americans Are Not Angry. They Are Hurting’. I think some of them are angry too, though.
I think, though, for a lot of biracial people, their blackness is a lot more obvious than that of Jesse Williams, and that can seriously alter the way the world perceives them, and they’re more or less forced into addressing the side of them that is black far more than the white side, simply because they can’t get away with looking white.
I may be articulating that wrong. I hope the idea gets through, though.
Antonio French vows to block stadium funding in absence of ‘comprehensive’ crime plan. I don’t always agree with him (he did oppose raising the minimum wage and had his reasons), but that is one person who cares about the community. Trouble is, nobody’s really caring about the fact that he cares.
I’m just wondering, though, if you can’t politicize the crime by having the government get more involved in increasing public safety, why is it okay to politicize a football stadium by having the government support funding for it…? Just asking.
Artist Paul Rucker Is Taking Back The Racist Symbols Of America’s Past. The colours are amazing.
More info at the link, plus samples of his art – content warning for disturbing images.
I was a domestic violence victim. My town wanted me evicted for calling 911. Apparently you’re a ‘nuisance’ if you call 911 too much. Sounds a lot like some hardcore victim-blaming.
Some graphic details at the link, but I would just like to say WTF to this kind of law? Seriously? Like… I understand prank calls and the like, or senseless ones about ‘is my computer plugged in’ or ‘where’s the internet’, but fucking domestic violence? You’ve got to be shitting me.
Loretta Lynch: government shouldn’t require reports of people killed by police. I’m just going to leave that little piece of whatthefuckery like that.
rq says
Racial pattern in Alabama DMV closings suggests dirty trick. Who’dathunkit?
Yep, i’ts a video you have to watch at the link.
Black Lives Matter and Psychotherapy
It’s all very good (well, fine, the vast majority). More mental health care for anti-racism activists and people of colour everywhere.
Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King will join the New York Daily News as a justice correspondent. Hooray for that, I suppose! Unless they’re one of the ones with a monthly free article limit. :/ Good luck to Shaun King!
We’ve obtained documents proving the GPS device #VonDerritMyers wore completely contradicts Officer Flannery’s story. So far no further substantiation.
EXCLUSIVE: Winthrop Poll: Most say state should decide fate of historic names, this spec. in ref. to confederacy-related names.
Time to work on those people within the legislature, I suppose.
Most Americans Get ‘Free Stuff’ From The Government, “What kind they get varies by race and income level.”
More at the link.
rq says
From the last link previous comment, just a few numbers:
Remember this? Motorist pleads guilty to 1 traffic count, fined $575 for driving through Mpls. protesters. I think I hear the sound of privilege, loud and clear. Wasn’t there a half-million bond on that black kid breaking a car window…? And check out how they describe the event, now:
“Slowly”. “Slightly”. Uh-huh, so not like real injuries n stuff, right.
Black men are six times more likely to die from gun homicide than suicide. For whites, it’s reversed. Less guns might help both. TW for suicide.
rq says
Also there’s a giant flood in SC – South Charleston, I believe. It’s quite… impressive.
Saad says
Rupert Murdoch: Ben Carson would be a “real black president”
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
American Bar Association President “Black Americans face an inherently biased legal system”:
California mom outraged to find son’s play pirate ship includes dark-skinned doll with ‘slave collar’:
Artist Njideka Akunyili Crosby wins one of the Smithsonian’s highest awards:
Beautiful photos at the link.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
TX councilman tasered and arrested in front of his home by same police force that arrested Sandra Bland:
I’m sure supporters of respectability politics have some incredibly useless advice to offer Miller.
Hey look! This never happens-
Mississippi man found dead while in police custody:
And we should just trust what the police say, bc they never lie or engage in deception. Nosiree.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
That’s So Raven: Why We Can’t Dismiss Raven-Symonè’s Latest Antics:
Given my awareness of the history of black people in the US being dehumanized and treated as animalistic (and very often compared to, or even called, animals), I’m very much in the second group.
That’s one thing that kills me about her comments: her name, while not “ghetto-sounding”, is very much a non-traditional name.
Piers Morgan Tweets ‘I love my whiteness’ to Black Lives Matter activist, calls #BlackTwitter racist:
This man needs an entire plate of shut the fuck up.
Saad says
I want to throw up…
Residents of mostly white areas use private apps and websites to track and report “suspicious” black people
And there’s an app that retailers use to report “suspicious” shoppers (aka black people):
And fucking transphobia too:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Black Lives Matter activists have new ally in Edward Snowden. So much of the info at the link is made up of Tweets between DeRay Mckesson and Snowden that can’t be copy/pasted here. So you’ll have to click the link to see the discussion.
Listen: Alabama Republican goes on callous rant against black ex-Marine affected by DMV closures:
What an assclam. He’s dismissing the very real problem of disenfranchising people. He doesn’t care that the closing of the DMV locations disproportionately affects black Alabamians.
