It’s all Kilkenny Cats out there

The civil war sundering the Republican party continues. Steve Bannon minces no words in his hatred of Elon Musk.

“I will have Elon Musk run out of here by Inauguration Day,” Bannon, a former Trump White House adviser, told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera in an interview published on Wednesday. The article was flagged on Saturday by Bannon’s former employer, Breitbart, which published excerpts in English.

“He is a truly evil guy, a very bad guy. I made it my personal thing to take this guy down,” Bannon said. “Before, because he put money in, I was prepared to tolerate it; I’m not prepared to tolerate it anymore.”

I am made extremely uncomfortable by my agreement with Steve Bannon, and I hope he and Musk engage in a game of mutual annihilation. I also appreciate all the irony he is delivering.

In addition to Musk, Bannon blasted David Sacks and Peter Thiel, who also have roots in apartheid South Africa.

“Peter Thiel, David Sacks, Elon Musk, are all white South Africans,” Bannon said. “He should go back to South Africa. Why do we have South Africans, the most racist people on earth, white South Africans, we have them making any comments at all on what goes on in the United States?”

You know, Bannon’s gripe with Musk is over those H-1B visas, that allows some well-educated brown people to live and work (and be exploited) in the USA, polluting his vision of an all-white America — yet white South Africans are the most racist people? Come on, guy. Racists are diverse, too, and both Bannon and Musk are equally racist, just in different ways. Racism is a spectrum, ranging from red-faced, rummy-nosed blustering MAGAts to pale flabby bros with sketchy facial hair. Kumbaya! Now go murder each other. I don’t want to see anything left but a pair of tails.


  1. submoron says

    ..and if B R Myers is correct in The Cleanest Race North Korea could give racism lessons to just about everybody!

  2. Hemidactylus says

    No matter who wins between the Musk and Bannon MAGAt factions we still lose. One week left…

  3. Rich Woods says

    @Hemidactylus #2:

    Hopefully they’ll cripple each other in their little fascist handbags-at-dawn maul.

  4. whywhywhy says

    Another variation on settler vs extraction colonialism.
    “Do we get rid of Them or enslave Them?”

  5. says

    I am made extremely uncomfortable by my agreement with Steve Bannon, and I hope he and Musk engage in a game of mutual annihilation.

    As Beginyahu has sometimes said, “I wish great success to both sides!”

  6. birgerjohansson says

    (OT) Going off on a tangent about truly despicable monsters:
    Tories are claiming they are the champions against child abuse. (Crossposted) “Tories Covered Up Abuse for Years – Why?”
    Victoria Atkins in 2018 blocked a move to make reporting of suspected child abuse mandatory. She is today part of the conservative ‘shadow cabinet’.

  7. devnll says

    “Bannon’s gripe with Musk is over those H-1B visas…”

    Bannon’s gripe with Musk is that he stole his seat at the pig trough…

  8. flange says

    A word about stubble: It’s fashionable on people who look like young male models. On Bannon, it looks like he’s an old alcoholic homeless person.

  9. snarkhuntr says

    Wonderful, if hardly unexpected. The kind of big-tent politics that the MATAts used to win the election really only works for a party in opposition. Once they actually have power, suddenly you have a dozen or more factions all trying to push the ball towards different goals. Rick Pearlstein called this back in July in his review of Project 2025 (h/t to Cory Doctorow’s blog for the link)

    And did you know some chapters consist of multiple authors debating opposite interpretations of basic public questions? (“The Export-Import Bank Should Be Abolished” vs. “The Case for the Export-Import Bank”; “The Case for Free Trade” vs. “The Case for Fair Trade.”)

    And the author of the Federal Reserve chapter, like a college student tackling a term paper assignment, summarizes every theory on monetary policy, from the status quo ante, to Milton Friedman’s monetarism, to “commodity-backed money” (the gold standard), all the way to outright Fed abolition, before throwing up his hands at the notion that a future conservative administration could possibly agree upon any satisfactory reform at all.

    It’s like that for every issue. Other than their desire to ride Trump’s coattails to victory, the MAGA party has no consensus on anything else. And since Trump likes to run his cabinet in the style of a dysfunctional degenerate imperial court, with the various courtiers encouraged to compete with each other viciously and backstab anyone they can, you can expect these cracks to lead to big issues getting many specific things done.

    If it’s a fight between MElon and Bannon, my money is on MElon simply because he has vastly more resources. I’m sure Bannon’s racism is subordinate to his financial interests, and I’m equally sure that MElon could – if he wished to – make things financially difficult for Bannon.

  10. indianajones says

    “Before, because he put money in, I was prepared to tolerate it; I’m not prepared to tolerate it anymore.”

    Says all you need to know about both of them I think.

  11. says

    “He is a truly evil guy, a very bad guy. I made it my personal thing to take this guy down,” Bannon said. “Before, because he put money in, I was prepared to tolerate it; I’m not prepared to tolerate it anymore.”

    What the hell’s Bannon going to do about #QElon, or Thiel, or any other filthy-rich Retrumplitarian? Most likely nothing at all — even with Trump in power he’s not gonna be able to seize their assets. And besides, right-wing fascist/reactionary rule has always depended on the consistent alliance of religious extremists and the one-percent. The former need the latter’s money and organizational support, and the latter need to buy the loyalty of the former, to compensate for their alienation from ordinary people, and to play the masses against each other so they won’t unite against the wealthy parasitic minority. The one-percent know this, and so do Bannon and…whoever the fuck actually listens to him.

    (So if anyone is worried about finding themselves in agreement with Bannon, you can rest assured that Bannon doesn’t really mean what he’s saying, and is highly unlikely to act on it in any noticeable way.)

  12. StevoR says

    @ ^ Raging Bee : Given its a turf war for access to / influence over the highly corrupt, ever more demented and gleefully sadistic new old POTUS I dunno about the whole “not-acting” on it part. I think this may well lead to savage internecine fighting among the Trumpists. Bannon is, ofc, evil himself and so may they both – all – lose!

  13. says

    So Bannon is calling Mu5k, and Thi3l, and S4cks, “racist”? That’s very much an instance of the pot calling the kettle black the paper calling the snowfall white.

    Sorry, but the traditional aphorism involves precisely the color they’re trying to get rid of (focusing on differing, um, kitchen implements).

  14. stuffin says

    I will no longer indulge in this MAGA soap opera. Eight plus year of tracking every little twist in the MAGA movement has sucked the life out of me. I read so many times how Trump and his MAGAts were dead, only to have him become president again. That ballon has popped.

    My biggest worry (anxiety) regarding Ian Mollusk is his control of the internet throughout the world via his ownership of the Starlink satellites. This has the potential to decide who wins wars and will control the planet.


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