Säkularisierung und globale Konflikte


The IBKA meetings have begun. I will answer all the important questions before I collapse into bed and pass out.

  • Everyone is modestly dressed. There have been no naked presentations.

  • I’ve already give my talk, which is wonderful timing — I can just relax and enjoy the meeting for the rest of the weekend.

  • The conference provides simultaneous translation. The translators are really, really good, I hope they make it through the whole meeting — it has to be demanding work.

  • About a third of the speakers are women, about a third of the audience likewise.

  • The talks so far have been good and diverse — I was hoping I could sleep in a little bit tomorrow, but the early morning talks are too tempting.

  • The schedule is a bit grueling: it starts tomorrow at 9:15am and ends at 10:00pm. I may not be able to stay conscious the whole time, much as I’d like to.

  • I am very, very, very tired.


  1. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    @nate Carr, #1:

    What was your [PZ’s] talk on?

    I assumed he’d answered that when he said:

    I will answer all the important questions before I collapse into bed and pass out.

    Clearly, he’s solved Säkularisierung und globale Konflikte.

    Frankly, I thought that was obvious quite a long time ago during cracker gate: PZ is a man who knows not only how to secularism, but also how to global conflict.

  2. magistramarla says

    When we stayed in Germany in March, the hotel bed had the hardest mattress I had ever slept on in my life.
    Do the Germans just consider Americans too soft when we want a nice cushy mattress?

  3. chigau (違う) says

    Lay down and pretend you are asleep.
    Every time a thought happens, shut it off.
    You are asleep.
    You are asleep.
    treat the time on the digital clock as a number
    find all the prime divisors before the next minute

  4. claratimo says

    @ #2 without wanting to nitpick, the exact translation would be secularisation and not secularism, (if you dont care and I wasted your and everyones time, im sorry.)

  5. Gen, Uppity Ingrate and Ilk says

    To pick at my own niys, translation is to interpretation as libel is to slander.

    And yes, simultaneous interpretation is Very Fucking Tiring. :)


  6. says

    @ PZ

    Autogenic Relaxation!

    …. you are lying on the warm sand of a tropical island…
    … listen to the waves lap in and out…
    …let your thoughts go ….
    … your limbs feel warm ….
    and heavy …


    {eight hours later}: Oops, sorry for posting that too late to help you.

  7. corporal klinger says

    You need to read something so boring thst your brain just thinks it’s not worth staying awake, works for me, hope it works for you.

  8. David Marjanović says

    Do the Germans just consider Americans too soft when we want a nice cushy mattress?

    Cushy mattresses are ZOMGZ UNHEALTHY for your vertebral column.

    …if you lie on your back, which I generally don’t, and if your ischia don’t project far out…

  9. David Marjanović says

    read something so boring

    I once got my sister to fall asleep by reading to her from Lenin’s Collected Works. Trufax.