Saad says
I can’t believe my eyes…
Group who drove past birthday party waving Confederate flag and shouting slurs indicted
White supremacy actually being treated as terrorism?
Pinch me.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Professor gets suspended for going to Black Lives Matter protest:
Packets containing racist, anti-Semitic messages found on the East Side of Providence, RI:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Slack engineer Erica Baker: Diversity efforts need to extend beyond gender:
How mass incarceration creates million dollar blocks in poor neighborhoods:
Check out the maps at the link for sobering images of these “million dollar blocks”.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Tamir Rice family wants prosecutor to step aside:
Of course not. Your interest in seeing any substantial amount of justice done appear nonexistent.
Why ‘pulling yourself up by your bootstraps’ is bullshit:
I loathe the bootstrap mentality. It presumes everyone has the same resources and opportunities growing up. And anyone with an ounce of awareness knows this is light-years from the truth.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Cops pepper spray crowd of school kids protesting cop caught on film body slamming teen:
You know, at this point, the ‘I feared for my life/felt threatened’ excuse is meaningless, bc it is used as a justification far too many times and in far too many cases where it is sheer nonsense.
From WaPo-
When white friends don’t believe what black go through, they’re not friends:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
This morning, racists burned a 7th black church near Ferguson:
Given the historical importance black churches have played in the community and the fight for equality, it’s quite evident why they’re being targeted. Fucking racists.
FL police killed this beloved church musician after his car broke down:
Armed? Yeah right. I don’t buy that for one fucking second. He had car troubles. Worse, the police haven’t told the family much of anything about what happened.
Of course when it comes to many cops in this country, the mere existence of a black person is an affront worthy of execution.
Rowan vet-tech says
He was black and he had arms, so therefore he was armed, and thus automatically incredibly dangerous, because mumble mumble.
/irate sarcasm
Just, fucking hell.
Saad says
Shame on my city paper.
Of the hundreds of reader opinions they must receive daily, THIS got published.
That’s some Nazi level of hate and fear-mongering. Singling out that Muslim woman who this person living in the American South knows fuck all about is especially revolting.
This newspaper has a history of taking a “both sides” approach to things, but I’ve never seen anything this atrocious from them. Jesus.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Seems to be a lot of anti-Muslim hatred out there:
rq says
This is a bit old, but well worth the read and the notice: Remarks by the President at the Congressional Black Caucus 45th Annual Phoenix Awards Dinner
From September 20 of this year.
And this happened, a couple of weeks ago, too: Million Man March anniversary in sees black Americans call for change
One Southerner says the Confederacy was a ‘con-job’ on white people — and its legacy still is today
Basically about the wealth-gap back then. Also an old article.
From the beginning of October, Bracing for Gentrification in the South Bronx
I’d like to read more about this, as the article felt far too short.
And because there hasn’t been any Coates on here for a while, So What’s the Solution to Mass Incarceration? Goldberg v. Coates
(Link in the last word at the link.)
There’s a lot of readable stuff in there, some good answers from Coates.
And no, this is not a prelude to the former volume of posts.
Sorry. Still kerfuffling at work and I haven’t even looked at twitter in weeks.
rq says
For Muslim-Americans, Baby Aidan or Baby Muhammad? I think there was some discussion about names before and then Raven Symone had her comments about names. The article is from the beginning of October.
The same issues can be applied to other groups with distinctive names and/or spellings.
Can’t forget, this is going on: First up for trial in Freddie Gray case, Porter faces ‘a great deal of pressure’. Should I feel sorry for Porter? So many tough decisions to make.
Racial profiling bill draws praise from activists, criticism from police, from October 3.
Well, he could have offered some suggestions and some proof that racial profiling is on the out, that might have changed some minds about the necessity of this particular measure. Nope, he’s disappointed.
WATCH: White Florida Cop Fired After Tasering Man Who Did Not Resist Arrest. Can this be the scent of something resembling justice…?
Lupe Fiasco Is Funding Start-Up Businesses Created by Working-Class Entrepreneurs. I think they call it ‘caring for the community’ or something like that. Apparently it’s a phenomenon that doesn’t exist, and yet…
Good luck!
This Book Is Creating A Space For Queer Black Boys In Children’s Literature
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Black Louisville judge dismissed entire white jury due to there not being one black person.
Jury of your peers? What’s that?
Hillary Clinton stops accepting contributions from private prison:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
FBI Director: Viral video era affecting police work.
This is an article on Jame Comey’s belief in the so-called ‘Ferguson Effect’.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
#Riseupoctober: 3-day New York events focuses on police brutality:
Video of today’s march at the link.
Confederate flag proposal goes down in flames in TN:
I know every little bit of chipping away at racism helps, but damn, this should be a no-brainer. The Con flag is a symbol of all that the Southern states fought for in the Civil War: slavery, white supremacy, and racism. I wish schools taught students accurate history instead of the deliberately distorted history southerns came up with so their loss in the war would be downplayed.
rq says
Canada, we need to talk about racism, a short list of some of the bigger race-related issues in Canada.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Inmates punished with 20 years of solitary confinement for posting a rap video to social media:
(not happy with the title of this article, bc it’s misleading)
I don’t care about the damn rap video. I don’t care that they violated some rules somewhere. I *do* care about the fact that solitary confinement is hazardous to the mental health of human beings and amounts to torture. It should be abolished immediately.
Anthony Mackie says Black Panther film doesn’t need a black director:
(I disagree)
I think Mackie is looking at this from the wrong perspective. Looking back at the history of Hollywood, with its whitewashing and racism and minstrel shows and racial stereotypes, African-Americans have almost *never* been in control of the narratives being told about black characters in movies. Its almost always been white people. For a movie like this-Marvel’s first black superhero finally getting a live-action movie? I think it is important to let a black director share their vision and perspective on such an landmark film.
Also, a more diverse Hollywood isn’t going to happen all by itself. It’s going to take deliberate action to create that. African-American directors are not given enough opportunity in Hollywood. Here is a chance to contribute to changing that. And with a character that I’m sure a black director will have different thoughts (bc of lived experiences) on than a white one.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
God I hate when Fox “News” throws one of their “black experts” on screen. They have one of their House Negroes speak out against police brutality and the Black Lives Matter Movement. Here is David Clarke, House Negro:
Is it possible that the Black Lives Matter movement is having an effect upon our criminal justice system in positive ways? Yes. But…Prosecution of US police for killings surges to highest in a decade:
It’s news in the good department, but the bar was set so low that this is…underwhelming. Only 12 officers have been charged. If the number were 600, that would be different. Plus, it’s not like they’ve been convicted. This baby step is necessary, I know, but in the face of all the ethnic minorities killed by police, it’s just occurring too slowly.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Where would black people be without ignorant, police brutality defending white folks telling us how to avoid being brutalized by cops?
White people on Twitter give helpful tips to blacks on how to behave themselves around cops. I’m sure all that advice comes from people who have dealt with so much race-based harassment from cops throughout their lives.
Anonymous to reveal identities of 1,000 KKK members on anniversary of Ferguson protests.
While I do support outing KKK members, I hope that the information Anonymous has in their possession is accurate.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Remember the 19-year-old white kid who was shot and killed by a South Carolina police officer? Despite the fact that that it doesn’t look like the officer’s life was in danger, he’s not going to be charged for the murder:
Oh yeah. The kid trying to drive away from the cop was going to try and kill him. What about the fact that the cop stepped out of the path of the car, which took him out of the danger he said he was in, and then killed the kid?!
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Black U.S. citizen Kyle Lydell Canty seeks refugee status in Canada:
Justice Dept. opens civil rights probe into violent arrest of SC student:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Corey Jones was phoning roadside assistance when cop shot and killed him.
This is the same cop that was in an unmarked car, without a badge, and not in uniform when he killed Jones.
How race influences why people die in America.
There are several graphs at the link.
quotetheunquote says
Gosh, speaking of the KKK, candidate Trump has picked up a couple of key endorsements: Neo-nazis and White Nationalists.
In other breaking news, a man was bitten by a dog.
And this guy is still leading in many states? Despair.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
Never underestimate the popular appeal of telling one group “you’re better than THOSE people.”
rq says
Here’s a readable thing from Australia, with a lot of parallels to North America: I’m Not A ‘Proud Australian’.
rq says
Some old tabs from the work computer and other things that I’ve been meaning to set down piecemeal but will occur in one fell swoop.
Peel residents ask police chief to end ‘broken system’ of street checks
Dated but worth noting, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Hanya Yanagihara win Kirkus Prize, belated congratulations to the winners there.
Protests haven’t stopped just because I’m not keeping up with them: Baltimore protesters charged in overnight City Hall demonstration. The response seems to be unchanged as well.
Yep, still not being heard or listened to.
‘There is no police brutality in America’: Fox sheriff blows up at ‘subhuman creeps’ in Black Lives Matter, I believe mentioned by Tony upthread. Apologies if it’s a re-post.
Black Lives Matter encouraging ‘murder of police,’ Chris Christie alleges, Chris Christie being the ultimate authority on BLM. Obviously.
Funny, I recall a relatively recent speech by President Obama that seemed to explicitly mention his support for the police. Just a few comments up.
Quentin Tarantino joins police brutality protest in New York, a nice move, though it doesn’t make me like his movies. The fact that the NYPD said, and I cite,
is a notch in his favour, though. The full quote from the ever-eloquent Patrick Lynch:
But I say raise the awareness, Mr Tarantino. You have a platform and status.
And here’s a collection of articles in the Toronto Star on the Toronto PD’s practice of carding, which has come under scrutiny and thus discussion over the past few months. I suppose it’s the Canadian version of stop-and-frisk. Isn’t any more polite, though.